Removing the help icon from the homepage header servicenow - servicenow

I just started with servicenow.
I am looking for the way to modify the header and hide the help icon, only for the homepage. Any suggestion or useful articles - much appreciated.

This Toggle Help Sidebar is added by a embedded help plugin.
In order to hide it , you need to traverse through the sys_properties.list << com.glide.embedded_help.enabled << Set Value as false.
logout and login back again with the new user session.
If you want to hide it for a single page you can write a global UI script and hide the DOM element if the URL is the right one.


Tumblr: how do I remove the description/sidebar box on the submit page in the default Peter Vidani theme?

I have a tumblr account that has submission enabled, and I have a short description with a form in the "description" area that appears on the sidebar. However, this description also appears on I'd like to remove it.
I looked at the documentation on, but haven't been able to figure out how to prevent the sidebar description from showing at the top of the submit page.
Can anyone help?
I'm not sure if I understood your question correctly. But if I did, a work around would be using jQuery to check if the current url contains the string /submit and simply disable the sidebar, or the element that contains the description.
I don't know jQuery but I know it's possible. I'd suggest you to look into this post:
How to check if the URL contains a given string?
and combine it with this line (replace the "alert part")
Another solution would be if Tumblr provided you with a way to only render for specific pages. They usually do that. I'd look into this part {block:SubmissionsEnabled} {/block:SubmissionsEnabled} before I go with the workaround.

How to display the “Menu Title” in Joomla 2.5

I’m trying to display the menu title text (example “Home”) in the header area of my Joomla 2.5 website.
Joomla’s default (when activated) is to place it in the Component area.
I’m not sure the best way to accomplish this. By default Joomla wraps the menu title with an H1 tag but doesn’t wrap it with a div and class.
The ways I’ve thought might be best to do this are:
Somehow wrap all menu titles with a div and class so I could reposition them up into the header with css .
Add some php code to my template. Something like:
$menuTitle = $this->params->get(‘fieldNameOfMenuTitle’);
echo = $menuTitle;
Any ideas, suggestions, or answers would greatly appreciated
Never found an exact answer but found a work around.
Used a modified version of the below demo/plug-in to create a custom field (named it: "Title that displays on the Web Page") in the articles menu. By default, the table that is created and displayed in the web page is in the component area and is wrapped in a w/ a class. Repositioned the with CSS up into the header/banner area.

Deleting elements using Watir

Does anyone know how to delete an element from the source using Watir? There doesn't seem to be a method for removing elements. Perhaps I'm missing something.
If you know JavaScript, you could execute any JavaScript code on the page.
browser.execute_script("some javascript code")
I am not a JavaScript ninja, but this question could help you: JavaScript: remove element by id.
Remove elements by css:
browser.execute_script("[...document.querySelectorAll('.some.class')].map(e => {e.parentNode.removeChild(e)})")
We can remove it with javascript. Here's an example to remove a breadcrumbs div element but it's id:
browser.execute_script("bd = document.getElementById('breadcrumbs'); bd.parentNode.removeChild(bd);")
The Purpose for Watir is to do web testing, which is to say drive the browser as if a user was interacting with it. That means doing the things a user could do, clicking on stuff, filling in input fields, etc. It also means being able to verify what is there on the screen that the user can see or interact with.
Since a user cannot delete elements, there is no means by which to do that using the tool.
If the application provides a way for users to 'remove' or 'delete' something, like closing a simulated window, removing a tab etc, then you need to do that by simulating what the user would do (usually clicking on some specific element) in order for that to happen.

Backbone.js - don't render view/template again

In my app I have a list of products and when you click on a product, a Fancybox opens to show the product details.
Now when the user closes the Fancybox, I change the URL back from '#/product-name' to '#' and the list of products is rendered again, even though it is already there.
My question is:
How do I avoid the product list from being rendered again?
So somewhere either in the list action of my controller or the list view I want to check if the product list is already rendered and don't render it again.
It feels like something that should be possible to accomplish quite easily but I can't get it right.
All ideas appreciated!
EDIT: edited for clarification
Have a look at backbone:s saveLocation method. It doesn't trigger a hashchange event.
You only need to change the hash part of your url.
window.location.hash = ""

Paginating a long list of checkboxes in Magento

it would be awesome if someone could help me with this - I've already spent more than a day on it. :(
In a phtml file in Magento, I'm displaying a long list of products with a checkbox next to each. I've already added some code to paginate this list. The problem is, when I move to say page 2, I need to 'remember' which boxes were selected in page 1, and select them when I move back to page 1. I know how to use javascript to detect if a checkbox is checked or not. I was planning to save an array of selected boxes in the magento session - adding to it when more boxes are checked and deleting when boxes are unchecked. But my session-changing code is PHP, and my checkbox-detector is javascript. I know I can't call my session-changing function from javascript - I've been told that I would need AJAX to do this. I don't know any AJAX at all. Is there any other way to do this?
I'd be happy to post relevant snippets of my code if anyone can help me. Thanks!
Okay, so I decided to use AJAX after all, and I've added a lot of AJAX code already. The problem is, it's not working. Btw, I'm not using jQuery. When I write this in Magento:"POST", 'adjust_session.php', true); xmlhttp.send(params);
exactly where do I need to put my adjust_session.php file? It's not working if I put it in the same folder as my phtml file (where I'm calling the open function).
How are you actually doing the pagination? If you have to make a round-trip to the server for the paginated data anyway, send a list of checked/unchecked with it and toggle in the session. Then, when rendering the new page, either check the boxes in the HTML directly, or just pass a list of currently checked boxes in as JS and parse it on the response.
Alternatively, if you are doing everything on one page (and using AJAX for pagination already), you could also hold onto an array in JS and recheck the boxes after you render them.
Hope that helps!
