Nexus repo not accessible through proxy in maven settings - maven

I have a maven project.
when I build using cmd prompt- It downloads the maven repos, only when the proxy is configured in settings.xml file.
But this proxy is blocking the nexus repos. I do have two nexus repos required for this project. and I get build error -- return code:503 reason phrase: service unavailable for nexus repo contents
If I follow the stack overflow answer Nexus Repo gives 503 with Maven but not with browser
and added proxy to nexus instance and mirrored the nexus in my settings file. Still maven repo works and nexus repos or not accessible.
my settings.xml
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance


is it possible to tell dependabot to not connect to central maven at all

In enterprise environment, the connection to central maven could be blocked. In this case,
i) either don't connect to central maven at all
ii) or if the connection to central maven is not successful, don't raise exception, just move on to other repositories
currently i see below exception
/vendor/ruby/2.6.0/gems/excon-0.76.0/lib/excon/socket.rb:285:in `select_with_timeout': connect_write timeout reached (Excon::Error::Timeout)
so I am wondering if there is any way to tell dependabot to not try connecting to maven central at all.
fyi. i am running
Generally what happens in an enterprise environment, it does have the local repository like Nexus within the network. Now you mirror your local nexus repo in settings.xml. You can mirror any no. of repo in your settings.xml. Now, maven first try to find the dependencies in your all local repo first and if it does not find it, only then it goes for maven central repo.
If the maven central is not block, then the library first downloaded to your local nexus repo and then would be downloaded to your local. So next time when you will try to download this library, it will be available in your local enterprise nesus repo.
You can block the maven central repo, refer -'s%20home%2C%20in%20the,or%20just%20override%20it's%20definition.
But as per your question, if the dependency library not found in any repo, there would always be an exception in maven build.

Replicate nexus repository in my local server

I work in an organisation and we use nexus repositories. I want a simple approach of how can I replicate few groups from nexus repository in to local server so that maven downloads the dependencies from local server and not from nexus.
If you use local server in the sense of base machine then you use clean install as a maven goal. The build code will be available under .m2/repository folder.
Install Nexus locally, create Proxy Repository for each of the repo or group that you want to have locally. In Proxy Repository you'd need to set up URLs to the remote repos.
Now point Maven to this local Nexus (e.g. with <mirrors> in settings.xml). First time Maven downloads a dependency it will go to Local Nexus which would grab the dependency from the remote one. This file is going to be cached in Local Nexus and further downloads won't hit the Remote Nexus.
PS: don't know why you would do this.

Maven 3 Nexus - Unable to download artifacts from remote Repository

I have a Maven 3 Nexus installed on a server. Through the Nexus GUI, I have added a proxy repository of repository policy as "Snapshot" and the URL is a remote Vendor URL, from where the artifacts/plugins are required to be downloaded. Then I have added the newly added proxy repository to the Public Repositories under Ordered Group Repositories.
Post the above activity, I have tried to build the project using mvn clean install. However the build is failing due to missing artefacts from vendor URL.
In Nexus, when I go under the Public repository and look under Browse storage, I do not see the artefact folder, which should have been downloaded from remote repository.
The "Browse remote" on the newly created repository is working fine and I can navigate to the required artifacts.
I am not sure what I am doing wrong. Any help is much appreciated.
If while the first run of :
mvn clean install
the required artefact was not available on Nexus, maybe it is now cache localy (on your laptop) as not found.
Maybe you just have to tell maven to update cache using -U option ?
mvn clean install -U
The other solution could be a mismatch snapshot/release repository information. Check your Repository policy proxy configuration on your Nexus server proxy.

Sonatype Nexus cannot proxy

I use sonatype nexus for maven repository proxing.
Our project need to use repository.
But if I add jcenter as a proxy to our nexus server, it does not work properly.
it seems a folder includes parent folder structures recursivly. something like the following.
Is this possible to proxy jcenter with sonatype nexus?
Have you tried pulling in artifacts through the JCenter remote proxy?
This should work as JCenter is a standard maven repository that's heavily used by all maven clients/repository managers. The issue may only be with the remote repository browsing in the Nexus UI.
As previously mentioned, pulling artifacts worked for me.
As proxy repo I used
Browsing the repo is not possible, but gradle with the configured nexus successfully pulled out everything necessary.

maven could not resolve dependency via my local nexus repository

I have setup an in-house Sonatype Nexus repository and configure the maven to check my local Nexus instead of getting artifacts directly from public repositories.
Our project was able to download the most artifacts except one artifact in Maven central.
Here is the build error:
Failed to execute goal on project shindig-gadgets: Could not resolve dependencies for project org.apache.shindig:shindig-gadgets:jar:3.0.0-SNAPSHOT: Could not find artifact in nexus (http://my_nexus_repository:8081/nexus/content/groups/public) -> [Help 1]
I see that icu4j-4.6.jar does exist in the Maven central repository. On my local nexus repository, it doesn't exist. I see only icu4j-4.6.pom exists on my local nexus repository.
It's not like my nexus repository setting is totally broken. maven project has successfully downloaded numerous jar files from multiple public repositories via my local nexus maven repository except icu4j-4.6.jar.
I don't understand why I'm having a problem with only icu4j-4.6.jar. Would it be incorrectly cached on either my local maven or nexus maven repository?
If it was incorrectly cached, how can I clean the local maven or nexus maven repository?
The similar problem is described at
Missing maven dependency using nexus setup
icu4j-4.6.jar does not show up in the search list. Only icu4j-4.6.pom shows up in the search list. I don't think is Snapshot VS Release issue because icu4j-4.6.jar seems release jar.
Is it possible that the nexus repo just stopped responding for a while? You can try mvn -X (or -d?) to get detailed info about what is going on. You might also try configuring an alternative repo.
Perhaps you haven't enabled remote index downloads from Maven Central. This would explain why only the POM file appears in your local search (The only file which has been downloaded via the proxy repo).
There might be another issue causing the download failure for the jar itself.... I suppose try and solve one problem at a time :-)
Try adding -U to your mvn arguments to force an update of your local repository.
You could also have corrupt meta data in the repo. In which case, delete that artifact from the repo's cache and let it refresh.
If the artifact in question was cached in properly from the proxy repository, using mvn -U will fix the problem
However if you are seeing pom on your nexus ,this usually happens when the artifact from the proxy repository is not cached in properly. The way to fix is
1) Browse to the component in the Proxy Repository.
2) Invalidate the cache for the repository and reindex the Nexus repository.
3) run mvn clean -U
