Slow autocomplete in Visual Studio 2019 - visual-studio

I recently upgraded to Visual Studio Enterprise 2019 (version 16.0.3) and I have been having serious problems with autocomplete. It is so slow that I type faster than it is able to update, and frequently after I type out a complete and correct language keyword such as foreach the autocomplete drop down won't appear until moments before I press space which in many cases causes the keyword foreach to be corrected to some nonsense without warning.
This hasn't been a problem for me with any other version of Visual Studio going back to Visual Studio 97, and it is driving me nuts. I have no addons installed.
Is anyone else having this problem, and if so, what if anything were you able to do to resolve it?

You should open window defender then add exclusion folder for visual studio 2019.
I also add my folder source code.
Hope this help to who need

Hello I found that checking out this checkbox speeds ups VisualStudio InteliSence a lot...enter image description here

Upgrading to 16.1.4 seems to have resolved the problem.


Visual Studio 2015 "...has stopped working" when trying to install

Trying to install 'Visual Studio 2015 with Update 3' using the .exe installer provided for the website. I also tried the standard version (without the update).
The black/grey installer opens, the green bar moves along the progress bar once and it crashes. I get a white pop-up window saying 'Microsoft Visual Studio Community with Updates has stopped working'.
I can't seem to find any other situations like mine on Google or StackOverflow.
I have Visual Studio 2017 also installed. Why do I need 2015 too? I'm helping (trying) another student who is using VS2015 and has problems - however, I can't even get it downloaded!
Thanks in advance for any help.
One possible solution is to not worry about 2015 and just help him by using 2017. It's hard to tell for sure if this will resolve your issue, as there is not info on exactly what you are trying to help him with.
If you go this route, I would save out the solution file just after loading it with _vs2017 tacked on the end, or something similar, so that you do not overwrite the info in his solution file. (Edit: The purpose of this is just in case it breaks something for him - it may not be a problem, he may be able to load your 2017 solution file fine). I've moved fluidly between 2017 Community and 2015 Express or Community with some solutions without a problem.
I do realize there are some issues that this may not be a solution for, but it should be an option, especially for those that are more language-based. The main problems with this solution would be if other student is using features or libraries that are deprecated in 2017, or directly struggling with getting VS 2015 features to work.
Go to control Panel -> Programs and features -> turn on windows features ,
Disable .net 3.5
check for windows update,
Then restart the system. Now it will work . 100% working .
Have fun.

Avoiding merge problems when sharing solution between Xamarin Studio and Visual Studio

When sharing a solution between Xamarin Studio and Visual Studio, changes to solution/projects leads to unexpected results. The source text of the .sln/.project files has unexpected modifications, e.g.
UUIDs changed from lower to upper case
Reordering of lines in the .sln file
Changed "ToolsVersion"
Changed "Visual Studio" version
Other changes, like changing line break, changed "true" to "True", ...
This e.g. happens when changing the startup project, adding referenced projects, building the solution.
These changes lead to a "commit ping pong" between Xamarin Studio and Visual Studio users, and make merging harder. We experienced this problem with Xamarin Studio 5.5.4 and Visual Studio 2013 Update 4. The repository contains examples. The thread also describes this issue.
How can this problem be avoided? Is it possible to prevent this from happening when using only Xamarin Studio and Visual Studio? Or do we need an additional tool (like e.g. cmake)?
One answer is to wait for version 6 of Xamarin Studio.
According to the bug report filed by Stephan Palmer, the issues raised above have been resolved in that version.
Are you seeing the same behavior if the project starts in Xamarin for Visual Studio versus Xamarin standalone versions?
The fastest workaround that comes to mind would be to use vcproj2cmake (uses Ruby)
and use CMake scripting.
I highly recommend contacting Kitware and asking them for cross-compiling assistance - - they may already have a CMake script to resolve this issue since Xamarin is so popular.
Hope that helps,

How do I add versions to “Visual Studio Version Selector”, my list is empty

I have VS 2008, 2010, and 2012 installed.
Initially, VS2013 Team Explorer was installed (Shell only). I uninstalled that.
Now, the Visual Studio Version Selector shows an empty list when executing a .sln file. Nothing shows.
How can I repopulate this list? Where is it stored? Registry? I tried to find entries, but since it doesn't actually have any items in the list, I couldn't search for a specific string.
I just encountered the same issue after installing Visual Studio 2015 parallel to an existing 2013 installation. In my case it turned out that that the problem was related to the solution file itself: It seems that the version selector does not like BOMs etc. (don't know how the solution got crippled, though). Make sure that the solution starts with
Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00
and has no space, non-printable character etc. before that. After saving the file, the effect should be immediately visible with the correct icon returning.
I just ran into a similar problem where this dialog started popping up after a recent Windows Update (Win10) on 1/6/2018. That update caused all sorts of havoc in terms of broken file associations.
I tried searching for solutions and trying a few things but everything was overly complicated and messy.
My solution was to run the Visual Studio (2013) repair.
After the repair, I did receive a warning (from vs installer) about update 3 failing to update but I restarted the computer and sln files can now open without needing that version dialog. Everything seems to be compiling and running fine as well.
Just ran into this situation for VS2017 then I realized I have unfinished updates for Visual Studio when checking Visual Studio Installer.
The installer displayed a hint that I should restart my computer to complete the update and after doing so, the version selector works again.

Visual studio closes when debugging (after install update 2)

I just installed the visual studio update 2 on two computers and now when I try to debug my program, the visual studio closes!!
It doesn't show any exception, just closes.
What should I do? I tried to reinstall the visual studio and install again but I got the same problem.
According to Marc Paine (Visual Studio Debugger QA Lead):
You are using the Visual Web Devleoper version of VS, correct? If so, we have a known bug in this CTP only affecting VWD. You can copy symsvr.dll from any other install of VS (other express versions or pro) into the common7\ide directory for VWD. That should fix the problem. We have fixed this problem already and it should be avialable in the next CTP.
Unfortunately it doesn't worked for me... so I tell it in the support forum but Microsoft just marked my feedback as closed and didn't answer me anymore...
So unfortunately my solution was formatting my computer.
It's a CTP right now, which isn't really supposed to be stable; on the contrary - it has experimental features. So it shouldn't really surprise you that it crashes. Gather as much data as possible and send it to Microsoft; hopefully they'll fix it.

Visual Studio text editor does not recognize F# source?

I have got the following problem with F# code recently: almost the complete code is underlines with curly red lines (indicating problems) and whenever I hover with the mouse cursor over any word the pop-up appears with the message "Unexpected token". IntelliSence doesn't work either.
Nonetheless if I start the project it is executed without any problem.
This happens both to already existing F# files and to newly created F# projects. I remember it was working just 2-3 months ago!
I tried to deactivate all possible extensions but it doesn't help.
Any ideas?
I get this too. Sometimes, simply exiting and going back into VS helps. When I tweeted the problem, Don answered with this:
"do you have "python tools for visual studio alpha" installed? if so, uninstall it or apply the hot fix"
This wasn't relevant to me (as I haven't been anywhere near python) but I'm posting here in case it helps you.
-- Edit: here's a link to the patch, thanks to Alexander Galkin:
I haven't seen this situation before but here's a guess at why it's happening and how you might cure it.
Visual studio works on a system for plugins. Even the stuff that is "native", like the C#/F#/VB.NET project systems, are just plugins that uses the visual studio shell. It looks like the F# plugin has been damaged in someway.
If this is Visual Studio 2010:
You might try opening the visual studio installer and trying a repair installation or deactivation and reactivating the F# project system
If this is Visual Studio 2008:
You might try uninstalling and reinstalling the F# plugin
