Changing SSL Certificate and associated domain gives a 401 when it didn't before - spring

I have an application with multiple services. One of them is the auth service that takes care of creating the jwt after checking that the client id (i.e. browser or app) is valid and provided username/password is also valid.
I have another service (gateway) that redirect to other services any requests from the users using the jwt token for authentication.
All this works and has been working for a few years. It is based on Spring Boot using Spring Security (starter v2.1.5). It is soon time to renew our certificate and at the same time move to our new domain. The new certificate has been applied to the Google Cloud Platform load balancer.
The call for health check using the Spring Actuator is responding with the proper "UP" (in json) response. When I try to make the call from same Postman request (with new domain name used) I get the following response with a 401 code:
"error": "unauthorized",
"error_description": "Full authentication is required to access this resource"
I do have the proper clientid and password/secrete encoded using base64 (hey it worked before and nothing else was changed).
I tried to debug setting #EnableWebSecurity(debug = true), but it generates zero logs from the request.
If I switch back the certificate to old one (and old domain), it works again without any other changes. This has been driving me a bit on the crazy side to say the least. Any help, suggestion, ideas would be appreciated.

It ended up being an error on my part. When I added a A class resources during the copy paste of Load Balancer IP, I put the same IP for both of my services (i.e. one of the copy didn't stick). Ending up in calling security on the gateway service when asking for the auth token.
Thanks for the comment #Boris-Treukhov


Debugging The interface between Resource Server and Authorization Server (oauth 2.0. validation access token)

There are two spring-boot apps.
there is dev okta account that is used as auth server
(those 2 apps are standard Spring Boot client -> resource-server, almost out of the box with okta setup for them, should not be problem there)
client - securely sends messages to--> secure-sever (passing the access token in the header as prove that it's authorized to call it and get data back)
(it works as expected)
But I am trying to figure out what's going on between all them, traffic wise
I'm trying to spot that moment when resource-server checks the token it got from the client that got it from the auth server.
Here is a sequence diagram of standard oauth 2.0 flow and that part that I want to debug (arrow)
auth server
And there is a communications between client, resource-sever:
There seems I can not confirm that Resource Server (from the right) does any token validation with the auth-server (okta)..?
Question: is why? From my understanding it is supposed to validate it (somehow).
I was expecting to see a call from resource-server to auth-server (otka) with the token-validation-request (ETF RFC 7662 in October 2015) like this:
How to validate an OAuth 2.0 access token for a resource server?
I was expecting, lets say, tat for every client call, resource server would check if that token the client passes is valid. Yet I do not see any calls from resource service to okta that would use the token in its requests to okta.
This comes down to the difference between JWTs and opaque tokens.
It looks like your application is using JWTs, based on the calls I'm seeing to /keys.
When using JWT authentication the resource server will query the jwks_url (in this case /keys) on startup to retrieve a set of public keys that it can use to validate the JWT-encoded bearer tokens.
Then, when the resource server receives a bearer token in a request from the client it will validate its signature against a public key obtained from the jwks_url endpoint.
This means the resource server doesn't have to query the authorization server on every request.
You can read more about this process in the OAuth 2.0 Resource Server JWT section of the Spring Security reference documentation.
The question that you linked to refers to opaque tokens.
In this setup, the resource server must call the authorization server introspection endpoint to validate the token every time.
You can read more about this process in the OAuth 2.0 Resource Server Opaque Token section of the Spring Security reference documentation.

Securing SpringBoot API for desktop application client

I have a SpringBoot Micro-Service based backend API that uses Zuul as a gateway proxy between a JavaFX Desktop Application. Right now there is no security in place, but I am looking to secure the backend with Spring Security, however, every tutorial I seem to run across seems to be based on web-apps and I haven't seen anything for my particular use case. I don't know much about spring security but would like to know if I can accomplish my goals with it, and if so, what modules or examples should I be looking for.
Provide a way for my API to know that requests are coming from the desktop app itself, I think the technical term for this is assigning the desktop app a client id and then having the Zuul Server validate that the client id is that off the desktop app before accepting the request. This should be the case for all requests
Only allow API traffic through the Zuul Proxy, all of the downstream requests to the micro-services behind the Zuul gateway should only be accepted if they are coming from the Zuul Server itself.
Allow requests for logging in and registering as a new user without any type of security other than the desktop client id discussed in 1.
When a user provides a successful username/password on login, they are returned a JWT which is then stored in the JavaFX application and used for all of the other requests to the backend.
Configure the token to expire after a specific time frame, say like 90 minutes and provide a method for automatically refreshing an expired token as long as the users account is still valid. For this, I don't want the user to have to re-login, I just want it to check behind the scenes to make sure their account is still valid and then issue a new token if needed.
Have user based roles so certain features, methods, endpoints, etc. are only accessible to users with the valid role. Within the GUI these features will be hidden or disabled, but I would still like a layer of security on the server side to protect against unwanted access in case someone was able to modify the app.
I am just writing down answers to each of your goals :
Passing the client Id in every request from desktop application doesnt make sense, instead you client Id and secret can be passed during authenticaiton call, Like we have in Oauth 2.0 framework. Rest https calls should be made from client, So to avoid tampering of request, You can also go for mutual SSL between your client application and Zuul API gateway, It assures that call is coming from Desktop client only.
Yes, Zuul api gateway should be single entry point to your application, Your internal microservices should not be exposed to public.
For user registeration, Client authentication can be achieved using client Id and secret
Correct, You can also create http only cookie at backend, which will include your jwt token only.
Token refresh can be achieved at zuul api gateway, if session is active, make call to refresh token endpoint to get new access token.
On server side, At zuul proxy you can validate the incoming bearer token expiry along with signature validation, with generic claims too. Now at microservices level spring security can be used for role based access control for particular methods.

sharing the principal object received from an oauth2 provider between spring and angular

I have stumbled upon a problem with Spring Security and Angular.
On my BE (Spring Boot application), there are defined OAuth2 providers, such as Google, GitHub and Facebook.
My BE works fine with this providers, since I can authenticate on the desired providers.
The problem is when I try to send the principal object to the FE (Angular 6 application).
I get undefined value when i try to subscribe the value from the rest endpoint.
I assume this is due to the Spring Servlet creating a new thread for the login request.
I am doing my login request from the Angular app.
I did watch dozens of tutorials and rad so many articles, but I just can't find the answer. If it's possible for you to share some code on how it is done, or give me a link, since for sure I am making a silly mistake and can't seem to find the answer here.
Thanks for understanding, have a good day.
I am assuming that you are using the Authorization Code flow from your BE to authenticate the user that interacts with your FE Angular application (you in your example). Otherwise, you would be trying to authenticate the BE Client with the Client flow and you wouldn't need to return the "principal object" to the FE application. If my assumptions are correct... read on.
The Authorization Code flow goes as follows:
1) The user somehow selects an Authentication provider (ex: Google) and that selection is returned to some endpoint in the BE as a non-authenticated request..
2) The BE Client receives this request, preferably intercepted by a filter and, since the request is not authenticatedd, redirects the browser to the selected auth provider's authorization endpoint.
3) The user then proceed to authenticate against that provider which, upon succesfull authentication, returns a response that redirects the browser to a BE Client endpoint. That redirect holds a parameter that provides a code that the BE Client will use to get an idToken representing the user. At this point, it is important to note that the browser has not been returned any response for this redirect.
4) The BE Client then proceeds to send a regular HTTP request to the provider's token endpoint along with the received authorization code. The provider then returns the idToken an HTTP response directly to the BE Client. All this is happening while the browser is still waiting for the response to the last redirect.
5) The BE Client then process the idToken (verification, validation, user details, session etc) and only then, will finally send the response to the browser patiently waiting since the code redirect. That response may provide a header or a cookie with a sessionId or token (your choice) that the FE application will be able to read or use for the given purpose.
This flow is relatively easy to implement and requires minimal SS configuration. You must keep the BE Client auth endpoint with permitAll() otherwise, you would not be able to trigger this flow. Also, make sure that, once the FE app. has received the header/cookie, all subsequent calls shall be processed as "authenticated calls". Finally, make sure to document yourself on the perils of stateless sessions as well as cookie security and always use HTTPS.

How to call a protected resource on behalf of a specific user using OAuth2 and JWT token in Spring?

So we have an authentication server where the UI application gets the access token and then it communicate with API server, it's all good. Now we are building a third application which needs SSO to authenticate the same user and that is fine too.
However, there are scenarios where this third application needs to use some resources on the API server which, from my understanding, we need to get a token from auth server using client-id/secret and then send the request with the access token. This seems ok too, however I am not sure how API server is going to authorise that token (a hint on this would be great).
But the main problem is we want this request to be sent on behalf of the user. This is because API server needs to audit all user's activities. How can we achieve this using Spring Boot/OAuth2 and JWT Token?
I went through documentation and I know about #EnableOauth2Sso #EnableAuthorisationServer etc. but this scenario is not clear and I'm not even sure it's been implemented in Spring or not.
If there is no implementation for this scenario, what do you recommend? Any experience you have had on this, can you please share?
Your API server plays the role of a Resource Server. There is an annotation designed for that purpose: #EnableResourceServer. Your client app then will consume this resource using the handy OAuth2RestTemplate.
There are two approaches to properly configure the Resource Server and get this working:
Have the public key directly in your resource server app: this way when the client app try to use a token provided by the authorization server to get a resource from the Resource Server, this will verify if the token is valid by itself.
Configure the resource server to ask the authorization server if a given access token is valid and depending of the response it will allow or decline to get the resource.
I have posted a sample app on github using the first approach. There you can see the interaction between the Authorization Server, the Client and the Resource Server, as well as all the configurations you need for this implementation. Hope it helps you.

WAAD Authentication with WebAPI OData service consumed by Excel PowerQuery

I've created a WebAPI OData 3.0 web service with an OWIN middleware, which is configured for authentication with Windows Azure Active Directory.
The ODataControllers are marked with an [Authorize] attribute, and the IAppBuilder is configured as follows:
new WindowsAzureActiveDirectoryBearerAuthenticationOptions
Tenant = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ida:Tenant"],
TokenValidationParameters = new TokenValidationParameters {
ValidAudience = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ida:Audience"]
ida:Tenant is my Windows Azure tenancy, and ida:Audience is the App ID Uri.
Now I would like to consume this service using Excel PowerQuery, authenticating using an account from the AzureAD. However, when I choose "Organizational account" and try to "Sign in", I get the following error:
Unable to connect. This credential type is not supported for this resource.
In Fiddler I can see that the request is made with a Bearer header, but it is empty.
I would like to achieve a behavior similar to when querying AzureAD Graph.
For example, if I try to consume, a single sign-on window opens, and in Fiddler I can see that a token is passed.
How can I achieve this behavior? what am I missing?
Here is the expected flow between PowerQuery and an OData service during authentication:
When you enter the URI to your service in the builder, click ok, you will get a credential prompt asking for your credentials to access the service.
Typically, you would choose Organizational Account if Azure Active Directory (AAD) is your Identity Provider.
When you click sign in, PowerQuery will send a challenge request to your service, which is the empty bearer you are seeing. The reason is, we don't know what's your identity provider or where should we log you in, the request is expecting a 401/403 response with a WWW-Authenticate header that has the authentication endpoint url.
Here is the expected header format:WWW-Authenticate authorization_uri=”token service uri” quotes are optional. If we don't find that header, you get the error message 'Unable to connect. This credential type is not supported'.
For example, in your scenario, the token service uri is
When we receive that response, we will get the url from the header and issue a login request, at which point you will see the login page from AAD and you will be able to login using your organizational credentials.
We will wait for the sign in result, which should be a token, that token will be used to fill in the bearer in the header at anytime you request data from that service.
There are two important things regarding your application object in AAD to make this work:
The AppIdUris property has to have a wildcard URI that would match with your service URI. When we send the login request we have to include a resource id, the resource is the authority of the service we are connecting to. So if your service url is:, the authority includes the scheme, the host and the port number, would be the authority. For services that might have different tenants for example:, the AppIdUri has to have https://* Otherwise, just
The second thing (and this on is AAD specific), AAD doesn't support first party client (PowerQuery) to third party service (your service) authentication today. but hopefully soon enough :) Maybe just when you get the rest done :)!
Update: This has been enabled in the latest release of PowerQuery. Your app will need to expose the user_imperonation scope, and you are good to go :)!
