Problem when assigning Input.mousePosition to transform.position in Unity2D - user-interface

I have been following the Inventory tutorials for Unity by Kryzarel and have encountered a weird issue that I think may be from something unrelated.
Tons of googling has yielded no results. It seems like an obscure issue. for reference of the channel.
But the issue I'm running into is I do the following:
draggableItem.transform.position = Input.mousePosition;
So basically draggable Item is a reference to an Image component on a GameObject. I log Input.mousePosition before hand and the values make sense (within the hundreds e.g. (563,262,0)). However, the transform position is nowhere near the number logged. For the example, I'm seeing (48660.31, 23917.95, -7889.887). There is no logic between the debug.log statement giving Input.mousePosition and the code assigning it to the transform. Anyone have any idea what I could possibly have configured wrong, or could be wrong?
I would expect the position to be (563,262,0) not the ridiculous number that it ends up being. I've tried localPosition instead of transform.position, and it sort of works. In that it's off by about 500 or 700 to the top-right of what I'm moving relative to the mouse, I want to avoid hacky solutions like subtracting some magic number if possible.
Edit: Some further background, other mouse clicks and mouse related things appear to work correctly. It's an orthographic camera, or the default for a unity2D project
Solution: IN my case I was able to set it per the accepted answer, I then had to modify position not localPosition and also had to zero out the z-value of the world point.

The mouse position is relative to your screen, not your world. You need to convert the screen space to world space with:
var pos = Camera.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition);


Scrollspy using Alpinejs and intersect plugin

I have a website I'm working on that utilizes DaisyUI and Alpine.js (with intersect plugin).
In one of my templates I have a stepper with sections of content relating to each step. When you click one of the steps to the stepper, it scrolls you to the related section. That part is easy peasy. The difficulty is getting the step to highlight when you've scrolled to the related content manually. My lack of understanding of the intersection observer is what is throwing me off.
Here is a pen I made as a simple illustration of what I'm trying to do:
The pen only shows the use of x-intersect alone. It works-ish, but you'll notice that there are bugs if you make the viewport taller. I'd ideally like the step to only highlight when the content is near the top of the screen, or at least more than halfway above the center of the viewport. I've tried:
Using threshold, but there are bugs since it does not observe the direction (from top of viewport or bottom of viewport) the intersection is happening from, as well as the threshold being defined as a percent creates strange behaviors on different sized screens.
Using margin, but it did not appear to work at all. I believe this is option is the right solution, but I'm struggling to find the proper resources online specific to my problem. I believe the answer will come if I can figure out how to manipulate the margin using enter and leave.
If someone wouldn't mind helping me with this I'd greatly appreciate it. Bonus points if all previous steps can remain highlighted when a new step is reached :). Not a requirement though!
I'd like to request that all answers continue to utilize alpinejs since it is a constraint of the project. Thank you in advance!
TLDR - Can anyone help me figure out how to use alpinejs and its intersect plugin to make the step of a stepper component highlight when the content it relates to reaches a certain position in the viewport (scrollspy effect)?
Update: Updated codepen to use:
x-intersect.margin.10%.0.0.0="shownStep = ' STEP NUMBER ID HERE '"
According to the documentation the expected behavior would be to detect intersection "when the element gets within 10% of the top of the viewport." It does not appear to work any differently than just using x-intersect without the margin added. I'm very curious why margin does seemingly nothing. I'm going to keep looking into it, but I'd very much appreciate any guidance anyone can provide about rootMargin and why the intersect plugin does not seem to be applying it properly.

Why will my physics 2D raycast not display or work correctly?

Basically i wanted to make a raycast for jumping but for some reason the distance of the raycast is wrong and never changes and the position of it is so wrong i cant even seem to find it:
ray2D = Physics2D.Raycast(transform.position, -Vector2.up, .1f, GroundedLayers);
isGrounded = groundCheck();
Grounded layers do not include the player, distance always returns as 0, grounded is always false and the gizmos line only draws when i open the prefab and not at all in the scene:
here the distance is set to .1f but displays the same as 1f
(EDIT: ok so i checked and for some reason the raycast happens around 0, -1 even tho thats nowhere near the player transform?)
Try Vector2.down instead?
Alternative things to try:
Is the player in the scene the same as the prefab?
Increase the distance.
Add a new GameObject at the feet of the player, reference that in your script and call the Raycast from there.
Is ray2d a RayCastHit2d?
Are your ground object tags correct, including all grammer/caps?
Try outputting in debug, to see what you're actually hitting.
If you're using a rigid body, try rigidbody2d. position instead of transform.position
Do you have the player selected in the hierarchy? This is needed to see the gizmos.
I found that the raycast was detecting an invisible trigger so i had to put it on another layer :)

SKSceneScaleModeResizeFill on ios8 scales improperly

I have written a game in SpriteKit using objective C and it works perfectly on ios9 but it looks hideous on ios8. I would really like to know how to fix this problem, either by “correcting” my mistake, or if I have no mistake then by finding a workaround for the bug in ios8.
I think I have really done all I can to make the problem as clear as possible, including making loads of screenshots to illustrate the problem and also making a new Xcode project that is as simple as possible while still showing the problem.
If you want to try the Xcode project, here is a link for it….
xcode project
If you want to see the screenshots of the problem, then here is a link for the screenshots.
Now I will try to explain the code I wrote and the problem illustrated in the screenshots.
PLEASE REMEMBER: My code works perfectly on iOS9.3. So my code is obviously not complete gargage. But admittedly, I am not an expert on handling screen rotation, so probably my code could be better.
I should probably mention that both scenes have scale mode set to SKSceneScaleModeResizeFill. I chose this mode because I had tremendous difficulty doing proper layouts for all possible screen sizes (including iPhone) when working with SKSceneScaleModeAspectFill. I do I hope I can solve this problem while sticking with SKSceneScaleModeResizeFill.
Anyway, my app is a SpriteKit game with two scenes. The main scene is the GameScene, where you play the game. And this scene has a pointer to the SettingsScene, where you can change the settings of the scene. (e.g. change the level of difficulty).
Anytime the user rotates the screen, GameViewController detects this change in viewWillTransitionToSize and tells the GameScene object about the new screen width and screen height. Game Scene then adjusts the positions of its sprites in consideration of the new screen orientation and then tells its SettingsScene object about the new screen width and height to that the Settings scene is properly laid out as well.
Please note that with this design, all sprites on BOTH scenes get repositioned any time the user rotates the screen REGARDLESS of which scene is actually active at that time..
As I said before, all works as expected on ios9.3. But on ios8, the result is attrocious. The screenshots illustrate one example of typical experience on ios8. If the user rotates the screen while using the game and then goes to the settings screen, he will see something awful. And will often be trapped in this terrible experience because the button for going back to the main game might not even be fitting on the screen anymore.
At first, it might seem like I am failing to reposition sprites for landscape mode in the settings scene. But this explanation is wrong. The text on the screen shows that the last layout was performed with the landscape orientation in mind.
So what is going wrong here?
Any suggestions would be highly highly highly highly appreciated.
p.s. In case you don't want to look directly at the linked project file, here are some details about the example code. GameViewController implements viewTransitionToSize to handle any screen rotation. It directly tells the new screen dimensions to GameScene, which then tells SettingsScene. Both scenes rearrange their sprites in consideration of the new screen dimensions. And all goes well on ios9. On ios8, however, the inactive scene ends up looking hideaous when it is presented even though it clearly did reposition its sprites according to the new dimensions.
the problem is easily resolved by these lines....
gameScene.size = newScreenSize;
settingsScene.size = newScreenSize;
anytime the orientation changes.
This code is not required for ios9. The scene knows what size the screen is without assistance. But for ios8, it seems to be needed to add this code.

How to properly use setPatternOffset to fix NSColor colorWithPatternImage insanity

I'm trying to draw a tiled pattern inside a NSScrollView which is itself inside a resizable window (on Mac OS X). The code simply calls [NSColor colorWithPatternImage], CGContextSetFillColorWithColor, and CGContextFillRect.
The problem is that the pattern is drawn relative to the bottom-left corner of the window. This is documented behavior, but causes two unpleasant effects:
When the window is resized, the pattern scrolls up or down in a very surprising manner.
When the scroll view is scrolled, and then scrolled back, the newly drawn pattern doesn't line up with the scrolled (buffered) part of the pattern.
I'm able to mostly fix problem 2 by calling CGContextConvertPointToDeviceSpace, passing in 0,0, and seeing what I get back -- this tells me my scroll offset, which I can then use with CGContextSetPatternPhase to fix the problem. (Though it doesn't completely fix it -- when I scroll quickly, I still see mismatched patterns, for reasons I haven't sorted out yet.)
But addressing problem 1 is proving really thorny. From my drawing code, which only knows the CGContext, I can't find any way to get the window height. (The Device/User space conversion routines seem completely unaffected by window height.)
Short of adding a bunch of plumbing to all the drawing code to pass around a window reference, is there any way to figure out the correct offset so that my pattern will stay put when the window is resized, and scroll properly when the scrollview is scrolled?
Oops -- shortly after posting this, I found at least a partial answer: the current transformation matrix (from CGContextGetCTM) reflects both the window height, and the scroll offset.
(Or at least, it does in my app; I set the CTM very early in the pipeline to give me a top-down coordinate system so I can use much the same code on iOS.)
So, if I just call CGContextGetCTM, and then pass the .x0 and .y0 values of the result to CGContextSetPatternPhase, it mostly works.
I'm still running into some visual glitches when I scroll quickly horizontally, though not vertically -- a very odd effect, which suggests to me that it might be something in my code, or perhaps related to how wide the content area is. I'll dig further.

camera.lookAt not called when THREE controls are being used

I am working on a program, that uses THREE.RollControls, when the user goes too far away from the center of the screen, they tend to get lost, so I am working on creating a function that reorients them, facing the center of the scene.
What I had intened to do was simply call the following:
However, this has no affect. From what I was reading on different stack overflow questions specifically this:
ThreeJS camera.lookAt() has no effect, is there something I'm doing wrong?
It seems like their solution was to do the camera position change using the controls, rather then changing the camera itself.
I do not believe there is any 'Target' in the Roll Controls, so I don't know how I can reset where the camera is looking at based on a THREE.Vector3() Is there a simple way to do this, or will I basically have to:
So far I have 'attempted' to do the follow:
- Calculate the difference of position of the camera with the position of the scene.
- Normalize this vector
- Subtract it from the direction forward of the camera
- use this vector in controls.forward.add(thisVector)
but this doesn't do at all what I want (probably because I have no idea what I'm doing)
Thank you in advance for your time!
The same thing bugged me too about the RollControls but I took a different approach in solving the problem. Since the controls are in the example code (in r55) you can modify the controls, as they are not part of the core library. You can see my modifications at
I introduced a local variable called mouseLook because I could not use the this.mouseLook. I initialized it to false and I only make it true when there is a button press i.e. when navigating in the scene. That solved my problem.
