Differentiating staging and production admin pages by colour in Magento 2 - magento

I often have the admin pages for my staging sites and my production site open simultaneously. There's a big risk I'll inadvertently take an action on the wrong site so I manually edit the admin css files for each to make the toolbar a different colour in each. That way I can see instantly which site I'm on.
I was wondering whether there's a way of injecting a class (or something similar) from the htaccess file for each site. This is something fixed for each site so wouldn't need me to edit the css file each time I make a change that affects it.

You could include an empty css file in your admin theme, then put it on gitignore and fill in your desired deviation on the staging system. Just make sure you override the default css that is not on gitignore.


Uploading and referencing custom images in BigCommerce/Stencil

Recently started work on a BigCommerce project and on the homepage I want to have a theme area where normal site admin users can upload their own images based on holidays (Xmas, halloween etc) in the theme editor.
I know how to add in some custom elements in the theme editor using the Schema and Config files (headings, text, font colours etc), and how to reference them in the homepage. I'm also fine with referencing set images in the assets folder which aren't going to change, and manually coding references to them.
However I can't quite seem to work out how to add a custom image upload to the theme editor, or how to reference it in a page. Can't seem to find any answers in the Stencil documentation or usual Google searches etc either.
The Stencil Theme Editor currently only supports the file upload data type in the Optimized One-Page Checkout customization settings, but there are a couple of possible workarounds to allow the user to upload their custom background image and then reference it in Theme Editor settings:
One option would be to have the user upload their image to WebDAV, making sure that their image followed a naming convention that you specified. For example, the Halloween image could be required to have the file name halloween.png. You could map that value to a Theme Editor dropdown setting for Holiday Background>Halloween.
Another solution might be to have the user upload their image to WebDAV as mentioned above, but instead of a dropdown menu, you could have the user type their file's name into a text input setting in the Theme Editor. Keep in mind though that there's a 64 character limit for input values.
Hope this helps!
There are 4 ways to get images into the BigCommerce store.
You can:
Upload into the content folder through webdav. Then the images would be referenced like url.com/content/image.jpg. This does require a webdav connection and while everything does point you to using file managers like cyberduck, you can actually map a drive to a network resource to make this super easy. This mean you can create a z drive that is actually your bigcommerce content upload through webdav. It's pretty easy to set up and for customers to use. The drawback is that these files do not get put on a CDN so there's a little loss of performance.
Upload into the theme's images folders. This is complex and would require your client to figure out the stencil local dev connection and push versions up to their store. This would allow the images to be CDN'd but is super complex and your clients won't figure it out... It could also expose you to some long-term version control issues as they may be overwriting you or vice versa.
You can use the media manager to upload images. If you're referring to them in code, an easy trick is when your clients want to replace an image, to delete it and upload a new one with the exact same name... then the reference doesn't break. This is the easiest way to deal with site-wide issues from the client-side. Images are CDN'd this way as well.
You can consider using the marketing banner function for semi-temporary marketing messages. This is what it is made for, the images will be CDN'd and it's full GUI with no techy connections for your clients to figure out. This is perfect for banners that span a single page, but I don't think there is currently a side-wide setting for locations.

Magento multidomain > theme messed up

I have 3 domains sharing the same Magento installation:
mobilmonster.com, mobilmonster.it and movilmonster.es
For some strange reason domains mobilmonster.com and movilmonster.es look ok but mobilmonster.it template is all messed up. (sorry I can´t be more technical than that)
I´m not sure if it´s a missconfiguration from my behalf or there´s actually something wrong in the code, a deleted file, etc.
All suggestions welcomed!
you are missing design to be set for the site. check attched screenshot.
After doing this delete the cache directory from var directory or FLUSH ALL MAGENTO CACHES.
Maybe you setup the addon domain incorrectly so its not inheriting the design.
Or in some cases, you have to select the store view, and resave the theme settings. Some themes generate settings based css, and has to be regenerated by resaving the settings, and flush cache.

Home page block order

I would like to change the order of some blocks in our Magento environment.
I've opened nearly every layout XML, but I can't find what I am looking for.
Does anyone know where to start looking for the order of the blocks?
Anything front-end or design related is under app/design/frontend (for general site) and app/design/adminhtml for the admin panel.
The next folder you navigate to is the package you use, you can check this under the design tab of the system config of the admin panel. So for example if it is base, you go to the app/design/frontend/base
Next folder is the theme, you can check it in the design tab too. So assume it's the default theme it would be like app/design/frontend/base/default
Now go to the layout folder and find the .xml for the page you looking for. If its a product page it would be the app/design/frontend/base/default/layout/catalog.xml

How to change layout of pre-configured site in AEM 6

I am trying to change the layout and customize the pre-configured Geometrixx-Gov site in AEM 6. For example, I would like to change the blue color in the header
Also, I would like to change the text of All Applications to something else I want.
What is the best way to make these changes?
Once I make my changes, is there a way to somehow take/package my changes and deploy them to an instance of AEM not running on my local computer?
When I try to edit things, I can change the text around in the body of the site but can't seem to change the text around in the header
1- To change the menu, I think you have to change the page title or the page navigation title, you probably have a page called "All Applications".
2- To change the color, you have to edit the CSS in the client libs which are somewhere under /etc/clientlibs/{your_app}
3- You can package the application using the package manager, make sure you include the /apps/{your_app}, /etc/clientlibs/{your_app}, /etc/designs/{your_app}, /content/{your_app}, those are basic folders, you may need other files or paths in your filters, make sure all dependencies are respected.

opencart theme not changing

I installed opencart 1.5.6 on my localhost, and it's not possible for me to change the theme. The admin panel says the new theme is active, but the default theme always appears.
I made the same installation on a remote server, and everything is working well there.
I have no idea what's wrong on my localhost. I'm on a new installation on Ubuntu 12.4 with a default configuration for LAMP. I tried to compare the two phpinfo but there are so many things that are different that gives me no clue.
It was just a problem of rights on the theme folder. Very stupid ...
First, I would check your database to see if the change is registered. Use phpMyAdmin (or whatever included with your LAMP stack) and look at the "oc_setting" (prefix may differ) and see if the config_template is set to the template you've chosen via the admin. This will help identify if the issue is database related.
I have the solution, the ACTUAL solution. (For me anyway)
Extract the theme.
Login to your OpenCart website using FTP. Please read our article if
you need help using FTP.
Upload the catalog and images folders to the root of your OpenCart installation.
Once the upload is finished, log into your OpenCart Dashboard and go
to System > Settings
Choose your website from the list, check the box next to it, and select “Edit”
In the store tab you will now see your new theme option available under 'Template'
Click Save.
It has now been updated.
Many, many tutorials online at the moment incorrectly instruct people to upload their theme directly into the catalog > view > theme location as though it were a WordPress theme or similar. You actually need to put the appropriate resources where they need to be.
