Cloud9 to server (Want to publish) - laravel

Have coded webpages on Cloud9(Laravel installed. Not AWS but and now want to publish pages. I already have spaces in rental server to deploy but don't know transfer data from cloud9 to server nor how to setup server.
Please let me know if you know how to transfer data and setup server. Also welcome share URLs that explain these FAQ. Thank you in advance.
(Googled these keywords but not found any useful expalnation. Keywords:ssh,ftp,laravel,cloud9)

Found solution from my tutor advices. Downloaded files from cloud9 and transfered to server by FileZilla. While doing this, have to modified some files to be adopted to server but it was not a big deal.
Now I think I have to use AWS cloud9 or similar services to deploy works more easily.
Hope this comment help somebody stacked.


Laravel deployment and update on Apache Webserver

I want to get my Larvel project ready for deployment.
I already found some guides in the web, but no one of them could answer me the following question(s):
Which file do I have to upload to the webserver?
I already tried to remove as much folders/files as possible to keep the project-size on my apache webserver as small as possible. But is there any guide which tells me, which folders/files do i exactly need to exchange?
When it comes to an update:
Once deployed, which files do i need to update?
Do I have to upload all the files again or can I exchange only certain ones?
Currently i followed the official laravel guide and uploaded all files to the webserver.

Need to setup ejabberd for API call

I need to get response on this URL:
https://[host IP]:8088/api/admin
I tried so many different configs so you might see extra stuff commented out.
I can easily access the web page, the only issue is, I cannot call admin api from application. No response in this regard.
Here are logs and config
This is an AWS instance with Ubunutu 16.04
I have tried following this stackoverflow Answer too and also followed the official DOC too.
How to call ejabberd Administrator API
If there is anything you need to get a better understanding, Let me know.
I think that your configuration file have some conflicts.
Plus the REST endpoints for admin is "/api" not "/api/admin".
If you have just installed ejaberred, I'll suggest you to do a clean installation using the official linux installer (not apt-get).
The installer is interactive and will generate most of the configurations for you.

Where is the link of Parse data browser in website?

Simply to say, i can not find the Parse Data Browser and really don't know what is it. is it a link of parse site or a software or ... ?
I've tried google for that and a couple of youtube videos about that but i think anybody knows what it is and how to find it except me. is down now, you can see this but you can have your own parse server because parse is open source
Install your parse-server and set-up your parse-dashboard
All documentation is available here
If you want to start quickly you can host your parse-server on Heroku or use back4app
If you are looking for an alternative solution you can use Firebase
If you're running your own parse-server, you just have to add the parse-dashboard module. It's pretty easy to set up.
You can mount it right on the same app your parse-server is hosted from, or keep it separate and just run it locally.

Pros/Cons of Parse Dashboard local installation vs deployment

I wasn't able to find solid information on this and I wanted to ask developers who use Parse Dashboard:
What are the pros/cons of Parse Dashboard local installation vs deployment?
I currently run the Parse Dashboard on local installation, but I know that deployment to Heroku is also an option (my app is deployed on Heroku). I wanted to gather some information before deploying/not deploying.
Thank you!
I also have it running locally and I think for security reasons it's best to do so. If you setup the dashboard on the same server on which Parse is running, then you will have to take security measure to protect access to the dashboard and the config file which includes your masterkey and all that. This definitely outweighs the arguments to host it locally, which in my opinion only is that it's easier to access the dashboard.
If you really want to setup a dashboard on a server at least do it on a separate server.

+Moving CodeIgniter from live to local

Perhaps someone can share their experience or advise on how to get this accomplished.
I have looked around and found only a wiki entry dealing with server migration from host to host.
Here is the setup and things I have tried:
locally I am running win 10 with XAMPP server
hosted on hostgator
Downloaded all files from live site
Did an SQL dump/import onto my local mySQL
Edited ‘exp_sites’ for paths and URLs
Edited ‘config.php’ in system folder
- can not login into backend ...that is form refreshes but no redirect. I can tell that db is being queried since since I do get error back if it is a wrong password.
Anyone has done similar setups/downloads/takve-overs of their client’s site?
Ideally, I would just like the access to CP so I can edit the settings/paths of weblogs,uploads etc.
Thanks for your time!
Are you using CI default password library for password creation? If you are using then these passwords will not work for you because this library generate server dependent passwords.
