Loading multiple Profile based properties inside custom folder using Spring-Config Cloud Server - spring-boot

I am new to spring boot, have come across a situation...
l have 10 different property files based on various logical modules of a monolith application(db.properties,jms.properties, etc) and 7 envs(pre, sit1,sit2,uat1,uat2,prod, dr). The idea of having diffrent property files so that we can use them almost with no change whenever we move to microservice based approach.
One approach says - we use various spring application names
like - spring.application.name=db,jms,a,b .....
In this way we will land up having 10×7 = 70 files under same folde? (In order to make it profile driven) like jms.properties,jms-dev.properties,jms-uat.propetris...... for all various logical modules.
Is there any better approach to host the files using config server?
We have a monolith application and we plan to continue the same for the time being.
I am struggling to build such facility using spring cloud config server...if any one can help


Using multiple file suppliers in Spring Cloud Stream

I have an application with file-supplier Srping Cloud module included. My workflow is like track file creating/modifying in particular directory->push events to Kafka topic if there are such events. FileSupplierConfiguration is used to configure this file supplier. But now I have to track one more directory and push events to another relevant Kafka topic. So, there is an issue, because there is no possibility to include multiple FileSupplierConfiguration in project for configuration another file supplier. I remember that one of the main principles of microservices for which spring-cloud-stream was designed for is you do one thing and do it well without affecting others, but it still the same microservice with same tracking/pushing functionality but for another directory and topic. Is there any possibility to add one more file supplier with relevant configuration with file-supplier module? Or is the best solution for this issue to run one more application instance with another configuration?
Yes, the best way is to have another instance of this application, but with its own specific configuration properties. This is really how these functions have been designed: microservice based on the convention on configuration. What you are asking really contradicts with Spring Boot expectations. Imaging you'd need to connect to several data bases. So, you only can have a single JdbcTemplate auto-configured. The rest is only possible manually. But better to have the same code base which relies on the auto-configuration and may apply different props.

How to host multi layered directories of properties using spring-cloud-config and spring boot

Is it possible to host a file structure like below using Spring Cloud Config+spring boot
dev,uat etc are the profiles
That is the monolith application approach of keeping properties, which suites our project for the time being.
1) How to Host such in spring-config-cloud server ?
2) How to read them in client ? As there will be various rest end points for different folders (if possible)
3) How to read all properties under a directory like *.props
AT present my bootstrap.props is a generic one
spring.cloud.config.uri=http://localhost:7070/ [ This does not work now, as the properties are no longer shared in only a single folder]
Keeping only application.props, and various application-${profiles} are making the property files very large for a monolith application. Planning to break it in individual structu

How to read data from java properties/yml files inside Spring Boot Application

I have externalized properties defined in separate jar. I want to read this in Spring cloud config server and expose this as service to connecting app. These properties would vary depending on environment, again using Profile, one can get relevant properties.
I see there are many ways to do this, using PropertySource One with PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer. Few approaches are using Environment
What are pros and cons between each approach. This might be community question. I see plenty of questions on this area, but there isn't a uniformed, guideline on what approach we need to use for the different scenarios? One of the youtube video talks about having 15 different ways to pick properties. I would like to know more around this area and so that this might be useful for other developers

Microservice project structure using Spring boot and Spring Cloud

I am trying to convert a normal monolithic web application into microservices structure using Spring Boot and Spring Cloud. I am actually trying to create Angular 2 front-end application and calls these my developed microservices in the cloud. And I am already started to break the modules into independent process's structure for microservice architecture.
Here my doubt is that, when designing the flow of control and microservice structure architecture, can I use only one single Spring Boot project using different controller for this entire web application back end process?
Somewhere I found that when I am reading develop all microservices using 2 different Spring Boot project. I am new to Spring and Spring Cloud. Is it possible to create all services in single project by using different modules?
Actually, it doesn't matter to package all those services into ONE project. But in micro-service's opinion, you should separate them into many independent projects. There are several questions you can ask yourself before transforming original architecture.
Is your application critical? Can user be tolerant of downtime while you must re-deploying whole package for updating only one service?
If there is no any dependency between services, why you want to put them together? Isn't it hard to develop or maintain?
Is the usage rate of each service the same? Maybe you can isolate those services and deploy them which are often to be invoked to a strong server.
Try to read this article Adopting Microservices at Netflix: Lessons for Architectural Design to understand the best practices for designing a microservices architecture. And for developing with Spring Cloud, you can also read this post Spring Cloud Netflix to know which components you should use in your architecture.
Currently I am working on microservices too, according my experience we have designed microservices as step below,
You should create the project with different project. But actually you can separate your project to submodule. So you will be easy to manage your project, the submodule you can use with other project too.
Build the Jar Library put your local repository. it can save your time, you have just find the same component or your functionality then build the jar file put in your local repository , so every project that use this function call point to download this repository, you don't have to write many project same same.
So finally I would like you to create different springboot project, but just create submodule and build local repository.
By creating your modules in different projects you create a more flexible solution.
You could even use different languages and technologies in a service in particular. E.g. one of your services could be NodeJS and the rest Java/Spring.

Spring Cloud Config - How do we see this being used?

I have been playing with Spring Cloud Config and like many of the ideas I see there. I would like to better understand how its creators intended on it being used though.
Lets say that I have several services that support a larger API. Because these services are independent from each other, their source is managed in separate repositories. This allows us to version them and deploy them separately from one another. Today, their properties are managed individually.
I like the idea of having a single config server provide all of the configuration information for the individual applications/services that support this larger API. Looking at the default implementation of EnvironmentRepository (which is GIT based), I would have to have a single repository with all of my application config files in it. Because they all live within the same repository, they would all be managed/versioned together in a single place.
How do I make both models work with each other? Would it be better to have a repository per application instead of one for all applications? What are your thoughts?
It might just be a detail of the implementation of the EnvironmentRepository. See here for some discussion on how and when that might happen.
