Kotlin Comparator after converting from Java Comparator - sorting

I converted my Java files to Kotlin. And I fixed most of them. However, I don't understand this part using Comparator.
wordItems.sortWith(Comparator { (_, word), (_, word) ->
val size1 = word!!.length
val size2 = word.length
if (size1 < size2) {
return#Collections.sort - 1
} else if (size1 == size2) {
return#Collections.sort 0
} else {
return#Collections.sort 1
And this one also, I don't understand.
Collections.sort(wordItems) { (_, word), (_, word) ->
val size1 = word!!.length
val size2 = word.length
if (size1 < size2) {
return#Collections.sort - 1
} else if (size1 == size2) {
return#Collections.sort 0
} else {
return#Collections.sort 1
How can I change this to make it work?

Comparator is a SAM (single abstract method) interface in Java. An implementation of such interface can be instantiated in Kotlin using SAM-conversion technique, so instead of writing an anonymous object implementing Comparator like this:
val comparator = object : Comparator<WordItem> {
override fun compare(item1: WordItem, item2: WordItem): Int {
val size1 = item1.word.length
val size2 = item2.word.length
you can write
val comparator = Comparator<WordItem> { item1, item2 ->
val size1 = item1.word.length
val size2 = item2.word.length
Here I assume that each WordItem has the word property.
It seems that you're comparing items by word length. In that case you can simplify such comparator even more with compareBy function:
wordItems.sortWith(compareBy { it.word.length })
or sortBy function
wordItems.sortBy { it.word.length }


Kotlin Cannibals and Missionaries Algorithm - How to convert to full FP

Any suggestions on how to improve the following code to make it more Functional Programming oriented. Specifically how to remove the MutableList which signifies historical states. There are two data classes: Bank, which represents a riverbank (number of missionaries and number of cannibals currently on the bank) and BankState which represents a historical state of the two banks (the source bank, target bank and boatAtSource - a boolean which indicates whether the boat is currently at the source or target bank). overloaded operator function plus adds missionaries and cannibals to a riverbank and function minus removes them from a riverbank. The boat function is the one which carries the most heft. You can call the following algorithm from fun main (app.kt) as such:
fun main(args:Array<String>) {
val source:Bank = Bank(3,3)
val target:Bank = Bank()
source boat target
data class Bank(val missionaries:Int=0,val cannibals:Int=0)
data class BankState(val sourceTarget:Pair<Bank,Bank>,val boatAtSource:Boolean)
operator fun Bank.plus(b:Pair<Int,Int>):Bank = Bank(this.missionaries+b.first,this.cannibals+b.second)
operator fun Bank.minus(b:Pair<Int,Int>):Bank = Bank(this.missionaries-b.first,this.cannibals-b.second)
infix fun Bank.boat(target:Bank):List<BankState> {
val begin = Pair(this,target)
val history = mutableListOf<BankState>(BankState(begin,true))
return history
fun boat(sourceTarget:Pair<Bank,Bank>,
history:MutableList<BankState>):Boolean {
if(sourceTarget.first.cannibals+sourceTarget.second.cannibals==totalCannibals &&
sourceTarget.first.missionaries + sourceTarget.second.missionaries==totalMissionaries &&
sourceTarget.first.cannibals>=0 &&
sourceTarget.first.missionaries>=0 &&
sourceTarget.second.cannibals>=0 &&
sourceTarget.second.missionaries>=0 &&
(sourceTarget.first.missionaries==0 || sourceTarget.first.missionaries>=sourceTarget.first.cannibals) &&
(sourceTarget.second.missionaries==0 || sourceTarget.second.missionaries >= sourceTarget.second.cannibals)) {
if(sourceTarget.second.missionaries==totalMissionaries &&
sourceTarget.second.cannibals==totalCannibals) {
return true
} else {
val deltas = listOf(Pair(0,1),Pair(1,1),Pair(1,0),Pair(2,0),Pair(0,2))
val comparator = object : Comparator<Pair<Pair<Boolean,Int>,Pair<Bank,Bank>>> {
override fun compare(arg1:Pair<Pair<Boolean,Int>,Pair<Bank,Bank>>,arg2:Pair<Pair<Boolean,Int>,Pair<Bank,Bank>>):Int {
if(arg1.first.first && arg2.first.first) {
return if(arg1.first.second<arg2.first.second) -1 else if(arg1.first.second>arg2.first.second) 1 else 0
} else if(arg1.first.first){
return 1
} else if(arg2.first.first) {
return -1
return 0
val result = deltas.map{
if(result?.first?.first!=null && result.first.first) {
return true;
return false
fun checkNext(missionariesDelta:Int,
boatAtSource:Boolean):Pair<Pair<Boolean,Int>,Pair<Bank,Bank>> {
val nextSrcTgt = if(boatAtSource) Pair(sourceTarget.first-Pair(missionariesDelta,cannibalsDelta),sourceTarget.second+Pair(missionariesDelta,cannibalsDelta))
else Pair(sourceTarget.first+Pair(missionariesDelta,cannibalsDelta),sourceTarget.second-Pair(missionariesDelta,cannibalsDelta))
val bankState:BankState = BankState(nextSrcTgt,!boatAtSource)
if(!history.contains(bankState)) {
val combo2:Boolean = boat(nextSrcTgt,!boatAtSource,totalMissionaries,totalCannibals,history)
val combo2Depth = history.size
return Pair(Pair(combo2,combo2Depth),nextSrcTgt)
} else {
return Pair(Pair(false,0),nextSrcTgt)

Algorithm: check for duplication in Swift array

Given an array of integers nums and an integer k. Find out whether there are two distinct indices i and j in the array such that nums[i] = nums[j] and the difference between i and j is at most k.
It is supposed to give me true, but it gives me false.
Any help, I appreciate it. Thank you so much.
class Solution
func containsNearbyDuplicate (nums: [Int], _ k: Int) -> Bool
var dict = [Int:Int]()
for i in 0..<nums.count
if dict[nums[i]] != nil
if dict.values.contains(nums[i]) && (i - dict[nums[i]]! <= k)
return true
dict[i] = nums[i]
return false
let test1 = Solution()
//var haha = [1,2,1,5,6,7,6,8,7,5]
//var haha = [1]
//var haha = [1,2]
//var haha = [1,2,3,5,6,8]
var haha = [-1,-1]
var result = test1.containsNearbyDuplicate(haha,1)
You never add anything to dict:
func containsNearbyDuplicate (nums: [Int], _ k: Int) ->Bool
var dict = [Int:Int]()
for i in 0..<nums.count
if dict[nums[i]] != nil // This prevents anything to be added to dict
if dict.values.contains(nums[i]) && (i - dict[nums[i]]! <= k)
return true
dict[i] = nums[i] // This is never executed because of the above if above
return false
Try this one:
class Solution {
func containsNearbyDuplicate (nums: [Int], _ k: Int) ->Bool {
var dict = [Int:Int]()
for i in 0..<nums.count {
if let firstIndex = dict[nums[i]] where i - firstIndex <= k {
return true
dict[nums[i]] = i
return false

Sorting Strings by Character and Length

In my Android app, I am trying to sort Bus route tags in order 1, 2, 3..etc.
For that I am using this
Collections.sort(directions, Comparator { lhs, rhs ->
var obj1 = lhs.short_names.firstOrNull() ?: ""
var obj2 = rhs.short_names.firstOrNull() ?: ""
if (obj1 === obj2) {
obj1 = lhs.headsigns.firstOrNull() ?: ""
obj2 = rhs.headsigns.firstOrNull() ?: ""
if (obj1 === obj2) {
return#Comparator 0
} else {
The issue I am having is this sorts them, but will run into the issue of
1, 2, 3, 30, 31, 4, 5
How should I change this to get the correct ordering.
If you need just a simple number comparison you can do it like that.
directions.sortWith(Comparator { lhs, rhs ->
val i1 = lhs.toInt()
val i2 = rhs.toInt()
when {
i1 < i2 -> -1
i1 > i2 -> 1
else -> 0
As hotkey pointed out the code above can be replaced with almost identical implementation that looks much simplier.
directions.sortBy { it.toInt() }
The general version of this algorithm is called alphanum sorting and described in details here. I made a Kotlin port of this algorithm, which you can use. It's more complicated than what you need, but it will solve your problem.
class AlphanumComparator : Comparator<String> {
override fun compare(s1: String, s2: String): Int {
var thisMarker = 0
var thatMarker = 0
val s1Length = s1.length
val s2Length = s2.length
while (thisMarker < s1Length && thatMarker < s2Length) {
val thisChunk = getChunk(s1, s1Length, thisMarker)
thisMarker += thisChunk.length
val thatChunk = getChunk(s2, s2Length, thatMarker)
thatMarker += thatChunk.length
// If both chunks contain numeric characters, sort them numerically.
var result: Int
if (isDigit(thisChunk[0]) && isDigit(thatChunk[0])) {
// Simple chunk comparison by length.
val thisChunkLength = thisChunk.length
result = thisChunkLength - thatChunk.length
// If equal, the first different number counts.
if (result == 0) {
for (i in 0..thisChunkLength - 1) {
result = thisChunk[i] - thatChunk[i]
if (result != 0) {
return result
} else {
result = thisChunk.compareTo(thatChunk)
if (result != 0) {
return result
return s1Length - s2Length
private fun getChunk(string: String, length: Int, marker: Int): String {
var current = marker
val chunk = StringBuilder()
var c = string[current]
if (isDigit(c)) {
while (current < length) {
c = string[current]
if (!isDigit(c)) {
} else {
while (current < length) {
c = string[current]
if (isDigit(c)) {
return chunk.toString()
private fun isDigit(ch: Char): Boolean {
return '0' <= ch && ch <= '9'
To use this Comparator just call
If you don't need it to be coded in Kotlin you can just take an original Java version on Dave Koelle's page. And the Kotlin version of the algorithm can be also found on GitHub.

Order an array of objects by the value of their enums in swift

I have an array of CLBeacon objects which all have a property .proximity.
I want to order the array by this property which contains the CLProximity enum. So I want all objects to be in order IMMEDIATE, NEAR, FAR, UNKNOWN.
Is there a way to do this neatly without resorting to a bunch of if statements?
If you define a (computed read-only) property sortIndex of CLProximity
extension CLProximity {
var sortIndex : Int {
switch self {
case .Immediate:
return 0
case .Near:
return 1
case .Far:
return 2
case .Unknown:
return 3
then you can sort an array of beacons with
let sortedBeacons = sorted(beacons) { $0.proximity.sortIndex < $1.proximity.sortIndex }
If .Unknown is the only CLProximity value that needs
"special treatment" and all other possible values are in the desired
relative order then you can simplify the property definition to
extension CLProximity {
var sortIndex : Int {
return self == .Unknown ? Int.max : rawValue
You can use custom comparator and sort an array using that ,
You will "say" for all objects that has "unknown" proximity are "bigger" than others
var sortedArray = persons.sortedArrayUsingComparator {
(obj1, obj2) -> NSComparisonResult in
if obj1.proximity.rawValue == obj12.proximity.rawValue {
return NSComparisonResult.OrderedSame
} else if obj1.proximity == .UNKNOWN || obj1.proximity.rawValue > obj12.proximity.rawValue {
return NSComparisonResult.OrderedDescending
return NSComparisonResult.OrderedAscending
Based on what Julia wrote above I had cobbled this together:
self.beacons = beacons as! [CLBeacon]
var tempBeacons = zip(self.beacons, self.beacons.map({
(b: CLBeacon) -> Int in
if b.proximity == .Immediate {
return 0
} else if b.proximity == .Near {
return 1
} else if b.proximity == .Far {
return 2
} else if b.proximity == .Unknown {
return 3
return 0
self.beacons = sorted(tempBeacons, {$0.1 < $1.1}).map({ $0.0 })
Thanks all!
Based on #Martin answer.
You can also create Int enum and assign value to it and then sort it like below.
enum myEnum: Int {
case A = 0
case B = 1
case C = 2
case D = 3
let myData : [myEnum:[String]] = [.C:["3"],.D:["4"],.B:["2"],.A:["1"]]
let newData = myData.sorted(by: { $0.key.rawValue < $1.key.rawValue })
Hope this helps
Swift 5
Now you can just add Comparable to your enum and it respects the order
enum ContainerLevel: Comparable {
case empty
case almostEmpty
case halfFull
case almostFull
case full
//Are we running low?
let needMoreCoffee = coffeeMugLevel > .halfFull
print(needMoreCoffee) //true
Link to more Code examples

What data structure best mixes strengths of dictionary and list

A question I asked recently left me wondering about the following:
What is the data structure to store a collection (key, value) pairs such that:
its elements are ordered
d[key] -> val has complexity O(dict)
d(index) -> (key, val) has complexity O(list)
provides reverse lookup d{val} -> (index, key) with complexity O(dict)
uses the least possible storage
When I type O(type) I mean the same complexity for the operation as data structure type.
For instance, if the ordered collection is:
c = {key_1:val_1, key_2:val_2, key_3:val_3}
I'd like to obtain
c[key_1] # returns val_1, as in a dictionary
c(1) # returns val_2, as in a list
c{val_3} # returns (2, key_3) as in a sort of "indexed dictionary"
You're asking for O(1) look-ups by key and index as well as O(1) value look-ups. You can do this by maintaining a hash data-structure for the key/values, a second hash structure for the reverse lookup and, a list data structure for the ordered list->key mappings. You'll still have O(n) insertations and deletions, though, and your space complexity will be 3 times what it normally would be.
If you're willing to compromise on speed, you can save on space, there are plenty of set data structures based on trees (TreeSet in Java for example), whose operations have complexity log(n).
It's always a trade off
You've not mentioned insertion cost, which is also an important concern. You could do this with a dictionary lexically ordered, and handle lookups using a binary search (which is log(n)). You'd need to maintain two such structures however, one going key->val and one going val->key, so the insertion cost is going to be double, and the need to insert elements in the middle puts that at O(n) (i.e., the same as for a list).
I had the same problem. So I took the source code of java.util.TreeMap and wrote IndexedTreeMap. It implements my own IndexedNavigableMap:
public interface IndexedNavigableMap<K, V> extends NavigableMap<K, V> {
K exactKey(int index);
Entry<K, V> exactEntry(int index);
int keyIndex(K k);
The implementation is based on updating node weights in the red-black tree when it is changed. Weight is the number of child nodes beneath a given node, plus one - self. For example when a tree is rotated to the left:
private void rotateLeft(Entry<K, V> p) {
if (p != null) {
Entry<K, V> r = p.right;
int delta = getWeight(r.left) - getWeight(p.right);
p.right = r.left;
if (r.left != null) {
r.left.parent = p;
r.parent = p.parent;
if (p.parent == null) {
root = r;
} else if (p.parent.left == p) {
delta = getWeight(r) - getWeight(p.parent.left);
p.parent.left = r;
} else {
delta = getWeight(r) - getWeight(p.parent.right);
p.parent.right = r;
delta = getWeight(p) - getWeight(r.left);
r.left = p;
p.parent = r;
updateWeight simply updates weights up to the root:
void updateWeight(int delta) {
weight += delta;
Entry<K, V> p = parent;
while (p != null) {
p.weight += delta;
p = p.parent;
And when we need to find the element by index here is the implementation that uses weights:
public K exactKey(int index) {
if (index < 0 || index > size() - 1) {
throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException();
return getExactKey(root, index);
private K getExactKey(Entry<K, V> e, int index) {
if (e.left == null && index == 0) {
return e.key;
if (e.left == null && e.right == null) {
return e.key;
if (e.left != null && e.left.weight > index) {
return getExactKey(e.left, index);
if (e.left != null && e.left.weight == index) {
return e.key;
return getExactKey(e.right, index - (e.left == null ? 0 : e.left.weight) - 1);
Also comes in very handy finding the index of a key:
public int keyIndex(K key) {
if (key == null) {
throw new NullPointerException();
Entry<K, V> e = getEntry(key);
if (e == null) {
throw new NullPointerException();
if (e == root) {
return getWeight(e) - getWeight(e.right) - 1;//index to return
int index = 0;
int cmp;
if (e.left != null) {
index += getWeight(e.left);
Entry<K, V> p = e.parent;
// split comparator and comparable paths
Comparator<? super K> cpr = comparator;
if (cpr != null) {
while (p != null) {
cmp = cpr.compare(key, p.key);
if (cmp > 0) {
index += getWeight(p.left) + 1;
p = p.parent;
} else {
Comparable<? super K> k = (Comparable<? super K>) key;
while (p != null) {
if (k.compareTo(p.key) > 0) {
index += getWeight(p.left) + 1;
p = p.parent;
return index;
You can find the result of this work at http://code.google.com/p/indexed-tree-map/
