Eclipse Ditto enable AMQP 1.0 connection fails - amqp

I was trying to enable the AMQP 1.0 connection with Ditto running on my local virtual Ubuntu machine following the instruction from the website. So I created the twin on my instance, verified it exists and the following step was to create a connection with the endpoint.
First my question: Is it mandatory to use Hono to create AMQP connection? Cause I would prefer to use simple mosquito client. So I tryed to execute the PUT CURL:
"targetActorSelection": "/system/sharding/connection",
"headers": { "aggregate": false },
"piggybackCommand": {
"type": "connectivity.commands:createConnection",
"connection": {}
to the adress where my instance of eclipse ditto running http://localhost/devops/piggyback/connectivity, but i'm getting 401 Authorization error.
I tryed to put the basic authentication used in the example: devops:devopsPw1!, but it fails as well.
Meanwhile sending the same command to the Ditto sandbox instance working fine. What did I miss in my configuration?
Thanks a lot in advance, Mila

regarding the first question. No it is not mandatory to use Hono to create an AMQP connection. You can establish an AMQP connection to whatever uri you define in your connection.
This leads me to the next point. The JSON you provided in your question is missing the description of the actual connection.
I see that we should clarify this in the documentation more explicitly like we did for the testConnection command.
You could have a look at the connection model to see how to configure the connection.
Regarding your second question (401 response) the problem is that the default devops password is "foobar". You can configure it to a password you like by setting the environment variable DEVOPS_PASSWORD of the gateway container.
I hope I could help you.


Using a proxy that requires authentication with pybliometrics

I am using pybliometrics, a Python interface to the Scopus API, to download the abstracts of some papers.
Unfortunately Scopus only works inside the network of the university that subscribed to it. I am currently at home and whenever I try to download something using pybliometrics it gives me the following error:
pybliometrics.scopus.exception.Scopus401Error: The requestor is not authorized to access the requested view or fields of the resource
I need to use my university's proxy in order to enter the internet with the IP address of my university. The proxy has a WPAD configuration file available, but I fail to realize how to use it with pybliometrics. The pybliometrics documentation says to add a block in the configuration file like this:
ftp = socks5://
http = socks5://
https = socks5://
But this proxy requires authentication. How can I specify the proxy username and password?
EDIT: I have tried setting up the block in config.ini like:
ftp =
http =
https =
but it still fails with the following error message:
requests.exceptions.ProxyError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /content/abstract/scopus_id/84983158344?view=META_ABS (Caused by ProxyError('Cannot connect to proxy.', OSError('Tunnel connection failed: 407 Proxy Authentication Required')))
From our perspective the API will work via a proxy as long as the proxy is configured correctly. I would suggest you speak to the provider of the proxy to see if they can help.
We don't have specific instructions on how to use APIs with a proxy (as there are many potential different versions and potential configurations); however, the general instructions are here:
To me your new proxy block looks suspicious. It funnels ftp and https requests through the http as well. Maybe try ftp and https as protocols in the corresponding sections.
The other solution is to ask Scopus Integration Support for an InstToken, which you use instead of a proxy. You then specify the InstToken in the configuration file as well.
The problem was that my proxy requires DigestAuth rather than BasicAuth.

Mule4: "Remotely Closed" error for HTTPS POST

HTTPS POST requests are successful in POSTMAN both with and without Port 443. But failing in MULE Application with the error Remotely Closed.
Also, I tried to access the host using commands PING, TELNET and TRACENET for the host server via Command Prompt. Those fail with error Request Timed Out.
Can you please let me know where the issue lies?
For Mule4, remove the Global Element "HTTP Request Configuration" and pass the URL directly.
I am working with SAP Revsym Rest API's and this worked for me.
Plese, share config details. My guess is that config has path as well as path exist in the http request. These 2 pathes combined lead request to wrong place. That would be only possible explanation for provided information.

How to use Google Cloud PubSub with Proxy?

I'm working with an application that interacts with Google Cloud PubSub. It works fine in normal scenario but I want to enable proxy support so I was going through Publisher.Builder and Subscriber classes and their APIs to see if there are any APIs available to enable proxy support. I managed to find only the setChannelProvider but I'm not sure whether that will work or not.
The following code snippet is what I'm thinking of using but that doesn't seem to work.
ManagedChannel channel = ManagedChannelBuilder.forAddress(proxyHost, proxyPort).build();
TransportChannelProvider channelProvider = FixedTransportChannelProvider.create(GrpcTransportChannel.create(channel));
I wasn't able to successfully publish or pull messages to the cloud service. I get the following error:
java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException: DEADLINE_EXCEEDED: deadline exceeded after 9978300322ns
So I wanted to know does the PubSub service support proxy through APIs or does it only support the proxy setting i.e. host and port to be provided in the environment path only.
You can specify the proxyHost/port directly using JVM args https.proxyHost, https.proxyPort
mvn clean install -Dhttps.proxyHost=localhost -Dhttps.proxyPort=3128 exec:java
then just directly create a client of your choice
TopicAdminSettings topicAdminSettings = TopicAdminSettings.newBuilder().build();
TopicAdminClient topicAdminClient = TopicAdminClient.create(topicAdminSettings);
FYI- Setting ManagedChannelBuilder.forAddress() here overrides the final target for pubsub (which should be 443 (not the proxy)
Here is a medium post i put together as well as a gist specificlly for pubsub and pubsub+proxy that requires basic auth headers
finally, just note, its https.proxyHost even if you're using httpProxy, ref grpc#9561
Proxy authentication via HTTP is not supported by Google Pub/Sub, but it can be configured by using GRPC_PROXY_EXP environment variable.
I found the same error that you got here (that's why I assume you are using HTTP) and it got fixed by using what I said.
You need to set JVM args: https.proxyHost, https.proxyPort
for proxy authentication an additional configration is needed before any client creation:
Authenticator.setDefault(new Authenticator() {
protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() {
new PasswordAuthentication(proxyUsername,proxyPassword).toCharArray());

Client failover for qpid/amqp jms client?

Following the wiki page to
Simple me expected qpid-amqp-1-0-client-jms-0.20-sources.jar to accept the URI format, but it seems to disregard just about everything - especially the "brokerlist" option?
For example:
However the ConnectionFactory insist on using the <clientid> as broker host, and adds default port to it.
I'm sure I'm missing something really obvious here...
Broker is ActiveMQ 5.8.0, BTW.
Connection string you are using is pre-AMQP 1.0, new connection string should be of the following format without brokerlist
You are missing the virtual host in your url: amqp://guest:guest#clientid/host?

Fault Tolerance JMS URL in Java

I am doing a JMS connection using Java. The command I am using to establish connection is
QueueConnectionFactory factory =
new com.tibco.tibjms.TibjmsQueueConnectionFactory(JMSserverUrl);
Where JMSServerUrl is the varible which stores my JMS URL.
Now the problem is that I need to add the fault tolerance URL i.e two different URL's. So can any one tell me how can I specify two URLs together in the above code sample such that if first URL is not accessible it should try connecting to the other URL.
Put all URLs in a single string with a comma between them.
new TibjmsQueueConnectionFactory("ssl://host01:20302,ssl://host02:20302");
Caution, I am a Tibco EMS newbie, but this seems to work, as evidenced by the error I can get ...
javax.jms.JMSSecurityException: Failed to connect to any server at:
[Error: Can not initialize SSL client: no trusted certificates are set:
url that returned this exception = SSL://host01:20302 ]
The .NET documentation for tibco(I know your using java) suggests that you can provide a comma delimited list of server URL's for messaging connections. Bear in mind that I don't have any real tibco experience, but this is a common way to handle initial connection fault tolerance(i.e. prior to establishing a connection and receiving information about the cluster, after which failover is typically handled by the connection). It may be worth a try. Another solution that I have seen to this problem is creating a virtual IP and handling fault tolerance at the Network Level.
