How to get Jenkins repository server to host only stable builds? - maven

I have Jenkins version 2.7.1 running on a Windows 7 machine. It is successfully pulling code from a subversion repository and running tests. I have the test jobs set up for the development branch of each project only.
We periodically make stable releases of the projects in jar files with version numbers. I would like to have Jenkins be the repository manager for those stable releases. These are made by hand - There is no Jenkins job making or testing stable releases. The projects do use Maven.
Each stable build is tagged in the subversion repository, so it could be made again on demand if needed.
I downloaded the Maven repository server hoping to make this fit the purpose. I read the documentation that's provided, but it's pretty terse. As I understand it and have it configured now, this appears to have a couple of issues:
If I go to jenkins-ip/plugin/repository/project, it has made directories there that expose the names of all of my projects, which seems undesirable. (Here jenkins-ip is the IP where I access Jenkins on my local network.)
On the other hand, there's nothing but empty directories under these projects, so they're currently useless.
These projects all correspond to the continuous testing of the development branch. There's no apparent way to get the stable builds into the hierarchy. (It doesn't seem efficient to create a job for each stable release...)
Is there anyway to get Jenkins (with this plugin or through another method) to be the repository manager just for the stable builds? I know that I can start a different repository manager like archiva, but it would be ideal to use Jenkins since it's already running and it seems to claim capability for this function now.

To use Maven repository server you have to build the project on Jenkins.
Then the plugin will expose all archived artifacts as maven repo.
Note you need to use a "Maven project" type for it to work (freestyle is not supported)
There are several plugins that will help you manage building from multiple tags, however not all of them work with "Maven project" type.
You could also try Jenkins pipeline (previously "Workflow") or the Job-DSL plugin.
A simplest solution would be to have a build parameter specify the tag name (then checkout e.g. ^/tags/projectname/${tagParam}), but you have to figure out how to trigger the job then.


Can the maven updatePolicy be set to never from the command line?

I would like repeatable results when running maven commands locally, even if somebody else is pushing updates to a snapshot dependency.
To achieve this, I would like to use the updatePolicy of never.
This will allow any dependencies that aren't available locally to be downloaded, while any I have installed locally will be used.
The offline flag won't work in this situation, as there may be dependencies that I haven't installed locally which will need to be downloaded from the remote repo.
I don't want to have to modify the pom, as doing this locally with every checkout will be error prone, and I don't want to commit these changes as it will have adverse effects on other developers.
Ideally I'd like to specify this from the command line. The opposite of the -U flag.
I've searched the docs, and so far have not found out how to do this.
If you want repeatable builds you can create a Docker image that can run Maven. Then load all you project files and run Maven build.
This will provide a clean environment for your build every time.
About the changing dependencies, if you work using SNAPSHOT dependencies, you must expect this different results. That is what SNAPSHOT means: "this is under development".
If you (or your team) control the SNAPSHOT dependency and there is an error in the build that's a "good" sign, the tests found something to be fixed.
If you (or your team) don't control the SNAPSHOT dependency, you would prefer to the last stable release.

Deploying multiple SNAPSHOT artifacts into the same repository in Sonatype OSSRH

I've seen Building and deploying native code using Maven - but can't get this (very similar) deployment working as I'd like..
I have a C++ project that builds with Maven, and the Maven CMake Plugin. This involves several Maven profiles, to select the correct settings for the various C++ compilers I use on the platforms I'm building on. (Windows 10, Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 18.04, CentOS 7, Raspbian, macOS High Sierra). I use Jenkins to run this build on the various VMs/Raspberry Pi - yielding a .tar.gz or .zip via the Maven Assembly Plugin. The final result is six archive files, that vary in their classifier/type. They all have the same groupId/artifactId.
I wanted each of these jobs to deploy its archive to Sonatype's OSSRH Nexus system, using the nexus-staging-maven-plugin.
I had this plugin configured to not automatically close the repository, so that the multiple builds could run via Jenkins (sequentially), and deploy to the same repo. I would then review this in the web UI, then Release or Drop it appropriately.
This worked fine, when the project had a version number of 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT. However, when I decided to (manually) release this, by setting the version to 0.0.1, and run my Jenkins builds... the deployment behaviour was different to what I'd seen when it was a SNAPSHOT.
Each platform-specific deployment created its own staging repository in the OSSRH Snapshots repo.
After reading, I have tried a variety of these settings, but nothing seems to work:
The nexus-staging:rc-open goal looks like it might help, allowing me to open a named staging repository (as I tried to do with stagingRepositoryId, above) - but it requires a staging profile id - I've used the rc-list-profiles goal to find mine - but when I give this to rc-open, it's reported as "missing or invalid".
It looks like this should be possible: - this suggests that you can't create a new staging profile id; that they're allocated by Nexus.
Why is this mechanism different between SNAPSHOT and non-SNAPSHOT deployments?
Kind regards, Matt
I've updated Per point 6.6, SNAPSHOTs cannot be released atomically. There is no known workaround.

Deploy artifacts to Nexus with multiple versions (like Docker images)

With Docker you deploy one image under several more or less volatile tags, e.g.:
Is this possible and conceivable for artifacts in a Nexus repository (at least BUILD123 and latest-SNAPSHOT)?
We are providing services other teams are using. Some consumers of this services want to develop against a latest-and-greats version of this service, some others want to develop against a certain build of this service.
Of course we could change the artifact version in the pom.xmls, create Git-Tags for this and build these tags, but this information has no value in the Git repository.
The idea is Jenkins checking out the development branch, building it and pushing it to the nexus repository with a SNAPSHOT version as well as a distinct build version, so consumer can decide wether or not to develop against a fixed build or not.
Is this possible with only 1 deployment resulting in 1 file in the nexus repository (just like Docker)?
At current time this is not possible. We have some plans for the future with tagging, but nothing concrete as of yet.
You might be able to hack something together on the client side that essentially builds things multiple times and then deploys multiple times with different versions. But imho you are trying to hack around instead of really cutting releases treating them as such and really having a SNAPSHOT dev version.

Integrating SilkCentral with Nexus

We currently use SilkCentral Test Manager (SCTM) integrated with our source control system via SCTM source control profiles. However, we would like to explore integrating with build artifacts checked into Maven's remote Nexus repository instead.
The idea being that the application-under-test is built and checked into Nexus along with the automated tests only if the build and the tests pass. Therefore, when QA is ready to run tests from SCTM (manual or automated), there is a well-defined combination of application build artifacts and test build artifacts in Nexus that present a more reliable target for SCTM as compared to getting the latest code from the source control system.
All of this is more relevant during active development when the code and the tests and changing daily and the builds are snapshot builds rather than formal builds with tags in the source control system that SCTM could use.
SCTM apparently has support for both universal naming convention (UNC) and Apache virtual file system (VFS) and either of these should potentially be utilizable to point the SCTM source control profiles to Nexus artifacts rather than raw source code. However, I wanted to check with the community to see if there's a simpler approach. (For example, I noted the existence of a Hudson SCTM plugin.) Also, I welcome alternative thoughts and ideas.
There are probably many solutions for solving this, I'd try the following:
Manage the build/first test/publishing steps in Hudson/Jenkins.
For example by modelling it with dependent jobs, the publish job is only triggered if the tests pass. There are also more advanced gatekeeper plugins available (for example a Downstream Ext plugin) which might solve this even more comfortable.
Once the publishing is done, use the Hudson/Jenkins-Silk Central plugin to trigger the executions on Silk Central. There, instead of using UNC or VFS, I'd rather use a setup script which pulls the artifacts from the repository and prepares everything for the tests. This would allow you to use something Maven/Nexus aware to pull the correct artifacts from the repository, instead of somehow trying to make it accessible via UNC or VFS.

Maven Mercurial based Continuous Release process

I want some "Maven with Mercurial release" knowledgeable opinion.
I already saw this thread and a few others.
We want to be agile and fast. We want to build once. Not one build for testing and one for release.
We have setup a continuous release process where we do the following:
Jenkins checks for SCM changes on "server" repository (every 30 minutes). Also can be triggered manually
Jenkins clones "server" repository
Jenkins increments version in pom (example: 1.0.1 -> 1.0.2). NO Snapshots
Start build, package, automatic deployments and tests
If all is good, commit changed pom, tag and push back to "server" repository (merge if needed)
Release good version to a "releases" system, where it's available for QA for further testing
Developers will pull back changes from "server" repository and get new versiond poms
If a hot fix is needed for a good release
A developer will clone the relevant tag from "server" repository
Do the fix, push back to a "server+fix" repository
Jenkins will build as before
If good, the fix will also be pushed to the main "server" repository
We found this process to be very quick and clean.
I want your opinion on the flow, with ideas to improve. Remember - Fast, Continuous and Build once.
Thanks in advance!
+1 to the no snapshots rule. I think its all good.
Release good version to a "releases" system, where it's available for
QA for further testing
What is the "releases" system. Is it a maven repository? Does a new build automatically get deployed to the QA environment? How does it pull from the respository? You could pull a jar from a maven repo using dependency:get. But if want to make use of infrastructure automation tools like Chef or Puppet for your deployment side, you'd be better off publishing rpms to your maven repository (publish using the maven-rpm-plugin and enable pulls with the nexus-yum-plugin for example) or simply setting up your own yum repository.
