#Value annotation is only loading default - not using property file - spring-boot

I think that I havn't understood something properly because my #Value is always loading the default calue.
Java Code
So I have the following:
private boolean disableQuerySecurityDebug;
And this is set to false always.
Property file: application-disableQuerySecurityDebug.properties
I have a properties file called application-disableQuerySecurityDebug.properties.
And I have the following entry inside the file:
And I run the application with the following profile: disableQuerySecurityDebugMne
I was expecting the value to be set to true, but it is always false.
Based on deadpool's answer, I ended up with the following:
#Profile("disableQuerySecurityDebug") #Data
public class DisableSecurityConfig implements DisableQuerySecurityDebug {
private boolean securityDisabled;
#Profile("!disableQuerySecurityDebug") #Data
public class EnableSecurityConfig implements DisableQuerySecurityDebug{
private boolean securityDisabled;
public interface DisableQuerySecurityDebug{
public boolean isSecurityDisabled();

#Value annotation is only used to inject properties values into spring Beans from yml or properties file
This annotation can be used for injecting values into fields in Spring-managed beans and it can be applied at the field or constructor/method parameter level.
If you want to inject values based on profile specific then use #Profile on class
public class Config {
private boolean disableQuerySecurityDebug;
You could also specify it on the command line by using the following switch:
java -jar demo.jar --spring.profiles.active=disableQuerySecurityDebug


how to use org.springframework.format.Formatter.print()

public class MyWebMvcConfigurationSupport extends WebMvcConfigurationSupport {
public FormattingConversionService mvcConversionService() {
FormattingConversionService f = super.mvcConversionService();
f.addFormatter(new DateFormatter("yyyy-MM-dd"));
return f;
public class TestController {
public Date test(Date date) {
return date;
When we access http://localhost:8080?date=2021-09-04, the argument type is converted through the DateFormatter's parse method, which relies on the SpringMVC framework to do the conversion. I wonder if the print method can also be invoked through the framework to return a string.
Do we need to manually invoke the print method, for example
public class TestController {
private FormattingConversionService conversionService;
public String test(Date date) {
return conversionService.convert(date, String.class);
Inside the controller
You could use a class extending java.text.Format like SimpleDateFormatin your controller:
public class TestController {
private static final SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
public String test(Date date) {
return dateFormat.format(date);
At application level
Use DateTimeFormatterRegistrar to register your formats, like described in this tutorial.
Then you can register this set of formatters at Spring's FormattingConversionService.
Using Jackson
However if you would like to work with JSON or XML you should consider using FasterXML's Jackson. See similar question:
Spring 3.2 Date time format
This is the interface representing the environment in which the current application is running. It models two key aspects of the application environment: profiles and properties. The methods related to property access are exposed via the PropertyResolver superinterface.
A profile is a named, logical group of bean definitions to be registered with the container only if the given profile is active. Beans may be assigned to a profile whether defined in XML or via annotations; see the spring-beans 3.1 schema or the #Profile annotation for syntax details. The role of the Environment object with relation to profiles is in determining which profiles (if any) are currently active, and which profiles (if any) should be active by default.
Properties play an important role in almost all applications, and may originate from a variety of sources: properties files, JVM system properties, system environment variables, JNDI, servlet context parameters, ad-hoc Properties objects, Maps, and so on. The role of the environment object with relation to properties is to provide the user with a convenient service interface for configuring property sources and resolving properties from them.
Beans managed within an ApplicationContext may register to be EnvironmentAware or #Inject the Environment in order to query profile state or resolve properties directly.
In most cases, however, application-level beans should not need to interact with the Environment directly but instead may have to have ${...} property values replaced by a property placeholder configurer such as PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer, which itself is EnvironmentAware and as of Spring 3.1 is registered by default when using context:property-placeholder/.
Configuration of the environment object must be done through the ConfigurableEnvironment interface, returned from all AbstractApplicationContext subclass getEnvironment() methods. See ConfigurableEnvironment Javadoc for usage examples demonstrating manipulation of property sources prior to application context refresh().

Spring: How to provide a specific property file in the #Scheduled annotation?

Normally, we can use a cron expression defined as "cron.expression" in the default property file, as follows:
#Scheduled(cron = "${cron.expression}")
public void demoServiceMethod(){
But I wish to define a property file for this class itself, and use the "cron.expression" property from this file. How can I do that?
P.S: I am using Java 1.7
Add to your class PropertySource
Or using Configuration
#PropertySources(value = {#PropertySource("classpath:/datasource.properties")})

Evaluate property from properties file in Spring's #EventListener(condition = "...")

I would like to make the execution of an event handler dependent on whether or not a property is set to true in a properties file.
#EventListener(ContextRefreshedEvent.class, condition = "${service.enabled}")
public void onStartup() { }
However, this does not seem to work. I am getting the following error on startup:
org.springframework.expression.spel.SpelParseException: EL1043E:(pos 1): Unexpected token. Expected 'identifier' but was 'lcurly({)'
Is it possible to use a property from a properties file as a condition here?
The issue is condition argument is expecting a SPEL.
This works try it out.
In your bean where you have this #EventListener, add these lines
public boolean isServiceEnabled() {
return serviceEnabled;
public boolean serviceEnabled;
change your declaration of evnt listener like this
#EventListener(classes = ContextRefreshedEvent.class, condition = "#yourbeanname.isServiceEnabled()")
public void onStartup() { }
change yourbeanname with the correct bean name .
I had the same annoying experience (with Spring Boot 2.4.2 on Java11).
In my case I had the boolean property in a #ConfigurationProperties class anyways in the same java file and still struggled a bit. First the #ConfigurationProperties need to be annotated as #Component to actually be a valid Bean and can be used in SpEL.
And I had to use the same long attributeName for the ConfigurationProperties in the Service itself and the EventListener Annotation for the Bean resolution to work fine. I needed some the ConfigurationProperties values also in another place of the Service, that's why they needed to be (Constructor) Autowired as well...
So this worked for me:
#Component //Important to make this a proper Spring Bean
#Data //Lombok magic for getters/setters etc.
class MyCustomConfigurationProperties {
boolean refreshAfterStartup = true;
#RequiredArgsConstructor //Lombok for the constructor
public class MyCustomService {
private final MyCustomConfigurationProperties myCustomConfigurationProperties;
#EventListener(value = ApplicationReadyEvent.class, condition = "#myCustomConfigurationProperties.refreshAfterStartup")
public void refresh() {
//the actual code I want to execute on startup conditionally

Can you or can't you use a property from a config file when using Spring #Condition?

I have read pretty much everything I can find on StackOverflow and other sites and I don't see a definitive answer anywhere.
I have a class that implements #Condition that I use in a #Configuration file to conditionally load some beans. I am doing something like this:
public class MyCondition implements Condition {
public boolean matches(ConditionContext context, AnnotatedTypeMetadata metdata) {
String property = context.getEnvironment().getProperty("some.prop.from.file");
boolean enable = Boolean.parseBoolean(property);
return enable;
When debugging I see that getting the property from the environment always returns null, even though the property is injected in other beans using #Value.
So my question can you or can't you attempt to get a property value from a file within a #Condition class? Can you only get System properties? I would think that this is a common use case that I would think Spring could handle.
Had to add the property to application.properties and not the other property files that are loaded during startup.

how to load property file in to spring boot project with annotations?

I have written queries in property file. I want to read the property file in to one class with annotations in spring boot. How can i read it? And is there any better approach for writing queries in spring boot project?
If you add your properties in application.properties file, you can read them inside the spring boot classes like:
public class TwitterService {
private final String consumerKey;
private final String consumerKeySecret;
public TwitterService(#Value("${spring.social.twitter.appId}") String consumerKey, #Value("${spring.social.twitter.appSecret}") String consumerKeySecret) {
this.consumerKey = consumerKey;
this.consumerKeySecret = consumerKeySecret;
} ...
You can annotate fields in your components by #Value("${property.name}")
Else, you can use Properties Object in java.util package.
For example, i have a mode property, which values are dev or prod, i can use it in my beans as follow :
private String mode;
The other approach is by using :
Properties pro = new Properties();
You can use #PropertySource to read the properties from a file and then pass them to a bean. If you have a file called "queries.properties" that has a property like:
query1: select 1 from foo
Then your config might look like:
public class MyConfig {
public DbBean dbBean(#Value("${queries.query1}") String query) {
return new DbBean(query);
