pop_front() with error "assignment of member in read-only object" - c++11

What is this expression unassignable? I am trying to implement a doubly linked list in c++. This is the struct of the Node:
struct NodoLDL
T dato;
NodoLDL *anterior;
NodoLDL *siguiente;
NodoLDL(const T &elem, NodoLDL *ant = nullptr, NodoLDL *sig = nullptr):
And this is the list class:
template <typename T>
class LDL
#include "nodoldl.h"
size_t listSize;
NodoLDL *listFront; //head
NodoLDL *listBack; //tail
LDL() : listSize(0), listFront(nullptr), listBack(nullptr)
void pop_front() const;
(. . .)
This is the pop_front function, I get an error on listFront = temp;, what I meant to do with the code is in each following line as comments:
template<typename T>
void LDL<T>::pop_front() const
throw invalid_argument("pop_front() on empty list");
NodoLDL *temp = listFront->siguiente;
///temp points to the following node in the list (from listFront)
temp->anterior = nullptr;
//Now that temp is at the "second" node in the list,
//the pointer to the node before will be null,
//as the actual listFront will be deleted.
delete listFront;
//It deletes the node
listFront = temp;
//Now listFront is equal to temp, which is at the second node
Why is that logic wrong? How can I fix it?

The function changes the state of the object on which it is called. It does not make sense to make it a const member function. Change it to a non-const member function.


Passing const reference pointer fails to match method signature

The following code passes a const pointer reference to a size() helper function. It only works if I remove the const or the & reference operator from the helper function.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
template <typename T>
class Test {
int size();
void insert(T);
struct Node {
T value;
Node* left;
Node* right;
Node* root;
int size(const Node*& node);
template <typename T>
Test<T>::Test() { root = nullptr;}
template <typename T>
int Test<T>::size() {return size(root);}
template <typename T>
int Test<T>::size(const Node*& node) {
if (node != nullptr)
return 1 + size(node->left) + size(node->right);
return 0;
int main() {
Test<int> t;
cout << "Size: " << t.size() << endl;
I get the following compiler errors when I compile this code as C++11:
main.cpp:31:11: error: no matching member function for call to 'size'
return size(root);
main.cpp:43:26: note: in instantiation of member function 'Test<int>::size' requested here
cout << "Size: " << t.size() << endl;
main.cpp:21:11: note: candidate function not viable: no known conversion from 'Test<int>::Node *' to 'const Test<int>::Node *&' for 1st argument
int size(const Node*& node);
main.cpp:10:11: note: candidate function not viable: requires 0 arguments, but 1 was provided
int size();
1 error generated.
However, if I simply remove the const or the reference operator (&) from the helper function that size() calls, it compiles and runs exactly as expected.
In other words, either of the following works:
int size(Node*& node);
template <typename T> int Test<T>::size(Node*& node)
int size(const Node* node);
template <typename T> int Test<T>::size(const Node* node)
But this does not:
int size(const Node*& node);
template <typename T> int Test<T>::size(const Node*& node)
The declaration and implementation seem identical in all three cases, so I am having a hard time figuring out why the case with the const reference fails.
If it were legal to pass a pointer to non-const object where a reference to pointer to const object is expected, then it would be possible to violate const correctness. Consider:
const int c = 42;
void f(const int*& p) {
// Make p point to c
p = &c;
int* q;
f(q); // hypothetical, doesn't compile
// Now q points to c
*q = 84; // oops, modifying a const object

Error C2679 binary '<<': no operator found which takes a right-hand operand of type 'T' (or there is no acceptable conversion)

I'm having problems with my friend function within my template class. For some reason it doesn't like the fact that I'm trying to use a variable that is type T in an operator overloading friend function.
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
template <typename T>
class LL
struct Node
T mData;
Node *mNext;
Node(T data);
Node *mHead, *mTail;
int mCount;
bool insert(T data);
bool isExist(T data);
bool remove(T data);
void showLinkedList();
void clear();
int getCount() const;
bool isEmpty();
friend std::ofstream& operator<<(std::ofstream& output, const LL& obj)
Node* tmp;
if (obj.mHead != NULL)
tmp = obj.mHead;
while (tmp != NULL)
output << tmp->mData << std::endl; // "tmp->mData is causing the error
tmp = tmp->mNext;
return output;
This is a linked list class, and I need the friend function operator overload to basically allow me to output any particular list of objects onto a text file. I hope someone can help me out.

How to properly create template object of type T i.e. T result = T();

Hi I am trying to create an object of type T where T is a pointer via the use of T result = T(). But instead of calling the constructor it simply returns a null pointer.
Here is an example of some affected code:
template <class T>
T readBlockchain(std::ifstream* stream) {
T result = T(); // Result is null after this
decltype(result->getLastBlock()) blkPtr = result->getLastBlock();
auto blk = *blkPtr;
decltype(result->getLastBlock()) lastBlock = &readBlock<decltype(blk)>(stream);
return nullptr;
unsigned long count = *readUnsignedLong(stream);
unsigned long orphanCount = *readUnsignedLong(stream);
std::map<std::string, decltype(blk)> blocks = std::map<std::string, decltype(blk)>();
for(int i = 0; i < count - 1; i++){
decltype(blk) block = readBlock<decltype(blk)>(stream);
return nullptr;
blocks.insert(std::make_pair(block.getHash(), block));
std::vector<Blockchain<decltype(blk)>*> orphanedChains = std::vector<Blockchain<decltype(blk)>*>();
for(int i = 0; i < orphanCount - 1; i++){
Blockchain<decltype(blk)>* orphan = &readOrphanedChain<Blockchain<decltype(blk)>>(stream);
return result;
If my understanding is correct. In order to generalize your readBlockchain correctly, you would want when T is a pointer to create a new object of T in the heap and when T is a concrete type to create a regular T object by calling the constructor of T. One solution would be to use the following specialization construct.
template<typename T>
struct CreateNew {
template<typename... Args>
static T apply(Args&&... args) { return T(std::forward<Args>(args)...); }
template<typename T>
struct CreateNew<T*> {
template<typename... Args>
static decltype(auto) apply(Args&&... args) { return std::make_unique<T>(std::forward<Args>(args)...); }
That is, you could create a template class that takes a template argument T along with a specialization of that template class for pointers of type T*. Inside the primary template (e.g., static member function apply) you'll create objects of type T by calling the constructor of class T and inside the specialization you'll create heap objects of T* (Notice that in the specialization I return a std::unique_ptr<T*> for convenience).
Thus, your readBlockChain template function would become:
template <class T>
decltype(auto) readBlockchain(std::ifstream* stream) {
auto result = CreateNew<T>::apply(/* T constructor arguments */);
return result;
Live Demo

Defined function returning const reference to class member and copy of the variable

I am still little bit confused by returning a const reference. Probably, this has been already discussed, however let's have following code as I did not find the same:
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
struct A
int dataSize;
std::vector<char> data;
class T
const A& GetData();
A dataA;
T::T() : dataA{1}
const A& T::GetData()
return dataA;
void main()
T t;
A dataReceivedCpy = {};
dataReceivedCpy = t.GetData();
const A& dataReceivedRef = t.GetData();
std::cout << dataReceivedRef.dataSize << std::endl;
What exactly happens, when I call
dataReceivedCpy = t.GetData();
Is this correct? From my point of view, it is and a copy of the requested struct is made, am I right?
On the other hand,
const A& dataReceivedRef = t.GetData();
returns a reference to object member, it is correct, unless the T object is not destructed. Am I right?
Yes, your understanding sounds correct.
dataReceivedCpy = t.GetData();
calls a copy assignment operator to put a copy of t.dataA in dataReceivedCpy.
const A& dataReceivedRef = t.GetData();
does no copying and makes dataReceivedRef a reference to t.dataA. It is valid for the lifetime of t.

Force Move semantics

I'm trying to use move semantics (just as an experiment).
Here is my code:
class MyClass {
MyClass(size_t c): count(c) {
data = new int[count];
MyClass( MyClass&& src) : count(src.count) {
data = src.data;
src.count = 0;
src.data = nullptr;
void operator=( MyClass&& src) {
data = src.data;
count = src.count;
src.count = 0;
src.data = nullptr;
~MyClass() {
if (data != nullptr)
delete[] data;
int* get_data() const {
return data;
size_t get_count() const {
return count;
MyClass(const MyClass& src) : count(src.count) {
data = new int[src.count];
memcpy(data, src.data, sizeof(int)*src.count);
void operator=(const MyClass& src) {
count = src.count;
data = new int[src.count];
memcpy(data, src.data, sizeof(int)*src.count);
int* data;
size_t count;
int main()
MyClass mc(150);
for (size_t i = 0; i < mc.get_count(); ++i)
mc.get_data()[i] = i;
MyClass &&mc2 = std::move(mc);
return 0;
But std::move does not move mc to mc2, it just copies (copyies pointer as it is). If I remove copy constructor compiler generates it for MyClass.
How can I force move semantics to be used? How can I make it to be used in such constructions:
MyClass mc2(mc); //Move, not copy
MyClass mc2 = mc; //Move, not copy
I tried to use a '&&' operator to explicitely mark rvalue, but, of cause, it didn't work.
You're declaring m2 as a reference, not as a value. So it still refers to what it was initialised with, namely m1. You wanted this:
MyClass mc2 = std::move(mc);
Live example
As for the second part - there is no way to force a construct like these:
MyClass mc2(mc); //Move, not copy
MyClass mc2 = mc; //Move, not copy
to move. If you want to move from an lvalue (and mc is indeed an lvalue), you have to use std::move (or another cast to rvalue) explicitly.
There is one thing you could do, but it would be a dirty hack, make the code unintuitive and be a great source for bugs. You could add an overload of the copy constructor (and copy assignment operator) taking a non-const reference, which would do the move. Basically something like std::auto_ptr used to do before it was rightfully deprecated. But it would never pass code review with me, for example. If you want to move, just std::move.
A few side notes:
Calling delete or delete[] on a null pointer is guaranteed to be a no-op, so you can safely drop the if from your destructor.
It's generally preferable to use std::copy instead of memcpy in C++ code, you don't have to worry about getting the sizeof right
You can force move semantics, if you delete the copy constructor and the assignment operator
MyClass(const MyClass& src)= delete;
void operator=(const MyClass& src) = delete;
in this case the provided move constructor or move assignment operator will be picked.
Rewrite your class a bit with some comments. Look over it, you might notice a few things you missed. Like:
in MyClass(size_t c) not checking for c != 0.
in void operator=(const MyClass& src) not delete[] data; (if exists) before reallocating.
And some other tiny details.Hope your compiler can handle this.
class MyClass {
// initialize memebers directly
int* data = nullptr;
size_t count = 0;
// default empty contructor
MyClass() = default;
// destructor
~MyClass() {
*this = nullptr; // use operator = (nullptr_t)
// allow nullptr construct
MyClass(nullptr_t):MyClass() {}
// allow nullptr assignment (for clearing)
MyClass& operator = (nullptr_t) {
if(data) {
delete[] data;
data = nullptr;
count = 0;
return *this;
// chain to default constructor, redundant in this case
MyClass(size_t c):MyClass() {
// maybe size_t is 0?
if(count = c) {
data = new int[count];
// chain to default constructor, redundant in this case
MyClass(MyClass&& src):MyClass() {
*this = std::move(src); // forward to move assignment
MyClass& operator=(MyClass&& src) {
// don't swap with self
if(&src != this) {
// it's better to swap and let src destroy when it feels like it.
// I always write move contructor and assignment to swap data.
// it's gonna be destroyed anyway, or not...
std::swap(src.data, data);
std::swap(src.count, count);
return *this;
MyClass(const MyClass& src):MyClass() {
*this = src; // forward to copy assignment
MyClass& operator = (const MyClass& src) {
// don't copy to self
if(&src != this) {
// delete first
if(data) {
delete[] data;
data = nullptr;
// now reallocate
if(count = src.count) {
data = new int[count];
memcpy(data, src.data, sizeof(int)* count);
return *this;
// easy way to use the object in a if(object) to test if it has content
explicit operator bool() const {
return data && count;
// same as above but made for if(!object) to test if empty
bool operator !() const {
return !data || !count;
int* get_data() const {
return data;
size_t get_count() const {
return count;
// add more custom methods
Now to move you do this:
MyClass object1; // default construct
MyClass object1(5); // construct with capacity
MyClass object2(object1); // copy constructor
MyClass object3(std::move(object1)); // move constructor
object2 = object1; // copy assignment
object3 = std::move(object1); // move constructor
std::swap(object2, object3); // swap the two
object2 = nullptr; // to empty it
if(object1); // bool cast
