How /var/run/docker.sock works for windows Docker? - windows

I have Docker installed on my Windows OS. There is my volumes filed of docker-compose.yml:
- "/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock"
I just can't figure out how /var/run/docker.sock::/var/run/docker.sock path works for windows as I have no /var/run/ on my windows files where I can find docker.sock. So how this volume binding works at all?

The /var/run/docker.sock file on Docker for Mac and Windows for Linux images is inside the VM that Docker uses to run Linux containers. Those volume mounts happen from inside of that VM to the containers running in the VM. This is also why you can get an empty directory if you try to run a volume mount to a directory that you have not shared with the embedded VM.
You cannot see this file directly from the Windows environment (at least not that I'm aware of), though you can mount it into a container and see it that way.
For more details on how this VM is created, you can see the LinuxKit project:


linux container running on windows host -- access to host docker

I have an ubuntu container running on docker for windows. How can I give it access to the docker daemon that is running on my windows host?
Note: I am not trying to run docker-in-docker, i.e., inside my container, docker ps should show containers running on the host machine's docker daemon. If my host machine was running linux, this would be achieved by mounting /var/run/docker.sock inside the container -- is there a similar technique when the host machine runs windows?
This is my docker destkop version: Docker Desktop 4.12.0 (85629) is currently the newest version available.
You can expose the daemon via TCP socket, it's a setting under General

Volume mapped filebeat.yml permissions from Docker on a Windows host

I'm trying to run the official 5.4.3 Filebeat docker container via VirtualBox on a Windows host. Rather than creating a custom image, I'm using a volume mapping to pass the filebeat.yml file to the container using the automatically created VirtualBox mount /c/Users which points to C:\Users on my host.
Unfortunately I'm stuck on this error:
Exiting: error loading config file: config file ("filebeat.yml") can only be writable by the owner but the permissions are "-rwxrwxrwx" (to fix the permissions use: 'chmod go-w /usr/share/filebeat/filebeat.yml')
My docker-compose config is:
image: ""
- "/c/Users/Nathan/filebeat.yml:/usr/share/filebeat/filebeat.yml:ro"
- "/c/Users/Nathan/log:/mnt/log:ro"
I've tried SSH-ing into the machine and running the chmod go-w command but no change. Is this some kind of permission limitation when working with VirtualBox shared folders on a Windows host?
It looks like this is a side effect of the Windows DACL permissions system. Fortunately I only need this for a development environment so I've simply disabled the permission check by overriding the container entry point and passing the strict.perms argument.
image: ""
entrypoint: "filebeat -e -strict.perms=false"
- "/c/Users/Nathan/filebeat.yml:/usr/share/filebeat/filebeat.yml:ro"
- "/c/Users/Nathan/log:/mnt/log:ro"

Case sensitive host volume mount in docker for windows

I am running a linux docker container on windows 10. I need my host to have access to the data that my container generates. I also need the data to persist if I update the container's image.
I created a folder on the host (On a NTFS formated drive), in the docker settings, I share that drive with docker. I then create the container with the host directory mounted (using the -v option on the docker run command)
The problem is that docker creates a cifs mount to my shared drive on the host. It seems like the CIFS protocol is not case sensitive. I create two files:
But only one file will be generated. I setup the kernel to support case sensitive files. For example, if I mount the same folder inside cygwin bash, I can create those two files without any problem. The problem is with the CIFS implementation I think.
My current thoughts of solving this issue:
Use Cygwin to create an NFS server on the host, and mount the NFS volume from within the linux container. I am not sure how I can automate this processes though.
Create another linux container with a SAMBA server. Create a volume on that container:
docker run -d -v /data --name dbstore --name a-samba-server
Then use that volume in my container:
docker run -d --volumes-from dbstore --name my-container my-container-image
Then I need to share /data in the samba server and create a map to that share on my host.
Both solutions seem quite cumbersome and I would like to know if there is anyway I can solve this directly with the CIFS share that docker natively creates.

How to mount network Volume in Docker for Windows (Windows 10)

We're working to create a standard "data science" image in Docker in order to help our team maintain a consistent environment. In order for this to be useful for us, we need the containers to have read/write access to our company's network. How can I mount a network drive to a docker container?
Here's what I've tried using the rocker/rstudio image from Docker Hub:
This works:
docker run -d -p 8787:8787 -v //c/users/{insert user}:/home/rstudio/foobar rocker/rstudio
This does not work (where P is the mapped location of the network drive):
docker run -d -p 8787:8787 -v //p:/home/rstudio/foobar rocker/rstudio
This also does not work:
docker run -d -p 8787:8787 -v //10.1.11.###/projects:/home/rstudio/foobar rocker/rstudio
Any suggestions?
I'm relatively new to Docker, so please let me know if I'm not being totally clear.
I know this is relatively old - but for the sake of others - here is what usually works for me. for use - we use a windows file-server so we use cifs-utils in order to map the drive. I assume that below instructions can be applied to nfs or anything else as well.
first - need to run the container in privileged mode so that you can mount remote folders inside of the container (--dns flag might not be required)
docker run --dns <company dns ip> -p 8000:80 --privileged -it <container name and tag>
now, (assuming centos with cifs and being root in the container) - hop into the container and run:
install cifs-utils if not installed yet
yum -y install cifs-utils
create the local dir to be mapped
mkdir /mnt/my-mounted-folder
prepare a file with username and credentials
echo "username=<username-with-access-to-shared-drive>" > ~/.smbcredentials
echo "password=<password>" > ~/.smbcredentials
map the remote folder
mount <remote-shared-folder> <my-local-mounted-folder> -t cifs -o iocharset=utf8,credentials=/root/.smbcredentials,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777,uid=1000,gid=1000,cache=strict
now you should have access
hope this helps..
I will write my decision. I have a Synology NAS. The shared folder uses the smb protocol.
I managed to connect it in the following way. The most important thing was to write version 1.0 (vers=1.0). It didn't work without it! I tried to solve the issue for 2 days.
version: "3"
image: redis
restart: always
container_name: 'redis'
command: redis-server
- '6379:6379'
TZ: "Europe/Moscow"
context: .
dockerfile: celery.dockerfile
container_name: 'celery'
command: celery --broker redis://redis:6379 --result-backend redis://redis:6379 --app worker.celery_worker worker --loglevel info
privileged: true
TZ: "Europe/Moscow"
- .:/code
- nas:/mnt/nas
- redis
- redis
driver: local
type: cifs
o: username=user,password=pass,**vers=1.0**
device: "//"
I have been searching the solution the last days and I just get one working.
I am running docker container on an ubuntu virtual machine and I am mapping a folder on other host on the same network which is running windows 10, but I am almost sure that the operative system where the container is running is not a problem because the mapping is from the container itself so I think this solution should work in any SO.
Let's code.
First you should create the volume
docker volume create
--driver local
--opt type=cifs
--opt device=//<network-device-ip-folder>
--opt o=user=<your-user>,password=<your-pw>
And then you have to run a container from an image
docker run
--name <desired-container-name>
-v <volume-name>:/<path-inside-container>
After this a container is running with the volume assignated to it,
and is mapped to .
You create some file in any of this folders and it will be replicated
automatically to the other.
In case someone wants to get this running from docker-compose I leave
this here
context: .
container_name: <desired-container-name>
- <volume-name>:/<path-inside-container>
driver: local
type: cifs
device: //<network-device-ip-folder>
o: "user=<your-user>,password=<your-pw>"
Hope I can help
Adding to the solution by #Александр Рублев, the trick that solved this for me was reconfiguring the Synology NAS to accept the SMB version used by docker. In my case I had to enable SMBv3
I know this is old, but I found this when looking for something similar but see that it's receiving comments for others, like myself, who find it.
I have figured out how to get this to work for a similar situation that took me awhile to figure out.
The answers here are missing some key information that I'll include, possibly because they weren't available at the time
The CIFS storage is, I believe, only for when you are connecting to a Windows System as I do not believe it is used by Linux at all unless that system is emulating a Windows environment.
This same thing can be done with NFS, which is less secure, but is supported by almost everything.
you can create an NFS volume in a similar way to the CIFS one, just with a few changes. I'll list both so they can be seen side by side
When using NFS on WSL2 you 1st need to install the NFS service into the Linux Host OS. I believe CIFS requires a similar one, most likely the cifs-utils mentioned by #LevHaikin, but as I don't use it I'm not certain. In my case the Host OS is Ubuntu, but you should be able to find the appropriate one by finding your system's equivalent for nfs-common (or cifs-utils if that's correct) installation
sudo apt update
sudo apt install nfs-common
That's it. That will install the service so NFS works on Docker (It took me forever to realize that was the problem since it doesn't seem to be mentioned as needed anywhere)
If using NFS, On the network device you need to have set NFS permissions for the NFS folder, in my case this would be done at the folder folder with the mount then being to a folder inside it. That's fine. (In my case the NAS that is my server mounts to #IP#/volume1/folder, within the NAS I never see the volume1 in the directory structure, but that full path to the shared folder is shown in the settings page when I set the NFS permissions. I'm not including the volume1 part as your system will likely be different) & you want the FULL PATH after the IP (use the IP as the numbers NOT the HostName), according to your NFS share, whatever it may be.
If using a CIFS device the same is true just for CIFS permissions.
The nolock option is often needed but may not be on your system. It just disables the ability to "lock" files.
The soft option means that if the system cannot connect to the mount directory it will not hang. If you need it to only work if the mount is there you can change this to hard instead.
The rw (read/write) option is for Read/Write, ro (read-only) would be for Read Only
As I don't personally use the CIFS volume the options set are just ones in the examples I found, whether they are necessary for you will need to be looked into.
The username & password are required & must be included for CIFS
uid & gid are Linux user & group settings & should be set, I believe, to what your container needs as Windows doesn't use them to my knowledge
file_mode=0777 & dir_mode=0777 are Linux Read/Write Permissions essentially like chmod 0777 giving anything that can access the file Read/Write/Execute permissions (More info Link #4) & this should also be for the Docker Container not the CIFS host
noexec has to do with execution permissions but I don't think actually function here, but it was included in most examples I found, nosuid limits it's ability to access files that are specific to a specific user ID & shouldn't need to be removed unless you know you need it to be, as it's a protection I'd recommend leaving it if possible, nosetuids means that it won't set UID & GUID for newly created files, nodev means no access to/creation of devices on the mount point, vers=1.0 I think is a fallback for compatibility, I personally would not include it unless there is a problem or it doesn't work without it
In these examples I'm mounting //NET.WORK.DRIVE.IP/folder/on/addr/device to a volume named "my-docker-volume" in Read/Write mode. The CIFS volume is using the user supercool with password noboDyCanGue55
NFS from the CLI
docker volume create --driver local --opt type=nfs --opt o=addr=NET.WORK.DRIVE.IP,nolock,rw,soft --opt device=:/folder/on/addr/device my-docker-volume
CIFS from CLI (May not work if Docker is installed on a system other than Windows, will only connect to an IP on a Windows system)
docker volume create --driver local --opt type=cifs --opt o=user=supercool,password=noboDyCanGue55,rw --opt device=//NET.WORK.DRIVE.IP/folder/on/addr/device my-docker-volume
This can also be done within Docker Compose or Portainer.
When you do it there, you will need to add a Volumes: at the bottom of the compose file, with no indent, on the same level as services:
In this example I am mounting the volumes
my-nfs-volume from // to "my-nfs-volume" in Read/Write mode & mounting that in the container to /nfs
my-cifs-volume from // with permissions from user supercool with password noboDyCanGue55 to "my-cifs-volume" in Read/Write mode & mounting that in the container to /cifs
version: '3'
image: imso/awesome/youknow:latest
container_name: totally_awesome
- PUID=1000
- PGID=1000
- 1234:5432
- my-nfs-volume:/nfs
- my-cifs-volume:/cifs
name: my-nfs-volume
type: "nfs"
o: "addr=,nolock,rw,soft"
device: ":/folder/on/NFS/device"
type: "cifs"
o: "username=supercool,password=noboDyCanGue55,uid=1000,gid=1000,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777,noexec,nosuid,nosetuids,nodev,vers=1.0"
device: "//"
More details can be found here:

Creating docker containers on Windows

So getting boot2docker up and running, and pulling containers from the Docker Hub are non-issue on a windows environment. But if I wish to create a container and run it, how do I go about doing this? I've read about using fig, but is fig installed via Windows or from the container? I've attempted to do it from the container, but it often results in a permissions error, and even CHOWNing the folder doesn't solve the issue of not being able to call fig in the container.
Is it even possible to just run docker via Boot2Docker on windows as a development environment? Or should I just use Vagrant as the host VM and play with a bunch of docker containers in it?
Just some clarification and direction would be appreciated.
Fig is a tool for working with Docker. It runs on the host (which could mean your Windows host communicating with Docker via the TCP socket, or could mean your boot2docker VM which is a guest of your windows machine and a host of your Docker containers).
All that Fig's doing is streamlining the process of pulling, building and starting Docker images. For example, this fig.yml
image: postgres
build: .
- "db:db"
- FOO=bar
is (roughly) the same as this series of Docker commands in Bash:
docker run -d --name db postgres
docker build -t app .
docker run -d --name app --link=db:db --env=FOO=bar app
