Ansible rollback: run a group of tasks over list of hosts even when one of hosts failed - ansible

I have a playbook with multiple roles, hosts and groups. I am trying to develop a rollback functionality, that would run over all hosts. My current obstacle is that I see no way to delegate role, block or set of tasks to group of hosts
I tried looking up delegation to group without loops, so it would work on a block.
import_role doesn't accept loops
include_role doesn't accept delegate_to
same with import_tasks/include_tasks
here is what I have now as a playbook file (shortened version)
- hosts: all
any_errors_fatal: true
- name: "remote_user_p"
prompt: "Remote user running the playbook"
default: "root"
private: no
- name: "service_user_p"
prompt: "Specify user to run non-root tasks"
default: "user"
private: no
- set_fact:
playbook_type: "upgrade"
- import_role:
name: 0_pre_check
run_once: true
remote_user: "{{ remote_user_p }}"
become_user: "{{ service_user_p }}"
become_method: su
become: yes
- block:
- import_role:
name: 1_os
- import_role:
name: 2_mysql
when: inventory_hostname in groups['mysql'] | default("")
- import_role:
name: 3_web
when: inventory_hostname in groups['web'] | default("")
- block:
- name: run rollback
import_tasks: ../common/roles/5_rollback/tasks/rollback.yml
remote_user: "{{ remote_user }}"
become_user: "{{ service_user }}"
become_method: su
become: yes
This is some example code from rollback.yml:
- block:
- name: rollback symlinks to config dir
src: "{{ current_config_path }}"
dest: "{{ install_dir }}/static/cfg"
owner: "{{ service_user }}"
group: "{{ service_user_primary_group }}"
state: link
when: current_new_configs | default("N") == "Y"
delegate_to: "{{ item }}"
- "{{ ansible_play_hosts }}"
- block:
- name: return config files
shell: test -f '{{ item.1.current_ver_file_path }}' && cp -p {{ item.1.current_ver_file_path }} {{ item.1.old_config_location }}
warn: false
register: return_config_files
failed_when: return_config_files.rc >= 2
- roolback_moved_cfg | default('N') == "Y"
- inventory_hostname in groups[]
- item.1.old_config_location != ""
- item.1.current_ver_file_path != ""
- "{{ config_files }}"
- files
become_user: root
become_method: sudo
become: yes
- name: systemctl daemon-reload
shell: systemctl daemon-reload
failed_when: false
when: root_rights == "Y"
warn: false
delegate_to: "{{ item }}"
- "{{ ansible_play_hosts }}"
when: root_rights == "Y"
become_user: root
become_method: sudo
become: yes
- fail:
msg: "Upgrade failed. Symbolic links were set to the previous version. Fix the issues and try again. If you wish to cancel the upgrade, restore the database backup manually."
As you can see, now I use lame workaround by introducing
delegate_to: "{{ item }}"
- "{{ ansible_play_hosts }}"
after every task.
There are two problems here:
1. I can't use same approach after task return config files, because it already uses one loop
2. This is generally lame duplication of code and I hate it
Why I need it at all: if playbook execution fails somewhere in mysql role, for example, the rescue block will be executed only over the hosts in that mysql role (and btw, execution of tasks from next role will continue while running rescue block - same amount of tasks, despite all efforts), while I would like it to run over all hosts instead.

I finally was able to solve this with an ugly-ugly hack. Used plays instead of just roles - now there are more than 10 plays. Don't judge me, I spent lots of effort trying to make it nice ):
Example play followed by a check - same as for every other.
- hosts: mysql
any_errors_fatal: true
- block:
- import_role:
name: 2_mysql
when: not rollback | default(false)
- block:
- name: set fact for rollback
rollback: "yes"
delegate_to: "{{ item }}"
delegate_facts: true
with_items: "{{ groups['all'] }}"
- hosts: all
any_errors_fatal: true
- name: run rollback
import_tasks: ../common/roles/5_rollback/tasks/rollback.yml
when: rollback | default(false)

include_role doesn't accept delegate_to
Actually, it does.
With ansible-core 2.8:
- name: "call my/role with host '{{ansible_hostname}}' for hosts in '{{ansible_play_hosts}}'"
name: my/role
delegate_to: "{{current_host}}"
with_items: "{{ansible_play_hosts}}"
loop_var: current_host
With ansible-core 2.5 to 2.7, see "2.5: delegate_to, include_role with loops" from George Shuklin, mentioned in ansible/ansible issue 35398
- name: "call my/role with host '{{ansible_hostname}}' for items in '{{ansible_play_hosts}}'"
include_tasks: loop.yml
with_items: "{{ansible_play_hosts}}"
loop_var: current_host
With loop.yml another tasks in its own file:
- name: "Import my/role for '{{current_host}}'"
import_role: name=my/role
delegate_to: "{{current_host}}"
So in two files (with ansible-core 2.7) or one file (2.8), you can make a all role and its tasks run on a delegated server.


saving variables from playbook run to ansible host local file

I'm sort of trying to build an inventory file from an ansible playbook run.
I'm trying to list out all the kvm hosts and the guests running on them, by running both service libvirtd status and if successful, virsh list --all, and to store the values in a file on the ansible host.
Ive tried a few different playbook structures but none have been successful in writing the file (using local_action wrote the ansible_hostname from just one host).
Please can someone guide me on what I'm doing wrong?
This is what I'm running:
- name: Determine KVM hosts
hosts: all
become: yes
#gather_facts: false
- name: Check if libvirtd service exists
shell: "service libvirtd status"
register: libvirtd_status
failed_when: not(libvirtd_status.rc == 0)
ignore_errors: true
- name: List KVM guests
shell: "virsh list --all"
register: list_vms
when: libvirtd_status.rc == 0
ignore_errors: true
- name: Write hostname to file
path: /tmp/libvirtd_hosts
line: "{{ ansible_hostname }} kvm guests: "
create: true
#local_action: copy content="{{ item.value }}" dest="/tmp/libvirtd_hosts"
- variable: ansible_hostname
value: "{{ ansible_hostname }}"
- variable: list_vms
value: "{{ list_vms }}"
when: libvirtd_status.rc == 0 or list_vms.rc == 0
Was able to cobble something that's mostly working:
- name: Check if libvirtd service exists
shell: "service libvirtd status"
register: libvirtd_status
failed_when: libvirtd_status.rc not in [0, 1]
- name: List KVM guests
#shell: "virsh list --all"
command: list_vms
register: all_vms
when: libvirtd_status.rc == 0
- name: List all KVM hosts
hosts: production, admin_hosts, kvm_hosts
become: yes
- name: create file
dest: /tmp/libvirtd_hosts
state: touch
delegate_to: localhost
- name: Copy VMs list
include_tasks: run_libvirtd_commands.yaml
- name: saving cumulative result
line: '{{ ansible_hostname }} has {{ all_vms }}'
dest: /tmp/libvirtd_hosts
insertafter: EOF
delegate_to: localhost
when: groups["list_vms"] is defined and (groups["list_vms"] | length > 0)
Now if only I could clean up the output to filter out false positives (machines that don't have libvirtd status, and have an empty/no list of VMs, because the above doesn't really work.
But at least there is output from all the KVM hosts!

In Ansible loop, test existence of files from registered results

I have several files that I need to backup in different directories. I have tried the code below and not working for me.
- {name: /file1}
- {name: /etc/file2}
- {name: /etc/file/file3}
- name: "Checking if config files exists"
path: "{{ }}"
with_items: "{{ file_vars }}"
register: stat_result
- name: Backup Files
copy: src={{ }} dest={{ }}{{ }}.bak
with_items: "{{ file_vars }}"
remote_src: yes
when: stat_result.stat.exists == True
The problem is the condition
when: stat_result.stat.exists == True
There is no attribute stat_result.stat. Instead, the attribute stat_result.results is a list of the results from the loop. It's possible to create a dictionary of files and their statuses. For example
- set_fact:
files_stats: "{{ dict(my_files|zip(my_stats)) }}"
my_files: "{{ stat_result.results|json_query('[]') }}"
my_stats: "{{ stat_result.results|json_query('[].stat.exists') }}"
Then simply use this dictionary in the condition
when: files_stats[]
Below is a shorter version which creates the dictionary more efficiently
- set_fact:
files_stats: "{{ dict(stat_result.results|
json_query('[].[, stat.exists]')) }}"
Please try using below worked for me:
- name: Copy files
hosts: localhost
become: yes
become_user: root
- files.yml
- name: "Checking if config files exists"
path: "{{ item }}"
with_items: "{{ files }}"
register: stat_result
- name: Ansible
msg: "{{ stat_result }}"
- name: Backup Files
src: "{{ item }}"
dest: "{{ item.bak }}"
with_items: "{{ files }}"
when: stat_result == "True"
and files.yml will look like:
- /tmp/file1
- /tmp/file2
you can check you playbook syntax using below command:
ansible-playbook copy.yml --syntax-check
Also you do dry run your playbook before actual execution.
ansible-playbook -i localhost copy.yml --check

How to set fact witch is visible on all hosts in Ansible role

I'm setting fact in a role:
- name: Check if manager already configured
shell: >
docker info | perl -ne 'print "$1" if /Swarm: (\w+)/'
register: swarm_status
- name: Init cluster
shell: >-
docker swarm init
--advertise-addr "{{ ansible_default_ipv4.address }}"
when: "'active' not in swarm_status.stdout_lines"
- name: Get worker token
shell: docker swarm join-token -q worker
register: worker_token_result
- set_fact:
worker_token: "{{ worker_token_result.stdout }}"
Then I want to access worker_token on another hosts. Here's my main playbook, the fact is defined in the swarm-master role
- hosts: swarm_cluster
become: yes
- docker
- hosts: swarm_cluster:&manager
become: yes
- swarm-master
- hosts: swarm_cluster:&node
become: yes
- debug:
msg: "{{ worker_token }}"
I'm getting undefined variable. How to make it visible globally?
Of course it works perfectly if I run debug on the same host.
if your goal is just to access worker_token from on another host, you can use hostvars variable and iterate through the group where you've defined your variable like this:
- hosts: swarm_cluster:&node
- debug:
msg: "{{ hostvars[item]['worker_token'] }}"
with_items: "{{ groups['manager'] }}"
If your goal is to define the variable globally, you can add a step to define a variable on all hosts like this:
- hosts: all
- set_fact:
worker_token_global: "{{ hostvars[item]['worker_token'] }}"
with_items: "{{ groups['manager'] }}"
- hosts: swarm_cluster:&node
- debug:
var: worker_token_global

Ansible: variable in variable / loop or iterating through item

Here is a simple vars file we have to debug
./roles/test/vars/{{ ansible_distribution|lower }}/apt-packages.yml
- htop
# - aptitude
allow_unauthenticated: no
autoclean: no
autoremove: no
cache_valid_time: 0
# default_release:
force: no
force_apt_get: no
install_recommends: yes
only_upgrade: no
purge: no
state: latest
update_cache: yes
upgrade: no
Here is a simple task to debug
- name: "Register variable"
#dir: vars/ubuntu
file: "vars/{{ ansible_distribution|lower }}/apt-packages.yml"
name: apt_install
- name: "This a test"
name: "{{item}}"
cache_valid_time: "{{ apt_install.package[item].cache_valid_time }}"
state: "{{ apt_install.package[item].state }}"
update_cache: "{{ apt_install.package[item].update_cache }}"
with_items: "{{ apt_install.packages.required }}"
- name: "playbook test"
hosts: localhost
- role: test
become: true
become_user: root
become_method: sudo
using following answer we are trying to loop through items and get item related values.
Tasks is looping well through items but it is impossible to retrieve related variable with [item] syntax or any other one we have tested.
We have always the same error
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {
"msg": "The task includes an option with an undefined variable. The error was: dict object has no element [u'htop']
But calling directly the variable works
- name: "echo variable test"
msg: "{{ apt_install.package.htop.allow_unauthenticated }}"
What is the right syntax to get current loop value of a variable and use it inside another variable to retrieve related value ... (inside the same task) ?
So far it's we who are going around in circles without end !
Kind Regards
This is fully working using a loop / loop_control instead of with_items
- name: "This a test"
name: "{{item}}"
cache_valid_time: "{{ apt_install.package[item].cache_valid_time }}"
state: "{{ apt_install.package[item].state }}"
update_cache: "{{ apt_install.package[item].update_cache }}"
loop: "{{ apt_install.packages.required|flatten(levels=1) }}"
index_var: index
So as it we can define different settings for each package and for each distrib.
Now I can export too settings for each package in different var files.
Learning is hard :)

Ansible conditional handlers for a task?

FYI, I'm running my Ansible playbook in "pull-mode" not push mode. Therefore, my nodes will publish the results of their task via Hipchat.
With that said, I have a task that installs RPMs. When the installs are successful, the nodes notify via Hipchat that the task was successfully run. Now, in the event that a task fails, i force it to notify hipchat w/ the "--force-handlers" paramter. My question, is there a way to call a particular handler depending on the outcome of the task?
- name: Install Perl modules
command: sudo rpm -Uvh {{ rpm_repository }}/{{ item.key }}-{{ item.value.svn_tag }}.rpm --force
with_dict: deploy_modules_perl
notify: announce_hipchat
- name: announce_hipchat
local_action: hipchat
token={{ hipchat_auth_token }}
room={{ hipchat_room }}
msg="[{{ ansible_hostname }}] Successfully installed RPMs!"
In this case, I use multiple handlers. See following example :
file site.yml
- hosts: all
gather_facts: false
force_handlers: true
- cmds:
echo: hello
eccho: hello
- name: echo
command: "{{ item.key }} {{ item.value }}"
register: command_result
with_dict: "{{ cmds }}"
changed_when: true
failed_when: false
- "hipchat"
- name: "hipchat"
command: "/bin/true"
- "hipchat_succeeded"
- "hipchat_failed"
- name: "hipchat_succeeded"
var: "{{ item }}"
with_items: "{{ command_result.results | selectattr('rc', 'equalto', 0) | list }}"
- name: "hipchat_failed"
var: "{{ item }}"
with_items: "{{ command_result.results | rejectattr('rc', 'equalto', 0) | list }}"
Use command
ansible-playbook -c local -i "localhost," site.yml
CAUTION: use test filter 'equalsto' added in jinja2 2.8
