Integrate CLion with conan test - clion

I followed the example to add GTest to my project via conan. Moreoever I followed these instructions to set up conan within CLion.
The two samples work as expected. But I cannot get CLion pick up the files under "test_package" when I follow both instructions. How can I set up CLion correctly to work with my test_package by using conan?

It's not possible using that plugin.
The Clion plugin is able to run conan install under the hood.
You can take a look on Clion's blog post about how to integrate both tools.
The idea is creating a plugin to solve your dependencies for C++ project, not a shortcut when creating Conan packages.
If you want to build that package and testing it, you should run:
conan create . soccertrash/testing
The command above will export, install, build and test your package. To learn more about, you can read the docs here.
To request a new feature, as your mentioned before, you can open a new request for Conan team here.


Where does 'gmake docs' install HTML built from Qt 5.15.2 sources?

I've built and installed qtbase (and numerous other modules) from the Qt 5.15.2 sources cloned with Git, using a shadow-build directory. I issued qmake -query and checked that QT_INSTALL_DOCS points to /usr/share/qt5/doc/ Next, per the README, from the shadow-build TLD I issued gmake docs which appeared to build the documentation successfully in both HTML and QCH formats.
However, there's no sign that it installed them anywhere as it's supposed to - under /usr/share/qt5/doc/ are only QCH-format docs with old dates (presumably from a previous install using Ubuntu's package manager), certainly no HTML files or new QCH ones. The newly-built files are all there, under the shadow-build TLD, but I shouldn't rely on that to access documentation.
Is it perhaps only qmake, not gmake, that does the install step? qmake isn't documented as the tool for building and installing the documentation, and if I issue qmake docs it's rejected with an error of course - just as the README says, it's gmake docs (or make docs) which performs the build.
Can anybody please tell me what's needed to install the built documentation onto my system?

Add NuGet package (ie. xunit.runner.console) at solution level

I need a NuGet (example xunit.runner.console) to run UT from command line.
Right now in one of project I have added xunit.runner.console as dependency so it is downloaded, path is known and I can use it in my build script.
This Project was removed and build-script is broken now. I will need to add it to another project, but the same situation can occur again (or other reasons).
I there a way to download this package but don't link it with concrete project?
You can install the nuget cli and then get the package needed using the build script. So, to answer your question, you can just use it in the build script and fetch the package before starting to build your project.

install chocolatey redis packages for VisualStudio on build

When we download git project and click build button in VS, it restores nuget packages and then compile. always cool.
Just like that, I'd like to install Redis locally before compile because my project unit test job requires Redis.
I found Redis-64 in nuget but I don't know why it does not install properly. It displays "Redis-64 is already installed" but it's not.
There is Chocolately nuget package and Redis for chocolatey. It looks promising to utilize them.
To achieve my goal, it would be required to (1) check installation of chocolately first, and then (2) download redis-64, and then (3) execute redis-server.exe before compile process (could be placed at the Pre-build event command in .csproj property).
I want to know how to check Redis chocolatey installation and rest of other steps in VS. Would you please teach me how to achieve to do that?
I could be way off the mark here, but the redis package that you are referring to, i.e. from NuGet should only include the assemblies that you could then consume within your application. If you actually want to have the Redis application installed, you would want to install the Redis application from, which you can find here.
In terms of getting Chocolatey etc installed as part of your build process, you might want to take a look at the build script for ChocolateGUI. As part of it's build, which is executed on AppVeyor, it checks for Chocolatey, and if it isn't there, installs it, and all required applications.
For what you want, I think you need to include:
choco install redis
Within your build script, and this will give you the redis-server.exe that you are looking for.
I installed the redis-64 NuGet package and it just worked for me. It is an unusual package in that it doesn't associate itself with any Visual Studio project, but rather it is referenced from a solution-level packages.config.
To use the Redis server in my integration test, I start the server with this code:
Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo(Path.Combine(Directory.GetDirectories(#"..\..\..\packages", "Redis-64.*").Single(), "redis-server.exe"), "--bind") {
WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden

Code::Blocks build from bash

I'm developing a C++ application in Code::Blocks.
My program has a few dependencies and has to run under Linux and Windows, this is why
I use Code::Blocks.
Now I'd like to include Travis CI for testing the builds.
On the Travis server, where I have no X11, I won't be able to run Code::Blocks. How can I build my project without Code::Blocks. (Is there a possibility to create "a Makefile" out of the .cbp-file?
This page (Code::Blocks Wiki) mentions there is a --build flag, but you need Code::Blocks & X11. Is there a server way without X11?
You can not run anything which require X11 on Travis, and as far as I know, there is no way to launch a build using Code::Blocks without requiring X11.
The best choice would be to set up your project differently, for example using a Makefile. You will be able to configure Code::Blocks to use your Makefile and also to build on Travis using the make command.
You can also consider using CMake (especially if you are not familiar with Makefile syntax, but not only). This will let you configure your project in a more high level way (compared to a Makefile), and then you will be able to generate a Makefile or a project for the IDE of your choice.
I used cbp2make (C::B Forum entry).
It is quite simple
cbp2make -in project.cbp -out Makefile
and it worked immediatly, even with a more complex configuration
than a simple command line project in Code::Blocks.
It also generates the same build targets as in Code::Blocks. For example make Release would work.
The debian package list shows only a few dependencies, so X11 is not required.

How to install OpenCV 2.0 on win32

I need to install OpenCV on Win32. I do not have it installed currently. I downloaded OpenCV-2.0.0a-win32.exe and ran it. What the heck do I do now? There are no .lib's and whatnot.
I found some instructions for building the release using cmake at . I downloaded the latest and greatest cmake, and tried to follow the instructions, but I was guessing. No joy.
I specified VC++9 when I did the "configure," but cmake built a VC++ 6 dsw file. No vcproj. I converted the dsw into a vc++9 vcproj anyway, just to see if it would work. Nope. It compiled lots of files, but many failed because it could not find omp.h. Sure enough, it's not there, anywhere. The build log said, 'A tool returned an error code from "Performing Custom Build Step".'
I am lost.
Ideally, I would like to find a full installation with all the files pre-built for Win32 vc++ 2008. Failing that, I need instructions that even I can follow. Short sentences and small words, but lots of them.
Please help!
UPDATE: I tried to build just CXCORE. It complained, "cannot open file 'VCOMPD.lib'" There's that OMP again.
For version 2.0, you must build the project from source.
Here's what you will need:
The OpenCV installer.
CMake. Here's the CMake installer.
Instructions for using CMake to install OpenCV-2.0.01-win32. Those instructions need an extra step if you are using a vc++ Express edition. In that case you must un-check ENABLE_OPENMP when running the CMake GUI.
Instructions for setting up an application project. (Thanks to mloskot for this find.)
If you've installed OpenCV-2.0.0a-win32.exe then it will install pre-built DLLs and libs. Then you just have to follow the instructions in this tutorial.
I recommend that you wipe the folder you previously installed OpenCV2.0 in and reinstall it.
Well sorry it didn't work out. I suggest the following then: check out the latest version from the SVN repository, with any SVN client - I use TortoiseSVN.
Then run CMake (I see you've already installed it) on the source folder and then compile the Solution file. This should work - it does for me.
I apologize for my old answer - I had started off with OpenCV a few months ago in the same way and assumed that downloading the Gold version would still work - apparently not.
The OMP issue may arise from the checked Enable OpenMP in the CMake config. Try unchecking that .. might solve your initial problem.
I followed Jive Dadson's procedure to get OpenCV2.0 to work on Visual Studio 2010 Express (disabled OMP).
All went good until compilation of the generated stuff in Debug and Release. In both cases got this error: "LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file '../../lib/Release/cv200.lib'"
in debug the only difference is that the library is cv200d.lib.
EDIT: I solved by downloading the latest svn snapshot for OpenCV2.0. One additional thing on Vista/7: it may be good to execute CMake as administrator.
Download OpenCV installer for Windows
Read OpenCV-2.0.0a-win32.Readme.Please.txt
Follow OpenCV with Visual C++ 6.0, 2005 Express, and 2008 Express in order to create project using OpenCV
