Advice not applied in unit tests - spring-boot

Spring AOP advices are not being applied for unit tests. Everything seems to be working fine during normal execution and integration tests, but are not applied while running unit tests.
Relatively new to Spring and battling with this issue for a while. Looks like some configuration issue. Tried with different types of runners but did not have any luck. Also tried to integrate with AspectJWeaver for compile time weaving but hit many compile issues across the legacy code base which I stepped back.
Unit test
public class UserServiceImpl
private UserServiceImpl userServiceSpy;
private UserDao userDao;
private MembershipDao membershipDao;
private Service1 service1;
private Service2 service2;
private TroubleshootingLogService troubleshootingLogService;
public void setup() {
UserServiceImpl userService = new UserServiceImpl(userDao, membershipDao,service1, service2, <param1>, <param2>);
userServiceSpy = spy(userService)
// some other variables inits...
// All the unit tests.
Integration test
#SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
#TestExecutionListeners(value = {FlywayTestExecutionListener.class}, mergeMode = TestExecutionListeners.MergeMode.MERGE_WITH_DEFAULTS)
public class UserServiceIntegrationTest {
public static final WireMockClassRule wireMockRule = new WireMockClassRule(wireMockConfig().dynamicPort());
private UserDao userDao;
private MembershipDao membershipDao;
private Service1 service1;
private Service2 service2;
public void init(){
//clean up persisted test states
// All integration tests
public class UserExceptionLoggingAdvisor extends AbstractExceptionLoggingAdvisor {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(UserExceptionLoggingAdvisor.class);
#Around("#annotation(LogException) && args(directoryId, userId, userToUpdate)")
public Object handleException(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint, String directoryId, String userId, ExternalUser userToUpdate) throws Throwable {
LOGGER.debug("Advising execution to handle possible ScimException");
When we have a breakpoint on the Aspect class, at private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(UserExceptionLoggingAdvisor.class); line, the unit test breaks. But it does not break at the actual #Around advice for unit tests while it does for integration tests.
Can anyone advise me on how to fix this issue.

It's not a "configuration issue"
Since you havn't disclosed how you are calling your unit tests and none of the classes. My guess is that it isn't triggered since you have expressed the fully qualified name to your LogException annotation.
it should be my.full.packagename.logexception
My advice is to keep your "unittests" as simple as possible and give up that idea of getting Aspects to work in your unit test.
Too many mocks is never a good thing,
Testing on the Toilet: Don’t Overuse Mocks


Spring boot 2.0.5.RELEASE - sleuth and mockito

I have tried to sort this out for a week, but no luck at all. The issue is with the unit tests.
This is the class that I am trying to test:
import brave.Span;
import brave.Tracer;
public class InternetBackEndRestClient {
private Tracer tracer;
public PasswordJwtResponse generatePassworJwt(PasswordJwtRequest passwordJwtRequest, String traceId) throws LogonProxyException {"{\"Starting method\": \"generatePassworJwt\", \"input\": {} }", passwordJwtRequest);
Span newSpan = tracer.nextSpan().name("spanPasswordJwtResponse");
How can I do the unit test? Brave.Tracer is a final class so that I cannot mock it. Is there anyway to set up a context? or mock Tracer?
public class InternetBackEndRestClientTest {
private InternetBackEndRestClient internetBackEndRestClient;
private Tracer tracer;
public void generatePassworJwt_test() {
Could anyone help me please?
Here is the solution that worked for me:
public class InternetBackEndRestClientTest {
private static final String TRACEID = "12345678901234567890123456789012";
private InternetBackEndRestClient internetBackEndRestClient;
private Tracer tracer;
private Span span;
public void setUp() {
Tracing tracing = Tracing.newBuilder().build();
You can manually set the span and trace id using TraceContext.newBuilder() in a test and past the Tracer into the class being tested.
Tracer tracer = Tracing.newBuilder().build().tracer();
TraceContext ctx = TraceContext.newBuilder().traceId(10L).spanId(10L).build();
Span span = tracer.toSpan(ctx);
This might be a bit lighter than mocking the Tracer class
Your example isn't complete so it's hard to identify everything that's not quite right, but one thing is that #MockBean will only work if you're using Spring Boot testing's infrastructure. That means that you need to be using SpringRunner to run the test and you also have to have enabled #MockBean support. The most common way to do that is with #SpringBootTest:
public class InternetBackEndRestClientTest {
// …
You can read more about #MockBean in the Spring Boot reference documentation.

Cannot inject #Service in Unit Test in SpringBoot project

i have a #Service that I am trying to mock in an Unit Test but i get a null value so far. In the application class I specify what are the scanBasePackages. Do I have to do this in a different way? Thanks.
This is my service class that implements an interface:
public class DeviceService implements DeviceServiceDao {
private List<Device> devices;
public List<Device> getDevices(long homeId) {
return devices;
This is my unit test.
public class SmartHomeControllerTest {
private RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
private static final String BASE_URL = “..”;
private DeviceService deviceService;
public void getHomeRegisteredDevices() throws Exception {
Device activeDevice = new DeviceBuilder()
Device inativeDevice = new DeviceBuilder()
UriComponentsBuilder builder = UriComponentsBuilder
.fromUriString(BASE_URL + "/1/devices");
List response = restTemplate.getForObject(builder.toUriString(), List.class);
verify(deviceService, times(1)).getDevices(1);
You have to use a Spring test runner if you want to load and use a Spring context during tests execution.
You don't specify any runner, so it uses by default the runner of your test API. Here is probably JUnit or TestNG (the runner using depends on the #Test annotation specified).
Besides, according to the logic of your test, you want to invoke the "real"
REST service :
List response = restTemplate.getForObject(builder.toUriString(),
To achieve it, you should load the Spring context and load the Spring Boot container by annotating the test with #SpringBootTest.
If you use a Spring Boot context, to mock the dependency in the Spring context, you must not use #Mock from Mockito but #MockBean from Spring Boot.
To understand the difference between the two, you may refer to this question.
Note that if you are using the #SpringBootTest annotation, a TestRestTemplate is automatically available and can be autowired into your test.
But beware, this is fault tolerant. It may be suitable or not according to your tests.
So your code could look like :
#SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
public class SmartHomeControllerTest {
private static final String BASE_URL = “..”;
private TestRestTemplate restTemplate;
private DeviceService deviceService;
public void getHomeRegisteredDevices() throws Exception {
As a side note, avoid using raw type as List but favor generic type.
#SpringBootTest(classes = NotificationApplication.class)
public class EmailClientImplTest {
And also add the needed properties/configs in
Good luck!
I figured it out, I am using Mockito and used that to annotate my test class. This allowed me to get a mock of the service class that i am trying to use.
public class SmartHomeControllerTest {..
private DeviceService deviceService;
Try with #InjectMock instead of #Mock
You should run your test with spring boot runner

Controller layer test in SpringBoot application

I have a controller in my SpringBoot app:
public class Controller{
private ServiceForController service;
public String createItem(#ModelAttribute Item item) {
Item i = service.createItem(item.getName(), item.getDomain());
return "item-result";
And I'd like to test it separately from service with a help of mocks.How to implement it?
There are at least two approaches to do it:
To start up the whole SpringBoot context and make a sort of integration tests
public class ControllerTest {
private MockMvc mvc;
#WithMockUser(roles = "ADMIN")
public void createItem() throws Exception {
.param("name", "item")
.param("domain", ""))
//check result logic
Test exclusive controller layer and limit the whole loaded context exclusively to it. Example:
#WebMvcTest(controllers = Controller.class)
public class ControllerTest{
private MockMvc mvc;
private ServiceForController service;
//testing methods and their logic
Even though the second approach seems more sensible (as for me) in terms of resources used, it may cause plenty of inconveniences due to the lack of beans initialized. For instance, before I decided to try another option, I faced the need to create mocks of at least 5 beans that are added to the context on SpringBoot start in my ContollerTest class.
Thus, I had to switch to the approach with a use of #SpringBootTest in combination with #SpyBean, that allowed me to call a Mockito verify() method.

Unit Testing a class with ServiceLocatorFactoryBean Autowired

I have a Interface which is registered as part of ServiceLocatorFactoryBean. The main purpose of this Interface is to act as a factory.
I have "autowired" this Interface in various classes, that I want to test now with Mockito.
The issue is Mockito doesn't support interfaces. How can inject a mock of this interface in the class I am testing.
The only alternative I see is to run the test using SpringJunitRunner and providing an Application Context which has the bean configurations. But this is too verbose.
I take it you'd like to spy on the implementation that Spring generated for your interface?! That's close to impossible to achieve with what you have so far... However there are at least the following alternatives below.
Suppose we have the following setup:
public interface MyService {
String doIt();
public static class ServiceConsumer {
private MyService service;
public String execute() {
return service.doIt();
0) Later edit: while roaming around, I found that it may be possible to spy and even replace an autowired field with a mock, and fairly easy too, using Springockito-annotations.
#ContextConfiguration(loader = SpringockitoAnnotatedContextLoader.class, classes = {SpringockitoConsumerTest.class})
public class SpringockitoConsumerTest {
#WrapWithSpy(beanName = "myService")
private MyService mockService;
private ServiceConsumer consumer;
public void shouldConsumeService() {
assertEquals("allDone", consumer.execute());
If Springockito-annotations is out of the question, please see the 2 original suggestions below
1) You could just create your mock of the interface and auto-inject it Mockito in your bean. This is the simplest solution (I could think of at the time of writing) but it does not ensure that the #Autowired annotation was not forgotten in the consumer (perhaps a dedicated test could be added?!):
public class AutoInjectMocksConsumerTest {
private MyService serviceMock;
private ServiceConsumer consumer = new ServiceConsumer();
public void initMocks() {
public void shouldConsumeService() {
assertEquals("allDone", consumer.execute());
2) Alternatively as you also said, you could run it with the SpringJunitRunner making a minimum of effort to define and instantiate the necessary Spring context while also providing your own service mock. Albeit people may complain this solution is not that clean, I find it sufficiently elegant and it also validates that the #Autowired annotation was not forgotten in the consumer implementation.
#ContextConfiguration(classes = {SpringAutowiringConsumerTest.class})
public class SpringAutowiringConsumerTest {
private MyService mockService;
private ServiceConsumer consumer;
public void shouldConsumeService() {
assertEquals("allDone", consumer.execute());
public MyService mockService() {
MyService serviceMock = mock(MyService.class);
return serviceMock;

Spring HATEOAS Resource assembler is not instantiated in unit test

I am trying to write a unit test for a REST controller which generates HATEOAS links via Resource assembler class. Everything is OK in production, but with the unit test Resource assembler class is not being injected into the controller.
my resource assembler class is:
public class ModelResourceAssembler extends ResourceAssemblerSupport<Model, ModelResource> {
public ModelResourceAssembler() {
super(ModelRestController.class, ModelResource.class);
public ModelResourceAssembler modelResourceAssembler(){
return new ModelResourceAssembler();
public ModelResource toResource(Model model) {
The controller is:
#ComponentScan(basePackages = {""} )
public class ModelRestController {
private ModelPersistenceHandler modelPersistenceHandler;
private ModelResourceAssembler modelResourceAssembler;
And the unit test:
#ContextConfiguration(loader = AnnotationConfigContextLoader.class, classes= {ModelResourceAssembler.class, ModelRestController.class})
public class ModelRestControllerTest {
private MockMvc mockMvc;
private ModelRestController modelRestController;
private ModelPersistenceHandler modelPersistenceHandler;
public void setup() {
mockMvc = MockMvcBuilders.standaloneSetup(modelRestController).build();
No matter what I do the ModelResourceAssembler instance is always null. Since the application is Spring Boot it does not have the WebCoonfig classes and autowired WebApplicationContext is always null, so I cannot (and really don't want to since I am running a unit test) instantiate MockMvc via webAppContextSetup
The solution ended up being quite simple: I needed to add one line to my test:
private ModelResourceAssembler modelResourceAssembler;
And the bean was instantiated and properly wired
In your example you use #InjectMocks but don't declare a mock for ModelResourceAssembler. You don't get an instance out of nowhere.
You use the MockitoJUnitRunner.class. It has no idea of Spring beans. For testing Spring applications you rather want to use SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class.
If i may suggest, if you use constructor injection for your controller then you can just mock the dependency and not need spring junit test runner stuff.
