Payoneer integration in laravel - laravel

Need of Payoneer integration in my project. I am beginner in Laravel and could not understand how to integrate Payoneer REST API it in my project?

get payoneer sandbox credentials from payoneer authorities.
Then Login to
Go to developer section and there having basic API call for each language.


Spring Boot Rest API with Microsoft Azure AD

I have a Rest API developed with Spring Boot and neo4j as a database. There is no Frontend in the Spring Boot App. It only serves as a Backend. The Frontend is developed in Flutter.
In my app, the end user has to sign up and login with theis user credentials. The user management is currently handled with Spring Security and JWT, generating and storing the tokens with AuthenticationProvider, UserDetailsService and so on.
Now, we are migrating our whole infrastructure to Microsoft Azure. We already managed to get the DB, the Backend (as the Spring Boot App) and the Frontend there.
The question now is whether it makes sense to migrate the User Management to Azure Active Directory. Is this the right use case for that, or is Azure Active Directory actually there for other use cases?
Also, I want to use my Login and Signup Forms built with Flutter. I only found solutions so far where you get redirected to this Microsoft Login Form. I want to signup/login directly from my Flutter App, and then use the token for my requests in the Spring Boot App.
Does this even make sense? If yes, how can I realize that? I was searching for hours but I didn't find any proper solutions.
If you use AAD you will have to use the OAuth redirect based Microsoft login experience. There is no way around that.
If you can't think of any way you or your users will benefit by migrating to AAD, then there's no reason to do that. You're doing a bunch of work, and incurring risk, for no real benefit.

Restful api versioning in Laravel 8

I am trying to build a restful api using Laravel-8. Already I have setup Laravel-Passport for api authentication. Now I want to do API versioning for the Laravel-8.
I've heard about Dingo being used with jwt-auth. But I am using laravel passport.
Which api versioning package can I use for the restful api with Laravel Passport auth?
You don't need a package for it. You just need to set-up your Laravel project correctly.
Take a look at:

Many web/ios/android apps connecting to the same Laravel Passport authentification

I have a Laravel project with a passport api. I want my other websites to connect to this same authentification. In the future, even ios and android apps can authentify too. How can i set my other laravel projets to use this api oauth? Can i guard my pages with it?
Before doing anything i want to know if this is possible or if there is a better idea of doing this.
Short answer: Yes, this is possible!
Long answer:
Passport provides OAuth2 which is the very same authentication protocol used by Sign in with Facebook and sing in with GitHub etc.
So your app with Passport is the user provider and your other apps are consumers. In the case of the consumers any OAuth2 client will do the trick (as long as you can create a custom provider for your Passport "server" app).
Laravel got your back with that too with: You can create a custom provider for your Passport "server" app.
TL;DR: Just like you would implement "Sign in with GitHub" (if you did that before) you can implement "Sign in with my Passport app" by writing your custom OAuth2 provider.
I cannot show much code since this will be highly specific but I do hope my story helps you find the correct packages/articles on how exactly to do this for your use case!

Laravel Package for Sabre Api

I had been finding a package for laravel 5 to integrate the Sabre Api with my booking system.
The Sabre Api needs authentication and connection with their remote server.
Can anyone help me find a correct solution to integrate the Sabre api with my website built on laravel 5.
You need a contract with Sabre directly first - afterwards you can request the sign-in for the Webservices. You can shoot them a request there:

Okta integration possible with existing system?

We have a custom built web app backed by a REST API. We already have existing user accounts that are created via our system. We've just recently integrated Domo to do reporting and they recommend Okta.
Is it possible to get have users sign in on our site and in the background also sign them into Okta via an API call/OAUTH request etc?
Yes it is. The methods are available via the API, and I just created app that demos exactly this in Python. Check out for links to test stuff in Postman. My basic approach was to have Okta be the system of record, but it can certainly be the other way :)
