intersphinx link creation issues for local files across multiple projects - python-sphinx

I have a few different Sphinx projects that I would like to refer to each other locally (no web server). I have separate code + build directories setup for the projects and was trying out intersphinx to solve this requirement.
My questions are:
Is there a better way of referring to two or more local projects within Sphinx?
Is there a way to strip out the second build in the path?
In my configuration file I have:
intersphinx_mapping = {
'doc1': ('../build/doc1',None)
so I get no issues in doing a make HTML, however when I look at the reference I've created with :ref:'doc1 info <doc1:label1>' I have in the HTML document:
file:///<root path>/build/**build**/doc1/html/doc.html#label1
So the issue is I get two "build" directory listings - it should of been:
file:///<root path>/build/doc1/html/doc.html#label1.
If I manually do this, it correctly pulls in the document.
I've also tried replacing None with '../build/doc1'. If I drop the build from the mapping I do get an error in finding the objects.inv file for doc1.
I do not want to use absolute path since the end user getting this documentation may see it in another location and I want this to be cross platform...
My directory tree is essentially as follows:
As a background, I'm trying this under Cygwin with Sphinx 1.7.5... I haven't tried Linux yet to see if I get the same behavior...

You can set a different path for your target and for your inventory.
Maybe you can try something like:
intersphinx_mapping = {
'doc1': ('../doc1', '../build/doc1/objects.inv')
If you want to keep the None, it is also possible to have both:
intersphinx_mapping = {
'doc1': ('../doc1', (None, '../build/doc1/objects.inv'))


Bundleconfig (seemingly) not creating requested .js files

We have a large solution with a number of files being created by bundleconfig.cs. But for some reason the last two projects added to the solution don't seem to be getting the files creating. The pages that use them fail cause they aren't there, or not being found.
Example of project successfully getting the files created:
const string ANGULAR_APP_ROOT_EDI = "~/app/ediViewer/";
.Include(ANGULAR_APP_ROOT_EDI + "ediViewerApp.js")
.IncludeDirectory(ANGULAR_APP_ROOT_EDI, "*.js", searchSubdirectories: true)
Example of one that's not:
const string ANGULAR_APP_ROOT_EDI_SC = "~/app/SupplyChain/";
.Include(ANGULAR_APP_ROOT_EDI_SC + "SupplyChainApp.js")
.IncludeDirectory(ANGULAR_APP_ROOT_EDI_SC, "*.js", searchSubdirectories: true)
very similar, both Angular(js) projects with similar directory structures. but the second one gets no files. I have other projects with a similar structure that are working.
I was hoping there was a way to put breakpoints in the bundleconfig file to see if if it was hitting the code, but apparently you can't, or I didn't successfully set one up.
There are a number of bundles appearing after the new one (the standard Angular libraries) that are getting created, so it doesn't appear to be stopping in the middle or anything.
The workaround was I simply added the scripts needed manually to the aspx page, but I shouldn't have to. It's happened for two new projects so far, so I'm prepared to bet it may happen for a third, so if I can find a fix it'd be useful.
Any ideas what might be happening, or how I can troubleshoot it?

Placing file inside folder of S3 bucket

have a spring boot application, where I am tring to place a file inside folder of S3 target bucket. target-bucket/targetsystem-folder/file.csv
The targetsystem-folder name will differ for each file which will be retrived from yml configuration file.
The targetsystem-folder have to created via code if the folder doesnot exit and file should be placed under the folder
As I know, there is no folder concept in S3 bucket and all are stored as objects.
Have read in some documents like to place the file under folder, have to give the key-expression like targetsystem-folder/file.csv and bucket = target-bucket.
But it doesnot work out.Would like to achieve this using spring-integration-aws without using aws-sdk directly
<int-aws:s3-outbound-channel-adapter id="filesS3Mover"
Can anyone guide on this issue
Your problem that the SpEL in the key-expression is wrong. Just try to start from the regular Java code and imagine how you would like to build such a value. Then you'll figure out that you are missing concatenation operation in your expression:
key-expression="headers.targetsystem-folder + '/' + headers.file_name"
Also, please, in the future provide more info about error. In most cases the stack trace is fully helpful.
In the project that I was working before, I just used the java aws sdk provided. Then in my implementation, I did something like this
private void uploadFileTos3bucket(String fileName, File file) {
s3client.putObject(new PutObjectRequest("target-bucket", "/targetsystem-folder/"+fileName, file)
I didn't create anymore configuration. It automatically creates /targetsystem-folder inside the bucket(then put the file inside of it), if it's not existing, else, put the file inside.
You can take this answer as reference, for further explanation of the subject.
There are no "sub-directories" in S3. There are buckets and there are
keys within buckets.
You can emulate traditional directories by using prefix searches. For
example, you can store the following keys in a bucket:

How to reference an *.rst file from the docstring of a module using sphinx

I wrote a little tutorial in rst format. Now for the documentation generated by apidoc, I would like to reference that tutorial in the docstring using:
Where my_tut.rst is in the top level directory of my Sphinx-documentation source-folder. However, I get the error
WARNING: 'any' reference target not found: my_tut
Added info:
The output of apidoc is not in the toplevel source folder, but in a subfolder called code.
The :doc: role can be used to create a cross-reference to my_tut.rst:
If the link source and the link target are in different folders, that needs to be taken into account. With a target one level above the source, it would look like this:
An alternative is to add a label immediately before the relevant heading in my_tut.rst and use that as the cross-reference target. If the label definition is .. _my_label:, you would reference it like this:
You could also use :ref:`my_label`.

Can a build template be based on another build template on TeamCity?

I am using TeamCity 9.0.2, and I would like to make a template implement another template, or make a build configuration implement more than one template.
Can this be achieved?
This was not available when you asked the question but since Team City 10 you can now use Kotlin to configure your builds and thus your templates.
From this you can make Templates implement other Templates.
I myself have made Templates inherit from other templates to cut down on reconfiguration time and to not have to repeat myself so many times.
open class TheBaseTemplate(uuidIn: String, extIdIn: String, nameIn: String, additionalSettings: Template.() -> Unit) : Template({
uuid = uuidIn
extId = extIdIn
name = nameIn
/* all the other settings that are the same for the derived templates*/
object DerivedTemplateA : TheBaseTemplate("myUuidA", "myExtIdA", "myNameA", {
params {
param("set this", "to this")
object DerivedTemplateB : TheBaseTemplate("myUuidB", "myExtIdB", "myNameB", {
params {
param("set this", "to that")
object Project : Project({
uuid = "project uuid"
extId = "project extid"
name = "project name"
buildType {
/* the uuid, extId and name are set here */
buildType {
/* the uuid, extId and name are set here */
The above code might be very hard to understand. It will take some time to familiarise yourself with Kotlin, what it does, and how it interfaces with TeamCity. I should point out that some imports are missing.
Additionally, take the example with a pinch of salt. It is a quick example to demonstrate one way of templates implementing other templates. Do not take this example as the definitive way to do things.
Unfortunately, this is currently not possible but already requested for a long time in TW-12153 (maybe you would like to vote for it).
To share several build steps among several build configurations or build configuration templates, I am using meta runners:
A Meta-Runner allows you to extract build steps, requirements and parameters from a build configuration and create a build runner out of them.
This build runner can then be used as any other build runner in a build step of any other build configuration or template.
Although using meta runners works as a workaround for us, editing meta runners is not as convenient as editing a build configuration template (as it usually requires editing the meta runner definition XML file by hand).
Update 2021
As #zosal points out in his answer TeamCity meanwhile provides another way of sharing common build configuration data or logic by means of the Kotlin DSL. The Kotlin DSL is a very powerful tool but may not always fit in your specific scenario. I would recommend to at least give it a try or watch one of the introductory tutorial videos.

Serving static files in Sinatra... with beautiful routes?

Assuming I have a directory structure similar to:
How can I set my sinatra app to be routed to
and have the previously mentioned file to render? path_to_file will always stay the same, but there will be different folders (two, three, etc.) inside it.
I've tried the following:
get '/path_to_file/:number' do'path_to_file', "#{params[:number]}", "index.html"))
but then the e.g. javascript file linked from index.html doesn't render correctly.
Got it!
get '/path_to_file/:number/:file' do'path_to_file', "#{params[:number]}", "#{params[:file]}"))
get '/path_to_file/:number' do'path_to_file', "#{params[:number]}", "index.html"))
Order is important, since if these two methods are reversed, get '/path_to_file/:number' becomes a superset of get '/path_to_file/:number/:file'.
Just a thought, but you could setup your server software, Apache, nginx, whatever it is you're using, to serve .css and .js and image files from a different location.
