I've created a WebAPI OData 3.0 web service with an OWIN middleware, which is configured for authentication with Windows Azure Active Directory.
The ODataControllers are marked with an [Authorize] attribute, and the IAppBuilder is configured as follows:
new WindowsAzureActiveDirectoryBearerAuthenticationOptions
Tenant = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ida:Tenant"],
TokenValidationParameters = new TokenValidationParameters {
ValidAudience = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ida:Audience"]
ida:Tenant is my Windows Azure tenancy, and ida:Audience is the App ID Uri.
Now I would like to consume this service using Excel PowerQuery, authenticating using an account from the AzureAD. However, when I choose "Organizational account" and try to "Sign in", I get the following error:
Unable to connect. This credential type is not supported for this resource.
In Fiddler I can see that the request is made with a Bearer header, but it is empty.
I would like to achieve a behavior similar to when querying AzureAD Graph.
For example, if I try to consume https://graph.windows.net/.onmicrosoft.com/users?api-version=2013-04-05, a single sign-on window opens, and in Fiddler I can see that a token is passed.
How can I achieve this behavior? what am I missing?
Here is the expected flow between PowerQuery and an OData service during authentication:
When you enter the URI to your service in the builder, click ok, you will get a credential prompt asking for your credentials to access the service.
Typically, you would choose Organizational Account if Azure Active Directory (AAD) is your Identity Provider.
When you click sign in, PowerQuery will send a challenge request to your service, which is the empty bearer you are seeing. The reason is, we don't know what's your identity provider or where should we log you in, the request is expecting a 401/403 response with a WWW-Authenticate header that has the authentication endpoint url.
Here is the expected header format:WWW-Authenticate authorization_uri=”token service uri” quotes are optional. If we don't find that header, you get the error message 'Unable to connect. This credential type is not supported'.
For example, in your scenario, the token service uri is https://login.windows.net
When we receive that response, we will get the url from the header and issue a login request, at which point you will see the login page from AAD and you will be able to login using your organizational credentials.
We will wait for the sign in result, which should be a token, that token will be used to fill in the bearer in the header at anytime you request data from that service.
There are two important things regarding your application object in AAD to make this work:
The AppIdUris property has to have a wildcard URI that would match with your service URI. When we send the login request we have to include a resource id, the resource is the authority of the service we are connecting to. So if your service url is: myservice.com/myODatafeed.svc, the authority includes the scheme, the host and the port number, myservice.com/ would be the authority. For services that might have different tenants for example: company1.myservice.com, the AppIdUri has to have https://*.myservice.com. Otherwise, just https://myservice.com.
The second thing (and this on is AAD specific), AAD doesn't support first party client (PowerQuery) to third party service (your service) authentication today. but hopefully soon enough :) Maybe just when you get the rest done :)!
Update: This has been enabled in the latest release of PowerQuery. Your app will need to expose the user_imperonation scope, and you are good to go :)!
We have a scenario where we have different apps in the backend that needs to do some operation between them. Those apps are registered in the Okta console and have their own workflow. They both allow access to users that authenticate through an access token that they will get through a process the widget on the web. The two services needs to perform operations between them. For example, on one service we need information about products on another service. But it's not a "user" request, it's a service to service.
As far as my understanding goes, we still need to send a request as it would a normal user, so we need a bearer token to authenticate the request.
I cannot find in the docs a way to request an access token on the backend. I only found some libraries that can help providing a callback uri and multiple step process where you need to have a window to pop up to interact to insert your Okta login.
Is there any way to request an access token as an API call? In the backend services we won't have windows to pop up and authenticate?
We tried to use Okta-auth-js but seems to be more "front-end" oriented as most of the methods are "browser-only".
Yes, you need to create OIDC application of type "OAuth service", which will created "client credential" flow app for you. It supports calls to /token endpoint using client_id and client_secret available after the creation of the app in Okta. As a result of your call to /token directly from the backend, you will obtain an access token for machine-to-machine communication (no user context)
I have a .NET 4.7 Web API project (not .NET CORE).
I am trying to setup authentication with an Azure AD directory, I setup an application in my AD, and I got the client id (application id)
I would like to use the Client Credentials grant type. So I went ahead and retrieved a token via the access token URL https://login.microsoftonline.com/HIDDEN/oauth2/v2.0/token I am passing in the client id, and secret, for this I am using Postman
Now in my project I've implemented the following logic in my web api project:
var clientId = "AZURE APPLICATION ID";
app.UseJwtBearerAuthentication(new JwtBearerAuthenticationOptions
AllowedAudiences = new List<string> { clientId },
TokenValidationParameters = new TokenValidationParameters
ValidateAudience = false,
ValidAudience = clientId
On my controller, I applied the [Authorize] attribute
When calling the API controller endpoint (making sure I am passing in the Authorization header with the value "Bearer MYTOKEN") I get the error returned in Postman:
"Message": "Authorization has been denied for this request."
Is there a way I can dive deeper to figure out what might be wrong?
I don't see anything in my output window in visual studio, are there some events I can hook into why it is failing?
EDIT: Adding more information per Carl:
The token seems to be valid, here are the results from jwt.ms, i even setup an "admin" role via the manifest:
Here is my code, I am not specifying the public signature (not sure how to do that yet), but I've even turned off IssueSignature validation.
This is what my controller looks like:
My fiddler request and response (does having an http endpoint instead of https for local development make a difference?) I don't believe it does:
Inspect your access token and ensure the aud claim value equals the clientId. Usually the aud claim will be something like api://clientId which is not what you have setup in your code. If that's the case set it as "api://" + clientId
You should get a 401 error, which means that the aud of your token is not your api. The cause of the error is usually that you set the wrong scope when requesting the token. I used the client credential flow Make a demo for you:
You need to create two applications in Azure ad, one representing the client application and the other representing the api application, and then use the client application to call the Web api application.
First, you need to expose the api of the application representing the web api, you can configure it according to the following process:
Azure portal>App registrations>Expose an API>Add a scope>Add a client application
Next, you need to define the manifest of api applications and grant application permissions to your client applications (this is the role permissions you define yourself, you can find it in My APIs when you add permissions)
This is the process of defining the manifest.
This is to grant permissions for the client application (You can find your expose api permissions in My APIs.):
Request access token:
Parse the token:
I am trying to implement server-to-server integration with Dynamics CRM Online 2016 and BizTalk 2013 R2. I am using the WebHttpBinding to call the CRM web API, which requires a bearer token supplied as an http header:
Authorization: Bearer [base64string]
I have written a client message inspector which calls Azure AD using ADAL to acquire an access token. This is secured with a client assertion certificate, which is assigned to the registered app in our AD tenant:
var token = context.AcquireTokenAsync(this.ResourceUri, assertionCert).Result;
ResourceUri is https://[myorganisation].crm4.dynamics.com
assertionCert is a ClientAssertionCertificate created using the app registration application ID and an x509 certificate in the machine certificate store that is registered to the app as a KeyCredential
This 'works' in that it returns a token and I can decode this token to inspect the claims - there are a fair number of them, I have no way of telling whether this is the set of claims that CRM requires.
The AD app registration is configured with delegated permissions to the CRM instance.
I have set the application ID in the CRM local user to that of the app registration.
Upon calling the webAPI and supplying this token, CRM responds with 401 unauthorized.
I have repeated the same process in a powershell script and in PostMan, all of which appear to show the same behaviour.
What else am I supposed to do to make CRM accept my access token?
edit #1: Tried hardcoding the authority URI to https://login.windows.net/[my-tenant-id]/oauth2/token rather than what comes out of dynamically acquiring the authority through AuthenticationParameters - this is the same value except ending with /authorization instead of /token. This makes zero difference.
edit #2: An administrator I am working with pointed out to me that the application user I am expecting to use had no user roles assigned - this has been amended to have a role which should allow API access, but this also made no difference.
edit #3: Set oauth2AllowImplicitFlow to true in the manifest for the app registration. This doesn't make any difference.
edit #4: Made some progress by creating a new app registration, this time as a Native app rather than a web app. I managed to get a token using a client secret, and this was accepted - BUT when assigning a certificate to the app, and presenting a ClientAssertionCertificate as before, I get the response from the authority:
Error validating credentials. AADSTS50012: Client is public so a client_assertion' should not be presented.
WHY? What does 'Client is public' mean? Just work!
Turns out that the original situation I had tried and failed with, now works.
Web application registration with delegated permissions to CRM Online
Install a client certificate on the client machine, and register this same certificate to the app using New-AzureADApplicationKeyCredential
Link the app registration to a CRM Application User created for this purpose (they are fundamentally different to interactive users) - n.b. this screen is not easy to find
Call AcquireTokenAsync() from ADAL
Just works
I am at a loss to explain why this didn't work the first time I tried it, as CRM doesn't supply any information as to why token validation failed.
I wrote a PHP application which tries to create an User in my Google Directory. I don't use the Google Libraries. I succeded making requests to the Android Enterprise API. I can enroll and unenroll Enterprise Service Accounts with my MSA. So I assume my Code for the JWT and Requests work.
I created a Service Account and enabled "Domain Wide Delegation" and added the following permission "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/admin.directory.user, https://www.googleapis.com/auth/admin.directory.group" to my API Client under the "Manage API client access" windows.
My Service Account has the status role "Editor" in the "Permissions for project" windows.
So first my script gets the Bearer token from the Google Server, for that I create a JWT and encrypt it with my private key.
The Token contains the following fields
"iss" => sacname#projectname.iam.gserviceaccount.com
"scope" => "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/admin.directory.user, https://www.googleapis.com/auth/admin.directory.group"
"aud" => "https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v4/token",
"exp" => timestamp+3000,
"iat" => timestamp
When I do that request I get a bearer token, but when I use that token to make the insert request I always get the message "Not Authorized to access this resource/api" with an HTTP 403.
When I add the field "sub" to my JWT and specify the email of the Project admin "admin#mydomain.com" I can't even get the bearer token, then I get a 401 error with the following message "Unauthorized client or scope in request."
After that I tried something "easy", I just wanted to get a list of all users in my directory. But the Google Server just reponds with an "bad request" error. I got the same error with the API Explorer which is on API Page. Maybe the API is broken ? At least the API Explorer should work.
Do you have some ideas why I can't create users with my service account ?
(I had to insert some spaces in the scopes and urls because I'm not allowed to post more than two links)
Adding the sub claim is the right thing to do, because you must impersonate a super admin to use Directory API. If you get a "Unauthorized client or scope in request" response, that might be because there's a typo in the service account client ID you used to authorize (or the scopes), or that not enough time has passed (it usually propagates within a few minutes, but could take up to 24 hours).
See JWT error codes for more details on possible errors and causes.
Do you have some ideas why I can't create users with my service account?
Yes. Your service account seems to have no authority to create users. Check your Service Account's role in GDC to check if it's Owner, Editor, Viewer,etc. The scope of what they can do depends on that. Watch this Google video for a live demo.
Also, try to read more on Using OAuth 2.0 for Server to Server Applications.
I have a webapi running on a self hosted app, security provided via oauth, and I'm setting the authorisation header for calling the API. This works great, we have a user identity on all calls.
Now I can pass the same authorization token by query string or cookie (or header on some connection types) to signalr (self hosted in the same app).
The token gets to the server for signalr, I can can add it into context.cookie, or into the headers.
but..nowhere can I get it to create an authenticated user, I seem to be plagued by 401 errors
I assume I am missing a key piece of code thats supposed to take the token and create an authenticated user for signalr (even though webapi/owin does it itself).
does anybody have any pointers, or examples where signalr works with oauth on self-host?
You are correct that you need to setup a way to authenticate and set the user when wanting to use SignalR with OAuth.
You can create a customer AuthorizeAttribute for SignalR.
In it you can basically get the query string to get hold of the token, once you have the token, you can unprotect it and start validating it and setting the user context in the request.
I have an example at
Once that has been implemented, you simply decorate your hub with [QueryStringBearerAuthorize]
The github link has a full working example for this and might provide some valuable insight.