Does anyone know the SMS gateway for Spectrum Mobile and can I use SMTP? [closed] - sms

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Building a C# program that will send text messages to customers that opt in to getting text messages. Does anyone know the gateway for Spectrum Mobile?

When I tried to obtain this info from Spectrum Mobile, their "technical" line folks said they do not support MMS --- not true! I just learned and tested these gateways for Spectrum Mobile today:
SMS message: (same as Verizon)
MMS message:
MMS may be used to send long messages and/or embedded or attached photo from email, and it works just as well as Verizon's MMS for long text messages.

I ran into the same issue with a customer. I called Spectrum but was unable to get through since I am not a customer. I had the customer on Spectrum Mobile do a test on the Verizon gateway and he had success.
From what I have read, Spectrum Mobile uses Verizon predominately and I read that they may also use Sprint towers in some regions. I suggest you test on Verizon's gateway and it doesn't work maybe try Sprint's.
Verizon SMS:
Verizon MMS:
Sprint SMS:
Sprint MMS:
Hope that helps someone else out there.

I just moved from Verizon Wireless to Spectrum Mobile, and was looking for the same information. I checked:
Sprint gateways rejected
Verizon SMS gateway works
Verizon MMS gateway DOESN'T WORK
Text only! Very inconvenient.
I'll call them when I have a chance.

Sorry guys... I just called Spectrum and they do not have a SMS service. So, no email to text service with them.
This is bad news for me. My GPS security uses email to send text to my phone for movement alerts. I can't get the text now. UGH.


Testing calls/texts to international numbers [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I have a web app that currently sends and receives SMSes in the US, and I'd like to add international support. I want to test sending texts to a few different countries (at least UK, Canada, and Mexico), but I don't have access to any phone numbers in those countries. This means that I can't attempt to send test messages and see the results. Is there such a thing as a "test number" that I can send texts to, and get a response or a report of what was received? Or is there any other standard way of doing this kind of testing? My system is built in PHP and uses Twilio to send messages, though I don't think I necessarily need to use either of those for testing.
The only solution I'm currently aware of (aside from making friends in those countries) would be to purchase Twilio numbers for those countries and configure them to log texts they receive. If there's a simpler solution that would be great.
Note: I've looked at Twilio's own test credentials and magic testing numbers. Those provide a partial solution -- at least I can test validation for my number formatting -- but I'd still like to see the real result my messages produce on a real phone (or at least a real phone number).
I suggest to try out
They provide international mobile test numbers to verify delivery of SMS messages, check content, sender ID, SMSC of a message etc. Not sure if they have all the countries which you need but their coverage expands frequently

Questions on SMS gateways [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I need a good sms gateway which I would like to host on a server. Ive seen plenty of paid services but after building everything else for my set up Im pretty sure I can take on setting up the gateway myself with some help of course ;)
However Im concerned about the reliability of most open source sms gateways and so Im not to sure which one to start messing with. What Id like to know is if anyone here has any experience using any of the opensource gateways and if so how painful/easy was the set up and also did you end up using a gsm set up or something else?
If my question seems lacking details I appologize but I just started researching them myself. If anyone could just post a link or thought on the matter that would be great :) thanks
I recommend to use Kannel WAP and SMS Gateway as quite mature product. It supports most popular SMSC protocols (SMPP, UCP, HTTP, CIMD) and provides simple HTTP API to services implementing business logic.
Maybe this SO question and its answers is helpful.
An SMS gateway requires a (paid) connection to a mobile network. You should understand your traffic volume requirements for selecting the right interfacing approach. The interfacing approach constrains your options for the technical platform.

How does SMS gateways work? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I've been looking at systems such as txtlocal, esendex and clickatell. I need to send out a very large number of messages and ideally would like to go in at a lower level then using systems like these. Does anyone know how these SMS gateways like I've listed work in terms of actually sending out the messages? Will they have agreements with different carriers and be sending them out programmatically? I've tried contacting some UK carriers directly but as of yet haven't had any success getting any information from them.
Aggregators typically work by talking directly with a mobile carrier's internal SMSC using IP/X.25/frame relay and using a protocol like SMPP/CIMD to request a message send.
They will have connections to multiple networks SMSC's so they can do least cost routing (i.e sending a message to a user on their home network being cheaper).
Here are some contact details for Orange/Voda.
That said, MXTelecom as mentioned by Phill offer a good gateway service, as do mBlox - both of whom have already done all the hard (and expensive) work for you.
Working with an aggregator is definitely worth the effort. They handle the legal contracts with the providers as well as with the auditing services. You can go directly to a provider (e.g. AT&T, etc.) and broker the deal yourself but generally speaking you'll only need that if you have very specific program/campaign needs. Coke, for example, brokered their own deal to get the four-digit shortcode for COKE (2653).
Keep in mind, when working with an aggregator like MXTelecom you'll be signing a contractual agreement with them (usually for 6 to 12 months) and it'll take between 8-12 weeks (in the US) to get your shortcode provisioned and setup. It's not the funnest process, IMHO.
Oh, and don't forget, they will audit your system to make sure it does what it says it will do in your campaign document.
It is also possible to create your own system (at least in the US) and use a long code. One of our original prototype systems was built with Kannel using a mobile phone tethered to an Ubuntu box. With an unlimited plan it was quite nice. Usage is related to your carrier contract so be mindful.
Per your question of how they work... They generally work via an API (HTTP or SMPP are most common). Depending on your in/out volume you may want to put a queue in between your application and the aggregators API.
First if you're going to do any bulk SMS messaging you should get a Short Code. An aggregator will have all the necessary API's/SDK and documentation for you.
Try MXTelecom (AKA OpenMarket)

I need a SIM modem where I can host 10-15 normal simcards to receiving and sending SMS messages [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I'm looking for a modem where I can host 10-15 normal sim cards. The modem will be used to send and receive SMS messages. This modem need to send a lot of messages at the same time.
Fifteen of the cheapest available USB-stick 3G modems attached to a tree of hubs is probably cheaper than either building something sophisticated from scratch or looking for the sort of cellular-network analysis kit that might be able to deal with your problem.
What you want is called a GSM gateway. There are many manufacturers and suppliers this is just one example. However programtically sending SMS messages through it is likely to be complex and network providers don't like them and tend to cancel sims if they detect that they are being used in gateways. If you want to send bulk SMS messages you are better off partnering with a telecoms company that offers a web service API.
I would suggest using a SMS/MMS Aggregator like as carriers will block GSM Gateways if you start to send in bulk.

What Maps API other than Google's do you use with GWT? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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It seems that licensing terms would prevent us from using Google Maps API in our software. We would prefer to be absolutely free open source and Google Maps API will require commercial license if our software is sold (correct me if I am wrong - I will delete this question then :-).
So the question is if there are alternative map APIs for GWT?
Openlayers is free software,; it has a GWT plugin here:
As far as Google's License (
10.9 use the Service or Content with any products, systems, or applications
for or in connection with:
(a) real time navigation or route
guidance, including but not limited to
turn-by-turn route guidance that is
synchronized to the position of a
user's sensor-enabled device; (b) any
systems or functions for automatic or
autonomous control of vehicle
behavior; or (c) dispatch, fleet
management, business asset tracking,
or similar enterprise applications
(the Google Maps APIs can be used to
track assets (such as cars, buses or
other vehicles) as long as the
tracking application is made available
to the public without charge. For
example, you may offer a free, public
Maps API Implementation that displays
real-time public transit or other
transportation status information.
If your Maps API Implementation is deployed internally or you are
charging for use of your Maps API
Implementation, please contact the
Google Maps API Premier sales team for
more information);
My advice would be to contact Google and ask them about your specific set of circumstances. I am not a lawyer and this is not legal advice.
If you are looking for full open data you might want to check out they list in their FAQ where they pull their open data from.
I'm not an expert, but a quick google found GWT-Ext, where it looks like they're using OpenStreetMap data which is free to use in a commercial application.
