Backbone.js - don't render view/template again - view

In my app I have a list of products and when you click on a product, a Fancybox opens to show the product details.
Now when the user closes the Fancybox, I change the URL back from '#/product-name' to '#' and the list of products is rendered again, even though it is already there.
My question is:
How do I avoid the product list from being rendered again?
So somewhere either in the list action of my controller or the list view I want to check if the product list is already rendered and don't render it again.
It feels like something that should be possible to accomplish quite easily but I can't get it right.
All ideas appreciated!
EDIT: edited for clarification

Have a look at backbone:s saveLocation method. It doesn't trigger a hashchange event.

You only need to change the hash part of your url.
window.location.hash = ""


How we call "Pages" name in Dropdown in Signup form of PHPfox?

In PHPfox, i want to call "Pages" name in drop-down in Signup form. Reason for calling "Pages", Actually i have created many pages for college name & that are saved in database. So if someone comes for signup, i want to show them college name in drop-down (which are basically "Pages").
Please help me.
Thanks in advance.
You will need 2 plugins, one to show the HTML and one to process what to do with the user input:
1) Make a plugin that fetches the pages, maybe the hook user.component_controller_register_1 or another in that controller would do but otherwise you can always use a low level hook like run_start and check if its the section where you want it.
To show the HTML you have 2 options: include a JS file to populate the sign up form with anything that you want, or if you have a custom template you can just assign the array to the template variable and look through it in your template.
2) Once the html part is showing and working make a plugin for the sign up routine, I think the hook user.service_process_add_1 should be enough given its location.
Dont forget that the input name for the signup is an array, so your drop down needs to look somewhat like this:
<select name="val[my_dropdown]">

Magento Ajax File Upload

I'm trying to achieve an ajax file upload in Magento, rather than the typical file input provided by adding Custom Options.
I'm looking for insight on how to pull this off. My main stumbling block is how to attach the file back to the product when adding to the cart?
I have an Observer listening for the event "checkout_cart_add_product_complete" I'm trying to add the file information I'm storing to the session, back to the product, so it behaves like a normal file upload within the cart.
I'm looking at Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->addCustomOption() but can't get it to work.
Any insight would be really appreciated.
You need to be adding it to the Item object in the Quote which is stored in Mage::getSingleton('checkout/session'). Each Checkout session has a Quote which is basically the cart state. You can do
foreach(Mage::getSingleton('checkout/session')->getItems() as $item) {
to see all of the items in the cart (but the output will be very messy). So in terms of your 'stumbling block' of getting custom objects saved for that item selection in that person's cart, you need to be editing data on the Item.

Paginating a long list of checkboxes in Magento

it would be awesome if someone could help me with this - I've already spent more than a day on it. :(
In a phtml file in Magento, I'm displaying a long list of products with a checkbox next to each. I've already added some code to paginate this list. The problem is, when I move to say page 2, I need to 'remember' which boxes were selected in page 1, and select them when I move back to page 1. I know how to use javascript to detect if a checkbox is checked or not. I was planning to save an array of selected boxes in the magento session - adding to it when more boxes are checked and deleting when boxes are unchecked. But my session-changing code is PHP, and my checkbox-detector is javascript. I know I can't call my session-changing function from javascript - I've been told that I would need AJAX to do this. I don't know any AJAX at all. Is there any other way to do this?
I'd be happy to post relevant snippets of my code if anyone can help me. Thanks!
Okay, so I decided to use AJAX after all, and I've added a lot of AJAX code already. The problem is, it's not working. Btw, I'm not using jQuery. When I write this in Magento:"POST", 'adjust_session.php', true); xmlhttp.send(params);
exactly where do I need to put my adjust_session.php file? It's not working if I put it in the same folder as my phtml file (where I'm calling the open function).
How are you actually doing the pagination? If you have to make a round-trip to the server for the paginated data anyway, send a list of checked/unchecked with it and toggle in the session. Then, when rendering the new page, either check the boxes in the HTML directly, or just pass a list of currently checked boxes in as JS and parse it on the response.
Alternatively, if you are doing everything on one page (and using AJAX for pagination already), you could also hold onto an array in JS and recheck the boxes after you render them.
Hope that helps!

Magento : create ajax dropdown populated with labels of 3 product's attributes.

I'm, unluckily in need of having this :
Product has (lets say) 6 attributes with "Yes/No" values.
I need a dropdown on that product's page that will populate with attributes with "yes" value.
attributes are :bundle1,bundle2....,bundle6.
When selection is made - I need to know whats have been selected to pass that to php on that page.
I have no idea what preexists in Magento (in terms of Ajax snippets) that could be used for this, searching for solution...
I used additional request.js and pulled attributes from a newly created table in DB (manually, for 1 product, just for test) and it works.
But, thats not idea, I dont want to do it manually everytime.
Syntax is killling me.
Thank you.
This may not be helpful at all... But I just recently created a module that taps into Magento's ajax autopopulate functionality. What this module does is does an autopopulate of all the manufacturers, depending on the string you are typing in. I know this isn't directly what you are wanting to do, but this may help you get started, at least with the ajax:
Look at rows 79-92 on this one:
/app/design/frontend/default/ash/template/catalog/layer/filter.phtml :

Ajax - How to change URL by content

I'll explain:
I have a picture gallery, the first page is display.php.
Users can flip through pictures using arrows, when you click an arrow it sends an Ajax request to retrieve the next picture from the db. Now I want the URL to change according to the picture displayed.
So if the first picture is: at night
I'll flip to the next one and the URL would be Big Ben
How do I do this?
The trick here are uri's with an anchor fragment.
The part before '#' points to a resource on the internet, and after normally designates to a anchor on the page.
The browser does not refresh if the resource is the same but moves to the anchors position when present.
This way you can keep the convenience of browser history from a usability point of view while replacing certain parts on the page with ajax for a fast and responsive user interface.
Using a plugin like jQuery history (as suggested by others) is really easy: you decorate certain elements with a rel attribute by which the plugin takes care of the rest.
Also kinda related to this topic is something called 'hijax', and it's something I really like.
This means generating html just like you would in the old days before ajax. Then you hijack certain behavior like links and request the content with ajax, only replacing the necessary parts. This in combination with the above technique allows really SEO friendly and accessible webpages.
You can use the jQuery history plugin for example.
changing the search of the url will load the changed url.
See also: stackoverflow, javascript changing the get parameter without redirecting
Do you really want to use AJAX here?
A traditional web request would work like this...
User navigates to display.php
User clicks "next" and location is updated to "display.php?picture=Big-Ben"
Big Ben is shown to user, along with a link to "display.php?picture=Parliment"
User clicks "next" and location is updated to "display.php?picture=Parliment"
And so on.
With AJAX, you essentially replace the GET with a "behind the scenes" GET, that just replaces a portion of your page. You would do this to make things faster... for example...
User navigates to display.php
User clicks "next" and the next image location is obtained using an AJAX request
The image (and image description) is changed to the next image
What you are suggesting is that you retrieve the "next url" using AJAX and then also perform a GET on the whole page. You would be much better off sending the "next" image when you send each page and not using AJAX at all.
this best describes everything i think:
