I would like to update a dto with a form.
It works with text fields:
<#spring.formInput "updateable.name" "" "text"/> , but I have problem with checkboxes.
The dto has a List and I would like to delete from it roles, or add new roles to it as you check or uncheck the options on the form after submit.
I tried roles with HashMap, and I put all roles into it:
roles.put(roleDto.getId().toString(), roleDto.getName());
<#spring.formCheckboxes path="updateable.roles" options="${roleMap}" separator="<br>"/>
public RoleDto convert(final String id) {
System.out.println("Trying to convert id=" + id + " into a role");
int parseId = Integer.parseInt(id);
int index = parseId - 1;
List<RoleDto> roleDtos = roleApi.fetchAllRoles();
return roleDtos.get(index);
The output is:
[Expected a string or something automatically convertible to string (number, date or boolean),
or "template output" , but this has evaluated to an extended_hash
(wrapper: f.t.SimpleHash):==> roleMap
So I don't even see the checkboxes on the form.
I am trying to sort my table's content on the backend side, so I am sending org.springframework.data.domain.Pageable object to controller. It arrives correctly, but at the repository I am getting org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.InvalidPathException. Somehow the field name I would use for sorting gets an org. package name infront of the filed name.
The Pageable object logged in the controller:
Page request [number: 0, size 10, sort: referenzNumber: DESC]
Exception in repository:
Invalid path: 'org.referenzNumber'","logger_name":"org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.ErrorTracker","thread_name":"http-nio-8080-exec-2","level":"ERROR","level_value":40000,"stack_trace":"org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.InvalidPathException: Invalid path: 'org.referenzNumber'\n\tat org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.util.LiteralProcessor.lookupConstant(LiteralProcessor.java:111)
My controller endpoint:
#GetMapping(value = "/get-orders", params = { "page", "size" }, produces = { MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE })
public ResponseEntity<PagedModel<KryptoOrder>> getOrders(
#ApiParam(name = "searchrequest", required = true) #Validated final OrderSearchRequest orderSearchRequest,
#PageableDefault(size = 500) final Pageable pageable, final BindingResult bindingResult,
final PagedResourcesAssembler<OrderVo> pagedResourcesAssembler) {
if (bindingResult.hasErrors()) {
return ResponseEntity.badRequest().build();
PagedModel<Order> orderPage = PagedModel.empty();
try {
var orderVoPage = orderPort.processOrderSearch(resourceMapper.toOrderSearchRequestVo(orderSearchRequest), pageable);
orderPage = pagedResourcesAssembler.toModel(orderVoPage, orderAssembler);
} catch (MissingRequiredField m) {
return ResponseEntity.badRequest().build();
return ResponseEntity.ok(orderPage);
the repository:
public interface OrderRepository extends JpaRepository<Order, UUID> {
static final String SEARCH_ORDER = "SELECT o" //
+ " FROM Order o " //
+ " WHERE (cast(:partnerernumber as org.hibernate.type.IntegerType) is null or o.tradeBasis.account.retailpartner.partnerbank.partnerernumber = :partnerernumber)"
+ " and (cast(:accountnumber as org.hibernate.type.BigDecimalType) is null or o.tradeBasis.account.accountnumber = :accountnumber)"
+ " and (cast(:orderReference as org.hibernate.type.LongType) is null or o.tradeBasis.referenceNumber = :orderReference)"
+ " and (cast(:orderReferenceExtern as org.hibernate.type.StringType) is null or o.tradeBasis.kundenreferenceExternesFrontend = :orderReferenceExtern)"
+ " and (cast(:dateFrom as org.hibernate.type.DateType) is null or o.tradeBasis.timestamp > :dateFrom) "
+ " and (cast(:dateTo as org.hibernate.type.DateType) is null or o.tradeBasis.timestamp < :dateTo) ";
Page<Order> searchOrder(#Param("partnerernumber") Integer partnerernumber,
#Param("accountnumber") BigDecimal accountnumber, #Param("orderReference") Long orderReference,
#Param("orderReferenceExtern") String orderReferenceExtern, #Param("dateFrom") LocalDateTime dateFrom,
#Param("dateTo") LocalDateTime dateTo, Pageable pageable);
I removed the parameters from the sql query, and put them back one by one to see where it goes sideways. It seems as soon as the dates are involved the wierd "org." appears too.
Update 2:
If I change cast(:dateTo as org.hibernate.type.DateType) to cast(:dateFrom as date) then it appends the filed name with date. instead of org..
Thanks in advance for the help
My guess is, Spring Data is confused by the query you are using and can't properly append the order by clause to it. I would recommend you to use a Specification instead for your various filters. That will not only improve the performance of your queries because the database can better optimize queries, but will also make use of the JPA Criteria API behind the scenes, which requires no work from Spring Data to apply an order by specification.
Since your entity Order is named as the order by clause of HQL/SQL, my guess is that Spring Data tries to do something stupid with the string to determine the alias of the root entity.
I have a use case where I have created a view object that contains 3 values namely LOC_CODE, LOC_DESC, CITY_DESC. Now in my ADF form I would like to display all 3 values in such a way so that user would have a provision to select LOC_CODE From Popup(LOV) and rest two fileds LOC_DESC & CITY_DESC should be changed accordingly. Currently the popup shows all 3 values but when I select the row and click on OK button it only fills the LOC_CODE in 1 textbox.
Below is the scenario of the same:
Got the solution. Just need to add a textbox or drag and drop near respective field and bind it with required binding object. For e.g. in this case LOC_DESC & CITY_DESC is available in my data control as DefLoc & DefCity that contains SQL to fetch respective description value. Now I need to drag and drop DefLoc & DefCity and binding is automatically done or just check binding in value.
you have to add valuechangelistener to location code. set autosubmit true.
now in backing bean use following code:
public void valuechangelistener(ValueChangeEvent valueChangeEvent) {
BindingContext bctx = BindingContext.getCurrent();
BindingContainer bindings = bctx.getCurrentBindingsEntry();
JUCtrlListBinding list = (JUCtrlListBinding)bindings.get("LOC_CODE");
String selectedValue = (String)list.getAttributeValue();
Row currRow = list.getListIterBinding().getCurrentRow();
if (currRow != null) {
now set partial trigger to both location desc and city desc with id of LOC_CODE.
After doing this you will get your desired result.
update after implementing it.
In my case JDeveloper
public void valueChangeListener(ValueChangeEvent valueChangeEvent) {
BindingContext bctx = BindingContext.getCurrent();
BindingContainer bindings = bctx.getCurrentBindingsEntry();
JUCtrlListBinding list = (JUCtrlListBinding) bindings.get("YourBindingforLOV");
String selectedValue = (String) valueChangeEvent.getNewValue();
Row currRow = list.getListIterBinding().getCurrentRow();
if (currRow != null) {
String s = (String) currRow.getAttribute("YourAttributeName");
I want to create a page to allow users to update a mysql table. This table can be changed by client admins so I have to read the table schema and create fields on the fly. I got the basic code for doing that from How to create dynamic JSF form fields and the ajax code from How to add ajax validation to programmatically generated primefaces component.
To create a proof of concept page I use the following code (note, I'm using primefaces):
for (int idx = 1; idx < 3; idx++) {
UIInput input = new InputText();
input.setId("text" + idx);
ValueExpression targetExpression = facesContext.getApplication().getExpressionFactory().createValueExpression(facesContext.getELContext(), "#{viewMakeFields.value}", String.class);
input.setValueExpression("value", targetExpression);
AjaxBehavior ab = new AjaxBehavior();
input.addClientBehavior("blur", ab); // "change" doesn't work either
Then, in the getter and setter, I'm getting the component ID to identify which field is changed:
public static String getCallingComponentID() {
UIComponent component = UIComponent.getCurrentComponent(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance());
return component.getId();
public String getValue() {
String id = getCallingComponentID();
System.out.println("getValue " + id);
return text1;
public void setValue(String text1) {
String id = getCallingComponentID();
System.out.println("setValue " + id);
this.text1 = text1;
The ajax isn't firing and when I click the submit button I get (and I know mixing partial and full submits isn't good):
INFO: getValue text1
INFO: getValue text2
INFO: getValue text1
INFO: getValue text2
INFO: setValue j_id1
INFO: setValue j_id1
INFO: getValue text1
INFO: getValue text2
I see two possible solutions: get ajax working so that the component calling the setter has the correct id or get the form submit to identify which child is calling the setter. The former is preferable since I want to disable the save button until something has changed but I'm willing to accept the latter at this point. Any help would be much appreciated.
Turns out this code does work. Somewhere in my meandering the error changed and I didn't understand the significance of that. Replacing head with h:head in the xhtml file that I was adding the fields to makes ajax work.
I am building a complex WFFM user control that extends BaseUserControl. This control has multiple fields that get prepopulated based on some business logic. One of the fields is supposed to be a drop down which shows values from a series of Sitecore items. Here is the definition of my ListField property:
private string myListField;
[VisualProperty("My List Field:", 100),
VisualCategory("Appearance"), VisualFieldType(typeof(ListField))]
public string MyListField{
get { return myListField; }
set { myListField= value; }
When I debug this, the content of titleFieldList is a string that contains the following XML in URL encoded format:
which, decode, is:
<query t="root" vf="__ID" tf="Value">
I understand the meaning of this XML. It says that all the children of the item whose ID is that Guid are supposed to be used to populate my list, using the template field "__ID" for the value and the template field "value" for the text.
Can someone help me understand what am I supposed to do to bind an asp:DropDownList to this? Is this a particular sitecore object that has been serialized and encoded?
Is there an sc:control that can handle this?
** EDIT **
So I tried the following piece of code
string encodedQuery = TitleFieldList;
string query = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(encodedQuery);
XDocument xmlQuery = XDocument.Parse(query);
if (xmlQuery.Element("query") != null)
Dictionary<string, string> nodesDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
string root = xmlQuery.Element("query").Element("value").Value;
string value = xmlQuery.Element("query").Attribute("vf").Value;
string text = xmlQuery.Element("query").Attribute("tf").Value;
Item rootItem = SitecoreUtility.GetItemWithoutSecurity(new ID(root));
ChildList childList = rootItem.GetChildren();
foreach (Item child in childList)
string theValue = (value == "__ID") ? child.ID.ToString() : child.Fields[value].ToString();
string theText = child.Fields[text].ToString();
nodesDictionary.Add(theText, theValue);
titleDropDownList.DataSource = nodesDictionary;
titleDropDownList.DataTextField = "key";
titleDropDownList.DataValueField = "value";
and it works. The dropdownlist is populated with the correct data coming from the fields that were selected in the editor. I just can't believe that there is no easier way to do this. Plus how am I supposed to honor the MultipleSelectedValueField and the EmptyChoiceField if present?
Try to change the return type of your property and add attribute TypeConverter. The type specified in TypeConverter is responsible for converting raw string value to a property's return type.
ListItemCollectionConverter - is a converter provided by WFFM
[VisualProperty("My List Field:", 100)]
public Sitecore.Form.Web.UI.Controls.ListItemCollection MyListField{
get { return myListField; }
set { myListField= value; }
I have table in my database names User with fields:
Now I would like to present this table in ASPxGridView using LinqServerModeDataSource.
What I did is :
<dxdtlnq:LinqServerModeDataSource ID="LinqServerModeDataSource1" runat="server" OnSelecting="LinqServerModeDataSource1_OnSelecting"
ContextTypeName="MyContext" EnableDelete="True"
EnableInsert="True" EnableUpdate="True" TableName="Users" >
protected void LinqServerModeDataSource1_OnSelecting(object sender, LinqServerModeDataSourceSelectEventArgs e)
MyContext context = new MyContext();
var qry = from s in context.Users select s;
e.QueryableSource = qry;
That works great with my ASPxGridView. I can display data, insert and delete but now I would like to have additional column UserName which is FirstName + LastName.
So I did something like that:
Added appropriate column to my ASPxGridView (FieldName = "UserName")
and modified OnSelecting handler:
protected void LinqServerModeDataSource1_OnSelecting(object sender, LinqServerModeDataSourceSelectEventArgs e) {
KozuModelDataContext context = new MyContext();
var qry = (from s in context.Substitutions
select new
Id = s.Id,
FirstName = s.FirstName,
LastName = s.LastName,
LoginName = s.LoginName,
UserName = s.FirstName + " " + s.LastName,
e.KeyExpression = "Id";
e.QueryableSource = qry;
Now data in the grid is displayed buyt when I want to insert or edit data fields cannot be filled, textboxes doesnt respond in inserting form I cant type in any text.
Is there any solution for inserting and editing data in this manner ?
Thanks for help
I have tried to reproduce this issue and see this behavior. To be able to edit data using this approach, I suggest that you do the following:
1) Handle the ASPxGridView.CellEditorIntitialize event and set the e.Editor.ReadOnly property to false. This will allow the end-user to modify data in the EditForm editors;
2) Handle the ASPxGridView.RowUpdating (RowInserting) event and update data manually. Also, you should set the e.Cancel parameter to true (to prevent the grid from updating data itself) and also call the GridView's CancelEdit method to close the EditForm.
I should also mention that there is no need to fetch data for the UserName from the DB. This can be done using the ASPxGridView's CustomColumnDisplayText event handler:
protected void ASPxGridView1_CustomColumnDisplayText(object sender, DevExpress.Web.ASPxGridView.ASPxGridViewColumnDisplayTextEventArgs e) {
if(e.Column.FieldName == "") {
object[] values = ASPxGridView1.GetRowValues(e.VisibleRowIndex, new string[] { "FirstName", "LastName" }) as object[];
e.DisplayText = values[0].ToString() + " " + values[1].ToString();
If this approach works for you, you can avoid using the Selecting event and thus set the LinqServerModeDataSource's TableName. This will allow you to provide the data editing feature not using the approach I explained above.