Restful api versioning in Laravel 8 - laravel

I am trying to build a restful api using Laravel-8. Already I have setup Laravel-Passport for api authentication. Now I want to do API versioning for the Laravel-8.
I've heard about Dingo being used with jwt-auth. But I am using laravel passport.
Which api versioning package can I use for the restful api with Laravel Passport auth?

You don't need a package for it. You just need to set-up your Laravel project correctly.
Take a look at:


How can i create multiple authendication in laravel api?

I have two different registers and logins. How can i create multiple authendication for that using laravel api.
It's a little bit tricky because Laravel Passport doesn't currently support multiple authentication yet. What I did with a previous project of mine is use this package for implementing multiple authentication for APIs using Laravel Passport. The package I've suggested is fairly simple to implement. Go check it out!

Payoneer integration in laravel

Need of Payoneer integration in my project. I am beginner in Laravel and could not understand how to integrate Payoneer REST API it in my project?
get payoneer sandbox credentials from payoneer authorities.
Then Login to
Go to developer section and there having basic API call for each language.

Information on laravel API

I need clear information about laravel API.
I've been reading lots of articles about laravel API. Beside choosing between JWT and laravel-passport—which is a whole different level of confusion—I need to get basic information about laravel API to make it clearer to me what's what.
Why does laravel passport need a database (what's the usage of those tables)?
If I change auth driver to passport in authProvider file, and not use api, would it affect my normal auth behavior?
If i use API (passport) do I have to use laravel-echo or any js library?
Laravel passport needs database to store tokens that are generated and used during authorization. Also, needs to bind these tokens to a specific users.
There are actually 5 new tables that are generated from migrations when installing Laravel Passport:
About using Laravel Echo or any js library is optional, and Laravel Passport does not require any of these.
See the Laravel Passport composer.json on requirements and other dependencies:

Laravel Package for Sabre Api

I had been finding a package for laravel 5 to integrate the Sabre Api with my booking system.
The Sabre Api needs authentication and connection with their remote server.
Can anyone help me find a correct solution to integrate the Sabre api with my website built on laravel 5.
You need a contract with Sabre directly first - afterwards you can request the sign-in for the Webservices. You can shoot them a request there:

How to use laravel package in lumen?

I want to use a laravel package named thinksaydo/envtenant from githup link
This package for creating multitenancy software in laravel , but i can't install this package in lumen
How can install this package and use it in lumen?
There are so many things you'll need for Tenancy that Lumen doesn't provide out of the box. You'll need to enable Facades, setup your Providers, and Lumen doesn't provide session support out of the box.
The purpose of Lumen is to provide a simple, fluid, stateless API that returns a Data Interchange Language. What you're doing here is attempting to run a fully-functional SaaS service on a Micro-API framework; that's not going to work.
You need to be using Laravel to accomplish the SaaS model, so it can know about Tenancy.
In Lumen, the only thing you should be looking at is an API key in your request.
