“Save to Files” on iOS (FMX) - firemonkey

I want to save email attachments to my app’s doc folder (C++ FMX app for iOS & Android). How do I register my app as a target?
The screen shots below show that an app on my phone named Termius is a target to save files to. I want my app to be a target like this. Just need user to get files into my app folder.

Based on Sherlock70 tutoring i was able to easily add my app's Documents folder as a "save to files" target. I selected iOSDevice64 as my target platform and then went to "Project->Options->Application->Version Info" where i right-clicked and selected "Add Key" and added the UIFileSharingEnabled key and LSSupportsOpeningDocumentsInPlace key with their values set to true.
Now i can save an email attachment to my app's Document folder via "Save to Files". This link shows how you can then list the files in your Documents folder. Below is image showing what pops up when you click "Save to Files":
Note i'm working in Rad Studio 10.3 (C++Builder 10.3 Version 26.0.32429.4364).
UPDATE: At iOS 13 Apple has moved the "Save to Files" icon.
And here it is:


Accidentally made asset folder into "app bundle" how do I undo this??? Xcode

I misclicked an option when I had my assets folder open in Xcode and now the screen where you drag and drop files into app icons etc isn't there, how do I get it back?When I click on the assets folder all I get is this dropdown menu now.

Where does Xcode store archived frameworks?

I created an Xcode project with the "Cocoa Framework" template. When I archive it, it isn't visible in the Organizer.
Where are the archives stored?
Instead of setting custom locations or messing with Xcode's preferences, you could just include a Copy Files Build Phase that should add the archived Framework properly into Organizer.
Using an Absolute Path with the variable$(BUILD_DIR)seems to work fine. You should then find any archives in XCode's Organizer or in:
From Apple ( to view or change archive location ):
Choose Xcode > Preferences, and click Locations.
Choose Custom from the Archives pop-up menu.
Click the folder icon in the text field, and choose a location.
When you go on Xcode Preference :
Archive location : /Users/YourName/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives

Give an OS X app a custom icon?

Yes, my problem really is that simple. How the heck do I get my app to use the icon file or asset catalog?!
System info:
Xcode 6.1.1 (6A2008a)
app target OS X 10.10
OS X 10.10.1 (14B25)
This is my first OS X app but I have several years' experience developing iOS apps.
Steps to reproduce:
open Xcode, start an entirely new cocoa application project
not sure this matters, but i specified my new project not to use storyboards or core data
drag a .png file from my local directory into the project structure, and make sure (a) it ends up in the build target and (b) the file copies into the project's directory
drag the png into the Images.xcassets catalog under any/all of the sizes classes for AppIcon.
build and run
Expected: app in dock and tab-switcher has the new icon.
Actual: app in dock and tab-switcher has the default "blank page with instruments A on it"
Ok, maybe that's a DEBUG thing.
archive the project, show in finder
Expected: app in Finder has correct icon
Actual: nope. It should be noted however that Xcode's Organizer shows the correct icon, and there does exist a file Contents/Resources/AppIcon.icns. Contents/Info.plist specifies that the Icon File is "AppIcon".
grrr. Let's try without the asset catalog.
in the target's General settings, under App Icon, select "don't use asset catalogs"
delete Images.xcassets
In Info.plist, in the line for Icon File (CFBundleIconFile), specify the icon's name (in my case "AppIcon"). The documentation clearly states that
The system looks for the icon file in the main resources directory of the bundle.
File extension is not required here.
build & run. also archive, to save time later.
Expected: app icon in dock and tab-switcher is correct.
Actual: nope
Expected: archived app has correct icon.
Actual: nope, but the archived product did have the correct png file in Contents/Resources.
What am I missing?!
I've tried this with .png app icons and a regular .icns file (generated by Xcode via an asset catalog). I've tried excluding and including the file extension in the Info.plist. Why is this so difficult?
Edit: Clean, Clean Build Folder and deleting the Derived Data folder did not help.
So I found the answer through the help of a commenter: I had to fill all of the xcassets/icns slots with images of the exact dimensions.

Xcode 4.4 App icon not working

I was following this tutorial:
It says that there is a resource folder, but here in Xcode 4.4 there is no resource folder. How can I set an icon? I've been trying since 4 hours nothing works.. I've put 57x57 png image file in "Supporting Files" folder as directed by the guy :(
Any help?
Prepare your icon example icon.png 57x57 pixel and icon#2x.png 114x114 pixel for retina display
Open your app, at the left you see Project panel (or set it from menu View > Navigators > Sho Project Navigator), click on name of your Project, at right you see Project and Targets, click on nome in Targets list > Summary tab, in Iphone / iPod deployment Info you see two App Icons box, drag icon.png from folder to first box, and icon#2x.png on second box (for Retina display), you did it!
Files are automatically added to .plist file, infact if you go at Project panel at the left, open Supporting files folder > YourNameApp-Info.plist, you found key Info files (iOS5) > Primary icon > Icon files and Item 0 =icon.png and Item1 = icon#2x.png

How to get .app file of a xcode application

I have created an xcode project. Now I want to give .app file to my friend to use that application. From where do I get this file? How to install this .app file in his Applications folder using an installer package?
You can find the .app file here:
~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/{app name}/Build/Products/Deployment/
Credit for the path location goes to this answer
SIDENOTE: I had a lot of fun trying to get this into my iPad after that. It worked however. Using Snow Leopard + Xcode 4.2 + iPad with IOS 5.1.1 :) - I used the iPhone configuration utility to get the app into the ipad (you have to add the app, then click on the device, then click "install" behind the app you just added in the "application library" of iphone configuration utility) and had to create a Distribution Provisioning Profile and get the WWDR certificate and finally change the build settings in Xcode after all the certificates were in place. See here
But after much fun I am now looking at my first app on my iPad :) - btw, for getting apps into the app store you need to create a app store Distribution Provisioning Profile, while for ad hoc installs like these you create an ad hoc one. There is a bit more to it, but I think these are the most important and tricky steps. Enjoy.
PS. Just remembered that you also have to set the build type (top left of Xcode) to "iOS device", otherwise it will never sign your application. So the path name above only has limited value: yes, it will have the .app file in it, but no you can't upload it (at least not using the iPhone configuration utility) since it is not code signed - you will get an "Could not copy validate signature" error. So change it to "iOS device" and build (remember to select the right certificates in the build section of Xcode as per the url info above). In that same build section, you can also set the "Installation Build Products Location" to a different path, so that you can determine where the .app (the one that is properly code signed) ends up.
Xcode 12.5
Can be found in the following directory ->
~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/{app name}/Build/Products/{scheme}-iphonesimulator/{app name}.app
Build a release version, and the .app file is under build/Release folder of your project. Just copy it to Applications folder of your friend's machine. I don't think you need to build a installer.
xCode window tab
Right click to the archive you want to get app
Show in finder
Right click to (ProductName….). xcarchive file
Show package contents
The application will appear in your projects Build directory. In the source pane on the left of the Xcode window you should see a section called 'Products'. Listed under there will be your application name. If you right-click on this you can select 'Reveal in Finder' to be taken to the application in the Finder. You can send this to your friend directly and he can just copy it into his Applications folder. Most applications do not require an installer package on Mac OS X.
Under Xcode 4.5.2, you can find the .app file in this way:
Select Window > Organizer in the Xcode's menu(or just press 'Shift+Command+2')
Select your project on the left side of Organizer, and you will find the Derived Data path on the right side. Just click the mini arrow in the end of the path, this will open Finder at the path.
In the Finder, click "Build > Products > Release", you will find the .app.
I know as for Appium Mobile Automation you need .app file to run ios app on Simulator.So as like me many of you face this problem.
So I explain how to create that .app file and where it is located.
1.Open Xcode.
2.Click on your sample project.(If you don't have then click on create new xcode project)
3.In left panel inside screen you will see products folder then click and expand that, you will see the list.
Then right click on .app file and click on Show in Finder and thats your .app file. Now you can copy or use that path in capabilities for appium desktop or in framework.
Xcode 8.1
Product -> Archive
Then export on the right hand side to somewhere on your drive.
In Xcode 7 a quick way is to use Product > Archive. It's probably not a signed copy for submission but it's good enough to give to somebody else for testing.
In the navigator (left pane), expand the group "Products" and right-click on the .app file and choose "Show in Finder". There it is! :)
