looping through results and writing lines to a file - ansible

I'm trying to loop through a list of lines and write the lines to a file.
- command: "{{ item }}"
- ls
- df -h
register: files
- lineinfile:
line: "{{ item.stdout }}"
path: /home/ubuntu/log/list.log
create: yes
loop: "{{ files.results | flatten }}"
label: item.stdout
But I am seeing below error:
'PermissionError' object is not subscriptable
I modified code as per #toydarian suggestion and working fine. if I have multiple tasks, I have changed as follows:
- command: "{{ item }}"
- "ls"
- "df -h"
register: files
- command: "{{ item }}"
- "ls -lrt"
- "du -h"
register: files1
- lineinfile:
line: "{{ item.stdout }}"
path: /home/ubuntu/log/list.log
create: yes
- "{{ files.results }}"
- "{{ files1.results }}"
delegate_to: localhost
I can see below error:
"The task includes an option with an undefined variable. The error was: 'list object' has no attribute"

You have a small error in your loop. You can loop over files.results and then use {{ item.stdout }} as line:
- command: "{{ item }}"
- "ls"
- "df -h"
register: files
- command: "{{ item }}"
- "ls -lrt"
- "du -h"
register: files1
- lineinfile:
line: "{{ item.stdout }}"
path: /home/ubuntu/log/list.log
create: yes
loop: "{{ files.results + files1.results }}"
Check the documentation on registering variables with a loop.
Depending on what you want to do, you might want to consider using ansible modules (e.g. find) instead of running things in command or shell tasks.


ansible playbook inline to add multiple lines

i got following pb to add multiple lines to chrony.conf
- name: add line
backup: no
backrefs: no
state: present
path: "{{ file_path }}"
insertafter: "{{ line.replace_with }}"
line: "{{ line.line_to_add }}"
- { search: "{{ line.replace_with }}", add: "{{ line.line_to_add }}" }
in my vars files I got it like this
- "server ntp1.domain.com iburst"
- "server ntp2.domain.com iburst"
- "server ntp3.domain.com iburst"
but the change put all 3 ntp servers in one line instead of 3.
any idea?
when i change my yml to
- name: add line
backup: no
backrefs: no
state: present
path: "{{ file_path }}"
#regexp: '^(\s*)[#]?{{ item.search }}(: )*'
insertafter: "{{ line.replace_with }}"
line: "{{ item }}"
create: true
loop: "{{ line.line_to_add }}"
- { search: "{{ line.replace_with }}", add: "{{ line.line_to_add }}" }
I get suplicate loop in task: items
You can use loop for this to iterate each line in the line.line_to_add variable. I also assumed that you have another line.replace_with variable.
- name: Example of multiple lines
hosts: localhost
gather_facts: no
- "server ntp1.domain.com iburst"
- "server ntp2.domain.com iburst"
- "server ntp3.domain.com iburst"
- test_line
- name: add line
backup: no
backrefs: no
state: present
path: test_file
insertafter: "{{ line.replace_with }}"
line: "{{ item }}"
create: true
loop: "{{ line.line_to_add }}"
server ntp1.domain.com iburst
server ntp2.domain.com iburst
server ntp3.domain.com iburst

Ansible - loop over multiple items in stdout_lines

I am performing a grep with multiple items.
- hosts: my_host
gather_facts: false
- whatever
- something
- name: grep for item in search path
shell: "grep -rIL {{ item }} /tmp"
register: the_grep
loop: "{{ my_list }}"
- debug:
msg: "{{ item.stdout_lines }}"
loop: "{{ the_grep.results }}"
Depending on the result, multiple files could match.
- /tmp/something.conf
- /tmp/folder/file.txt
Q: How would I configure Ansible to loop over the items in stdout_lines?
The use case I'm solving is to delete .ini sections based on the item, but in this case, Ansible doesn't loop over the stdout_lines.
- name: remove stanza from ini file
path: "{{ item.stdout_lines }}"
section: "{{ item.item }}"
mode: '0600'
state: absent
loop: "{{ the_grep.results }}"
when: item.stdout_lines | length > 0
It seems that this doesn't work, but configuring item.stdout_lines[0] gives the partially expected result, since Ansible will use only the first item in that list. But ofc, not the 2nd and so on.
Perhaps there's a prettier answer, but solved it by using with_nested and creating a json_query:
- name: remove stanza from ini file
path: "{{ item.0 }}"
section: "{{ item.1.item }}"
mode: '0600'
state: absent
- "{{ the_grep | json_query('results[].stdout_lines[]') }}"
- "{{ the_grep.results }}"

In Ansible loop, test existence of files from registered results

I have several files that I need to backup in different directories. I have tried the code below and not working for me.
- {name: /file1}
- {name: /etc/file2}
- {name: /etc/file/file3}
- name: "Checking if config files exists"
path: "{{ item.name }}"
with_items: "{{ file_vars }}"
register: stat_result
- name: Backup Files
copy: src={{ item.name }} dest={{ item.name }}{{ ansible_date_time.date }}.bak
with_items: "{{ file_vars }}"
remote_src: yes
when: stat_result.stat.exists == True
The problem is the condition
when: stat_result.stat.exists == True
There is no attribute stat_result.stat. Instead, the attribute stat_result.results is a list of the results from the loop. It's possible to create a dictionary of files and their statuses. For example
- set_fact:
files_stats: "{{ dict(my_files|zip(my_stats)) }}"
my_files: "{{ stat_result.results|json_query('[].item.name') }}"
my_stats: "{{ stat_result.results|json_query('[].stat.exists') }}"
Then simply use this dictionary in the condition
when: files_stats[item.name]
Below is a shorter version which creates the dictionary more efficiently
- set_fact:
files_stats: "{{ dict(stat_result.results|
json_query('[].[item.name, stat.exists]')) }}"
Please try using below worked for me:
- name: Copy files
hosts: localhost
become: yes
become_user: root
- files.yml
- name: "Checking if config files exists"
path: "{{ item }}"
with_items: "{{ files }}"
register: stat_result
- name: Ansible
msg: "{{ stat_result }}"
- name: Backup Files
src: "{{ item }}"
dest: "{{ item.bak }}"
with_items: "{{ files }}"
when: stat_result == "True"
and files.yml will look like:
- /tmp/file1
- /tmp/file2
you can check you playbook syntax using below command:
ansible-playbook copy.yml --syntax-check
Also you do dry run your playbook before actual execution.
ansible-playbook -i localhost copy.yml --check

Ansible write result command to local file with loop

I've write ansible-playbook to collect the result from many network devices. Below playbook is working fine. But if I have to collect result with lot of commands. Let say 20 commands, I've to create the many task to write the results into file in my playbook.
For now, I manually create the tasks to write to logs into file. Below is example with 3 commands.
- name: run multiple commands and evaluate the output
hosts: <<network-host>>
gather_facts: no
connection: local
datetime: "{{ lookup('pipe', 'date +%Y%m%d%H') }}"
backup_dir: "/backup/"
host: "{{ ansible_host }}"
username: <<username>>
password: <<password>>
- sros_command:
- show version
- show system information
- show port
provider: "{{ cli }}"
register: result
- name: Writing output
module: lineinfile
dest: "{{ backup_dir }}/{{ inventory_hostname }}-{{ datetime }}.txt"
line: "{{ inventory_hostname }}:# show version\n{{ result.stdout[0] }}"
create: yes
changed_when: False
- name: Writing output
module: lineinfile
dest: "{{ backup_dir }}/{{ inventory_hostname }}-{{ datetime }}.txt"
line: "{{ inventory_hostname }}:# show system information\n{{ result.stdout[1] }}"
create: yes
changed_when: False
- name: Writing output
module: lineinfile
dest: "{{ backup_dir }}/{{ inventory_hostname }}-{{ datetime }}.txt"
line: "{{ inventory_hostname }}:# show port\n{{ cmd_result.stdout[2] }}"
create: yes
changed_when: False
Is it possible to loop commands and result within one task?
Please kindly advice.
try this one task alone in place above three tasks..
- name: Writing output
module: lineinfile
dest: "{{ backup_dir }}/{{ inventory_hostname }}-{{ datetime }}.txt"
line: "{{ inventory_hostname }}:# show {{ item.command }}\n{{ cmd_result.stdout{{ item.outnum }} }}"
create: yes
changed_when: False
- { command: version, outnum: [0] }
- { command: system information, outnum: [1] }
- { command: port, outnum: [2] }
Below playbook is worked for me
- name: Writing output
module: lineinfile
dest: "{{ backup_dir }}/{{ inventory_hostname }}-{{ datetime }}.txt"
line: "{{ inventory_hostname }}:# show {{ item.command }}\n{{ item.cmdoutput}}"
create: yes
changed_when: False
- { command: "version", cmdoutput: "{{ cmd_result.stdout[0] }}" }
- { command: "system information", cmdoutput: "{{ cmd_result.stdout[1] }}" }
- { command: "port", cmdoutput: "{{ cmd_result.stdout[2] }}" }

In Ansible ,can we loop through list of files and match content in file using lineinfile module

I have to find all config.xml on a server and produce the list on a given server.
Once we registered the files list, i have to check the content in each file on the list using Ansible
I tried to derive the paths for all config.xml
register them and print the list
Added the registered variable into lineinfile path
##Derive Config.xml path
- name: Find the location of xml file
shell: find {{ wlx_mount_point }} -maxdepth 1 -name {{xml_file}} | rev | cut -d '/' -f3- | rev
register: wlx_domain_home
ignore_errors: yes
- debug:
msg: "{{ wlx_domain_home.stdout_lines|list }}"
- name: check domain home directory exists
path: "{{ wlx_domain_home |list }}"
ignore_errors: true
- debug:
msg: "{{ wlx_domain_home.stdout_lines|list }}"
- name: "Ensure Logging Settings in config.xml"
line: "{{ item.line }}"
regexp: "{{ item.regexp }}"
path: "{{ wlx_domain_home.stdout_lines|list }}/config/config.xml"
state: present
backrefs: yes
register: config.xml.Logging
with_fileglob: "{{ wlx_domain_home.stdout_lines|list }}/config/config.xml"
- line: "<logger-severity>Info</logger-severity>"
regexp: "^logger-severity.*"
Expected results are , it has to look for lines in each file and loop through the list. ` Its printing the list and not able to find the content
"_ansible_ignore_errors": true, "msg": "Destination
u'appl/voc/user_projects/qa-voc']/config/config.xml does not exist !"
This is how i fixed the issue. Now it gives output
- name: find all weblogic domain paths
shell: find /tech/appl -type f -name config.xml
register: wlx_domain_config
- debug:
var: wlx_domain_config.stdout_lines
name: "Ensure allow-unencrypted-null-cipher Encryption Settings in config.xml"
shell: grep -i "" {{ item }}
with_items: "{{ wlx_domain_config.stdout_lines }}"
register: allowunencrypted
var: allowunencrypted.stdout_lines
