Connect to Oracle DB on Windows Server 2012, running on VMWare, remotely - oracle

I'm currently running Windows Server 2012 and Oracle Database 12c Enterprise in VMWare Player.
I need to connect to the aforementioned database externally, for example using my host OS to run scripts without developing on the VM itself. How do I go about it?
Any and all help will be appreciated; Thank you.

To anyone who stumbles here; the fix was simple.
Step 1: Make sure you have lsnrctl running.
Step 2: Find your VM's IP address using ipconfig.
Step 3: Use the connection string to access your Oracle DB:
1521 can be changed to whatever port you're using.


Conflict with VPN client and SQL Server Express

I have a Windows application running locally on a Windows 10 PC that connects to a SQL Server Express database that is also installed locally on the PC. The PC also has a VPN client on it. Whenever the VPN client is logged onto a network, the Windows application cannot connect to the SQL Server database. So, I have to go into SQL Server Configuration Manager and change the setup from using TCP/IP to use Shared Memory. Then everything works fine. So, I assume both programs are using the TCP/IP stack and are conflicting with each other. The VPN client is typically connected continuously all day. Would anyone know why there would be a conflict here? Thanks.

Connecting SQL Server to vs on different networks

I couldn't find an answer so I'm posting it here.
I want to know if it's possible to connect from Visual Studio to SQL Server based only on IP address when the two servers are not in the same domain or workgroup?
I've allowed remote connections and opened port 1433 on both servers with no luck. One server is 2008r2 and the second is 2012r2. The SQL Server version is 2012.
Thank you
It's certainly possible. Since they aren't in the same domain, you won't be able to use windows authentication. But you can use a SQL login.
I believe this is a duplicate question of:
Connect to SQL Server through IP address
That shows you other steps to check for answering by IP address only.

From Win 8 host machine can't access Oracle on VMWARE using WS 2008

I've just created a vmware virtual machine with Windows Server 2008 and intalled Oracle XE 11g.
On the host system (Windows 8.1), I am trying to connect to this Oracle Server through SQL Developer, without any success. The error I get is:
Status: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection
The network is set to Host-only: A private network shared with the host, and I can ping to it from the host machine.
Also I have already disabled the firewall in the VM.
Can anyone help me on this?
Thanks in advance.
Faced the same problem, I was need to connect from host to vm oracle database, my solution below
Use network bridge adapter om VM
Set static IP address on VM
Disable vm firewall or forward port (1521)
Stop database instance, listener etc
Edit ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/tnsnames.ora and
RACLE_HOME/network/admin/listener.ora to change localhost on
static ip
Start database

Unable to connect to Oracle db in EC2 Linux box from SQL Developer. TNS Listener error

I created an EC2 linux box with: Oracle Database 64-bit Standard Edition One (ami-31739c58). Instance is running fine. I can connect to box from my personal computer using ssh (terminal in Mac OS Lion) by typing:
ssh -i predikto1.pem
I created a new EC2 security group opening port 1521 via TNS. I updated my tnsnames.ora file to include the correct public DNS. I was able to connect to the Oracle DB using SQL Developer from my laptop (Macbook Air).
I stopped the EC2 instance, waited a few days, and started back up the instance. The Public DNS name changed. So I went to tnsnames.ora file on my computer and updated the host field to reflect my latest (new) public DNS:
(SID = oradb)
I tried to connect from my laptop using SQL developer to the Oracle DB on EC2 and get an
error: TNS Listener does not currently know of SID given in connection descriptor.
I tried creating an elastic IP via EC2 instance screen and I assigned it to the instance. No luck substituting the host for the IP address either (IP is in the TNSNAMES.ORA file. I have re-started and nothing.
Do you have the status "authorized" in "DB Security Group" for their "EC2 Security Group" ?
Try to use AWS RDS instead of AMI. It is super easy to setup. I spent days tweaking AWS AMI for Oracle (started with version 11, that had issues, then switched to 12, tweaked again...). With AWS RDS you can set whichever version you want (11, 12, roll back to 11 etc.). It takes all these setups easier than just configuring on your own.
With RDS - you can set oracle username, password, easily see when is running, stop it, IP address, manage access etc. (all from the UI console without ever SSH-ing to any server)..

SOA suite with Remote DB server

I have the Oracle client, weblogic and the SOA suite 11g installed on a Win 7 machine. The Oracle DB is on a server 2008.
I have the hardest time connecting to it. The server name is S2008 on port 1521. I used the RCU to install the schema.
I am able to ping the server. Could someone please help me out in getting this connected? I have not done this configuration before.
Thank you.
This is more of a database concern, not WebLogic.
The simplest thing to do is to confirm you can telnet to port 1521 from the WebLogicmachine (telnet 1521). If this cannot connect, it is either a firewall issue or the TNS listener is not running on port 1521. Check to make sure that port 1521 is opened on the Database host and then try again.
Also, try connecting outside of WebLogic to remove a variable from the problem. This would be easier/faster anyway. Try using SQL developer to connect to the host/port where the database is running. This will show you the ORA-????? error(s) for the connection attempts without having to go through the connection wizard in the weblogic console
