How to target multiple commands using one EXECUTE intent in google home api - google-home

I want to know how to give multiple commands in "action.devices.EXECUTE" intent.
This is to create an api to control fanspeed through google assistance.
I have tried the below code as request from postman, wanted to know whether this is in proper format.
"requestId": "ff36a3cc-ec34-11e6-b1a0-64510650abcf",
"inputs": [{
"intent": "action.devices.EXECUTE",
"payload": {
"commands": [{
"devices": [{
"id": "5b0ef601a31d587588619851-newton-excited-51a284132eae42ba",
"customData": {
"fooValue": 74,
"barValue": true,
"bazValue": "lambtwirl"
"execution": [{
"command": "action.devices.commands.OnOff",
"params": {
"on": true
"command": "action.devices.commands.SetFanSpeed",
"params": {
"fanSpeed": "s2"
Here is the code

Within the Google Home ecosystem, Google sends you the execution intent requests based on the user voice commands, and your project responds with an execution response. You can learn more about the process through our docs:
At the moment Smart Home doesn't allow two commands in a single prompt, For example, you cannot say "Hey Google, turn on my light and change the color". In order to do that you have to execute each command separately.
However, you can proactively change multiple states of a device and let Google know through the report state API. You can learn more at


Search criteria for appointment slots in Epic FHIR

I'm using Epic's FHIR API (with Argonaut) to search for available appointments, in their private sandbox:
POST /api/FHIR/STU3/Appointment/$find
"resourceType": "Parameters",
"parameter": [
"name": "startTime",
"valueDateTime": "2022-03-22T08:15:00Z"
"name": "endTime",
"valueDateTime": "2022-04-02T08:15:00Z"
And this gives me some temporary appointments starting at the desired date and time. No problem. However, if I add service-type as a parameter in the body:
POST /api/FHIR/STU3/Appointment/$find
"resourceType": "Parameters",
"parameter": [
"name": "startTime",
"valueDateTime": "2022-03-23T15:30:00Z"
"name": "endTime",
"valueDateTime": "2022-04-02T15:30:00Z"
"name": "service-type",
"valueCodeableConcept": {
"coding": [
"system": "urn:oid:1.2.840.114350.1.13.861.",
"code": "40111223"
I get a slightly different response. I see temporary appointments with the same slot IDs (different appointment IDs of course), but also see an OperationOutcome at the end of the Bundle:
"fullUrl": "urn:uuid:00000000-0007-792f-cd9b-f1f44af2c17c",
"resource": {
"resourceType": "OperationOutcome",
"issue": [
"severity": "information",
"code": "value",
"details": {
"coding": [
"system": "urn:oid:1.2.840.114350.",
"code": "59109",
"display": "An element value is invalid."
"text": "An element value is invalid."
"diagnostics": "1.2.840.114350.1.13.861.",
"location": [
"expression": [
"service-type (oid)"
"search": {
"mode": "outcome"
The service-type system and code I used here were taken right from the example on Epic's page on the $find API. I see similar results when I use service-types from actual Slots in the Epic sandbox. And if I put in a location-reference, it seems to be ignored and appointments at other locations are sometimes returned. The net result of all this is that it seems only the start and end time are honored when finding appointments.
How can I narrow down the results of a $find call using criteria other than the start and end date?
The source of truth for this API should be the documentation, but since this is a common question, I'll post some information here:
$find is not a good option for patient open scheduling. I don't know if that is your use case or not, but it is a common question, so I'll address it anyway.
$find invokes a rules engine that is defined by each healthcare organization. The logic of that rules engine is 100% up to the healthcare organization to define. In order for $find to work for you, you'll need very specific pre-coordination to build the logic in that engine.
The Epic sandboxes only have a very basic rules engine built out. It isn't particularly "real-world"-y. And it is probably good that it isn't, as it serves as an early warning that this API may not be the API you are looking for.
The $find API is a way to support cross-organization scheduling. For example, if you want front desk staff to be able to schedule a follow up visit at another organization across town that they have an established business relationship. For example, if a PCP office wants to schedule a dermatology visit for you at an external org. Note that the user in this case is the organization's scheduling staff, not the patient.
Specifically, Epic's $find support is based on Use Case 1 and 2 in the Argonaut Implementation Guide.

how to make callto: works in adaptive card

I am trying to initiate a call when pressing a button within an adaptive card (in microsoft teams)
I add URL as callto:[useremail]
eventhough when I write this in the search bar in chrome it works, but when pressing the button in the adaptive card it gives me an error on the chrome page.
any idea why might this happen?
Here's a sample card of what I used:
"$schema": "",
"type": "AdaptiveCard",
"version": "1.0",
"body": [
"type": "Container",
"items": [
"type": "ColumnSet",
"columns": [
"type": "Column",
"width": "auto",
"items": [
"size": "small",
"style": "person",
"type": "Image",
"url": "",
"type": "Action.OpenUrl",
"url": ""
It looks like links inside Teams don't support any protocols other than the usual HTTP/S. You can turn your callto link into an https link using a redirect URL service like these:
If you need to generate your callto links dynamically, I'm not sure how many of those services have API's your bot can use. TinyURL does though.
It's also pretty simple to just host your own redirection service in your own domain. You could even use the same domain that your bot is running on, so your link might end up looking something like this:
Also, you might consider getting support for this from Teams directly. You can request that they support more URL protocols.

Facebook Analytics Active Users Tab - No Data

I have a live facebook app, with proper permissions (verified with Graph API). I can create custom Dashboards with all the relevant data, and I get data in my Event Manager.
Current Permissions (Granted and Declined):
"data": [
"permission": "user_birthday",
"status": "granted"
"permission": "user_likes",
"status": "granted"
"permission": "user_gender",
"status": "granted"
"permission": "email",
"status": "granted"
"permission": "public_profile",
"status": "granted"
"permission": "user_friends",
"status": "declined"
"permission": "read_insights",
"status": "declined"
What I'm having an issue with is with the "Active Users" tab under "Activity". It keeps telling me there isn't enough data, however journeys for the same time period show over 17K journeys, my custom dashboards show similar numbers (19K) for impressions and logins.
What constitutes "Active Users" and why would I not be seeing anything under the Analytics component of the Analytics Explorer?
If there is another post or documentation that clarifies this, or if additional information is required, please let me know.
Thank you in advance
"User Activity" or "Active Users" actually only looks at a few events, which are listed here:
If you're not logging any of those events, then you won't see any data under "Active Users."

How do we get to know to which response user has reacted(like/dislike) on MS teams?

We need help in understanding how Microsoft teams like and dislike works with BotFramework. When user clicks on like option provided in background we are getting reactionID but how do we get to know for which specific message user has given his feedback. Do we have this feasibility on Teams?
You can find it in the replyToId. Example from the docs:
The messageReaction event is sent when a user adds or removes his or her reaction to a message which was originally sent by your bot. replyToId contains the ID of the specific message.
"reactionsAdded": [
"type": "like"
"type": "messageReaction",
"timestamp": "2017-10-16T18:45:41.943Z",
"id": "f:9f78d1f3",
"channelId": "msteams",
"serviceUrl": "",
"from": {
"id": "29:1I9Is_Sx0O-Iy2rQ7Xz1lcaPKlO9eqmBRTBuW6XzkFtcjqxTjPaCMij8BVMdBcL9L_RwWNJyAHFQb0TRzXgyQvA",
"aadObjectId": "c33aafc4-646d-4543-9d4c-abd28e4d2110"
"conversation": {
"isGroup": true,
"id": ""
"recipient": {
"id": "28:f5d48856-5b42-41a0-8c3a-c5f944b679b0",
"name": "SongsuggesterLocal"
"channelData": {
"channel": {
"id": ""
"team": {
"id": ""
"tenant": {
"id": "72f988bf-86f1-41af-91ab-2d7cd011db47"
"replyToId": "1:19uJ8TZA1cZcms7-2HLOW3pWRF4nSWEoVnRqc0DPa_kY"
Note, however, that this replyToId is specific to Teams and I don't believe it will persist if you set it yourself. Once you have that, you can update the activity.
If you're trying to analyze which messages are reacted to, you might want to log the outgoing activity's Id and Text in TurnContext.OnSendActivities. Then, when a reaction comes in, you can use the new Activity Handler to handle the message and add the reaction to your log. I believe this would come in OnUnrecognizedActivityTypeAsync. This is similar to the previous link, update the activity.

Detect the speaker of Google Home or Amazon's Alexa

I would like to detect who is interacting with my agent.
For example I read that Alexa should be able to detect different users. The Google Home advertisement also let me think that it should detect who is talking. So how can I see who is talking?
In slack it seems to be easier since it is well known who is writing. However I cannot see who I get the current user.
I found out how to detect the user in slack: If you implement that hook you will get this example json:
"id": "f7912345-e21c-450f-a8ca-d01e38012345",
"timestamp": "2016-12-20T06:53:51.071Z",
"result": {
"source": "agent",
"resolvedQuery": "echo hallo welt",
"speech": "",
"action": "",
"actionIncomplete": false,
"parameters": {
"myInput": "hallo welt"
"contexts": [{
"name": "generic",
"parameters": {
"slack_user_id": "U0AT12345",
"myInput": "hallo welt",
"slack_channel": "D3DR12345",
"myInput.original": "hallo welt"
"lifespan": 4
"metadata": {
"intentId": "06212345-06a0-40fe-bbeb-9189db412345",
"webhookUsed": "true",
"webhookForSlotFillingUsed": "false",
"intentName": "Response"
"fulfillment": {
"speech": "",
"messages": [{
"type": 0,
"speech": ""
"score": 0.75
"status": {
"code": 200,
"errorType": "success"
"sessionId": "10612345-c681-11e6-af08-875120912345",
"originalRequest": {
"source": "slack_testbot",
"data": {
"channel": "D3DR12345",
"match": ["echo hallo welt"],
"text": "echo hallo welt",
"team": "T04H12345",
"type": "message",
"event": "direct_message",
"user": "U0AT12345",
"ts": "1482216830.000005"
So in case of slack you can access result->contexts[0]->paramaters->slack_user_id.
Google Home does not (at least currently) have a way to handle multiple users on the same device.
Google Home keeps improving (even removing development hurdles I've faced with their recent updates). It can now be trained to know your voice vs someone else's voice.
Tomato, tomahto. Google Home now supports multiple users
