Get first match from a CURL grep call - bash

I'm trying to write a script that will fetch two URLs from a GitHub release page and do something different with each one.
So far:
Here's what I've got so far.
λ curl -s | grep "browser_download_url.*tar.gz" | cut -d : -f 2,3 | tr -d \"
This will return the following:
I want to be able to create some directories, pull in the first one, navigate in the directories from the newly pulled zip after extracting it, and then pull in the second.

fetching the first line is easy by piping the output to head -n1. for solving your problem, you need more than just fetching the first URL of the cURL output. give this a try:
# fetch your URLs
answer=`curl -s | grep "browser_download_url.*tar.gz" | cut -d : -f 2,3 | tr -d \"`
# get URLs and file names
first_file=`echo "$answer" | grep -Eo '.+?\.tar\.gz' | head -n1 | tr -d " "`
second_file=`echo "$answer" | grep -Eo '.+?\.tar\.gz' | head -n2 | tail -1 | tr -d " "`
first_file_name=`echo "$answer" | grep -Eo '[^/]+?\.tar\.gz' | head -n1 `
second_file_name=`echo "$answer" | grep -Eo '[^/]+?\.tar\.gz' | head -n2 | tail -1`
#echo $first_file
#echo $first_file_name
#echo $second_file_name
#echo $second_file
# download first file
wget "$first_file"
# extracting first one that must be in the current directory.
# else, change the directory first and put the path before $first_file!
tar -xzf "$first_file_name"
# do your stuff with the second file

You can simply pipe the URLs to xargs curl;
curl -s |
grep "browser_download_url.*tar.gz" |
cut -d : -f 2,3 | tr -d \" |
xargs curl -O
Or if you want to do some more manipulation on each URL, perhaps loop over the results:
curl ... | grep ... | cut ... | tr ... |
while IFS= read -r url; do
curl -O "$url"
: maybe do things with "$url" here
The latter could easily be extended to someting like
... | while IFS= read -r url; do
mkdir -p "$d"
( cd "$d"
curl -O "$url"
tar zxf *.tar.gz
# end of subshell means effects of "cd" end


Bash filename expansion identifies items in file tree, called command not

..poky/build$ for SUBPATH in $(bitbake -e alsa-lib | grep -P -e '(?<=^)FILES_alsa-lib(?==)' | cut -d= -f2 | tr -d \") ; do ls ./tmp-glibc/work/armv7a-vfp-neon-oe-linux-gnueabi/alsa-lib/1.0.29-r0/package$SUBPATH 2>&1 ; done | grep -e "No such file or directory" | wc -l
..poky/build$ for SUBPATH in $(bitbake -e alsa-lib | grep -P -e '(?<=^)FILES_alsa-lib(?==)' | cut -d= -f2 | tr -d \") ; do ls ./tmp-glibc/work/armv7a-vfp-neon-oe-linux-gnueabi/alsa-lib/1.0.29-r0/package$SUBPATH 2>&1 ; done | grep -v -e "No such file or directory" | wc -l
Here one of all those No such file or directory
ls: cannot access ./tmp-glibc/work/armv7a-vfp-neon-oe-linux-gnueabi/alsa-lib/1.0.29-r0/package/usr/lib/ No such file or directory
..poky/build$ bitbake -e alsa-lib | grep -P -e '(?<=^)FILES_alsa-lib(?==)' | cut -d= -f2 | tr -d \"
/usr/bin/* /usr/sbin/* /usr/lib/alsa-lib/* /usr/lib/lib*.so.* /etc /com /var /bin/* /sbin/* /lib/*.so.* /lib/udev/rules.d /usr/lib/udev/rules.d /usr/share/alsa-lib /usr/lib/alsa-lib/* /usr/share/pixmaps /usr/share/applications /usr/share/idl /usr/share/omf /usr/share/sounds /usr/lib/bonobo/servers /usr/lib/alsa-lib/smixer/*.so
poky/build$ echo $SHELL
Apparently Bash file name expansion finds 2855 items in identified sub-paths the called ls command can't identify.
Actually in every iteration instead of ls ... I need to do find with search root point set to ./tmp-glibc/work/armv7a-vfp-neon-oe-linux-gnueabi/alsa-lib/1.0.29-r0/package$SUBPATH and -nameargument set few times (logical OR) to some patterns.
Where is my mistake?
Is this that file name expansion takes place in the for-loop instead of on invoking ls command (as programmer wishes it)?
Following alternative found under my limited expertise level and time resources
cd ./tmp-glibc/work/armv7a-vfp-neon-oe-linux-gnueabi/alsa-lib/1.0.29-r0/package && echo "/usr/bin/* /usr/sbin/* /usr/lib/alsa-lib/* /usr/lib/lib*.so.* /etc /com /var /bin/* /sbin/* /lib/*.so.* /lib/udev/rules.d /usr/lib/udev/rules.d /usr/share/alsa-lib /usr/lib/alsa-lib/* /usr/share/pixmaps /usr/share/applications /usr/share/idl /usr/share/omf /usr/share/sounds /usr/lib/bonobo/servers" | sed -r 's/(^\/)/.\//g' | sed -r 's/( \/)/ .\//g' | ls -Ralh $(awk '{print $0}') ; cd -
Glue for pasting long string with sub-paths to this command pipe from building block presented earlier out of scope as for this Q.
If possible please review. Thanks.
Does this qualify to be this Q's answer?

Unable to substitute redirection for redundant cat

cat joined.txt | xargs -t -a <(cut --fields=1 | sort -u | grep -E '\S') -I{} --max-args=1 --max-procs=4 echo "mkdir -p imdb/movies/{}; grep '^{}' joined.txt > imdb/movies/{}/movies.txt" | bash
The code above works but substituting the redundant cat at the start of the code with a redirection like below doesn't work and leads to a cut input output error.
< joined.txt xargs -t -a <(cut --fields=1 | sort -u | grep -E '\S') -I{} --max-args=1 --max-procs=4 echo "mkdir -p imdb/movies/{}; grep '^{}' joined.txt > imdb/movies/{}/movies.txt" | bash
In either case, it is the cut command inside the process substitution (and not xargs) that should be reading from joined.txt, so to be completely safe, you should put either the pipe or the input redirection inside the the process substitution. Actually, neither is necessary; cut can just take joined.txt as an argument.
xargs -t -a <( cat joined.txt | cut ... ) ... | bash
xargs -t -a <( cut -f1 joined.txt | ... ) ... | bash
However, it would be clearest to skip the process substitution altogether, and pipe the output of that pipeline to xargs:
cut -f joined.txt | sort -u | grep -E '\S' | xargs -t ...

bash scripting for mysqldump

i use the following code to download all mysql database in a different file and not in one file (like --all-databases) and put them in the /backup/mysql folder
mysqldump=`which mysqldump`
echo $mysqldump
mkdir /backup/mysql/$(date '+%d-%b-%Y')
echo "creating folder for current date done"
for line in "$(mysqlshow |cut -f1 -d"-" | cut -c 3- | cut -f1 -d" ")"
$mysqldump $line > /backup/mysql/$(date '+%d-%b-%Y')/"$line"
echo "$line\n"
I used the cut pipes to remove dashes and empty space before and at the end of the database name and it gave me what I want.
The problem is at line 13 according to bash but with no more details. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
mysqlshow output format
| Databases |
| information_schema |
| gitlabhq_production |
| mysql |
| performance_schema |
| phpmyadmin |
| test |
Your script doesn't manage the first 3 lines nor the last one, so you $line variable is invalid.
mysql | tail -n +4 | head -n -1 | tr -d '| '
tail -n +4: skip first four lines (may need adjustement);
head -n -1: ignore last line ;
tr -d '| ': remove pipe and space.
quotes your variables ;
use $() instead of backtick ;
don't use for i in $(ls *.mp3).
read How can I read a file (data stream, variable) line-by-line (and/or field-by-field)?
Better solution
Instead of a for loop you should use a while with a Process Substitution:
while read -r db; do
echo "[$db]";
done < <(mysqlshow -u root -p | tail -n +3 | head -n -1 | tr -d ' |' )

OpenLDAP: get `directory` from cn=config

How can I get directory for specified DN by one ldapsearch request?
I mean - I have few databases. OpenLDAP configured with cn=config. For each DN - it hve own ldif-file, where it's olcDbDirectory specified.
Can I obtain olcDbDirectory value for each DN?
For backup script - I need to set varibale which contains directory, and this variable changes every time for every DN, wich backuped/restored at this moment.
So - in bash I just found solution to create function like:
getDir () {
file=`grep -R "$1" /etc/openldap/slapd.d/ | cut -d":" -f 1 | tail -n 1`
echo $file
dir=`cat $file | grep "olcDbDirectory" | awk '{print $2}'`
echo $dir
getDir testdb;
$ ./
But this solution seems not tidy... And I'd preffered to use something like:
getDir () {
dir=`ldapsearch -x -D "cn-root,cn=config" "*somefilter*"
Here it is:
$ ldapsearch -x -LLL -D 'cn=root,cn=config' -w PassWord -b 'cn=config' '(&(olcDbDirectory=*)(olcSuffix='testdb'))' olcDbDirectory | grep "olcDbDirectory" | cut -d":" -f 2
Of in bash function:
getDir () {
dirtodel=`ldapsearch -x -LLL -D 'cn=root,cn=config' -w PassWord -b 'cn=config' '(&(olcDbDirectory=*)(olcSuffix='${1}'))' olcDbDirectory | grep "olcDbDirectory" | cut -d":" -f 2`
echo $dirtodel
getDir 'dc=testdb'
$ ./

OpenStreetMap Bash / CGI Script

I am trying to build a Bash CGI Script that takes in coordinates as parameters from the url and uses osmosis to extract the map and the splitter and mkgmap to make the map so that it can be opened with Qlandkarte. My problem being is that when i type wget localhost/cgi-bin/ the linux terminal reads the file with the coordinates. How can I make wget just activate the script so it takes the coordinates and executes the commands. And also when the map is created at the end how can a return the file that was created by the script.
TOP=`echo "$QUERY_STRING" | grep -oE "(^|[?&])top=[0.0-9.0]+" | cut -f 2 -d "=" | head -n1`
LEFT=`echo "$QUERY_STRING" | grep -oE "(^|[?&])left=[0.0-9.0]+" | cut -f 2 -d "=" | head -n1`
BOTTOM=`echo "$QUERY_STRING" | grep -oE "(^|[?&])bottom=[0.0-9.0]+" | cut -f 2 -d "=" | head -n1`
RIGHT=`echo "$QUERY_STRING" | grep -oE "(^|[?&])right=[0.0-9.0]+" | cut -f 2 -d "=" | head -n1`
FILE=`echo "$QUERY_STRING" | grep -oE "(^|[?&])file=[^&]+" | sed "s/%20/ /g" | cut -f 2 -d "="`
$(sudo osmosis --read-xml file=bulgaria.osm --bounding-box top=$TOP left=$LEFT bottom=$BOTTOM right=$RIGHT --write-xml file=$FILE)
$(sudo java -Xmx900m -jar splitter.jar --max-nodes=110000 $FILE)
$(sudo java -ea -Xmx900m -jar mkgmap.jar --tdbfile --route -c template.args)
echo "Content-type: text/html"
echo ""
