How to iterate through the table using dax in power bi? - dax

I am currently working on a problem that requires iterating a table and finding the distance between the latitudes and longitudes of each entry in the table.Is there a way to iterate the table using DAX Query in Power BI?

The first hints that you have to look for are:
add calculated columns to a table to get what you want at row level,
use X functions such as SUMX, AVERAGEX, COUNTX (there are lots of them) to get aggregates.


Sumifs Ratio in PowerPivot

I have a table in Excel, utilizing Power Pivot that I then display/filter using a Pivot Table. Within my dataset, calculating a ratio within Power Pivot that "sums" correctly in the pivot table based on slicers is fine - this utilizes a SUMX(Cost)/SUMX(Total) and everything works fine. By sums correctly, I mean if I further break down the data set based on Region/State/Product/Employee, all those Rows sum up correctly for the ratio percentage.
The dataset is filtered based on a single month or range of months. The result of this works fine for either the single month or range of Months. What I'm trying to do is within my Pivot Table, show a current month ratio AND a year to date ratio. I've tried messing around with equations I've found online, but nothing seems to work. This includes the following attempts:
=SUMX (FILTER(ALL('TableName'),PATHCONTAINS ('TableName'[ProductID], EARLIER('TableName'[ProductID]))),'TableName'[Cost]) / SUMX(FILTER(ALL('TableName'),PATHCONTAINS('TableName'[ProductID], EARLIER ('TableName'[ProductID]))),'TableName'[Total])
I need the "sumifs" to sum the cost for Product A for all months divided by the sum of total for Product A for all months. I do not want to hard code in the the Product ID into the equation, but simply sum all previous records for that product, but I can't seem to get this to work.
Any suggestions?
Sample Data Set
I used the calculate and filter functions in a column instead of trying to use them in a measure, which fixed the problem.

Dynamic Calculated Column on different report level SSAS DAX query

I'm trying to create a calculated column based on a derived measure in SSAS cube, this measure which will count the number of cases per order so for one order if it has 3 cases it will have the value 3.
Now I'm trying to create a bucket attribute which says 1caseOrder,2caseOrder,3caseOrder,3+caseOrder. I tried the below one
IF([nrofcase] = 1, "nrofcase[1]", IF([nrofcase] = 2, "nrofcase[2]",
IF([nrofcase] = 3, "nrofcase[3]", "nrofcase[>3]") )
But it doesn't work as expected, when the level of the report is changed from qtr to week it was suppose to recalculate on different level.
Please let me know if it case work.
Calculated columns are static. When the column is added and when the table is processed, the value is calculated and stored. The only way for the value to change is to reprocess the model. If the formula refers to a DAX measure, it will use the measure without any of the context from the report (eg. no row filters or slicers, etc.).
Think of it this way:
Calculated column is a fact about a row that doesn't change. It is known just by looking at a single row. An example of this is Cost = [Quantity] * [Unit Price]. Cost never changes and is known by looking at the Quantity and Unit Price columns. It doesn't matter what filters or context are in the report. Cost doesn't change.
A measure is a fact about a table. You have to look at multiple rows to calculate its value. An example is Total Cost = SUM(Sales[Cost]). You want this value to change depending on the context of time, region, product, etc., so it's value is not stored but calculated dynamically in the report.
It sounds like for your data, there are multiple rows that tell you the number of cases per order, so this is a measure. Use a measure instead of a calculated column.

how to add filter on measure in power BI?

I have Power BI report having some filters implemented on columns. Now I have to add a new filter on the basis of measure, I have data in the following format for that column, +ve integer, -ve integer or 0.
What I'm trying to achieve, there should be a filter with three default values (+ve integers, -ve integers and 0).
When I select +ve, it should show only records having +ve integer values and so on for two other cases.
Problem: I am creating measure from a measure but not getting the exact data from it.
The second thing I did was created a measure of positive and negative, I am getting the exact data if I will use in table visual but not in the slicers form.
Measures are not meant to be used as slicers. A best practice for Power BI is that if you need to filter by a certain criteria then you should create a new column in the data to reflect which values you want to filter by.
If you have a very large data set then I would do this in the Query Editor using a conditional column.
If you size isn't a factor then make a calculated column like so,
Answer =
TRUE (),
'Table'[Values] > 0, "Postive",
'Table'[Values] < 0, "Negative",
Now insert the column into the filter and you should be able to easily switch between what you need.

DAX Group By DateDiff Segments

I am writing a DAX query for use in SSRS dataset.
I have a requirement to calculate the date difference between a dimension date column and today(), then group these into segments, I.e. 1-7 days, 7-10 days etc - and return the segment for each row in the table (with other additional filters)
A switch statement won’t work for value ranges in DAX and when I use nested If statement the query uses all available memory.
Is there a function I can use for to group by the calculated column into segments.
Any advise appreciated.

How do I sort an Excel 2010 pivot table based on a subset of the data it contains?

I have an Excel 2010 pivot table that has categories and a count measure as the data. Those categories then have a date dimension nested underneath, filtered to show only the last two months.
When I sort the categories, I am sorting them by the total of the count measure across both June and July, in descending order.
Can anyone suggest how I can sort the categories based on the June data alone, as opposed to the total for both June and July?
Your questions is not related to Sql Server Analysis Services. SSAS provides multidimensional data that is also used by pivot tables as datasource. So that's why you have seen pivot table questions here. But they are not Excel related.
Anyway, i want to try to answer your question. As far as i understand your question, changing the order of the dimensions in your pivot table will be sufficient to achieve your goal. Add the date dimension to the pivot table first and then the category dimension to get your data grouped by date (month). You may then sort by categories to get the result you want.
Hope this help.
