How to access an environment variable that I defined from the last successful build - jenkins-pipeline

I am trying to access an environment variable that I defined in the job 'A' from another job 'B'
job 'A' defines it by -
evn.upload_loaction = "loc"
In job B I am trying to access the last successful build of JOb A and get that variable -
def item = Jenkins.instance.getItem("deploy-artifact-pipeline")
def dev_deployed_build=item.getLastSuccessfulBuild()
def envVars= dev_deployed_build.getEnvVars()
echo envVars['upload_loaction'] // prints null
echo envVars['BUILD_NUMBER'] // prints 21
My custom variable is not recognized but generic ones like build_number is available.
When I trigger Job A as downstream job then I can access using -
def jLz = build (job: 'deploy-artifact-pipeline')
echo jLz.buildVariables.PROCESSOR_UPLOAD_LOCATION // prints loc
Can someone help me with this? Or is there a better way to store and access that variable from a previous build ?

EnvInject plugin and Pipeline job doesn't go hand in hand, if some environment variable needs to be stored I usually prefer that job to be a free style job where you can send your env variable to be stored at the end of the build and that can be accessed for the specific build with "injectedEnvVars/api/json"

An alternate approach that I handled was to create an artifact file with the required information. And in the other Jenkins pipeline I download the artifact file and read the information in it.


How to pass the Variable values(VM Name) form text file to jenkins job so that it should perform the task in each VM

I have file consist of 10 VM name.I want to pass the each VM name as parameter for a jenkins that my jenkins job should perform task specified in each machine.Can some one suggest how it can be done.How it can be done using pipeline script.
File.txt consist below variables
and I want to pass the values to jenkins job name called "Setupenvironment"
Please suggest.
You can use the file parameter to pass a file to your job. For a declarative pipeline it looks like the following
pipeline {
parameters {
file(name: 'FILE', description: 'Some file to upload')

How to check if pipeline parameter is empty [duplicate]

We used to be able to check if a parameter is available via:
But that no longer works at least as of Jenkins v 2.39. (These functions work for variables set within the groovy script but not the parameters from 'Build with Parameters'.)
Instead of using binding.variables.containsKey() to check, you should use:

Bamboo: Access script variable in subsequent maven task

I have seen many posts where people asking to access Bamboo variables in script but this is not about that.
I am defining a variable in Shell Script task, as below, and then I would like to access that variable in the subsequent maven task.
newVersion=$(( currentBuildNumber - toSubtract ))
echo "Value of newVersion: ${newVersion}"
This one goes perfectly fine. However I have a subsequent maven 3 task where I try to access this variable by typing ${newVersion} I get below error
error 07-Jun-2019 14:12:20 Exception in thread "main" java.lang.StackOverflowError
simple 07-Jun-2019 14:12:21 Failing task since return code of [mvn --batch-mode versions:set -DnewVersion=1.0.${newVersion}] was 1 while expected 0
Basically, I would like to automate the version number of the built jar files just by using ${bamboo.buildNumber} and subtracting some number so that I won't have to enter the new version number every time I run a build.
Appreciate your help... thanks,
EDIT: I posted the same question on Atlassian forum too... I will update this post when I get an answer there...
Generally, the best solution I have found is to output the result to a file and use the Inject Variables task to read the variable into the build.
For example, in some builds I need a SUFFIX variable, so in a bash script I end up doing
echo $SUFFIX >> .suffix.cfg
Then I can use the Inject Variables Task to read that file
Inject Variables Task
Make sure it is a Result variable and you should be able to get to it using ${} for the suffix one, it would be ${bamboo.VERSION.suffix}

How can I configure Jenkins to take a parameter, change it and pass to an Ant script? (!)

I realise this is probably a sub-optimal way to achieve what I'm trying to, but there are limitations I can't get round...
Given an existing Jenkins build runs a script after a maven war build, that script is an ant script to which parameters are passed.
Now I want to change the value of one of those Ant properties, using the value passed in to the build as a Jenkins parameter.
So when I call the Ant script, I want to be able to do something like: = $build-parameter + "a constant string"
At the moment the errors in the log suggest $build-parameter isn't being parsed to its value, instead the value passed to the Ant script is the literal '$build-parameter'
I've since discovered the reason the value didn't end up in Ant script was because of a hyphen ( '-' ) in the Jenkins build parameter name.
So now the question is how do I concat that with a constant String prior to passing to Ant? = $buildparameter + "a constant string"
I ended up using "Inject environment variables to the build process".
Then, in the Invike Ant task:

Redirect Output of Capistrano

I have a Capistrano deploy file (Capfile) that is rather large, contains a few namespaces and generally has a lot of information already in it. My ultimate goal is, using the Tinder gem, paste the output of the entire deployment into Campfire. I have Tinder setup properly already.
I looked into using the Capistrano capture method, but that only works for the first host. Additionally that would be a lot of work to go through and add something like:
output << capture 'foocommand'
Specifically, I am looking to capture the output of any deployment from that file into a variable (in addition to putting it to STDOUT so I can see it), then pass that output in the variable into a function called notify_campfire. Since the notify_campfire function is getting called at the end of a task (every task regardless of the namespace), it should have the task name available to it and the output (which is stored in that output variable). Any thoughts on how to accomplish this would be greatly appreciated.
I recommend not messing with the Capistrano logger, Instead use what unix gives you and use pipes:
cap deploy | my_logger.rb
Where your logger reads STDIN and STDOUT and both records, and pipes it back to the appropriate stream.
For an alternative, the Engineyard cap recipies have a logger – this might be a useful reference if you do need to edit the code, but I recommend not doing.
It's sort of a hackish means of solving your problem, but you could try running the deploy task in a Rake task and capturing the output using %x.
# your Rakefile...
task :deploy_and_notify do
output = %x[ cap deploy ] # Run your deploy task here.
puts output # Echo the output.
