How to find particular dependency in pom.xml from jenkins job for a number of projects? - maven

I need to scan all springboot projects from my github organization which uses a particular dependency(say platform-core) being used in pom.xml.
Need to create a freestyle/maven stand-alone job which should scan pom.xml of all 100 odd projects from github and prepare a list which project has the mentioned dependency. mvn:dependency-tree gives the list, but for 100 projects need to understand the scalability , since this may involve downloading each project, run mvn:dependency-tree and search through the console output?
Can anyone help is there any way to achieve it?

Note that for public repositories, GitHub has introduced a feature for Listing the packages that a repository depends on
(meaning, without you cloning the repo and running mvn:dependency-tree)
But there is no API I can see which would query that list remotely (beside scraping the page)
So cloning and running (possibly in parallel) remains the one avenue you have the most control.


Two Sonar reports generation for 2 branches under one project

I have a java-maven project named clarity which has one pom.xml file. we recently created a bitbucket account and created two branches one for development team and one for reporting team. It's like two teams make changes to their own branch. Now I need to configure jenkins for running separate sonar reports for this two branches with one project itself, how do i that. Should I change the pom.xml file or need to specify something in jenkins jobs. Please mention clearly as I am new to this jenkins config.
Any help is appreciated, Thanks :)
You should differentiate the two copies using the sonar.branch analysis parameter, which you should be able to pass into the Maven analysis on the command line using, E.G. -Dsonar.branch=reporting

How to get Jenkins repository server to host only stable builds?

I have Jenkins version 2.7.1 running on a Windows 7 machine. It is successfully pulling code from a subversion repository and running tests. I have the test jobs set up for the development branch of each project only.
We periodically make stable releases of the projects in jar files with version numbers. I would like to have Jenkins be the repository manager for those stable releases. These are made by hand - There is no Jenkins job making or testing stable releases. The projects do use Maven.
Each stable build is tagged in the subversion repository, so it could be made again on demand if needed.
I downloaded the Maven repository server hoping to make this fit the purpose. I read the documentation that's provided, but it's pretty terse. As I understand it and have it configured now, this appears to have a couple of issues:
If I go to jenkins-ip/plugin/repository/project, it has made directories there that expose the names of all of my projects, which seems undesirable. (Here jenkins-ip is the IP where I access Jenkins on my local network.)
On the other hand, there's nothing but empty directories under these projects, so they're currently useless.
These projects all correspond to the continuous testing of the development branch. There's no apparent way to get the stable builds into the hierarchy. (It doesn't seem efficient to create a job for each stable release...)
Is there anyway to get Jenkins (with this plugin or through another method) to be the repository manager just for the stable builds? I know that I can start a different repository manager like archiva, but it would be ideal to use Jenkins since it's already running and it seems to claim capability for this function now.
To use Maven repository server you have to build the project on Jenkins.
Then the plugin will expose all archived artifacts as maven repo.
Note you need to use a "Maven project" type for it to work (freestyle is not supported)
There are several plugins that will help you manage building from multiple tags, however not all of them work with "Maven project" type.
You could also try Jenkins pipeline (previously "Workflow") or the Job-DSL plugin.
A simplest solution would be to have a build parameter specify the tag name (then checkout e.g. ^/tags/projectname/${tagParam}), but you have to figure out how to trigger the job then.

Is there deployment trigger for teamcity?

I know there are build triggers. But do deployment triggers exist in team city? I googled quite a bit and looked at the doc and cannot seem to find it. I basically want custom code to check few things before deploying. But it needs to happen from team city's deploy page.
You should be able to do this by adding a Build, Snapshot, or Artifact dependency. I'm guessing you want a snapshot dependency;
A snapshot dependency is a dependency between two build configurations
that allows launching builds from both build configurations in a
specific order and ensure they use the same sources snapshot (sources
revisions correspond to the same moment).
When you have a number of build configurations interconnected by
snapshot dependencies, they form a build chain.
You can then put your tests into that target (or another one in the chain) depending upon your needs. There's really too much to put into a brief answer here. It's best if you read the complete documentation.

Build dependencies and local builds with continuous integration

Our company currently uses TFS for source control and build server. Most of our projects are written in C/C++, but we also have some .NET projects and wouldn't want to be limited if we need to use other languages in the future.
We'd like to use Git for our source control and we're trying to understand what would be the best choice for a build server. We have started looking into TeamCity, but there are some issues we're having trouble with which will probably be relevant regardless of our choice of build server:
Build dependencies - We'd like to be able to control the build dependencies for each <project, branch>. For example, have <MyProj, feature_branch> depend on <InfraProj1, feature_branch> and <InfraProj2, master>.
From what we’ve seen, to do that we might need to use Gradle or something similar to build our projects instead of plain MSBuild. Is this correct? Are there simpler ways of achieving this?
Local builds - Obviously we'd like to be able to build projects locally as well. This becomes somewhat of a problem when project dependencies are introduced, as we need a way to reference these resources or copy them locally for the build to succeed. How is this usually solved?
I'd appreciate any input, but a sample setup which covers these issues will also be a great help.
IMHO both issues you mention fall really in the config management category, thus, as you say, unrelated to the build server choice.
A workspace for a project build (doesn't matter if centralized or local) should really contain all necessary resources for the build.
How can you achieve that? Have a project "metadata" git repo with a "content" file containing all your project components and their dependencies (each with its own git/other repo) and their exact versions - effectively tying them together coherently (you may find it useful to store other metadata in this component down the road as well, like component specific SCM info if using a mix of SCMs across the workspace).
A workspace pull wrapper script would first pull this metadata git repo, parse the content file and then pull all the other project components and their dependencies according with the content file info. Any build in such workspace would have all the parts it needs.
When time comes to modify either the code in a project component or the version of one of the dependencies you'll need to also update this content file in the metadata git repo to reflect the update and commit it - this is how your project makes progress coherently, as a whole.
Of course, actually managing dependencies is another matter. Tons of opinions out there, some even conflicting.

Gradle - multiple project and git repositories

We have 3 projects and a 4th one that is shared among them.
A multiple project in gradle requires one to create a wrapper project and include all the sub projects in it.
Each of our sub projects are being worked on by different team members and we use git as an svn.
Our concern before going into gradle is the fact that we will only have 1 git repository that consists of the wrapper project with all sub projects instead of 4 different repos, each for each sub project.
1) Are we missing something?
2) Is it possible to create 4 repos on a multi project?
3) One of our requirements is to deploy a single war (for example only webapp #1 out of the 4)--does using the multi project template make it possible?
ad 1) You have some choices:
Use a single Git repo.
Use multiple Git repos and exchange artifacts via a binary repository (e.g. Artifactory), with artifacts being produced on a regular basis by CI jobs.
Use something like Github submodules to create a "virtual" overall Git repo (wouldn't recommend this one).
ad 2) Gradle doesn't really care how many Git repos the build is comprised of, as long as everything that settings.gradle points to (at least all build scripts) exists on disk when the build starts. Of course it may be inconvenient for developers (and CI admins) to juggle multiple Git repositories and put them in the right (relative) locations.
ad 3) Yes.
I stumbled across this question on the same quest, and only later somebody pointed out another option to me (it's really a variant of the third choice listed under ad 1 in, which seems like an elegant hack:
You keep the subprojects in separate Git repos, and from within your root project point to them by setting the respective rootDir properties. This requires a fixed checkout layout, obviously, but that would usually be the case anyway.
The approach is described here:
Update with Gradle 7.3+: this will now yield a warning, and likely not work after some point in the future:
Subproject ':xyz' has location '...\xyz' which is outside of the project root.
This behaviour has been deprecated and is scheduled to be removed in Gradle 8.0.
Consult the upgrading guide for further information:
