Finding a partition of a graph with no edges crossing partition - algorithm

I have a graph with a guarantee that it can be divided into two equal-sized partitions (one side may be 1 larger than the other), with no edges across this partition. I initially thought this was NP-hard, but I suspect it might not be. Is there any (efficient) way of solving this?

It's possible to solve your problem in time O(n2) by combining together two well-known algorithms.
When I first saw your problem, I initially thought it was going to relate to something like finding a maximum or minimum cut in a graph. However, since you're specifically looking for a way of splitting the nodes into two groups where there are no edges at all running between those groups, I think what you're looking for is much closer to finding connected components of a graph. After all, if you break the graph apart into connected components, there will be no edges running between those components. Therefore, the question boils down to the following:
Find all the connected components of the graph, making a note of how many nodes are in each component.
Partition the two connected components into two groups of roughly equal size - specifically, the size of the group on one side should be at most one more than the size of the group on the other.
Step (1) is something that you can do using a breadth-first or depth-first search to identify all the connected components. That will take you time O(m + n), where m is the number of edges and n is the number of nodes.
Step (2), initially, seems like it might be pretty hard. It's reminiscent of the partition problem, which is known to be NP-hard. The partition problem works like this: you're given as input a list of numbers, and you want to determine whether there's a split of those numbers into two groups whose totals are equal to one another. (It's possible to adapt this problem so that you can tolerate a split that's off by plus or minus one without changing the complexity). That problem happens to be NP-complete, which suggests that your problem might be hard.
However, there's a small nuance that actually makes the apparent NP-hardness of the partition problem not an issue. The partition problem is NP-hard in the case where the numbers you're given are written out in binary. On the other hand, if the numbers are written out in unary, then the partition problem has a polynomial-time solution. More specifically, there's an algorithm for the partition problem that runs in time O(kU), where k is the number of numbers and U is the sum of all those numbers. In the case of the problem you're describing, you know that the sum of the sizes of the connected components in your graph must be n, the number of nodes in the graph, and you know that the number of connected components is also upper-bounded by n. This means that the runtime of O(kU), plugging in k = O(n) and U = O(n), works out to O(n2), firmly something that can be done in polynomial time.
(Another way to see this - there's a pseudopolynomial time algorithm for the partition problem, but since in your case the maximum possible sum is bounded by an actual polynomial in the size of the input, the overall runtime is a polynomial.)
The algorithm I'm alluding to above is a standard dynamic programming exercise. You pick some ordering of the numbers - not necessarily in sorted order - and then fill in a 2D table where each entry corresponds to an answer to the question "is there a subset of the first i numbers that adds up to exactly j?" If you're not familiar with this algorithm, I'll leave it up to you to work out the details, as it's a really beautiful problem to solve that has a fairly simple and elegant solution.
Overall, this algorithm will run in time O(n2), since you'll do O(m + n) = O(n2) work to find connected components, followed by time O(n2) to run the partition problem DP to determine whether the split exists.
Hope this helps!


How does Kruskal and Prim change when edge weights are in the range of 1 to |V| or some constant W?

I'm reading CLRS Algorithms Edition 3 and I have two problems for my homework (I'm not asking for answers, I promise!). They are essentially the same question, just applied to Kruskal or to Prim. They are as follows:
Suppose that all edge weights in a graph are integers in the range from 1 to |V|. How fast can you make [Prim/Kruskal]'s algorithm run? What if the edge weights are integers in the range from 1 to W for some constant W?
I can see the logic behind the answers I'm thinking of and what I'm finding online (ie sort the edge weights using a linear sort, change the data structure being used, etc), so I don't need help answering it. But I'm wondering why there is a difference between the answer if the range is 1 to |V| and 1 to W. Why ask the same question twice? If it's some constant W, it could literally be anything. But honestly, so could |V| - we could have a crazy large graph, or a very small one. I'm not sure how the two questions posed in this problem are different, and why I need two separate approaches for both of them.
There's a difference in complexity between an algorithm that runs in O(V) time and O(W) time for constant W. Sure, V could be anything, as could W, but that's not really the point: one is linear, one, is O(1). The question is then for which algorithms could having a restricted range of edge-weights impact complexity (based, as you suggest on edge-weight sort time and choice in data-structure), and what would the actual new optimal complexity be for linearly bounded edge-weights vs. for edge-weights bounded by a constant, W.
Having bounded edge-weights could open up new possibilities for sorting algorithms for Kruskal's, and might change the data structure you'd want to use to implement the queue for Prim's along with the most optimal way you could implement extract-min and update-key operations for that queue. The extent to which edge-weights are bounded can impact whether a particular change in data structure or implementation is even beneficial to make in terms of final complexity.
For example, knowing that the n elements of a list are bounded in value by a constant W makes it so that a switch to radix sort would improve the asymptotic complexity of sorting them, but if I instead only knew that they were bounded in value by 2^n there would be no advantage in changing to radix sort over the traditional methods and their O(n*logn) sorting complexity.

I need to solve an NP-hard problem. Is there hope?

There are a lot of real-world problems that turn out to be NP-hard. If we assume that P ≠ NP, there aren't any polynomial-time algorithms for these problems.
If you have to solve one of these problems, is there any hope that you'll be able to do so efficiently? Or are you just out of luck?
If a problem is NP-hard, under the assumption that P ≠ NP there is no algorithm that is
exactly correct on all inputs all the time, and
efficient on all possible inputs.
If you absolutely need all of the above guarantees, then you're pretty much out of luck. However, if you're willing to settle for a solution to the problem that relaxes some of these constraints, then there very well still might be hope! Here are a few options to consider.
Option One: Approximation Algorithms
If a problem is NP-hard and P ≠ NP, it means that there's is no algorithm that will always efficiently produce the exactly correct answer on all inputs. But what if you don't need the exact answer? What if you just need answers that are close to correct? In some cases, you may be able to combat NP-hardness by using an approximation algorithm.
For example, a canonical example of an NP-hard problem is the traveling salesman problem. In this problem, you're given as input a complete graph representing a transportation network. Each edge in the graph has an associated weight. The goal is to find a cycle that goes through every node in the graph exactly once and which has minimum total weight. In the case where the edge weights satisfy the triangle inequality (that is, the best route from point A to point B is always to follow the direct link from A to B), then you can get back a cycle whose cost is at most 3/2 optimal by using the Christofides algorithm.
As another example, the 0/1 knapsack problem is known to be NP-hard. In this problem, you're given a bag and a collection of objects with different weights and values. The goal is to pack the maximum value of objects into the bag without exceeding the bag's weight limit. Even though computing an exact answer requires exponential time in the worst case, it's possible to approximate the correct answer to an arbitrary degree of precision in polynomial time. (The algorithm that does this is called a fully polynomial-time approximation scheme or FPTAS).
Unfortunately, we do have some theoretical limits on the approximability of certain NP-hard problems. The Christofides algorithm mentioned earlier gives a 3/2 approximation to TSP where the edges obey the triangle inequality, but interestingly enough it's possible to show that if P ≠ NP, there is no polynomial-time approximation algorithm for TSP that can get within any constant factor of optimal. Usually, you need to do some research to learn more about which problems can be well-approximated and which ones can't, since many NP-hard problems can be approximated well and many can't. There doesn't seem to be a unified theme.
Option Two: Heuristics
In many NP-hard problems, standard approaches like greedy algortihms won't always produce the right answer, but often do reasonably well on "reasonable" inputs. In many cases, it's reasonable to attack NP-hard problems with heuristics. The exact definition of a heuristic varies from context to context, but typically a heuristic is either an approach to a problem that "often" gives back good answers at the cost of sometimes giving back wrong answers, or is a useful rule of thumb that helps speed up searches even if it might not always guide the search the right way.
As an example of the first type of heuristic, let's look at the graph-coloring problem. This NP-hard problem asks, given a graph, to find the minimum number of colors necessary to paint the nodes in the graph such that no edge's endpoints are the same color. This turns out to be a particularly tough problem to solve with many other approaches (the best known approximation algorithms have terrible bounds, and it's not suspected to have a parameterized efficient algorithm). However, there are many heuristics for graph coloring that do quite well in practice. Many greedy coloring heuristics exist for assigning colors to nodes in a reasonable order, and these heuristics often do quite well in practice. Unfortunately, sometimes these heuristics give terrible answers back, but provided that the graph isn't pathologically constructed the heuristics often work just fine.
As an example of the second type of heuristic, it's helpful to look at SAT solvers. SAT, the Boolean satisfiability problem, was the first problem proven to be NP-hard. The problem asks, given a propositional formula (often written in conjunctive normal form), to determine whether there is a way to assign values to the variables such that the overall formula evaluates to true. Modern SAT solvers are getting quite good at solving SAT in many cases by using heuristics to guide their search over possible variable assignments. One famous SAT-solving algorithm, DPLL, essentially tries all possible assignments to see if the formula is satisfiable, using heuristics to speed up the search. For example, if it finds that a variable is either always true or always false, DPLL will try assigning that variable its forced value before trying other variables. DPLL also finds unit clauses (clauses with just one literal) and sets those variables' values before trying other variables. The net effect of these heuristics is that DPLL ends up being very fast in practice, even though it's known to have exponential worst-case behavior.
Option Three: Pseudopolynomial-Time Algorithms
If P ≠ NP, then no NP-hard problem can be solved in polynomial time. However, in some cases, the definition of "polynomial time" doesn't necessarily match the standard intuition of polynomial time. Formally speaking, polynomial time means polynomial in the number of bits necessary to specify the input, which doesn't always sync up with what we consider the input to be.
As an example, consider the set partition problem. In this problem, you're given a set of numbers and need to determine whether there's a way to split the set into two smaller sets, each of which has the same sum. The naive solution to this problem runs in time O(2n) and works by just brute-force testing all subsets. With dynamic programming, though, it's possible to solve this problem in time O(nN), where n is the number of elements in the set and N is the maximum value in the set. Technically speaking, the runtime O(nN) is not polynomial time because the numeric value N is written out in only log2 N bits, but assuming that the numeric value of N isn't too large, this is a perfectly reasonable runtime.
This algorithm is called a pseudopolynomial-time algorithm because the runtime O(nN) "looks" like a polynomial, but technically speaking is exponential in the size of the input. Many NP-hard problems, especially ones involving numeric values, admit pseudopolynomial-time algorithms and are therefore easy to solve assuming that the numeric values aren't too large.
For more information on pseudopolynomial time, check out this earlier Stack Overflow question about pseudopolynomial time.
Option Four: Randomized Algorithms
If a problem is NP-hard and P ≠ NP, then there is no deterministic algorithm that can solve that problem in worst-case polynomial time. But what happens if we allow for algorithms that introduce randomness? If we're willing to settle for an algorithm that gives a good answer on expectation, then we can often get relatively good answers to NP-hard problems in not much time.
As an example, consider the maximum cut problem. In this problem, you're given an undirected graph and want to find a way to split the nodes in the graph into two nonempty groups A and B with the maximum number of edges running between the groups. This has some interesting applications in computational physics (unfortunately, I don't understand them at all, but you can peruse this paper for some details about this). This problem is known to be NP-hard, but there's a simple randomized approximation algorithm for it. If you just toss each node into one of the two groups completely at random, you end up with a cut that, on expectation, is within 50% of the optimal solution.
Returning to SAT, many modern SAT solvers use some degree of randomness to guide the search for a satisfying assignment. The WalkSAT and GSAT algorithms, for example, work by picking a random clause that isn't currently satisfied and trying to satisfy it by flipping some variable's truth value. This often guides the search toward a satisfying assignment, causing these algorithms to work well in practice.
It turns out there's a lot of open theoretical problems about the ability to solve NP-hard problems using randomized algorithms. If you're curious, check out the complexity class BPP and the open problem of its relation to NP.
Option Five: Parameterized Algorithms
Some NP-hard problems take in multiple different inputs. For example, the long path problem takes as input a graph and a length k, then asks whether there's a simple path of length k in the graph. The subset sum problem takes in as input a set of numbers and a target number k, then asks whether there's a subset of the numbers that dds up to exactly k.
Interestingly, in the case of the long path problem, there's an algorithm (the color-coding algorithm) whose runtime is O((n3 log n) · bk), where n is the number of nodes, k is the length of the requested path, and b is some constant. This runtime is exponential in k, but is only polynomial in n, the number of nodes. This means that if k is fixed and known in advance, the runtime of the algorithm as a function of the number of nodes is only O(n3 log n), which is quite a nice polynomial. Similarly, in the case of the subset sum problem, there's a dynamic programming algorithm whose runtime is O(nW), where n is the number of elements of the set and W is the maximum weight of those elements. If W is fixed in advance as some constant, then this algorithm will run in time O(n), meaning that it will be possible to exactly solve subset sum in linear time.
Both of these algorithms are examples of parameterized algorithms, algorithms for solving NP-hard problems that split the hardness of the problem into two pieces - a "hard" piece that depends on some input parameter to the problem, and an "easy" piece that scales gracefully with the size of the input. These algorithms can be useful for finding exact solutions to NP-hard problems when the parameter in question is small. The color-coding algorithm mentioned above, for example, has proven quite useful in practice in computational biology.
However, some problems are conjectured to not have any nice parameterized algorithms. Graph coloring, for example, is suspected to not have any efficient parameterized algorithms. In the cases where parameterized algorithms exist, they're often quite efficient, but you can't rely on them for all problems.
For more information on parameterized algorithms, check out this earlier Stack Overflow question.
Option Six: Fast Exponential-Time Algorithms
Exponential-time algorithms don't scale well - their runtimes approach the lifetime of the universe for inputs as small as 100 or 200 elements.
What if you need to solve an NP-hard problem, but you know the input is reasonably small - say, perhaps its size is somewhere between 50 and 70. Standard exponential-time algorithms are probably not going to be fast enough to solve these problems. What if you really do need an exact solution to the problem and the other approaches here won't cut it?
In some cases, there are "optimized" exponential-time algorithms for NP-hard problems. These are algorithms whose runtime is exponential, but not as bad an exponential as the naive solution. For example, a simple exponential-time algorithm for the 3-coloring problem (given a graph, determine if you can color the nodes one of three colors each so that no edge's endpoints are the same color) might work checking each possible way of coloring the nodes in the graph, testing if any of them are 3-colorings. There are 3n possible ways to do this, so in the worst case the runtime of this algorithm will be O(3n · poly(n)) for some small polynomial poly(n). However, using more clever tricks and techniques, it's possible to develop an algorithm for 3-colorability that runs in time O(1.3289n). This is still an exponential-time algorithm, but it's a much faster exponential-time algorithm. For example, 319 is about 109, so if a computer can do one billion operations per second, it can use our initial brute-force algorithm to (roughly speaking) solve 3-colorability in graphs with up to 19 nodes in one second. Using the O((1.3289n)-time exponential algorithm, we could solve instances of up to about 73 nodes in about a second. That's a huge improvement - we've grown the size we can handle in one second by more than a factor of three!
As another famous example, consider the traveling salesman problem. There's an obvious O(n! · poly(n))-time solution to TSP that works by enumerating all permutations of the nodes and testing the paths resulting from those permutations. However, by using a dynamic programming algorithm similar to that used by the color-coding algorithm, it's possible to improve the runtime to "only" O(n2 2n). Given that 13! is about one billion, the naive solution would let you solve TSP for 13-node graphs in roughly a second. For comparison, the DP solution lets you solve TSP on 28-node graphs in about one second.
These fast exponential-time algorithms are often useful for boosting the size of the inputs that can be exactly solved in practice. Of course, they still run in exponential time, so these approaches are typically not useful for solving very large problem instances.
Option Seven: Solve an Easy Special Case
Many problems that are NP-hard in general have restricted special cases that are known to be solvable efficiently. For example, while in general it’s NP-hard to determine whether a graph has a k-coloring, in the specific case of k = 2 this is equivalent to checking whether a graph is bipartite, which can be checked in linear time using a modified depth-first search. Boolean satisfiability is, generally speaking, NP-hard, but it can be solved in polynomial time if you have an input formula with at most two literals per clause, or where the formula is formed from clauses using XOR rather than inclusive-OR, etc. Finding the largest independent set in a graph is generally speaking NP-hard, but if the graph is bipartite this can be done efficiently due to König’s theorem.
As a result, if you find yourself needing to solve what might initially appear to be an NP-hard problem, first check whether the inputs you actually need to solve that problem on have some additional restricted structure. If so, you might be able to find an algorithm that applies to your special case and runs much faster than a solver for the problem in its full generality.
If you need to solve an NP-hard problem, don't despair! There are lots of great options available that might make your intractable problem a lot more approachable. No one of the above techniques works in all cases, but by using some combination of these approaches, it's usually possible to make progress even when confronted with NP-hardness.

k-center algorithm in one-dimensional space

I'm aware of the general k-center approximation algorithm, but my professor (this is a question from a CS class) says that in a one-dimensional space, the problem can be solved (optimal solution found, not an approximation) in O(n^2) polynomial time without depending on k or using dynamic programming.
As you might expect, I can't figure out how this is possible. The part currently causing me problems is how the runtime can not rely on k.
The nature of the problem causes me to try to step through the nodes on a sort of number line and try to find points to put boundaries, marking off the edges of each cluster that way. But this would require a runtime based on k.
The O(n^2) runtime though makes me think it might involve filling out an nxn array with the distance between two nodes in each entry.
Any explanation on how this is works or tips on how to figure it out would be very helpful.

Best-case performance of disjoint set forests, and proving lower bounds of algorithms

There is a question on an assignment that was due today which solutions have been released for, and I don't understand the correct answer. The question deals with best-case performance of disjoint sets in the form of disjoint set forests that utilize the weighed union algorithm to improve performance (the smaller of the trees has its root connected as a child to the root of the larger of the two trees) but without using the path compression algorithm.
The question is whether the best case performance of doing (n-1) Union operations on n singleton nodes and m>=n Find operations in any order is Omega(m*logn) which the solution confirms is correct like this:
There is a sequence S of n-1 Unions followed by m >= n Finds that takes Omega(m log n) time. The sequence S starts with a sequence n-1 Unions that builds a tree with depth Omega(log n). Then it has m>=n Finds, each one for the deepest leaf of that tree, so each one takes
(log n) time.
My question is, why does that prove the lower bound is Omega(m*logn) is correct? Isn't that just an isolated example of when the bound would be Omega(m*logn) that doesn't prove it for all inputs? I am certain one needs to only show one counter-example when disproving a claim but needs to prove a predicate for all possible inputs in order to prove its correctness.
In my answer, I pointed out the fact that you could have a case when you start off by joining two singleton nodes together. You then join in another singleton to that 2-node tree with 3 nodes sharing the same parent, then another etc., until you join together all the n nodes. You then have a tree where n-1 nodes all point up to the same parent, which is essentially the result you obtain if you use path compression. Then every FIND is executed in O(1) time. Thus, a sequence of (n-1) Unions and m>=n Finds ends up being Omega(n-1+m) = Omega(n+m) = Omega(m).
Doesn't this imply that the Omega(m*logn) bound is not tight and the claim is, therefore, incorrect? I'm starting to wonder if I don't fully understand Big-O/Omega/Theta :/
EDIT : fixed up the question to be a little clearer
EDIT2: Here is the original question the way it was presented and the solution (it took me a little while to realize that Gambarino and the other guy are completely made up; hardcore Italian prof)
Seems like I indeed misunderstood the concept of Big-Omega. For some strange reason, I presumed Big-Omega to be equivalent to "what's the input into the function that results in the best possible performance". In reality, most likely unsurprisingly to the reader but a revelation to me, Big-Omega simply describes the lower bound of a function. That's it. Therefore, a worst case input will have a lower and upper bounds (big-O and omega), and so will the best possible input. In case of big-omega here, all we had to do was come up with a scenario where we pick the 'best' input given the limitations of the worst case, i.e. that there is some input of size n that will take the algorithm at least m*logn steps. If such input exists, then the lower bound is tight.

Algorithms with superexponential runtime?

I was talking with a student the other day about the common complexity classes of algorithms, like O(n), O(nk), O(n lg n), O(2n), O(n!), etc. I was trying to come up with an example of a problem for which solutions whose best known runtime is super-exponential, such as O(22n), but still decidable (e.g. not the halting problem!) The only example I know of is satisfiability of Presburger arithmetic, which I don't think any intro CS students would really understand or be able to relate to.
My question is whether there is a well-known problem whose best known solution has runtime that is superexponential; at least ω(n!) or ω(nn). I would really hope that there is some "reasonable" problem meeting this description, but I'm not aware of any.
Maximum Parsimony is the problem of finding an evolutionary tree connecting n DNA sequences (representing species) that requires the fewest single-nucleotide mutations. The n given sequences are constrained to appear at the leaves; the tree topology and the sequences at internal nodes are what we get to choose.
In more CS terms: We are given a bunch of length-k strings that must appear at the leaves of some tree, and we have to choose a tree, plus a length-k string for each internal node in the tree, so as to minimise the sum of Hamming distances across all edges.
When a fixed tree is also given, the optimal assignment of sequences to internal nodes can be determined very efficiently using the Fitch algorithm. But in the usual case, a tree is not given (i.e. we are asked to find the optimal tree), and this makes the problem NP-hard, meaning that every tree must in principle be tried. Even though an evolutionary tree has a root (representing the hypothetical ancestor), we only need to consider distinct unrooted trees, since the minimum number of mutations required is not affected by the position of the root. For n species there are 3 * 5 * 7 * ... * (2n-5) leaf-labelled unrooted binary trees. (There is just one such tree with 3 species, which has a single internal vertex and 3 edges; the 4th species can be inserted at any of the 3 edges to produce a distinct 5-edge tree; the 5th species can be inserted at any of these 5 edges, and so on -- this process generates all trees exactly once.) This is sometimes written (2n-5)!!, with !! meaning "double factorial".
In practice, branch and bound is used, and on most real datasets this manages to avoid evaluating most trees. But highly "non-treelike" random data requires all, or almost all (2n-5)!! trees to be examined -- since in this case many trees have nearly equal minimum mutation counts.
Showing all permutation of string of length n is n!, finding Hamiltonian cycle is n!, minimum graph coloring, ....
Edit: even faster Ackerman functions. In fact they seems without bound function.
A(x,y) = y+1 (if x = 0)
A(x,y) = A(x-1,1) (if y=0)
A(x,y) = A(x-1, A(x,y-1)) otherwise.
from wiki:
A(4,3) = 2^2^65536,...
Do algorithms to compute real numbers to a certain precision count? The formula for the area of the Mandelbrot set converges extremely slowly; 10118 terms for two digits, 101181 terms for three.
This is not a practical everyday problem, but it's a way to construct relatively straightforward problems of increasing complexity.
The Kolmogorov complexity K(x) is the size of the smallest program that outputs the string $x$ on a pre-determined universal computer U. It's easy to show that most strings cannot be compressed at all (since there are more strings of length n than programs of length n).
If we give U a maximum running time (say some polynomial function P), we get a time-bounded Kolmogorov complexity. The same counting argument holds: there are some strings that are incompressible under this time bounded Kolmogorov complexity. Let's call the first such string (of some length n) xP
Since the time-bounded Kolmogorov complexity is computable, we can test all strings, and find xP
Finding xP can't be done in polynomial time, or we could use this algorithm to compress it, so finding it must be a super-polynomial problem. We do know we can find it in exp(P) time, though. (Jumping over some technical details here)
So now we have a time-bound E = exp(P). We can repeat the procedure to find xE, and so on.
This approach gives us a decidable super-F problem for every time-constructible function F: find the first string of length n (some large constant) that is incompressible under time-bound F.
