InvalidPathException while sorting with - spring-boot

I am trying to sort my table's content on the backend side, so I am sending object to controller. It arrives correctly, but at the repository I am getting org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.InvalidPathException. Somehow the field name I would use for sorting gets an org. package name infront of the filed name.
The Pageable object logged in the controller:
Page request [number: 0, size 10, sort: referenzNumber: DESC]
Exception in repository:
Invalid path: 'org.referenzNumber'","logger_name":"org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.ErrorTracker","thread_name":"http-nio-8080-exec-2","level":"ERROR","level_value":40000,"stack_trace":"org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.InvalidPathException: Invalid path: 'org.referenzNumber'\n\tat org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.util.LiteralProcessor.lookupConstant(
My controller endpoint:
#GetMapping(value = "/get-orders", params = { "page", "size" }, produces = { MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE })
public ResponseEntity<PagedModel<KryptoOrder>> getOrders(
#ApiParam(name = "searchrequest", required = true) #Validated final OrderSearchRequest orderSearchRequest,
#PageableDefault(size = 500) final Pageable pageable, final BindingResult bindingResult,
final PagedResourcesAssembler<OrderVo> pagedResourcesAssembler) {
if (bindingResult.hasErrors()) {
return ResponseEntity.badRequest().build();
PagedModel<Order> orderPage = PagedModel.empty();
try {
var orderVoPage = orderPort.processOrderSearch(resourceMapper.toOrderSearchRequestVo(orderSearchRequest), pageable);
orderPage = pagedResourcesAssembler.toModel(orderVoPage, orderAssembler);
} catch (MissingRequiredField m) {
return ResponseEntity.badRequest().build();
return ResponseEntity.ok(orderPage);
the repository:
public interface OrderRepository extends JpaRepository<Order, UUID> {
static final String SEARCH_ORDER = "SELECT o" //
+ " FROM Order o " //
+ " WHERE (cast(:partnerernumber as org.hibernate.type.IntegerType) is null or o.tradeBasis.account.retailpartner.partnerbank.partnerernumber = :partnerernumber)"
+ " and (cast(:accountnumber as org.hibernate.type.BigDecimalType) is null or o.tradeBasis.account.accountnumber = :accountnumber)"
+ " and (cast(:orderReference as org.hibernate.type.LongType) is null or o.tradeBasis.referenceNumber = :orderReference)"
+ " and (cast(:orderReferenceExtern as org.hibernate.type.StringType) is null or o.tradeBasis.kundenreferenceExternesFrontend = :orderReferenceExtern)"
+ " and (cast(:dateFrom as org.hibernate.type.DateType) is null or o.tradeBasis.timestamp > :dateFrom) "
+ " and (cast(:dateTo as org.hibernate.type.DateType) is null or o.tradeBasis.timestamp < :dateTo) ";
Page<Order> searchOrder(#Param("partnerernumber") Integer partnerernumber,
#Param("accountnumber") BigDecimal accountnumber, #Param("orderReference") Long orderReference,
#Param("orderReferenceExtern") String orderReferenceExtern, #Param("dateFrom") LocalDateTime dateFrom,
#Param("dateTo") LocalDateTime dateTo, Pageable pageable);
I removed the parameters from the sql query, and put them back one by one to see where it goes sideways. It seems as soon as the dates are involved the wierd "org." appears too.
Update 2:
If I change cast(:dateTo as org.hibernate.type.DateType) to cast(:dateFrom as date) then it appends the filed name with date. instead of org..
Thanks in advance for the help

My guess is, Spring Data is confused by the query you are using and can't properly append the order by clause to it. I would recommend you to use a Specification instead for your various filters. That will not only improve the performance of your queries because the database can better optimize queries, but will also make use of the JPA Criteria API behind the scenes, which requires no work from Spring Data to apply an order by specification.
Since your entity Order is named as the order by clause of HQL/SQL, my guess is that Spring Data tries to do something stupid with the string to determine the alias of the root entity.


if/else doese not work in my POST Method of SpringBoot rest api

I use Spring Boot rest api with MongoDB.
In the POST Method, if there is not scoreID and there is not a player with specific date in my collection, because at the same time a player cannot play different games and bring score, then if the specific player and gamecode exist, create a score.
In fact, in the POST Method I used Nested IF-ELSE conditions.
But, in the Postman when I execute POST Request with this data:
always, I recieve an error, in the Postman, 400 Bad Request!, which i defined in the last line of my IF-ELSE statements.
I do not know, what is my mistake and why my program doese not execute IF conditions correct.
The POST Method:
//Create Score
public ResponseEntity<?> createScore(#RequestBody #JsonView(Views.class) #Valid Score score) {
String p = srepo.findByPlayerName(score.getPlayer());
String g = srepo.findByGameCode(score.getGamecode());
String scoreid = srepo.findByScoreid(score.getScoreid());
Query query = new Query();
query.addCriteria(new Criteria().andOperator(Criteria.where("player").is(score.getPlayer()),
if((scoreid != null)) {
return ResponseEntity.status(409).body("Conflict!"); }
if(mongoTemplate.exists(query, Score.class))
return ResponseEntity.status(409).body("There is not Possible at same time one player brings different Scores!");
if((p!= null)&&(g!= null))
history = new ArrayList<History>();
h = new History();
return ResponseEntity.ok(score);
return ResponseEntity.status(400).body("Bad Request!");
The Score Repository:
public interface ScoreRepository extends MongoRepository<Score, String>{
public String findByScoreid(String scoreid);
public String findByPlayerName(String player);
public String findByGameCode(String game);
The problem is not for my IF-ELSE statements.The problem is in the Score Repository
I must return a List instead of String for findByPlayerName and findByGameCode and for findByScoreid which is for checking duplicate in the POST Method I must return type of Score

Spring JDBC : Inconsistent results when performing Order By

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am working on a project using Spring JDBC for data access and am performing a simple query with an order by column expression, I am currently getting inconsistent results meaning the order by doesn't seem to be working. I have tried more than one database still no avail.
String sql = "select * from account where upper(name) like upper(:query) order by name asc";
MapSqlParameterSource params = new MapSqlParameterSource().addValue("query", "%" + query + "%");
List<Account> accountsSearched = namedParameterJdbcTemplate.query(sql, params, new BeanPropertyRowMapper<Account>(Account.class));
Any ideas what could be the issue?
So the problem is not within your SQL code, but problem exist in search method implementation
Existing Code
public List<Account> search(String uncleanedQuery, int offset) {
String query = uncleanedQuery.replaceAll("([-+.^:,])","");
String sql = "select * from account where upper(name) like upper(:query) order by name asc";
MapSqlParameterSource params = new MapSqlParameterSource().addValue("query", "%" + query + "%");
List<Account> accountsSearched = namedParameterJdbcTemplate.query(sql, params, new BeanPropertyRowMapper<Account>(Account.class));
Set<Account> accountSearchSet = new HashSet<Account>(accountsSearched);
List<Account> accounts = new ArrayList<Account>(accountSearchSet);
return accounts;
In the above code, we are fetching data correctly but assigning it to HashSet. HashSet does not respect ordering by name and generates random order for Account, due to which you are getting random order every time.
Solution 1:
There is no reason, you actually need Set. Using set just making your program slow. If you want to get DISTINCT data then modify SQL query.
public List<Account> search(String uncleanedQuery, int offset) {
String query = uncleanedQuery.replaceAll("([-+.^:,])","");
String sql = "select * from account where upper(name) like upper(:query) order by name asc";
MapSqlParameterSource params = new MapSqlParameterSource().addValue("query", "%" + query + "%");
List<Account> accountsSearched = namedParameterJdbcTemplate.query(sql, params, new BeanPropertyRowMapper<Account>(Account.class));
return accountsSearched;
Solution 2:
Still, you want to go with your approach then change code to use TreeSet and order based on the name
public List<Account> search(String uncleanedQuery, int offset) {
String query = uncleanedQuery.replaceAll("([-+.^:,])", "");
System.out.println("Search Query Called");
String sql = "select * from account where upper(name) like upper(:query) order by name";
MapSqlParameterSource params = new MapSqlParameterSource().addValue("query", "%" + query + "%");
List<Account> accountsSearched = namedParameterJdbcTemplate.query(sql, params,
new BeanPropertyRowMapper<Account>(Account.class));
Comparator<Account> comp = new Comparator<Account>() {
public int compare(Account a1, Account a2) {
return a1.getName().compareTo(a2.getName());
SortedSet<Account> accountSearchSet = new TreeSet<Account>(comp);
List<Account> accounts = new ArrayList<Account>(accountSearchSet);
return accounts;

Sorting a custom JPA query with pageable

So, I've already done this using the standard Spring Data JPA interface which extends PagingAndSortingRepository in order to achieve pagination and sorting for a REST API. The thing is, now I want to achieve the very same thing but now using just vanilla JPA and so far so good I managed to get my API to paginate but the sorting doesn't work at all. Every time I try to set the parameter (from a pageable object using pageable.getSort()) it ends with a query error (either if I just send a string as parameter like "name" or just send the sort object, it shows errors).
Here's some code:
My repo implementation:
public List<Project> findByAll(Pageable pageable) {
Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT project FROM Project project ORDER BY :sort");
query.setParameter("sort", pageable.getSort());
query.setFirstResult(pageable.getPageSize() * pageable.getPageNumber());
return query.getResultList();
My service:
public Page<Project> findAll(Pageable pageable) {
objects = Lists.newArrayList(repository.findByAll(pageable));
PageImpl<Project> pages= new PageImpl<Project>(objects, pageable, repository.count());
return pages;
To be clear, I'm filling the Pageable object via URI and from the console I can say it's actually getting the data, so I assume the problem is with the repo.
Edit: This is the error I get when I replace the setParameter("sort", ...) for a hardcoded string aka query.setParameter("sort", "name"):
java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "name"
And I think this method should stand for strings as well. If I use query.setParameter("sort", pageable.getSort()), the error is the same.
The order by cannot be set as a query parameter. Also, the Pageable.getSort().toString() likely won't return a string suitable for use in an order by clause as it will result in a String that represents the Order as property: ORDER, note the colon.
Here are some modifications that will work, assuming Java 8...
String order = StringUtils.collectionToCommaDelimitedString(, false)
.map(o -> o.getProperty() + " " + o.getDirection())
Query query = em.createQuery(
String.format("SELECT project FROM Project project ORDER BY %s", order));

Cannot use MatchMode with variable of type double

I am implementing server-side filtering of dataTable. In the service which implements the filtering I want to test if the search criteria is a number ; if so then I implement the filtering based on the bean attribute of type double ( salary ) , otherwise I make the filtering based on the bean attribute of type String ( username ) :
public List<User> list(int start, int length, String search) {
Criteria criteres = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createCriteria(User.class);
if (!search.equals("")) {
if (NumberUtils.isNumber(search))
criteres.add("salary", Double.parseDouble(search)));
criteres.add("username", search, MatchMode.ANYWHERE));
List<User> listUser = (List<User>) criteres.list();
return listUser;
The problem is that if I write :
if (!search.equals("")) {
if (NumberUtils.isNumber(search))
criteres.add("salary", String.valueOf(Double.parseDouble(search)), MatchMode.ANYWHERE));
criteres.add("username", search, MatchMode.ANYWHERE));
then I got alert error : DataTables warning: table id=t_list - Ajax error. For more information about this error, please see
So how to make possible to make a "like" condition on the double variable ?

How to execute a JPAQuery with pagination using Spring Data and QueryDSL

I have this request working good with queryDSL :
Iterable<AO> query_result = new JPAQuery(entityManager).from(ao)
.leftJoin( ao.lots , lot )
.leftJoin( ao.acs , ac )
But what is its equivalent if we use it with spring data jpa
ao_respository.findAll(Predicate arg0, Pageable arg1);
Because i want to return a Page and just with querydsl it doesn't implement Page without spring data jpa.
I try to put my where in Predicate arg0 but i got this exception
Undeclared path 'lot '. Add this path as a source to the query to be able to reference it
where lot is declared as QLot lot = QLot.lot;
I created my own Page class and executed the query like this:
JPAQuery query = new JPAQuery(entityManager).from(ao)
.leftJoin( .. ).fetch()
.leftJoin( .. ).fetch()
MaPage<AO> page = new MaPage<AO>();
page.number = pageNumber+1;
page.content = query.offset(pageNumber*pageSize).limit(pageSize).list(ao);
page.totalResult = query.count();
My Page class:
public class MaPage<T> {
public List<T> content;
public int number;
public Long totalResult;
public Long totalPages;
It works but I got this warning
nov. 21, 2014 6:48:54 AM
org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.QueryTranslatorImpl list WARN:
HHH000104: firstResult/maxResults specified with collection fetch;
applying in memory!
Returning a Page:
JPAQuery query =
.orderBy(getOrderSpecifiers(pageable, MyEntity.class))
long total = query.fetchCount();
List<MyEntity> content = query.fetch();
return new PageImpl<>(content, pageable, total);
And I created this function to get OrderSpecifier:
private OrderSpecifier[] getOrderSpecifiers(#NotNull Pageable pageable, #NotNull Class klass) {
// orderVariable must match the variable of FROM
String className = klass.getSimpleName();
final String orderVariable = String.valueOf(Character.toLowerCase(className.charAt(0))).concat(className.substring(1));
return pageable.getSort().stream()
.map(order -> new OrderSpecifier(
new PathBuilder(klass, orderVariable).get(order.getProperty()))
If you have a working, complex query in querydsl and you want to use springdata pagination, you have to:
make your querydsl/repository method return Page<T>
Page<YourEntity> yourSelect(Pageable aPageable)
use querydsl offset and limit to page your result set
List<YourEntity> theResultList = jpaQueryFactory
.select(<whatever complext jpaquery you like>)
provide a LongSuplier counting all available results with respect to your query and use PageableExecutionUtils to return the result as Page
final long theCount = jpaQueryFactory
.selectFrom(<your select to count all results>)
return PageableExecutionUtils.getPage(theResultList, aPageable, () -> theCount);
