What Maps API other than Google's do you use with GWT? [closed] - ajax

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Closed 7 years ago.
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It seems that licensing terms would prevent us from using Google Maps API in our software. We would prefer to be absolutely free open source and Google Maps API will require commercial license if our software is sold (correct me if I am wrong - I will delete this question then :-).
So the question is if there are alternative map APIs for GWT?

Openlayers is free software, http://openlayers.org/; it has a GWT plugin here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/gwt-openlayers/
As far as Google's License (http://code.google.com/apis/maps/terms.html):
10.9 use the Service or Content with any products, systems, or applications
for or in connection with:
(a) real time navigation or route
guidance, including but not limited to
turn-by-turn route guidance that is
synchronized to the position of a
user's sensor-enabled device; (b) any
systems or functions for automatic or
autonomous control of vehicle
behavior; or (c) dispatch, fleet
management, business asset tracking,
or similar enterprise applications
(the Google Maps APIs can be used to
track assets (such as cars, buses or
other vehicles) as long as the
tracking application is made available
to the public without charge. For
example, you may offer a free, public
Maps API Implementation that displays
real-time public transit or other
transportation status information.
If your Maps API Implementation is deployed internally or you are
charging for use of your Maps API
Implementation, please contact the
Google Maps API Premier sales team for
more information);
My advice would be to contact Google and ask them about your specific set of circumstances. I am not a lawyer and this is not legal advice.

If you are looking for full open data you might want to check out OpenStreetMap.org they list in their FAQ where they pull their open data from.

I'm not an expert, but a quick google found GWT-Ext, where it looks like they're using OpenStreetMap data which is free to use in a commercial application.


Does using Heroku impose GDPR requirements on my app? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I am working on a small web-app as a hobby, and I would like to avoid any functionality that would trigger GDPR requirements. As such, the web-app neither collects nor processes personal data, does not set cookies (or otherwise track individual users), and also does not integrate any services that do these things.
My question is, if I deploy this app on Heroku, does Heroku do anything behind the scenes (e.g., collecting IP addresses) that would then impose GDPR requirements on my web-app?
Another way to put this would be, is it possible to use Heroku and have GDPR not apply to your website? (without preventing traffic from EU countries)
The first thing to check is hosting location. When you create an app, Heroku allows you to select whether it's hosted in the US or Europe (though no more specifically than that – you just have to hope it doesn't include the UK!).
Next, because Heroku is a managed app service, it means that they get more access than a typical VM would have. You then need to read their privacy policy, which presents a problem: Heroku is owned by Salesforce.com, who have taken a belligerent Facebook-style head-in-sand denial approach to recent court verdicts in this doc. They say in there that the ECJ did not invalidate standards contractual clauses (SCCs), which is true, but not the end of the story. The ECJ said that while SCCs are valid as legal instruments, they can only be used to manage transfer between jurisdictions that uphold EU data protection and privacy standards (which, as far as the US is concerned, has been shot down with the collapse of Privacy Shield), and this is deemed to be the responsibility of the service in question to substantiate. So, what you then want to know is where is the detailed analysis of the US legal position and the audit of the US security services that Salesforce is required to conduct if the SCCs they are using are to be considered valid?
This is of course a rhetorical question: Salesforce has conducted no such audit, nor could they do so in sufficient detail, which then means of course that SCCs are not a valid mechanism for transfers between the EU and US for any service that Salesforce runs.
That said, their privacy policy is pretty large, and I recommend you read it, though they still make reference to the now-defunct Privacy Shield, and make some assertions that would concern me. I'd suggest finding out exactly what they do with data held in EU data centres, what they do with logging, and look harder at their third-party sharing, as that's often the biggest problem area.
This isn't really the place to go further into this, so I'd recommend you read their policies, and also read the GDPR (that's not the official source, but I find it's much more usable), or find a lawyer if you want a more precise analysis. The primary focus of GDPR is on the broad principles, not implementation details, so if something seems dodgy, creepy, or overreaching, it probably is.
I apologise if this has raised more questions than it's answered!

Is Youtube API licensed? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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We are planning to use youtube APIs in one of our applications. Is there any pricing applicable for consuming Youtube APIs ? Any there any kinds of limits that developer need to be aware ?
Please point to any documentation resources.
For the most part the YouTube api is free to use. You should be aware of the usage quota and calculate what you need Quota cost The YouTube API is cost based so each request you make has a cost against your quota.
You can request an extension to your quota but i suggest you do it early as it can take time to get a quota extension.
You have not mentioned what your app is doing but if you are using Oauth2 in order to access private user data your app will need to go though the verification process verification Until your app has been verified you may only have 100 users authorize your application, and any videos uploaded by your application will be set to private.
Start the verification process early it can take a lot of time.

Querying database of Windchill using SQL [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Many vendors such as Microsoft with Sharepoint and Dynamics have made it impossible to access database tables directly in newer versions as they convert to Software as Service (SAS) offerings.
I am working with PTC Windchill and have developed extensive Oracle SQL Layer ETL processing. Is this a future proof practice within the context of this product line? Or in the future will I be required to work through some sort of DAL. If so, is there a recommended practice?
The information available from Windchill for Cloud appear vague and mostly suggesting to me virtualizion at the infrastructure layer, suggesting I would be able to query at the database layer for many years to come. Any confirmation, pointers or feedback would be appreciated.
Windchill offers extensive APIs for data access (and customization) in java. Starting from version 11.0, There are also some soap and rest web service for data access , but not for everything. It is always better to use API, they offer Data Abstraction Layer in a supported way. PTC would recommend that you refer to a consultant for this job.
But if you want to try:
There is a huge documentation about Windchill Customization, you can also create your own web services in java to access the data you want, if standard web services does not suffice. a starting point can be the Windchill help, and the javadoc located in the windchill server in this folder:
there are also some examples:
more documentation and appropriate training is available on https://support.ptc.com, only for registered customer users.

Questions on SMS gateways [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I need a good sms gateway which I would like to host on a server. Ive seen plenty of paid services but after building everything else for my set up Im pretty sure I can take on setting up the gateway myself with some help of course ;)
However Im concerned about the reliability of most open source sms gateways and so Im not to sure which one to start messing with. What Id like to know is if anyone here has any experience using any of the opensource gateways and if so how painful/easy was the set up and also did you end up using a gsm set up or something else?
If my question seems lacking details I appologize but I just started researching them myself. If anyone could just post a link or thought on the matter that would be great :) thanks
I recommend to use Kannel WAP and SMS Gateway as quite mature product. It supports most popular SMSC protocols (SMPP, UCP, HTTP, CIMD) and provides simple HTTP API to services implementing business logic.
Maybe this SO question and its answers is helpful.
An SMS gateway requires a (paid) connection to a mobile network. You should understand your traffic volume requirements for selecting the right interfacing approach. The interfacing approach constrains your options for the technical platform.

What service do you use to distribute software? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I work for a medium sized software company and have been put to the task of finding a new way of electronically distributing our software. We don't have a super fast connection to distribute it ourselves so it would need to be a solution that we can upload to and send out links to customers. The customers won't be purchasing our software from our website as we already do most of our sales from direct sales and partner sales. Since I joined the company we have grown from CD distribution sized downloads to DVD sized distribution downloads. We released a new version and find the YouSendIT Service to be clunky and 99% of our customers receive a link to download the software. We only send out a printed media if requested. Is there a service besides yousendit that allows for unlimited file size uploads/downloads. I have heard of drop.io and it seemed to be similar to yousendit. If you could please point me in the direction of Electronic software distribution system that is 3rd party hosted would be appreciated.
You should look into Content Delivery Networks, such as Amazon CloudFront.
You might want to reconsider the way you are going about this.
If you software is open source, you should be using sourceforge. Otherwise you should just get a cheap hosting plan with lots of transfer bandwidth.
For example, godaddy has an unlimited account (unlimited transfer, unlimited space) for about $14.95 per month.
You point a sub domain i.e. download.rivageek.com to that server. This gives your users confidence when they download your application.
If they have to go to some ad laden 3rd party site they might think twice about giving you money. If you lose only 1 customer to that, it pays for itself (assuming you charge more than 14.95 for your product).
The fine print on many of those 3rd party sites mean they own whatever you upload as well.
If you'd like something that allows (simplisticly) secure one-time downloads, I've used filehosting.org in the past. They give you a hashed link to the software when you upload it, which you can then email to anybody you want to be able to download the file. If you want, you can set it to delete the file after one download.
In response to using your own domain for the downloads, it's possible to configure both Amazon S3 and CloudFront to use a custom domain name. Here are the instructions for S3 -- very straight forward:
If emailing out a direct link to your distribution file (zip, etc.) is sufficient, I'd say go with one of these services -- they're very cost effective, reliable, and easy to set up.
You could use a filehosting service or get a regular web host with unlimited bandwidth just avoid Godaddy as its shared hosting is overcrowded and overbooked. (personal experience)
