I use SSH mode to remote access the computer with Linux system.
If use GUI, I need to compile "CRN.m" written by mathematica first, then compile the file "lulu.nb" to get the final results.
My question is how to use terminal command to run the mathematica code, which has two steps---compiling "CRN.m" first and then "lulu.nb".
I try the math -run, it says cannot open the CRN.m since it is not a mathematica notebook.
I need to emulate a terminal in go. I try to do it like this:
lsCmd := exec.Command("bash", "-c", "ls")
lsOut, err := lsCmd.Output()
if err != nil {
And it seems to work correctly (the native ubuntu terminal displays a horizontal list, and the result of this function goes vertically).
But if I specifically call the wrong command, for example exec.Command ("bash", "-c", "lss"), I get:
panic: exit status 127
And in the native ubuntu terminal I get the following result:
Command 'lss' not found, did you mean:
and enumeration of commands.
I need to communicate with the native terminal, and get the same thing as the result of the command if I wrote the command in the standard ubuntu terminal.
What is the best way to do this? Maybe the exec library is not suitable for this? All this is necessary for front-end communication with the OS terminal. On a simple html/css/js page, the user enters a command, after go it sends it to the native terminal of the operating system and returns the result to the front-end.
How I can get the same result of executing commands as if I were working in a native terminal?
The problem
But if I specifically call the wrong command, for example exec.Command
("bash", "-c", "lss"), I get:
panic: exit status 127
And in the native ubuntu terminal I get the following result:
Command 'lss' not found, did you mean:
and enumeration of commands.
This has nothing to do with Go, and the problem is actually two-fold:
Ubuntu ships with a special package, command-not-found, which is usually preinstalled, which tries make terminal more friently for mere mortals by employing two techniques:
It tries to suggest corrections for misspellings (your case).
It tries to suggest packages to install when the user tries to execute a program which would have been be available if the user had a specific package installed.
When the command is not found, "plain" (see below) shell fails the attempt by returning a non-zero exit code.
This is absolutely expected and normal.
I mean, panicking on it is absolutely unwise.
There's a historical difference on how a shell is run on a Unix system.
When a user logs into the system (remember that back in the days the concept of the shell was invented you'd be logging in via a hardware computer terminal which was basically what your GNOME Terminal window is but in hardware, and connected over a wire),
the so-called login shell is started.
The primary idea of a logic shell is to provide interactive environment for the user.
But as you surely know, shells are also capable of executing scripts.
When a shell executes a script, it's running in a non-interactive mode.
The modes a Unix shell can work in
Now let's dig deeper into that thing about interactive vs non-interactive shells.
In the interactive mode:
The shell is usually connected to a real terminal (either hadrware or a terminal emulator; your GNOME Terminal window is a terminal emulator).
"Connected" means that the shell's standard I/O streams are connected to the terminal, so that what the shell prints is displayed by the terminal.
It enables certain bells and whistles for the user, usually providind limited means for editing what is being input (bash, for instance, engages GNU readline.
In the non-interactive mode:
The shell's standard I/O streams are connected to some files (or to "nowhere" — like /dev/null).
No bells and whistles are enabled — as there is nobody to make use of them.
GNU bash is able to run in both modes, and which mode it runs in depends
on how it was invoked.
When initializing in different modes, bash reads different initialization scripts, and this explains why the machinery provided by the command-not-found package gets engaged in the interactive mode and does not when bash is run otherwise — like in your invocation from Go.
What do do about the problem
The simplest thing to try is to run bash with the --login command-line option or otherwise make it think it runs as an interactive shell.
This might solve the problem for your case but not necessarily.
The next possible problem is that some programs do really check whether they're running at a terminal — usually these are programs which insist on real interaction with the user, usually for security purposes, and there are programs which simply cannot run when not connected to a real terminal — these are "full-screen" text UI programs such as GNU Midnight Commander, Vim, Emacs, GNU Nano and anything like this.
To solve this problem, the only solution is to run the shell in a pseudo-terminal environment, and that's what #eudore hinted at in their comment.
The github.com/creack/pty might be a package to start looking at; golang.org/x/crypto/ssh also provides some means to wrangle PTYs.
I'm creating a Matlab code in windows 10, which in turns uses the Ubuntu environment (inside windows 10) to perform some calculations mixing Matlab and OpenFOAM.
I summary, what I do is that I have a Matlab code, which at certain moment calls a shell script function inside my ubuntu environment and this function perform everything that I need on ubuntu. If I test that .sh file inside the ubuntu environment it works flawless, but when I call it from Matlab (on windows 10) it doesn't work.
In Matlab my call is done like this:
system('bash -c "******.sh"');
and I receive the following error
/bin/bash: ******.sh: No such file or directory
even if the file exists.
Any clues?
Sorry, I was out of the country, but yesterday I was able to solve the problem.
The reason to use both software that way is that I need OpenFOAM to work in its native configuration.
That said, it seems that my problem was due to the fact that windows allows you to install bash and Ubuntu at the same time, so when I asked to Matlab to perform a system('bash -c "******.sh"') it tried to use bash whilst I had everything installed on Ubuntu. So the solution was simply to delete bash of my Windows10 installation.
I have been stuck for two days looking for a solution. Could anybody please tell me how to install shell commands in Atom to enable the atom command at the command line under Windows. I know that it is not installed because when I typed which atom, it returns nothing.
Reading your other thread, I understand that you want to install a package who emulates shell commands within Atom. If so, you just have to follow the installation steps for Windows on Atom's website (I think you got confused with this which command story on the other thread, which explains how to install it on Linux and macOS).
I don't really know how to execute programs with command-line in Windows, if you don't master it either, I'd recommend using the graphics mode, and simply open your README.md file with the FILE button, like in any other software.
When you have Atom properly installed, there'll be some packages created to emule a terminal with shell commands, like this one. But this is independant from executing Atom from your computer. It emulates a terminal within Atom. I hope this is a little bit clearer.
I want to generate the binary file.bin and I thought that it is possible in Vivado 2014.3 IDE
It seems like the command promgen doesn't exist?
How can I get an appropriate binary to use later in parallella board , it should have the header file
To generate a .bin file from the tcl console, the command you're looking for is write_bitstream which is documented in the Vivado Design Suite Tcl Command Reference Guide.
As #Paebbels mentioned there may be a way to use the promgen command from the command line (its not a tcl command), but I haven't ever tried that so I'm not sure. You can run the equivalent of the promgen tool (I believe PROMGen was an ISE tool) through the GUI if you connect to a device in the Hardware Manager (no longer called iMPACT in Vivado).
Finally if you need to create a .mcs file in a Tcl script you can use the write_cfgmem Tcl command (see the reference guide for more info).
I have a book called Beginning Lua Programming which is suppose to go over the raw basics but it is sort of leaving me stranded. Here is an effort to condense 3 pages:
The following environment variables are recommended for Windows:
UTIL_DIR=c:\program files\utility
LUA_DIR=c:\program files\lua\5.1
The UTIL_DIR variable identifies the utility directory you created in the preceding section.
After this, there is a segment about setting the 'windows search path' for lua. Basically, it tells me to look up the output of 'doskey /?' and 'path' and figure it out myself. I have no idea what these do, how to use them, and what the difference between them is.
I'm at my wits end. A detailed explanation or a link to a detailed blog/article or youtube video is EXTREMELY appreciated!
There are a few ways to get Lua working on your machine. If you just want to a functional Lua environment in a hurry with minimal fuss then consider downloading one of the precompiled Lua binaries. The common ones being Lua for Windows and LuaBinaries.
Building Lua with Mingw isn't too difficult:
First get your desired Lua version here.
Extract the tar file containing Lua's source somewhere. For this example, I'll assume you extracted to c:\lua
If you have Msys already set up, you can run the make file from that environment. From the Msys shell, you can build lua with the follow commands:
cd /c/lua
make PLAT=mingw
make install
You should find lua.exe and luac.exe somewhere in there after the build completes. Lua should be ready for use at this point.
The regular cmd.exe shell can work too with some changes to the commands:
cd lua
mingw32-make PLAT=mingw
The make install assumes a *nix environment and so doesn't work under a normal windows cmd shell. In this case you can just manually copy the compiled files from .\lua\src to where you want or you can just run it directly from there if desired.