In Ansible ,can we loop through list of files and match content in file using lineinfile module - ansible

I have to find all config.xml on a server and produce the list on a given server.
Once we registered the files list, i have to check the content in each file on the list using Ansible
I tried to derive the paths for all config.xml
register them and print the list
Added the registered variable into lineinfile path
##Derive Config.xml path
- name: Find the location of xml file
shell: find {{ wlx_mount_point }} -maxdepth 1 -name {{xml_file}} | rev | cut -d '/' -f3- | rev
register: wlx_domain_home
ignore_errors: yes
- debug:
msg: "{{ wlx_domain_home.stdout_lines|list }}"
- name: check domain home directory exists
path: "{{ wlx_domain_home |list }}"
ignore_errors: true
- debug:
msg: "{{ wlx_domain_home.stdout_lines|list }}"
- name: "Ensure Logging Settings in config.xml"
line: "{{ item.line }}"
regexp: "{{ item.regexp }}"
path: "{{ wlx_domain_home.stdout_lines|list }}/config/config.xml"
state: present
backrefs: yes
register: config.xml.Logging
with_fileglob: "{{ wlx_domain_home.stdout_lines|list }}/config/config.xml"
- line: "<logger-severity>Info</logger-severity>"
regexp: "^logger-severity.*"
Expected results are , it has to look for lines in each file and loop through the list. ` Its printing the list and not able to find the content
"_ansible_ignore_errors": true, "msg": "Destination
u'appl/voc/user_projects/qa-voc']/config/config.xml does not exist !"

This is how i fixed the issue. Now it gives output
- name: find all weblogic domain paths
shell: find /tech/appl -type f -name config.xml
register: wlx_domain_config
- debug:
var: wlx_domain_config.stdout_lines
name: "Ensure allow-unencrypted-null-cipher Encryption Settings in config.xml"
shell: grep -i "" {{ item }}
with_items: "{{ wlx_domain_config.stdout_lines }}"
register: allowunencrypted
var: allowunencrypted.stdout_lines


looping through results and writing lines to a file

I'm trying to loop through a list of lines and write the lines to a file.
- command: "{{ item }}"
- ls
- df -h
register: files
- lineinfile:
line: "{{ item.stdout }}"
path: /home/ubuntu/log/list.log
create: yes
loop: "{{ files.results | flatten }}"
label: item.stdout
But I am seeing below error:
'PermissionError' object is not subscriptable
I modified code as per #toydarian suggestion and working fine. if I have multiple tasks, I have changed as follows:
- command: "{{ item }}"
- "ls"
- "df -h"
register: files
- command: "{{ item }}"
- "ls -lrt"
- "du -h"
register: files1
- lineinfile:
line: "{{ item.stdout }}"
path: /home/ubuntu/log/list.log
create: yes
- "{{ files.results }}"
- "{{ files1.results }}"
delegate_to: localhost
I can see below error:
"The task includes an option with an undefined variable. The error was: 'list object' has no attribute"
You have a small error in your loop. You can loop over files.results and then use {{ item.stdout }} as line:
- command: "{{ item }}"
- "ls"
- "df -h"
register: files
- command: "{{ item }}"
- "ls -lrt"
- "du -h"
register: files1
- lineinfile:
line: "{{ item.stdout }}"
path: /home/ubuntu/log/list.log
create: yes
loop: "{{ files.results + files1.results }}"
Check the documentation on registering variables with a loop.
Depending on what you want to do, you might want to consider using ansible modules (e.g. find) instead of running things in command or shell tasks.

ansible "with_lines: cat somefile" fails in a skipped block

I have a playbook with a block that has a when condition. Inside is a task with a loop. How can I change this loop so that when the condition is false the skipped task doesn't fail?
- name: create a file
line: "Hello World"
path: "{{my_testfile}}"
create: yes
- name: use the file
msg: "{{ item}}"
with_lines: cat "{{my_testfile}}"
when: false
TASK [create a file] ************************************************************************************************************************************************************
TASK [use the file] *************************************************************************************************************************************************************
cat: files/my/testfile: No such file or directory
fatal: [ipad-icpi01]: FAILED! => {"msg": "lookup_plugin.lines(cat \"files/mytestfile\") returned 1"}
Change your failing task to the following which will always be able to run, even if the file does not exists, and will not use the shell or command where there is no need to:
- name: use the file
msg: "{{ item }}"
loop: "{{ (lookup('file', my_testfile, errors='ignore') | default('', true)).split('\n') }}"
The key points:
use the file lookup plugin with errors='ignore' so that it returns the file content or None rather than an error when file does not exists.
use the default filter with second option to true so that it return default value if var exists but is null or empty.
split the result on new lines to get a list of lines (empty list if file does not exist).
Note: as reported by #Vladimir, I corrected your var name which is not valid in ansible.
Test the existence of the file. For example
- block:
- name: create a file
line: "Hello World"
path: "{{ my_testfile }}"
create: yes
- name: use the file
shell: '[ -f "{{ my_testfile }}" ] && cat {{ my_testfile }}'
register: result
- name: use the file
msg: "{{ item }}"
loop: "{{ result.stdout_lines }}"
when: false
The lookup plugin file should be preferred.
I ended up with a mix of the provided answers. These tasks will be skipped without failing or creating a warning.
- block:
- name: create a file
line: "Hello World"
path: "{{ my_testfile }}"
create: yes
- name: get the file
src: "{{ my_testfile }}"
register: result
- name: use the file
msg: "{{ item }}"
loop: "{{ (result['content'] | b64decode).split('\n') }}"
when: false

Ansible delete Files with wildcard/regex/glob with exception

I want to delete files based on a wildcard but also add exceptions to the rule.
- hosts: all
- name: Ansible delete file wildcard
paths: /etc/wild_card/example
patterns: "*.txt"
use_regex: true
register: wildcard_files_to_delete
- name: Ansible remove file wildcard
path: "{{ item.path }}"
state: absent
with_items: "{{ wildcard_files_to_delete.files }}"
For example I want to except a file named "important.txt". How can I do that?
Just add a when condition to the task that deletes files. E.g., something like:
- name: Ansible remove file wildcard
path: "{{ item.path }}"
state: absent
when: item.path != '/etc/wild_card/example/important.txt'
with_items: "{{ wildcard_files_to_delete.files }}"
This will skip a specific file. If you have a list of files to skip you could do this instead:
- name: Ansible remove file wildcard
path: "{{ item.path }}"
state: absent
when: item.path not in files_to_skip
with_items: "{{ wildcard_files_to_delete.files }}"
- /etc/wild_card/example/important.txt
- /etc/wild_card/example/saveme.txt
And if you want to preserve files based on some sort of pattern, you could make use of ansible's match or search tests:
- name: Ansible remove file wildcard
path: "{{ item.path }}"
state: absent
when: item.path is not search('important.txt')
with_items: "{{ wildcard_files_to_delete.files }}"

Delete all old files, but keep newest 3 files for same file name and different path

Hi can i know how can i keep the latest 3 files based on file name and path. For instance i have
fileAbackup1.war, fileAbackup2.war, fileAbackup3.war, fileAbackup4.war
fileBbackup1.war, fileBbackup2.war, fileBbackup3.war, fileBbackup4.war
So i should keep
fileAbackup1.war, fileAbackup2.war, fileAbackup3.war
fileBbackup1.war, fileBbackup2.war, fileBbackup3.war
I know the part of finding files and deleting files older than x days. I already done the coding part. But i need have some filter to keep 3 backup files of same name of different path
Below is my ansible code
- name: Find files
paths: "{{ remove_file_path }}"
use_regex: yes
- '*.war.*.backup*'
- '{{ rar_file_name }}.rar.*.bakup*'
- '.*\..*\.\d+\.\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}#\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}~$'
age: 5d
recurse: yes
register: removeFile
- name: Delete files
path: "{{ item.path }}"
state: absent
loop: "{{ removeFile.files }}"
The tasks below
- find:
paths: dir1
patterns: '*.war'
register: result
- set_fact:
my_files: "{{ result.files|
list }}"
- debug:
var: my_files[0:3]
- dir1/fileAbackup1.war
- dir1/fileAbackup2.war
- dir1/fileAbackup3.war
If you need the filenames only map the filter basename. For example
- set_fact:
my_files: "{{ result.files|
list }}"
- debug:
var: my_files[0:3]
- fileAbackup1.war
- fileAbackup2.war
- fileAbackup3.war
Q: "Will it have file fileBbackup1.war, fileBbackup2.war, and fileBbackup3.war as well?"
A: Yes. It will. Create a dictionary of the lists. For example
- set_fact:
my_files: "{{ my_files|default({})|
combine({item: result.files|
select('search', item)|
list}) }}"
- fileAbackup
- fileBbackup
- debug:
msg: "{{ item.value[0:3] }}"
loop: "{{ my_files|dict2items }}"
label: "{{ item.key }}"
ok: [localhost] => (item=fileAbackup) =>
- fileAbackup1.war
- fileAbackup2.war
- fileAbackup3.war
ok: [localhost] => (item=fileBbackup) =>
- fileBbackup1.war
- fileBbackup2.war
- fileBbackup3.war
This command will provide the information you need.
ls -1 *.war | sort -r | head -n -3
ls -1 *.war | sort -r Performs a reverse sort and displays just the filenames
head -n -3 Displays all except the first 3
You can pipe this to the command that deletes the files or you can run the following
rm $(ls -1 | sort -r | head -n -3)

Playbook where item.stat.exist not working

I have created playbook which will run on a remote host and check whether the files exist or not. I want to extract the only files which are not present on the remote host. But my playbook giving all paths whether they are present or not.
- name: Playbook for files not present on remote hosts
hosts: source
gather_facts: false
Filepath: /opt/webapps/obiee/oracle_common/inventory/ContentsXML/comps.xml
- name: Getting files location path
shell: grep -i "COMP NAME" {{ Filepath }} |sed 's/^.*INST_LOC="//'|cut -f1 -d'"' | sed '/^$/d;s/[[:blank:]]//g' // extract files from comps.xml
register: get_element_attribute
- name: check path present or not
path: "{{ item }}"
- "{{ get_element_attribute.stdout_lines }}"
register: path_output
- name: path exists or not
path_item: "{{ item }}" # here i am getting the output as expected that's files not present on remote host
with_items: "{{ path_output.results }}"
register: final_output
when: item.stat.exists == False
- debug:
var: final_output # giving both output i.e. files present and absent
- name: Create a fact list
paths: "{{ final_output.results | map(attribute='item.item') | list }}" # i have add this condition " item.stat.exists == False' inside this stmt
- name: Print Fact
var: paths
The issue resolved by using below command:
- name: Create a fact list
paths: "{{ final_output.results | selectattr('item.stat.exists', 'equalto', false) | map(attribute='item.item') | list }}"
register: config_facts
The following query should get all the file names which don't exsist on the remote host and store them in the fact 'paths':
- name: Create a fact list
paths: "{{ final_output | json_query(query)}}"
query: "results[?(#._ansible_item_label.stat.exists==`false`)]._ansible_item_label.item"
