Invoke a service method after the Spring Boot deployed successfully - spring-boot

I have a spring boot application and i want to invoke a service method once the application gets deployed successfully.
public class MyServiceImpl implements MyUtilityService<Object, Object>{
public Object runOnce(Object credential) {
return null;
I want to invoke myService.runOnce(...) only after my application deployed successfully

You can register an EventListener for the ApplicationReadyEvent.
From the docs:
Event published as late as conceivably possible to indicate that the
application is ready to service requests. The source of the event is
the SpringApplication itself, but beware of modifying its internal
state since all initialization steps will have been completed by then.
public class MyServiceImpl implements MyUtilityService<Object, Object>{
public Object runOnce(Object credential) {
return null;


Spring Boot WebSockets #EventListener doesn't detect SessionConnectEvent but detect SessionDisconnectEvent at the same class

I try to create simple chat via WebSockets. I have configuration class which register appropriate endpoints and I try to create service which will save user id which is generated in handshake service. The problem is that I cannot inject any services to the handshake service so I decided to create class as below:
public class WebSocketEventListener {
public void handleWebSocketConnectListener(SessionConnectEvent event) {
log.debug("Handled connection event");
public void handleWebSocketConnectedListener(SessionConnectedEvent event) {
log.debug("Handled connected event");
public void handleWebSocketDisconnectListener(SessionDisconnectEvent event) {
log.debug("Handled disconnection event");
Register it as a Bean in configuration class:
public WebsocketEventListener websocketEventListener() {
return new WebsocketEventListener();
And there try to save user id into database.
Unfortunately when I connect to the webSocket via android app, Spring doesn't detect any event connected with Connection session but when I close the connection between android app and spring server I'm getting log from handleWebSocketDisconnectListener method.
I also tried to add annotation #Component to the class WebSocketEventListener instead of registering it as a Bean but I got the same situation.
I tried to implement ApplicationListener and register it in META-INF folder but also without any results.
P.S. I use Spring Boot version: 2.6.4 and Java 17
I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Any suggestions?

How to trigger a Spring cloud task from an external application?

I have created a spring cloud task that will perform some specific task based on the requirement. I wanted to call this task from another spring boot application. Please let me know is there any way of calling the below task from an external application.
public class FileGenerationTaskApplication {
private DataSource dataSource;
public class FileGeneratorTaskConfigurer extends DefaultTaskConfigurer {
public FileGeneratorTaskConfigurer(DataSource dataSource){
public FileGeneratorTaskConfigurer getTaskConfigurer() {
return new FileGeneratorTaskConfigurer(dataSource);
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
public static class FileGeneratorTaskRunner implements ApplicationRunner {
private FulfillmentFileGenerationService service;
public void run(ApplicationArguments args) throws Exception {
System.out.println("FileGeneratorTaskRunner from Spring Cloud Task!");
Can we create a REST api to call the spring cloud task?
It would be nice to have the Task registered on Spring Cloud Dataflow.
After you have your Task registered, you can make REST calls to trigger the Task. Check this example out.
You can also use Spring Cloud Dataflow Rest Client
DataFlowOperations dataFlowOperations = new DataFlowTemplate(URI.create(springDataFlowUri));
TaskOperations operations = dataFlowOperations.taskOperations();
Then you can start launching the Tasks previously got using the API Rest.
In case you do not want to use Spring Cloud DataFlow, remember when you create a Task, this is a Spring Boot Application by itself, so you can expose end points to trigger the Task.

SpringBootTest: how to know when boot application is done

Spring boot integration test looks like this
#SpringBootTest(classes = Application)
class IntegrationTest {
static QpidRunner qpidRunner
static void init() {
qpidRunner = new QpidRunner()
static void tearDown() {
So, Qpid instance is run before and teared down after all tests. I want to know is there a way to check whether spring boot application is still running before calling qpidRunner.stop(). I want to stop Qpid only when I'm sure that spring app has finished its stopping.
The Spring Boot integration test can configure an ApplicationListener which listens for ContextClosedEvent. Define a nested #TestConfiguration class inside the test class to add beans to the application's primary configuration.
static class MyConfiguration {
public ApplicationListener<ContextClosedEvent> contextClosedEventListener() {
return event -> qpidRunner.stop();
Taking into account that ConfigurableWebApplicationContext can be injected in a SpringBootTest, adding this lines to the code solved the problem
static ConfigurableWebApplicationContext context
void setContext(ConfigurableWebApplicationContext context) {
AbstractDocsIntegrationTest.context = context
static void tearDown() {
Spring docs about stop method
Stop this component, typically in a synchronous fashion, such that the
component is fully stopped upon return of this method.
JUnit AfterClass annotated method must be static, therefore #Autowired workaround with setContext method.

init method in jersey jax-rs web service

I'm new with jax-rs and have build a web service with jersey and glassfish.
What I need is a method, which is called once the service is started. In this method I want to load a custom config file, set some properties, write a log, and so on ...
I tried to use the constructor of the servlet but the constructor is called every time a GET or POST method is called.
what options I have to realize that?
Please tell, if some dependencies are needed, give me an idea how to add it to the pom.xml (or else)
There are multiple ways to achieve it, depending on what you have available in your application:
Using ServletContextListener from the Servlet API
Once JAX-RS is built on the top of the Servlet API, the following piece of code will do the trick:
public class StartupListener implements ServletContextListener {
public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent event) {
// Perform action during application's startup
public void contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent event) {
// Perform action during application's shutdown
Using #ApplicationScoped and #Observes from CDI
When using JAX-RS with CDI, you can have the following:
public class StartupListener {
public void init(#Observes
#Initialized(ApplicationScoped.class) ServletContext context) {
// Perform action during application's startup
public void destroy(#Observes
#Destroyed(ApplicationScoped.class) ServletContext context) {
// Perform action during application's shutdown
In this approach, you must use #ApplicationScoped from the javax.enterprise.context package and not #ApplicationScoped from the javax.faces.bean package.
Using #Startup and #Singleton from EJB
When using JAX-RS with EJB, you can try:
public class StartupListener {
public void init() {
// Perform action during application's startup
public void destroy() {
// Perform action during application's shutdown
If you are interested in reading a properties file, check this question. If you are using CDI and you are open to add Apache DeltaSpike dependencies to your project, considering having a look at this answer.

Access Spring Web Acclication Context in Stateless EJB

at the moment we use Spring 4 and have a Java class loading all of our xml-config files:
Root: Basic Framework
Child: Project Application Services
Child: Project Application Workflow
Child: Framework Controller
Child: CXF Webapplication Context
Every child knows the beans of it's parent and everythings works fine. Now I have to use an IBM EJB on an Websphere Application Server for communication with legacy systems. This EJB gets called and now I want to use our Spring Context to get some services.
The EJB is defined as
#Stateless(mappedName = "ejb/LegacyRocks")
public class WolaUseCaseOne {...}
I have alreade read about the SpringBeanAutowiringInterceptor, but I do not get the point. I do not a a simple xml-file to get loaded, so can anybody provide me another way the autowire mit Spring Beans inside the EJB ?
I have also found this post (, but we do not use JSF and it does not help me
I have already read, there is no way to inject the complete context, because we have a Webapplication Context, and there is not such a Web Context inside EJB... ?
you need to create ejb as per following
public interface TestManager {
boolean isValid();
#Stateless(name = "java:global/TestManagerImpl", mappedName = "java:global/TestManagerImpl")
#EJB(name = "java:global/TestManagerImpl", beanInterface = TestManager.class)
public class TestManagerImpl implements TestManager {
public void ejbCreate() {
public void ejbDestroy() {
public boolean isValid(){
//your code
and you need to implement spring service class with
#Service(value = "testServiceImpl")
public class TestServiceImpl {
#EJB(name = "java:global/TestManagerImpl", mappedName = "java:global/TestManagerImpl")
private TestManager testManager;
public boolean isValid(){
retrun testManager.isValid();
call ejb to spring service method
public class TestManagerImpl implements TestManager {
// automatically injected with a matching Spring bean
private TestService testService ;
// for business method, delegate to POJO service impl.
public String myFacadeMethod(...) {
return testService.myMethod(...);
Hope it work for you!!
