How to use JFrog Artifactory to proxy GitHub as Go Repository? - go

I want to use Go Remote repository caching/proxying Github.
I have created Go remote repo github proxying (Credentials added as mentioned in
When I run go get artifactory log shows following error:
2019-05-29 16:01:29,586 [http-nio-8081-exec-252] [ERROR] (o.a.a.g.r.GoResource:88) - Unsupported go repository request for 'github'```

In Artifactory Go repositories, you can't resolve from a remote repository directly, packages has to be resolved from a virtual repo.
Just include it in any Go virtual repository and you should be good to go.
Also, why not use gocenter for Go packages? It's much more reliable IMO.


Receiving 404 for maven-metadata.xml from Artifactory remote repo of

I am trying to setup the repository as a remote repository on my artifactory instance. If I use that URL directly in the configuration, I can pull everything except the maven-metadata.xml. Maven will throw an error saying it got a 404 for it, and I can verify that by trying to manually pull it through my remote repo.
I have also tried setting up the remote as a smart remote, entering just It will recognize it as an artifactory server, but if I hit Test I get a 500 error. Saving the settings the repo shows no artifacts.
I have also tried, /artifactory/api/core, /artifactory/api/maven/core, /grails/core as well as a few others and those that work for retrieving jar or pom files still give a 404 for the maven-metadata.xml.
What is the correct way to configure the repo as a remote repository?
I have tried this is both the 7.29 and 7.3 versions of artifactory with the same result.
From our previous experience, it was understood that grails repository core that you are pointing to is a virtual repository. grails admins might have added all the remote and local repositories under this. But artifactory does not support virtual repositories for smart remote repositories. You may need to point to the correct path.
You may try to point to and then can you share the full path of the file that you are trying to download and facing the issues right now.

How to connect remote repository in JFrog Artifactory to

Is possible to add as a remote repository to Jfrog Artifactory?
I added as remote php repo but when I try to require a module like "magento/product-community-edition" in the Artifactory logs I see the error
Error occurred while parsing the response of a remote composer package JSON query on '': Expected a file but found a folder, at: php-magento:.composer/p/magento.json
This occurs because doesn't use lazy url but explicit all packages in
There is any way to customize Artifactory packages.json to prevent lazy url?
I asked to jFrog support and they answer me
Currently Artifactory does not support
I created and issue on JFrog Jira

Nexus repo not accessible through proxy in maven settings

I have a maven project.
when I build using cmd prompt- It downloads the maven repos, only when the proxy is configured in settings.xml file.
But this proxy is blocking the nexus repos. I do have two nexus repos required for this project. and I get build error -- return code:503 reason phrase: service unavailable for nexus repo contents
If I follow the stack overflow answer Nexus Repo gives 503 with Maven but not with browser
and added proxy to nexus instance and mirrored the nexus in my settings file. Still maven repo works and nexus repos or not accessible.
my settings.xml
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance

Maven 3 Nexus - Unable to download artifacts from remote Repository

I have a Maven 3 Nexus installed on a server. Through the Nexus GUI, I have added a proxy repository of repository policy as "Snapshot" and the URL is a remote Vendor URL, from where the artifacts/plugins are required to be downloaded. Then I have added the newly added proxy repository to the Public Repositories under Ordered Group Repositories.
Post the above activity, I have tried to build the project using mvn clean install. However the build is failing due to missing artefacts from vendor URL.
In Nexus, when I go under the Public repository and look under Browse storage, I do not see the artefact folder, which should have been downloaded from remote repository.
The "Browse remote" on the newly created repository is working fine and I can navigate to the required artifacts.
I am not sure what I am doing wrong. Any help is much appreciated.
If while the first run of :
mvn clean install
the required artefact was not available on Nexus, maybe it is now cache localy (on your laptop) as not found.
Maybe you just have to tell maven to update cache using -U option ?
mvn clean install -U
The other solution could be a mismatch snapshot/release repository information. Check your Repository policy proxy configuration on your Nexus server proxy.

Unable to find resource 'opensymphony:quartz-all:pom:1.6.3' in repository central

I inherited this project which used to build & run successfully (years ago...). Now when checked out from version control, as is, it complains:
Unable to find resource 'opensymphony:quartz-all:pom:1.6.3' in
repository central (
But following that repository link ( leads to a browsable site that shows clearly that this resource is available:|1030701351 !
I have even been able to manually download it, and I can also find it in my local repo (C:\maven\repo\opensymphony\quartz-all\1.6.3\quartz-all-1.6.3).
So, my questions:
Why is Maven complaining at all, if it is there?
How did it get to my local repo, if Maven couldn't find it?
Your local repository is NOT in C:\maven ... it is in your users directory ~/.m2/repository
To debug what is really going on I would suggest to deactivate the ~/.m2/settings.xml (e.g. by renaming it) and do a clean build without any of the old artifacts and from a fresh local repository (just delete ~/.m2/repository)
That would tell you what is really missing.
If anything is missing that means it is not in the Centra Repository ( As a next step I would then install a repository manager in your network. I would recommend using Sonatype Nexus (open source, free book as documentation) and then add any other repositories or missing artifacts in there.
