Connecting to ArtemisMQ via AMQP 1.0 with Java - amqp

I am trying to connect to Connecting to ArtemisMQ via AMQP 1.0 with Java but so far I am pretty unsuccessful.
I tried the following client frameworks:
I got a TimeoutException error but not sure why. I pass user + password too but still no success.
I don't want to share my code as I tried many things and it is little bit messy. My question is can somebody share / point a client code that I could use to connect to a AMQP 1.0 broker?
My question is a little bit general but I am more than happy to give more details if it is needed!

Apache ActiveMQ Artemis speaks AMQP 1.0 if configured to do so and you want to use the Qpid JMS client which is an AMQP 1.0 JMS client implementation. There are examples in the Artemis project source that you can reference, one such example is here. Without more information on what you are doing that's about as much help as can be expected.


Connect active mq using openwire protocol

Does anybody has an example how to connect ActiveMQ OpenWire protocol using go please?
I used stomp & amqp with ActiveMQ for now and both are ok (testing), but our it architect will probably push for OpenWire as almost all our applications are Java based and that is standard for our company. So I would be happy for nay example, suggestions how to do it and not loose go service only because OpenWire protocol
Take a look at the ActiveMQ OpenWire documentation. It has a link to a handful of Java classes which are used to generate C, C#, C++, & Java client code. You could probably use those as examples to create your own files to generate Go client code which can speak OpenWire.
That said, you're probably better served by using the Go AMQP or STOMP clients as ActiveMQ was designed to be used by multiple protocols.
Thank you for answers. I agree with stomp & amqp as sufficient for task and agree that write OpenWire client just for sake of it is not good option. I have to convince our architects now
AMQP and OpenWire clients can co-exist and is by far the best solution for you, even though you have a Java-stack.
Your second best bet is to write some glue code in Java/C#/C++ that connects an OpenWire AMQ client with something that GO can speak to (like another ActiveMQ using AMQP or STOMP ;-) ).
If you really really really need OpenWire support, the best bet is to try to use the C++ client and call it using swig or whatnot.
Writing a native OpenWire-client in Go is a major effort and there is no point, except as a "fun" task.

Java code to make connection with ArtemisActiveMQ

Looking java code to connect with ArtemisActiveMQ. Earlier using HornetQ for messaging but now need to migrate on ArtemisActiveMQ.
Apache ActiveMQ Artemis ships with numerous examples. Take a look at super-simple "queue" example for a demonstration of how to use the JMS API to connect.

How to connect to remote weblogic JMS server?

I have a jms server running on weblogic and I need another application running on another server (weblogic as well) to listen to JMS topics sent by the JMS server mentioned before. The fact is that I don't know how to do that. I mean, what do I need on the consumer application side? Thansk in advance.
I know it´s a little old, but could help other people trying to achieve the same.
First you need to enable Cross-Domain Security on both domains envolved on your JMS communication. Please see specific documentation here:
For reading a message from a JMS resource, there are a ton of examples you can search online, but basically you should rely on Weblogic´s t3 protocol. Here is a relativelly recent example using Spring Boot: Connect to remote jms queue with Spring Boot

WSO2 ESB MessageStore & MessageProcessor support for RabbitMQ?

I have tested AMQP Transport implementation for RabbitMQ (v3.3.5) from WSO2 ESB (v4.8.1) Proxies with a few minor issues, now everything works fine. For this, I followed this blog post (from 2013/03/26).
Now, I would like to try with WSO2 MessageStore & MessageProcessor with RabbitMQ, because I think this is the best approach to follow, but seems that is not any implementation for RabbitMQ and WSO2's Documentation Portal says nothing of how to implement it.
I know that RabbitMQ (v3.3.5) do not implement JMS1.1 and AMQP1.0 by default, It does need extra plugins. Then, What do I need to follow to implement MS/MP correctly?.
I have started reviewing the source code of the current implementation of and org.apache.synapse.message.processor.impl.forwarder.ScheduledMessageForwardingProcessor, but I need more guidance.
Someone has implement custom MessageStore/MessageProcessor?, Could you share your experience?.
After digging in existing WSO2 JMS MessageStore implementation, I have created a new JMS-AMQP MessageStore for RabbitMQ. Using WSO2 MessageStore I can manage DeadLetter Channel and GuaranteedDelivery Patterns from WSO2 ESB.
The steps followed were:
1) To solve incompatibility issues between AMQP 0.9.1 implementation of RabbitMQ and JMS 1.1.
Right now does not exist any lib to connect to AMQP Broker using JMS, except the Apache Qpid client (0.30). It was a great help.
2) Improve existing code of WSO2 JMS MessageStore.
I added a new second JMS Destination, the first one was to consume and the another one was to produce messages. In this manner I got to connect to RabbitMQ using pre-configured Exchanges, Routing Keys and Queues.
I hope that is useful.

How a JMS based Weblogic server can cosume a message created via MSMQ?

I am new to this JMS, MSMQ, Weblogic things and don't have much idea about them. Can someone please guide me regarding my above question - How a JMS based Weblogic server can cosume a message created via MSMQ? Any reading material, links will be helpful, working examples would be great.
From the MSMQ product group's blog:
JMS and MSMQ interoperability
