Twig Naming Convention of Webforms - webforms

I am using Drupal 8. I have a web form named careers_application (machine name). I need to create a twig template for it. I tried to use webform-submission-form-careeers_application.html.twig, but it doesn't make any sense to web form at all.

Using hook_theme_suggestions_alter, you can create whatever template suggestions you like. For example:
function Yourtheme_theme_suggestions_alter(array &$suggestions, array $variables, $hook) {
if ($hook == 'form' & !empty($variables['element']['#id'])) {
$suggestions[] = 'form__' . str_replace('-', '_', $variables['element']['#id']);
then you would create templates in your theme, such as
You can just use the suggestions, and it will do the rest, after you clear cache.
You can render your elements within the template.
For example:
<form{{ attributes }}>
{{ element }}


Passing View Variable to Included Layout Template in Laravel 8

This is probably something simple, but it's doing my head in.
So, my layout blade template has this:
{{ $slot }}
I create a view which loads a template. This I assume gets parsed in $slot.
return view('request', [
'boo' => 'Hoo'
No problems, the page loads and the variable 'boo' is accessible as {{ $boo }} in the 'requests' template.
But my question is, how can I pass the 'boo' variable to an included file in the layout file? In this case the following:
So, in 'layouts.partials.scripts' how can I access {{ $boo }}? At the moment I just get an undefined index error.
Thank you very much for the help.
#include('layouts.partials.scripts', ['boo' => 'Hoo'])
Laravel Docs
If you have a partial like a nav, header, or sidebar, part of the master layout from which you are composing other views. It requires data that doesn't change from one view to another, like navigation links. Then, instead of passing the data from each controller method, you can define a view composer in a service provider's boot() method:
Service Provider's boot method
public function boot()
View::composer('layouts.partials.sidebar', function ($view) {
//$links = get the data for links
return $view->with('links', $links);
Laravel Docs

Laravel 5 Bind data to var for menu in header.blade.php

What is the best solution for creating a menu.
I have $menudata (dynamic from dbase) and want to pass it to a heade.blade.php to generate top menu.
$menudata = Menu::all();
#foreach($menudata as $value).......
How can i achieve that? What's the best way to do it?
Add below code within the boot method of the AppServiceProvider
View::composer('*', function($view)
$view->with('menudata', Menu::all());
Here, * means all views will receive $menudata.
Now you can use this like
#foreach ($menudata as $menu).....
If the menu is visible in every page then add the following in any service provider (e.g. in the AppServiceProvider):
public function boot() {
// ...
Then you can use the menu data in any view e.g.
#foreach($menudata as $value).......
Laravel-menu provides three rendering methods out of the box. However you can create your own rendering method using the right methods and attributes.
As noted earlier, laravel-menu provides three rendering formats out of the box, asUl(), asOl() and asDiv(). You can read about the details here.
{!! $MyNavBar->asUl() !!}
You can also access the menu object via the menu collection:
{!! Menu::get('MyNavBar')->asUl() !!}

call to ReactJS component in Laravel blade templates

I use Laravel 5.4 and React 15.5.4, code is writing in ES6.
I'd like replace Vue and use React and I did it. But I often will use small components for example 2 in different places of blade template. I don't want use one app component.
I'd like use something like:
<span class="react">
<TestComponent property={true} />
I can't do it automatically. Now I use
<span data-component="TestComponent" data-props="{property:true}" />
and in app.js
_.each(document.querySelectorAll('[data-react]'), element => {
let props ={};
.forEach(item => {
props[] = item.value;
if( !== 'data-react'){
It works but I need to use add all properties to one react component property and then use for example this.props.out.propery
I also would like set normal component tag in my blade component
I've try to use in app.js
_.each(document.querySelectorAll('.react'), item => {
Someone have any idea to solve this problem?
I changed my solution to:
<span data-react="LoginForm" input="{{json(request()->old())}}" error="{{session('error')}}" errors="{{json($errors->getMessages())}}" />
<LoginForm data-react="LoginForm" input="{{json(request()->old())}}" error="{{session('error')}}" errors="{{json($errors->getMessages())}}" />
in blade and in resources/assets/js/app.js
var reactComponents = {
LoginForm: require('./components/login').default,
_.each(document.querySelectorAll('[data-react]'), element => {
let props ={};
.forEach(item => {
props[] = item.value;
It works fine. This is not super clear solution but I have impression that the reasonable.
I can set components name in html code and add props almost same like in JSX.
As far as I know, you can not mix JSX components directly with Blade templates. The only server side rendering available today for React is NodeJS.
What you could do to improve your architecture is add specific HTML tags with certain ids and render the react components in them. So inside Blade you could do something like:
<div id="componentA"></div>
This will act as a place holder in your Blade template for that react component. Then you render your componentA from your app.js like this:
React.render(<ComponentA prop1='valueX'/>, document.getElementById("componentA"))
Remember that in this case the world of react and world of Blade run at different times.
You could use document.getElementsByTagName('LoginForm') getting all the instances and later iterate its attributes. It's clear code but not generic, because it will work just for LoginForm components.
If you want to render any tag name, then maybe it's better to use some attribute as you used with data-react.
getElementsByTagName isn't super supported by old browsers so maybe could a good idea to use jQuery as fallback $('LoginForm')

Blade templating engine - custom tags

I've seen some mentions of custom tags for the blade templating engine, but can't find an extensive documentation for blade.
Is there anything similar to {{|capfirst }} from the django templating engine in blade?
Is twig a nice alternative that could suit my needs?
If you want to make first character uppercase, use
{{ ucfirst($variable) }}
You can create a custom blade directive. Register it in the App\Providers\AppServiceProvider's boot method:
public function boot()
Blade::directive('ucfirst', function($string) {
return "<?php echo ucfirst($string); ?>";
Then in your blade views you can do:
<h1> #ucfirst($myString) </h1>

Laravel 4 Javascript Link using {{Html}}

Is there any Laravel4 Html() function or way to add a disabled link. Of course I could create the <a> tag directly, though I'd prefer to be consistent.
{{ Html::link('javascript:;','Delete',array('id'=>"deletebt")) }}
You must use link_to, for example :
link_to('link', 'title', array('id' => 'MyId'));
