how to return a json response based on database relationship - laravel

I'm quite new to Laravel,
Let's say I have 2 tables: main_sport and sub_sport. These two tables have a one-to-many relationship. 1 sport can have many sub sports.
I want the following json format
"success": "1",
"sports": [
"id": 1,
"name_of_categories": "Popular Sports",
"id": 1,
"name_sub_sport_category": "Badminton"
"id": 2,
"name_sub_sport_category": "Football"
"id": 3,
"name_sub_sport_category": "Cricket"
"id": 2,
"name_of_categories": "Team Sports",
"id": 4,
"name_sub_sport_category": "Badminton"
"id": 5,
"name_sub_sport_category": "Football"
I try for this function and i am getting following result
public function fetch()
$query= DB::table('details')
->select(DB::raw(' as id'),'table_main_sport_category.name_of_categories','table_sub_sport_category.name_sub_sport_category')
return response()->json(['success' =>'1','data'=>$query]);
"success": "1",
"data": [
"id": 1,
"name_of_categories": "Popular Sports",
"name_sub_sport_category": "Badminton"
"id": 1,
"name_of_categories": "Popular Sports",
"name_sub_sport_category": "Football"
"id": 1,
"name_of_categories": "Popular Sports",
"name_sub_sport_category": "Cricket"
Could you help me to get the desired result?

You should define sub_sport in the main sport Model like this:
class Sport extends Model{
public function sub_sport(){
return $this->hasMany(SubSport::class);
And in your controller you should write this:
$data = Sport::with('sub_sport')->get();

Use below code
$query= DB::table('details')
->select(DB::raw(' as id'),'table_main_sport_category.name_of_categories','table_sub_sport_category.name_sub_sport_category')
return Response::json([
'status' => 'error',
'sports' => $query
], 200);


How to merge object and array in one controller laravel

I got like this
"NameProduct": "iphone",
"IDProduct": 1,
"ListPrice": 100000,
"ImagePath": "iphone.png"
"IDCollection": 5,
"NameCollection": "Phone",
"Description": "my description",
"NameProduct": "SamSung",
"IDProduct": 2,
"ListPrice": 379000,
"ImagePath": "samsung.png"
"IDCollection": 5,
"NameCollection": "Phone",
"Description": "my description",
But I want like this:
"IDCollection": 5,
"NameCollection": "Phone",
"ProductList": [
"NameProduct": "iphone",
"IDProduct": 1,
"ListPrice": 100000,
"ImagePath": "iphone.png"
"NameProduct": "SamSung",
"IDProduct": 2,
"ListPrice": 100000,
"ImagePath": "samsung.png"
This is my code:
public function show(int $id)
$product_collection = CollectionProduct::where('IDCollection',$id)->get();
$collection = Collection::where('IDCollection',$id)->get();
foreach ($product_collection as $items) {
$x = Product::select('NameProduct','IDProduct','ListPrice')->find($items['IDProduct']);
$x->ImagePath = ProductImage::where('IDProduct',$items['IDProduct'])->first()['Path'];
array_push($product, $x,$collection);
return response()->json($product);
and idea how do that ?
You can use Eager Loading to get the relationships of CollectionProduct.
For help you with the code I need to see your relationships of the DB but I think this can help you:
public function show(int $id)
$product_collection = CollectionProduct::with('collection.product.productImage')
return response()->json($product_collection);

categories<-subgaterories->plan how to get categories id wise fetch data laravel

**i want **
$PlanDetails= PalnCategory::select('id','title')->with('Categorys'[subplandetails])->get();
my api response
"id": 1,
"title": "category 1",
"categorys": [
"id": 5,
"subcategor_name": "regular"
"id": 6,
"subcategor_name": "primum"
"id": 2,
"title": "category 2",
"categorys": [
"id": 7,
"subcategor_name": "cat2 reg"
i want to show
"title":"category 1",
"title":"category 2",
"subcategor_name":"cat2 reg",
my model
public function Categorys()
return $this->belongsToMany(PlanSucategory::class)->select('id','subcategor_name');
public function PlanDetails()
return $this->belongsToMany(PlanDetail::class);
my controller
$PlanDetail= PalnCategory::select('id','title')->with('Categorys','PlanDetails')->get();
return response()->json($PlanDetail);
here subcategories id same anthor to table categories<-subcategories->plandetails but i want to fetch data categories->subcategories->plandetails
here subcategories id same anthor to table categories<-subcategories->plandetails but i want to fetch data categories->subcategories->plandetailshere subcategories id same anthor to table categories<-subcategories->plandetails but i want to fetch data categories->subcategories->plandetails
I'm not going to modify your query, but instead use a collection, which will transform the data after the get() method.
$PlanDetail = PalnCategory::select('id','title')
$sub = collect($item)->map(function($item){
$return = collect($item)->forget(['categorys', 'plan_details'])->all();
$return['plans'] = $item['plan_details'];
return $return;
$category = $item[0]['categorys'][0];
$category['categorys'] = $sub;
return $category;
return response()->json($PlanDetail);
Output :
"id": 1,
"title": "category 1",
"categorys": [
"id": 5,
"subcategor_name": "regular",
"plans": [
"id": 6,
"details": "plan1 reg"
"id": 6,
"subcategor_name": "primum",
"plans": [
"id": 7,
"details": "plan2 reg2"
"id": 2,
"title": "category 2",
"categorys": [
"id": 7,
"subcategor_name": "cat2 reg",
"plans": [
"id": 8,
"details": "plan1"

Filter Data with Pivot Table Laravel Eloquent

I want to filter users based on their subscription_status which s stored in a pivot table.
I have Three tables users , subscription_packages , subscription_package_user
this code return the response is
"id": 44,
"first_name": "Abcd Test",
"last_name": "Test lastname",
"student_details": null,
"subscriptions_satus": [
"id": 1,
"name": "Gold",
"price": 3000,
"user_id": "2"
"pivot": {
"user_id": 44,
"subscription_package_id": 1,
"subscription_status": "on_free_trial",
"expires_on": null,
"id": 9
"courses": [
"id": 18,
"title": "English Grammar for Class 3",
"price": 400,
"strikethrough_price": null,
"status": "draft",
"user_id": 2,
"image": "",
"description": null,
"pivot": {
"subscription_package_id": 1,
"course_id": 18,
i want to return only users who having subscription_status =$filter.
$filter='acive'or 'on_free_trail'
my model is
public function subscriptionsSatus()
return $this->belongsToMany(SubscriptionPackage::class)->withTimestamps()->withPivot('subscription_status','expires_on','id');
I havetried
->whereHas('subscriptionsStatus', function($query) use($filter){
But Got error Column not found 'pivot'
You need to use wherePivot along with the orWhere like below:
public function subscriptionsStatus()
return $this->belongsToMany(SubscriptionPackage::class)
return $q->where('subscription_status','=','active')
Or in your controller:
->whereHas('subscriptionsStatus', function($query) use($filter){

Laravel get only one column from relation

I have a table user_childrens whose contains id_parent and id_user.
I'm trying to list all childrens of the parent with this:
//relation in model via belongsTo
$idparent = auth('api')->user()->id;
$list = UserChildren::where('id_parent',$idparent)
return $list->toJson();
The return is:
"id": 1,
"id_parent": 1,
"id_user": 1,
"created_at": null,
"updated_at": null,
"child": {
"id": 1,
"name": "Mr. Davin Conroy Sr.",
"email": ""
"id": 4,
"id_parent": 1,
"id_user": 2,
"created_at": null,
"updated_at": null,
"child": {
"id": 2,
"name": "Krystel Lehner",
"email": ""
But it's API so I want only the child column like:
"id": 1,
"name": "Mr. Davin Conroy Sr.",
"email": ""
UserChildren Model:
public function child() {
return $this->belongsTo('App\User','id_user','id');
I know that I could do this via .map() on collection but maybe there is other solution already on this query
You can use this code
$idparent = auth('api')->user()->id;
$childs = User::whereHas('user_childrens', function ($query) use ($idparent) {
$query->where('id_parent', $idparent);
})->get(['id', 'name', 'email']);
And User model define user_childrens relation.
public function user_childrens()
return $this->hasMany('App\UserChildren','id_user','id');
See also docs

How to join output of models in Laravel?

I have the following code:
$orders = OrderProduct::where(function ($query) use ($request) {
})->with('order_products')->orderBy('status', 'desc')->paginate(50)->toArray();
And order_products function is:
public function order_products()
return $this->hasMany("App\Order", "order_id", "order_id");
It gives me output result:
"user_id": "1",
"created_at": "2016-12-18 14:06:11",
"status": "2",
"note": "34535345",
"order_id": "2",
"address": "Kiev",
"courier_id": null,
"payment_type": "0",
"order_products": [
"id": 73,
"product_id": "1265",
"amount": "1"
"id": 74,
"product_id": "1266",
"amount": "1"
I need to join order_products with products_details, that to give title of product for each order like as:
"order_products": [
"id": 73,
"product_id": "1265",
"amount": "1",
"title": "Product name"
"id": 74,
"product_id": "1266",
"amount": "1",
"title": "Product name"
Instead this I get a new model output in response:
"products_details": [
{}, {}
How can I join two with models?
without joining, just using your first code:
in order_products, override the toArray() method.
function toArray() {
return [
id => $this->id,
product_id => $this->product_id,
amount => $this->amount,
title => $this->details->name
wich $this->details->name is the relation between order_products and products_details
