How to get select rights of information_schema.schemata in grrenplum - greenplum

I created a new user in greenplum db and just want to give select rights of information_schema.schemata table. After running below query I am just able to select the information_schema.schemata table with out eror however no data appears.
GRANT SELECT ON information_schema.schemata TO <username>;
GRANT SELECT ON information_schema.schemata TO <username>;
SELECT * FROM information_schema.schemata ;
I am expecting the data should be shown to me from new user however I am getting below message with no data.
Total query runtime: 291 msec
0 rows retrieved.

I had no problems running this on version 5.x of GP but got the same results as you on GP (the latest 4.3 release).
Looking at the definition of the information_schema.schemata view
\d+ information_schema.schemata
shows that is joins two tables, pg_namespace and pg_authid, from the pg_catalog schema.
In 4.3.x, a regular user doesn't have access to pg_authid.
So, as gpadmin, run:
psql -d <userdb> -c 'grant select on pg_catalog.pg_authid to <user>'
Then your query should work.


Informix - select from a table of another user

I have to do CRUD operations on a table that is not owned by the user I am using to connect to my Informix database. I have been granted the necessary privileges to do the operations, but I do not know how to do the actual query.
I have little experience with Informix, but I remember in OracleDB I had to do reference the shema like so:
In Informix should I reference the user that owns the table ? Like :
Or can I just do :
Thanks for any help !
In Informix you can generally use the table name without or without the owner prefix unless the database was created with mode ANSI in which case the owner prefix is required. Note that the correct syntax when using the owner is to use a period "." as in:
SELECT * FROM owner.table;
The colon is used to separate the database name as shown in the Informix Guide to SQL: Syntax
FYI you can determine if the database is mode ANSI with this query:
SELECT is_ansi FROM sysmaster:sysdatabases WHERE name = "<database name>";

ORA-01435: user does not exist when accessing V$Locked_Object in Oracle

I am trying to run below query from SOME_USER
SELECT * FROM V$Locked_Object; -- Public Synonym
also tried
and getting.
ORA-01435: user does not exist
01435. 00000 - "user does not exist"
I have given these grants from SYS to SOME_USER
grant select on "SYS"."V_$LOCKED_OBJECT" to SOME_USER; still getting the same error.
I noticed that I am able to access other public synonyms in SOME_USER like V$LOCK_ACTIVITY, v$lock_type etc. getting this error when trying V$Locked_Object and V$LOCK only. Please suggest maybe I am missing some basics.
Oracle Version - Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
I'd suggest you to check against metadata.
First, check whether the object exists in the DB at all (I'm sure it exists, but still for double checking).
I hope you have access to dba_% objects
select * from dba_objects where object_name like 'V%LOCKED%OBJ%';
Then, check if you have the permissions to access that object
select * from all_objects where object_name like 'V%LOCKED%OBJ%';
If the object exists in the dba_ table and can not be found in all_ it means you don't have the permissions for that. Execute the following for double checking
select *
from user_tab_privs
where table_name like 'V%LOCKED%OBJ%';
You'll get probably nothing here as you can't find the object, so the next thing I'd check is the role name that has access to that particular object
select *
from role_tab_privs
where table_name like 'V%LOCKED%OBJ%';
Then, check if you have that role assigned to your user
select * from session_roles
I hope this will help
select * from "SYS"."V$locked_objects"

How do I execute "use dbname" over Oracle dblink to Sybase?

How do I access tables in my user schema in Sybase from Oracle?
In isql I can do
use mydb
How do I select from mydb tables from Oracle using dblink NITSYB5?
This does not work:
select count(*) from "mydb"."lon_client_confirm_exec"#NITSYB5;
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
[Oracle][ODBC Sybase Wire Protocol driver][SQL Server]"mydb"."lon_client_confirm_exec" not found. Specify owner.objectname or use sp_help to check whether the object exists (sp_help may produce lots of output).
{42S02,NativeErr = 208}
ORA-02063: preceding 3 lines from NITSYB5
00942. 00000 - "table or view does not exist"
Error at Line: 3 Column: 30
NOTE: I don't work with Oracle and hence know nothing about Oracle's dblink, so fwiw ...
In Sybase ASE the fully qualified table name format is: <dbname>.<owner>.<table>
If you leave out the <owner> then the optimizer will first look for tables owned by the user running the query, then look for tables owned by dbo.
In your example it appears you've left out the <owner>. If the table is owned by your user or dbo then I'd suggest you try adding an additional period, eg:
select count(*) from mydb..lon_client_confirm_exec#NITSYB5;
NOTE: Add quotes as/if needed by Oracle's dblink.
open SSH server2 telnet server 1 host, its ok to done
su oracle
1) cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin
2) TNSPING database1 name
its ok done
create public database link
connect to
identified by
using 'DB1NAME';
select * from dual#LINK_NAME, result x, finish.

oracle table entry does not exist

while installing sap on 3 tiered architecture, I need to install database instance (oracle) and central instance(sap) and two different machines.
after completing database install and proceeding with central instance installation, the setup is trying to access a table and fails with following error
OCI-call failed with
-1=OCI_ERROR SQL error 942: 'ORA-00942: table or view does not exist'
*** ERROR => ORA-942 when
accessing table SAPUSER
so I checked and found out that two cases are possible
Table does not exist or
User has no access rights to this Table
next I checked for table, and found an entry in dba_tables,
SQL> select owner from dba_tables where table_name='SAPUSER';
but when trying to fetch data from it using select query
SQL> select * from SAPUSER;
select * from SAPUSER
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
now I am confused, whether the table is available or not. what is the reason for this and how can it be resolved?
It depends on where you are accesing the object from,
check to see which user you are logged in as
This will show which user you are logged in as,
if you are in OPS$E64ADM, the directly query using
SQL> select * from SAPUSER;
if show user show anyother user you need privilege to access it from other users, can ask dba or if you have access then run,
SQL> grant select on OPS$E64ADM.SAPUSER to username; -- the username from which you want to access the table;
then, you can acces from the other user , using,
SQL> select * from OPS$E64ADM.SAPUSER
who are you signed in as? unless it's the owner of the table you will need to change your code to include the owner ie.
select * from OPS$E64ADM.SAPUSER

Can't query 'job_queue_processes in Oracle DB 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production

I want to query the value of job_queue_processes:
select value from v$parameter where name='job_queue_processes';
But I can't, I get a
`ORA-00942: table or view does not exist`
Querying user jobs is fine, as well:
select * from user_jobs
Querying version is fine, as well:
select * from v$version where rownum<2;
SYS.dba_jobs_running & SYS.dba_jobs are not working either (ORA-00942: table or view does not exist)
select * from SYS.dba_jobs_running;
select * from SYS.dba_jobs;
SYS#research 15-APR-15> grant select on v_$parameter to sample;
Grant succeeded.
SAMPLE#research 15-APR-15> select value from v$parameter where name='job_queue_processes';
