firefox started constantly hesitating for several seconds on almost every action - firefox

Fresh installation - plugins disabled, no malware. Chromium runs without delays. Firefox on every other action, including typing every now and then - takes 3-5 second pauses, sometimes displays a running wheel when the delay is even longer.
Started at certain point in time. De-installation/re-installation didn't cure. Running as a single process didn't cure. Latest version.
Any ideas what can be causing this, specifically for the Firefox?

Upgrade to v67 - I remember reading some glitch has been removed in prior versions that might have been causing this behavior.
Also, another idea would be not to limit your cache to a very low space.
+1 to move this question to SuperUser.


SC_MONITORPOWER starts background tasks

When putting the monitor in sleep mode in Windows 10, Windows seems to execute some tasks that don't get executed with the screen on.
This is interfering with our software, and we need to get rid of it.
Ful story
For a hardware device with a touch screen, I need to be able to turn off the touch screen when it's not in use, for durability reasons. Windows has a message that you can send to turn it off, SC_MONITORPOWER. More specifically:
This works fine, but when the screen is off, Windows is apparently sometimes performing some tasks that it doesn't do when the screen is on. We are careful to never write anything to the screen in this situation (that causes huge problems when the screen is off, in fact just having a blinking cursor in a DOS box is using up half a core when the screen is off).
Our software requires a callback to be executed every 0.25 ms. We have turned nearly every task, service and several other things in Windows off, and with the screen on, I can run our software for days without ever missing a callback. But with the screen off I get hiccups. The callback already runs at the highest possible priority.
So there is apparently something that we missed when we turned all services and tasks off. There appear to be 2 causes of hiccups:
One happens once every 10-30 hours or so (not sure of the exact time, it seems to vary). But it always happens 5 times, with EXACTLY 5 minutes (at most a few milliseconds off) in between (so in total it happens 5 times in a 25 minute period).
Beside this, we get a single hiccup typically every 4-10 hours, but the time between occurrences doesn't seem to be very constant so there could also be multiple causes.
I'm a bit at a loss here, and running analysis software can easily interfere with our own software, making it harder to detect when these hiccups really occur and when they are caused by running the analysis software.
Interestingly, I have seen this 5-times-every-5-minutes thing also on a completely different system (different hardware, different OS version), when recording audio in Adobe Audition. Audition misses pieces of audio every 5 minutes in this case, and I think it also only happens when the monitor is in sleep mode and you're not logged in remotely.
We have already tried to turn the touch screen off using direct monitor commands like Nircmd does, and it doesn't support those. My guess is that the SC_MONITORPOWER message is triggering more things in Windows, and if we can turn them off, that would fix our problem. Any ideas?
Intel i5-8700 with 6 cores, Windows LTSB, no extra software installed except our own.
Never mind, problem solved. It was not an extra task that was being started, it was one of the existing Windows processes that for some reason only causes issues when the display is off. Since killing them is not an option (Windows will just restart them), I've suspended the following processes, and the culprit is one of these (I don't know which one yet):
igfxEM.exe (I very much suspect this one)
I have to continue testing a bit longer to be absolutely certain, but so far with these tasks all suspended I've not seen a missed callback in the last 38 hours. I don't know yet if there are any drawbacks to suspending all these things, so I'll try to find the cause(s) and suspend only that/those.

Parity syncing pauses for long periods

I've been having issues with my parity instance freezing up while syncing. Given enough time it'll generally pick up again but sometimes it will stay where it is for hours. Restarting the instance temporarily solves the problem and it will immediately start syncing like normal.
For example, it might sync to the latest block at 15:00:00 and then not pick up anything until 15:30:00 (or a few hours later) and then start syncing until it catches back up to the top.
Peers are generally 20+ and absolutely nothing new will show up in the console until parity decides to resume (or I restart)
Running off of a windows server instance. Off of an HDD (Not ideal I know but except for these pauses it has been sufficient and the fact that restarting parity fixes the issue makes me believe it is unrelated to the hard drive performance)
Running parity 1.10.8 with the cmd:
parity.exe --jsonrpc-apis all --cache-size 1024 --db-compaction hdd --tracing off --pruning fast
I have a large number of wallets that I query regularly with the RPC APIs to check for changes.
Did anyone encounter anything like this?
That is a known bug and fixed a while ago, if you keep experiencing this, please ugprade to the latest Parity Ethereum 2.x releases!
Note: I work for Parity Technologies.

PHPStorm v.5 issues

I use PHPStorm 5.0.2 for debugging php/mysql projects with WAMP framework (php 5.3.1, Apache 2.2.9, mysql 5.5.24 on Windows 7 platform).
Question 1: Some times in a project, when watch debug variables are used, they take some seconds to refresh on the debug panel, after each code step. Each watch variable takes a few seconds to refresh, so the more watches have been defined, the more slowing down takes place during code stepping, rendering debugging disappointedly slow. So, for example, I cannot press 'Step over' every second, because I have to wait till watch values are refreshed, before I press the next 'Step over' and this may take 5 or more seconds.
This didn't use to happen before, it started happening lately and also it doesn't happen all the time. When it doesn't happen, the code stepping can advance very quickly, as it usually did.
In this project I have set up quite a few breakpoints, so I was wondering if they are the culprit. I tried to disable most of them (not delete them, since I need to keep them for future use), but I didn't see any improvement.
I also tried different xdebug versions, but no change took place.
I have also tried to switch browsers, delete browser data (cache, etc), restart WAMP server, browser, phpStorm, even Windows, but many times the issue remains. Other times, it disappears for a little while and it reappears later in the code.
I was wondering what reasons might produce this slow refresh.
Question 2: Is there any way to export or save breakpoints from a project?
Question 3: If I tried PHPStorm 7, in case this slow-refresh issue disappeared, could I open the PHPStorm 5 project in order to not loose the breakpoints I have already set?

x11 gnome-shell display freezes every minute for 25 seconds

I use gnome shell in Fedora 18 x86_64 on an emachines E725 notebook. For the last month, every 60 seconds the display locks up for 25 seconds. Sometimes it does this for 10 minutes, and sometimes all day. The mouse cursor still moves, and sound still plays without skipping. Also, progress bars jump forward when it unfreezes as they never froze. I have stopped all cron tasks and restarted many times. The exact second the clock stops on varies each time I restart the system. I have also noticed a small increase in network use right before it freezes. It sometimes starts freezing before I open any apps, and it still freezes after I close all apps. Please let me know if there is any additional information I should post. I have done many convoluted google and stackoverflow searches over a long period of time and have found no similar problems posted. Thank you for any help or advice.
Probably off topic, but I'd suggest trying a CD/USB linux distribution (i.e. one that runs off the CD rather than having to install it).
If that has problems, you are probably looking at a hardware issue.
If a CD distribution works, then yep, it's something wrong with your installation.

OpenGL randomly slows down

I'm currently learning OpenGL and I've noticed a rarely occuring performance problem:
My program is rather small so it's not a performance problem with the code itself, but when I'm running the code via Visual Studio I sometimes only get 1-2 FPS instead of the usual 60.
Once this happens I can restart the program as often as I want to (in debug and release mode alike) and it won't go away.
However, when I close my Firefox (or manually shut down the plugin-container.exe though task manager) and restart my program everything is fine again. After that I can start Firefox again (with the same tabs open) and the bug does not reappear.
I use the newest version of Firefox, and I've had this bug with several programs already - both made by me and others and using different versions of OpenGL. However I don't think I've had this problem when starting a compiled exe directly, but only by using the Run feature of Visual Studio.
I've searched the web but I only found a link about the generally bad performance of this plugin-container.
Does anyone else have this problem? Do you know any walkarounds or fixes?
PS: Regarding isti_spl's answer:
The CPU utilisation of the plugin-container.exe jumps to the 50% limit when the problem happens.
I'm working with Visual Studio, but the problem only occurs when I also have Firefox running (it most certainly is because of this plugin-container, so it probably won't happen with other browsers).
It's hard to isolate the problem because I can't replicate it. It might happen 1 out of 50 times.
I'll see if closing flash-related tabs (youtube, etc) fixes the problem next time it happens.
Can you isolate the problem?
You first mentioned running visual studio then firefox. Please try to run separately.
Under FF. is it caused by WebGL or flash plugin? Is it caused by visiting specific sites?
Is it FF specific or happens under other browsers too?
Does CPU utilisation jump high? Please verify that too and which process consumes most CPU.
Not sure, but likely gpu driver + flash problems.
If so, the problem is not in your code, other GL program should be affected too.
