Copy directories if their subdirectories contain "connect.txt" - windows

I want to copy multiple directories from one location to another location only if any of the subdirectories of those contain connect.txt file in them.
Then I ONLY want to copy ANIMAL & PLANET directories to C:\DESKTOP.

move *\*\connect.txt C:\Desktop
This uses a regular expression which would work if you're really wanting to look only under the subdirectories of all directories at some location.


Replace files in multiple folders, whose name includes destination folder name

I have very little experience with the command line and I'm trying to do something very complicated (to me).
I have a directory with A LOT of subfolders and files in them. All file names contain the parent folder name, e.g.:
In another folder (all in one directory), I have a new version of all the data_FolderX.csv files and I need to replace them in the original folders. I cannot give them another name because of later analyses. Is there a way to replace the files in the original folders with the new version, in the command line?
I tried this Replacing a file into multiple folders/subdirectories but didn't work for me. Given that I have many .csv files in the derectories, I don't want to replace them all, so I don't think I should do it based on the file extension. I would also like to note that the name "FolderX" contains several other _, so in principal, I want to replace the .csv file starting with data in the FolderX.
Can anyone help?
Thanks in advance!

How to ignore _vti_cnf and _vti_pvt folders in the nominated folder and all sub-folders of nominated folder?

I have this in my .gitignore file located in the root of my repository:
# Expression Web tracking files
But it turns out I need to ignore these two folders in any sub folder of Help or below. See:
How do I modify it to do that?
There is no path which starts with /Help/_vti_cnf, thus no files are ignored. Change to /Help/PublisherDatabase/_vti_cnf, /Help/*/_vti_cnf (all direct subfolders contining _vti_cnf), /Help/**/_vti_cnf (all subfolders containing _vti_cnf) or _vti_cnf (ignore _vti_cnf everywhere).
For more information see

Move .X to parent folder (Windows)

I have a specific structure wherein I need to move some files.
I want to move files of a specific type, in this case .pdf.
How would I go about scanning all "Draft" folders for .pdf files, and then moving them to the parent ProjectX folder and deleting the "Draft" folders?
I would prefer to have a .bat I could run for this, preferably running from C:\Root.
Being a novice, I assumed it was in the logic ballpark of:
Find files of type .pdf in folders named C:\Root\Projects\*\Draft
Move found files to ./ (parent)
Find folders in C:\Root\Projects\*\ named Draft
Delete found folders
However, I'm not exactly a wiz with commands.
Any help appreciated.

Recusively copy files of a specific pattern and recreate the folders hierarchy

How can I copy a set of files by a specific pattern from a set of deeply structured folders recursively into another folder? Also I need to recreate the folder hierarchy from source folder in the target folder (only that folders, which contain copied files). I need to use standard Windows command-line tools.
This question looks like this one: How can I recursively copy files of a specific pattern into a single flat folder on Windows? ; but in my case I want to keep folder structure, so this script will not do this:
for /r %x in (*.dll, *pdb) do copy "%x" targetDir\
The decision is:
FOR /r %x in (PATTERN) DO
(if not exist TARGET_DIR%~px mkdir TARGET_DIR%~px) & (copy %~x c:\\TARGET_DIR%~px)
So, the "secret" is in %~px command which gives relative path of copied file, so we should create this relative path in target dir.

Terminals - Creating Multiple Identical Folders within Subdirectories and Moving Files

I have a bunch of files I'm trying to organize quickly, and I had two questions about how to do that. I really appreciate any help! I tried searching but couldn't find anything on these specific commands for OSX.
First, I have about 100 folders in a directory - I'd like to place an folder in each one of those folders.
For example, I have
Is there a way I can create a folder inside each of those named "Pricing" in one command, i.e. ->
Cars/Mercedes/Pricing <br>
My second question is a little tougher to explain. In each of these folders, I'd like move certain files into these newly created folders (above) in the subdirectory.
Each file has a slightly different filename but contains the same string of letters - for example, in each of the above folders, I might have
Is there a way to search each subdirectory for a file containing the string "payment" and move that file into a subfolder in that subdirecotry - i.e. into the hypothetical "Pricing" folders we just created above with one command for all the subdirectories in Cars?
Thanks so much~! help with either of these would be invaluable.
I will assume you are using bash, since it is the default shell in OS X. One way to do this uses a for loop over each directory to create the subdirectory and move the file. Wildcards are used to find all of the directories and the file.
for DIR in Cars/*/ ; do
mkdir "${DIR}Pricing"
mv "${DIR}payment*.html" "${DIR}Pricing/"
The first line finds every directory in Cars, and then runs the loop once for each, replacing ${DIR} with the current directory. The second line creates the subdirectory using the substitution. Note the double quotes, which are necessary only if the path could contain spaces. The third line moves any file in the directory whose name starts with "payment" and ends with ".html" to the subdirectory. If you have multiple files which match this, they will all be moved. The fourth line simply marks the end of the loop.
If you are typing this directly into the command line, you can combine it into a single line:
for DIR in Cars/*/ ; do mkdir "${DIR}Pricing"; mv "${DIR}payment*.html" "${DIR}Pricing/"; done
