Algorithm: check for duplication in Swift array - swift2

Given an array of integers nums and an integer k. Find out whether there are two distinct indices i and j in the array such that nums[i] = nums[j] and the difference between i and j is at most k.
It is supposed to give me true, but it gives me false.
Any help, I appreciate it. Thank you so much.
class Solution
func containsNearbyDuplicate (nums: [Int], _ k: Int) -> Bool
var dict = [Int:Int]()
for i in 0..<nums.count
if dict[nums[i]] != nil
if dict.values.contains(nums[i]) && (i - dict[nums[i]]! <= k)
return true
dict[i] = nums[i]
return false
let test1 = Solution()
//var haha = [1,2,1,5,6,7,6,8,7,5]
//var haha = [1]
//var haha = [1,2]
//var haha = [1,2,3,5,6,8]
var haha = [-1,-1]
var result = test1.containsNearbyDuplicate(haha,1)

You never add anything to dict:
func containsNearbyDuplicate (nums: [Int], _ k: Int) ->Bool
var dict = [Int:Int]()
for i in 0..<nums.count
if dict[nums[i]] != nil // This prevents anything to be added to dict
if dict.values.contains(nums[i]) && (i - dict[nums[i]]! <= k)
return true
dict[i] = nums[i] // This is never executed because of the above if above
return false

Try this one:
class Solution {
func containsNearbyDuplicate (nums: [Int], _ k: Int) ->Bool {
var dict = [Int:Int]()
for i in 0..<nums.count {
if let firstIndex = dict[nums[i]] where i - firstIndex <= k {
return true
dict[nums[i]] = i
return false


Memoization error when converting naive recursive coin problem

I am attempting the following problem:
Two players start with a pile of coins, and each player has the choice of removing either one or two coins from the pile. The player who removes the last coin loses.
I have come up with the following naive, recursive implementation
func gameWinner(coinsRemaining int, currentPlayer string) string {
if coinsRemaining <= 0 {
return currentPlayer
var nextPlayer string
if currentPlayer == "you" {
nextPlayer = "them"
} else {
nextPlayer = "you"
if gameWinner(coinsRemaining-1, nextPlayer) == currentPlayer || gameWinner(coinsRemaining-2, nextPlayer) == currentPlayer {
return currentPlayer
} else {
return nextPlayer
func main() {
fmt.Println(gameWinner(4, "you")) // "them"
The above code works fine.
However, when I improve this solution by implementing memoization (see below, or on the playgound), I get the wrong answer.
func gameWinner(coinsRemaining int, currentPlayer string, memo map[int]string) string {
if coinsRemaining <= 0 {
return currentPlayer
var nextPlayer string
if currentPlayer == "you" {
nextPlayer = "them"
} else {
nextPlayer = "you"
if _, exists := memo[coinsRemaining]; !exists {
if gameWinner(coinsRemaining-1, nextPlayer, memo) == currentPlayer || gameWinner(coinsRemaining-2, nextPlayer, memo) == currentPlayer {
memo[coinsRemaining] = currentPlayer
} else {
memo[coinsRemaining] = nextPlayer
return memo[coinsRemaining]
func main() {
memo := make(map[int]string)
fmt.Println(gameWinner(4, "you", memo))
Any help as to why the second implementation is returning different values to the first would be greatly appreciated!
Your memoization is wrong: the winner does not only depend on the current number of coins, but also on whose turn it is. You need something like the following:
type state struct {
coinsRemaining int
currentPlayer string
memo := make(map[state]string)

How work history of web browser under the hood

I am trying to implement my own web browser history for WKWebView on iOS, but I can't implement this functionality completely, and each time I obtain trouble.
I can create a history where the user did be and then moving forward and backward inside history.
But I have next trouble, and I think it an only one of many problems on my way.
When I have a history with for example 10 elements, and then I am moving back to element number 5 and then go don't forward but try to open the new link I can't remove element 6-10 and put the new link.
I think my problem that I can't fully understand how history work inside all browsers under the hood, this is not a hard task but I am confused inside this algorithm.
My main data structure for holding history
Help me understand how to work this algorithm inside browsers or maybe exist a good theory about it?
I have solved this problem and realize the full algorithm well, the completed project available here:
struct PlayerHistory {
static var shared = PlayerHistory()
var historyExist: Bool = false
var historyCurrentPosition: Int = 0
var historyLastPositionBeforeUpdatingHistory: Int!
var userHistoryKey: String!
var backPressed: Bool!
var forwardPressed: Bool!
var urlOfPlayer: String!
// Function only for first loading inside <viewDidLoad or another method from app LifeCycle>.
mutating func getUrlForFirstLoading(initURL: String, key: String) -> String {
urlOfPlayer = initURL
guard HistoryStorage.shared.getHistoryFromUserDefaults() != nil else {
updateFirstElement(key: key, url: initURL)
return initURL
guard HistoryStorage.shared.getHistoryFromUserDefaults()![key] != nil else {
return initURL
let position = HistoryStorage.shared.getHistoryFromUserDefaults()![key]!.count - 1
historyExist = true
historyCurrentPosition = position
userHistoryKey = key
let initUrlFromHistoryStorage = HistoryStorage.shared.getHistoryFromUserDefaults()![key]!.last!.url
return initUrlFromHistoryStorage
// Create new or update exist history, use this method indsede <decidePolicyForNavigation>.
mutating func updatePlayerHistory(backlisk: [String], key: String) {
var history = [WebViewHistory]()
for i in backlisk {
if (historyExist == true) {
// If old history exist need compound both and then to save.
let oldHistory = HistoryStorage.shared.getHistoryFromUserDefaults()![key]
let oldAndNewHostoryTogether = oldHistory! + history
var keyValuePair = Dictionary<String, [WebViewHistory]>()
keyValuePair.updateValue(oldAndNewHostoryTogether, forKey: key)
setCurrentPosition(url: backlisk.last!, key: key)
} else {
var keyValuePair = Dictionary<String, [WebViewHistory]>()
keyValuePair.updateValue(history, forKey: key)
historyExist = true
setCurrentPosition(url: backlisk.last!, key: key)
// Before using this method check if result don't equals nil. Use this method for navigation beetween history
func moveThroughHistory(key: String, direction: Bool) -> String? {
guard historyExist != false else {
return nil
let history = HistoryStorage.shared.getHistoryFromUserDefaults()![key]!
if (direction == true) {
let index = historyCurrentPosition + 1
guard index != history.count else { return nil }
return history[index].url
} else {
let index = historyCurrentPosition - 1
guard index > 0 else { return history[0].url }
return history[index].url
// Method <setCurrentPosition> each time set position at history
mutating func setCurrentPosition(url: String, key: String) {
guard HistoryStorage.shared.getHistoryFromUserDefaults() != nil else { return }
guard HistoryStorage.shared.getHistoryFromUserDefaults()![key] != nil else { return }
let history = HistoryStorage.shared.getHistoryFromUserDefaults()![key]
let index = history?.firstIndex(of: WebViewHistory(url))
guard index != nil else {
historyCurrentPosition = 0
historyCurrentPosition = index!
// <removeUnusedPeaceOfHistory> need use when user want open new page staying inside the middle of history
mutating func removeUnusedPeaceOfHistory(key: String) {
guard HistoryStorage.shared.getHistoryFromUserDefaults() != nil else {
guard HistoryStorage.shared.getHistoryFromUserDefaults()![key] != nil else {
var history = HistoryStorage.shared.getHistoryFromUserDefaults()![key]!
let startIndex = historyCurrentPosition + 1
let endIndex = history.endIndex - 1
let countOfAllElements = history.count
guard startIndex != countOfAllElements else { return }
let range = startIndex...endIndex
var keyValuePair = Dictionary<String, [WebViewHistory]>()
keyValuePair.updateValue(history, forKey: key)
// Use <updateFirstElement> inside <getUrlForFirstLoading> if history doesn't exist
private mutating func updateFirstElement(key: String, url: String) {
var history = [WebViewHistory]()
history.insert(WebViewHistory(url), at: 0)
var keyValuePair = Dictionary<String, [WebViewHistory]>()
keyValuePair.updateValue(history, forKey: key)
historyExist = true
historyCurrentPosition = 0
// Use <webViewWillBeClosedSaveHistory> when WKWebView should be closed, if the user moves through history new position will be saved.
mutating func webViewWillBeClosedSaveHistory(key: String) {
let history = HistoryStorage.shared.getHistoryFromUserDefaults()![key]!
let currentPosition = historyCurrentPosition + 1
guard currentPosition != history.count else { return }
removeUnusedPeaceOfHistory(key: key)

Sorting Strings by Character and Length

In my Android app, I am trying to sort Bus route tags in order 1, 2, 3..etc.
For that I am using this
Collections.sort(directions, Comparator { lhs, rhs ->
var obj1 = lhs.short_names.firstOrNull() ?: ""
var obj2 = rhs.short_names.firstOrNull() ?: ""
if (obj1 === obj2) {
obj1 = lhs.headsigns.firstOrNull() ?: ""
obj2 = rhs.headsigns.firstOrNull() ?: ""
if (obj1 === obj2) {
return#Comparator 0
} else {
The issue I am having is this sorts them, but will run into the issue of
1, 2, 3, 30, 31, 4, 5
How should I change this to get the correct ordering.
If you need just a simple number comparison you can do it like that.
directions.sortWith(Comparator { lhs, rhs ->
val i1 = lhs.toInt()
val i2 = rhs.toInt()
when {
i1 < i2 -> -1
i1 > i2 -> 1
else -> 0
As hotkey pointed out the code above can be replaced with almost identical implementation that looks much simplier.
directions.sortBy { it.toInt() }
The general version of this algorithm is called alphanum sorting and described in details here. I made a Kotlin port of this algorithm, which you can use. It's more complicated than what you need, but it will solve your problem.
class AlphanumComparator : Comparator<String> {
override fun compare(s1: String, s2: String): Int {
var thisMarker = 0
var thatMarker = 0
val s1Length = s1.length
val s2Length = s2.length
while (thisMarker < s1Length && thatMarker < s2Length) {
val thisChunk = getChunk(s1, s1Length, thisMarker)
thisMarker += thisChunk.length
val thatChunk = getChunk(s2, s2Length, thatMarker)
thatMarker += thatChunk.length
// If both chunks contain numeric characters, sort them numerically.
var result: Int
if (isDigit(thisChunk[0]) && isDigit(thatChunk[0])) {
// Simple chunk comparison by length.
val thisChunkLength = thisChunk.length
result = thisChunkLength - thatChunk.length
// If equal, the first different number counts.
if (result == 0) {
for (i in 0..thisChunkLength - 1) {
result = thisChunk[i] - thatChunk[i]
if (result != 0) {
return result
} else {
result = thisChunk.compareTo(thatChunk)
if (result != 0) {
return result
return s1Length - s2Length
private fun getChunk(string: String, length: Int, marker: Int): String {
var current = marker
val chunk = StringBuilder()
var c = string[current]
if (isDigit(c)) {
while (current < length) {
c = string[current]
if (!isDigit(c)) {
} else {
while (current < length) {
c = string[current]
if (isDigit(c)) {
return chunk.toString()
private fun isDigit(ch: Char): Boolean {
return '0' <= ch && ch <= '9'
To use this Comparator just call
If you don't need it to be coded in Kotlin you can just take an original Java version on Dave Koelle's page. And the Kotlin version of the algorithm can be also found on GitHub.

Swift Recursive Back Tracking Algorithm Not Working

Hi I have written a class in swift that should create a maze through a recursive backtracking algorithm. I seem to have a problem around the assignment of walls to my maze. But I can not crack it.
It would be great if I could get some help here, thank you!
Please find a description of the code below
2D Array Class - Pretty self explanatory. Give it a number of columns and rows and a default value, from there it generate the 2d array. The subscript methods allow you to set and get values.
class Array2D<T> {
let columns: Int
let rows: Int
var array : Array<Array<T?>>
init(columns: Int, rows: Int, repeatedValue: T?) {
self.columns = columns
self.rows = rows
var tmp = Array<T?>(count: rows, repeatedValue: repeatedValue)
array = Array<Array<T?>>(count: columns, repeatedValue: tmp)
subscript(column: Int, row: Int) -> T? {
get {
return array[column][row]
set(newValue) {
array[column][row] = newValue
DIR enum A enum which allows us to abstract ourselves from bits by assigning them names.
enum DIR : UInt8 {
case N = 1
case S = 2
case E = 4
case W = 8
case O = 0
Direction Class This class holds all the information about the Directions. It may be slightly an overkill. It allows you to get directions (N,S,E,W) in relation to a current location. You can also get the opposite direction.
class Direction {
var bit : DIR
var dx : Int
var dy : Int
init(bit: DIR, dx: Int, dy: Int) {
self.bit = bit
self.dx = dx
self.dy = dy
class func NORTH() -> Direction {
return Direction(bit: DIR.N, dx: 0, dy: -1)
class func SOUTH() -> Direction {
return Direction(bit: DIR.S, dx: 0, dy: 1)
class func EAST() -> Direction {
return Direction(bit: DIR.E, dx: 1, dy: 0)
class func WEST() -> Direction {
return Direction(bit: DIR.W, dx: -1, dy: 0)
func opposite() -> Direction {
case DIR.N:
return Direction.SOUTH()
case DIR.S:
return Direction.NORTH()
case DIR.E:
return Direction.WEST()
case DIR.W:
return Direction.EAST()
println("An error occured while returning the opposite of the direction with bit: \(bit)")
return Direction(bit: DIR.O, dx: 0, dy: 0)
RecursiveBackTracking Class This is where the magic happens. This class auto generates a maze given a width(x) and a height(y). The generateMaze() function does most of the work with the other functions in support. Everything here seems to work but I am still not getting the appropriate result. Potentially the problem may also by in the display() function.
class RecursiveBacktracking {
var x : Int
var y : Int
var maze : Array2D<UInt8>
init(x: Int, y: Int) {
self.x = x
self.y = y
maze = Array2D<UInt8>(columns: x, rows: y, repeatedValue: 0)
generateMaze(0, cy: 0)
func generateMaze(cx: Int, cy: Int) {
var directions : [Direction] = [Direction.NORTH(),Direction.SOUTH(),Direction.EAST(),Direction.WEST()]
directions = shuffle(directions)
for dir in directions {
var nx : Int = cx + dir.dx
var ny : Int = cx + dir.dy
if between(nx, upper: x) && between(ny, upper: y) && getMazeObject(nx, y: ny) == 0 {
maze[cx,cy] = bitwiseOr(getMazeObject(cx, y: cy), b: dir.bit.rawValue)
maze[nx,ny] = bitwiseOr(getMazeObject(nx, y: ny), b: dir.opposite().bit.rawValue)
generateMaze(nx, cy: ny)
func bitwiseOr(a: UInt8, b: UInt8) -> UInt8 {
return a | b
func getMazeObject(x: Int, y: Int) -> UInt8 {
if var object = maze[x,y] {
return object
println("No object could be found at location: (\(x),\(y)).")
return 0
func between(v: Int, upper: Int) -> Bool {
return (v>=0) && (v<upper)
func shuffle<C: MutableCollectionType where C.Index == Int>(var list: C) -> C {
let count : Int = Int(countElements(list))
for i in 0..<(count - 1) {
let j = Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(count - i))) + i
swap(&list[i], &list[j])
return list
func display() {
for i in 0..<y {
// Draw North Edge
for j in 0..<x {
var bit : UInt8 = getMazeObject(j, y: i)
bit = bit & 1
if bit == 0 {
print("+ ")
// Draw West Edge
for j in 0..<x {
var bit : UInt8 = getMazeObject(j, y: i)
bit = bit & 8
if bit == 0 {
print("| ")
print(" ")
// Draw the bottom line
for j in 0..<x {
Additional Information: This algorithm is based off of
The error is here:
var nx : Int = cx + dir.dx
var ny : Int = cx + dir.dy
The second cx should be cy.
Remark: There is some room for improvement in your code. As an example, the
bitwise or | is already defined for UInt8, so there is no need to define that
as a function. If you have fixed your code to work correctly, you might consider
to post it at to get a review.

Count the number of "holes" in a bitmap

Consider a MxN bitmap where the cells are 0 or 1. '1' means filled and '0' means empty.
Find the number of 'holes' in the bitmap, where a hole is a contiguous region of empty cells.
For example, this has two holes:
... and this has only one:
What is the fastest way, when M and N are both between 1 and 8?
Clarification: diagonals are not considered contiguous, only side-adjacency matters.
Note: I am looking for something that takes advantage of the data format. I know how to transform this into a graph and [BD]FS it but that seems overkill.
You need to do connected component labeling on your image. You can use the Two-pass algorithm described in the Wikipedia article I linked above. Given the small size of your problem, the One-pass algorithm may suffice.
You could also use BFS/DFS but I'd recommend the above algorithms.
This seems like a nice use of the disjoint-set data structure.
Convert the bitmap to a 2d array
loop through each element
if the current element is a 0, merge it with the set of one its 'previous' empty neighbors (already visited)
if it has no empty neighbors, add it to its own set
then just count the number of sets
There may be advantages gained by using table lookups and bitwise operations.
For example whole line of 8 pixels may be looked up in 256 element table, so number of holes in a field 1xN is got by single lookup. Then there may be some lookup table of 256xK elements, where K is number of hole configurations in previous line, contatining number of complete holes and next hole configuration. That's just an idea.
I wrote an article describe the answer on Medium
but here is the code, the logic isn't complicated and you can understand it without reading the article.
export class CountBitMapHoles {
bitMapArr: number[][];
holesArr: Hole[] = [];
maxRows: number;
maxCols: number;
constructor(bitMapArr: string[] | number[][]) {
if (typeof bitMapArr[0] == 'string') {
this.bitMapArr = (bitMapArr as string[]).map(
(word: string): number[] => word.split('').map((bit: string): number => +bit))
} else {
this.bitMapArr = bitMapArr as number[][]
this.maxRows = this.bitMapArr.length;
this.maxCols = this.bitMapArr[0].length;
moveToDirection(direction: Direction, currentPosition: number[]) {
switch (direction) {
case Direction.up:
return [currentPosition[0] - 1, currentPosition[1]]
case Direction.down:
return [currentPosition[0] + 1, currentPosition[1]]
case Direction.right:
return [currentPosition[0], currentPosition[1] + 1]
case Direction.left:
return [currentPosition[0], currentPosition[1] - 1]
reverseDirection(direction: Direction) {
switch (direction) {
case Direction.up:
return Direction.down;
case Direction.down:
return Direction.up
case Direction.right:
return Direction.left
case Direction.left:
return Direction.right
findNeighbor(parentDir: Direction, currentPosition: number[]) {
let directions: Direction[] = []
if (parentDir === Direction.root) {
directions = this.returnAvailableDirections(currentPosition);
} else {
this.holesArr[this.holesArr.length - 1].positions.push(currentPosition)
directions = this.returnAvailableDirections(currentPosition).filter((direction) => direction != parentDir);
directions.forEach((direction) => {
const childPosition = this.moveToDirection(direction, currentPosition)
if (this.bitMapArr[childPosition[0]][childPosition[1]] === 0 && !this.checkIfCurrentPositionExist(childPosition)) {
this.findNeighbor(this.reverseDirection(direction), childPosition)
returnAvailableDirections(currentPosition: number[]): Direction[] {
if (currentPosition[0] == 0 && currentPosition[1] == 0) {
return [Direction.right, Direction.down]
} else if (currentPosition[0] == 0 && currentPosition[1] == this.maxCols - 1) {
return [Direction.down, Direction.left]
} else if (currentPosition[0] == this.maxRows - 1 && currentPosition[1] == this.maxCols - 1) {
return [Direction.left, Direction.up]
} else if (currentPosition[0] == this.maxRows - 1 && currentPosition[1] == 0) {
return [Direction.up, Direction.right]
} else if (currentPosition[1] == this.maxCols - 1) {
return [Direction.down, Direction.left, Direction.up]
} else if (currentPosition[0] == this.maxRows - 1) {
return [Direction.left, Direction.up, Direction.right]
} else if (currentPosition[1] == 0) {
return [Direction.up, Direction.right, Direction.down]
} else if (currentPosition[0] == 0) {
return [Direction.right, Direction.down, Direction.left]
} else {
return [Direction.right, Direction.down, Direction.left, Direction.up]
checkIfCurrentPositionExist(currentPosition: number[]): boolean {
let found = false;
return this.holesArr.some((hole) => {
const foundPosition = hole.positions.find(
(position) => (position[0] == currentPosition[0] && position[1] == currentPosition[1]));
if (foundPosition) {
found = true;
return found;
exec() {
this.bitMapArr.forEach((row, rowIndex) => {
row.forEach((bit, colIndex) => {
if (bit === 0) {
const currentPosition = [rowIndex, colIndex];
if (!this.checkIfCurrentPositionExist(currentPosition)) {
holeNumber: this.holesArr.length + 1,
positions: [currentPosition]
this.findNeighbor(Direction.root, currentPosition);
this.holesArr.forEach(hole => {
return this.holesArr.length
enum Direction {
up = 'up',
down = 'down',
right = 'right',
left = 'left',
root = 'root'
interface Hole {
holeNumber: number;
positions: number[][]
main.ts file
import {CountBitMapHoles} from './bitmap-holes'
const line = ['1010111', '1001011', '0001101', '1111001', '0101011']
function main() {
const countBitMapHoles = new CountBitMapHoles(line)
function BitmapHoles(strArr) {
let returnArry = [];
let indexOfZ = [];
let subarr;
for(let i=0 ; i < strArr.length; i++){
subarr = strArr[i].split("");
let index = [];
for(let y=0 ; y < subarr.length; y++){
if(subarr[y] == 0)
if(y == subarr.length-1)
for(let i=0 ; i < indexOfZ.length; i++){
for(let j=0; j<indexOfZ[i].length ; j++){
if(indexOfZ[i+1] && (indexOfZ[i][j]==indexOfZ[i+1][j] || indexOfZ[i+1].indexOf(indexOfZ[i][j])))
returnArry.indexOf(strArr[i]) < 0 ? returnArry.push(strArr[i]): false;
returnArry.indexOf(strArr[i]) < 0 ? returnArry.push(strArr[i]): false;
return returnArry.length;
// keep this function call here
function findHoles(map) {
let hole = 0;
const isHole = (i, j) => map[i] && map[i][j] === 0;
for (let i = 0; i < map.length; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < map[i].length; j++) {
if (isHole(i, j)) {
markHole(i, j);
function markHole(i, j) {
if (isHole(i, j)) {
map[i][j] = 2;
markHole(i, j - 1);
markHole(i, j + 1);
markHole(i + 1, j);
markHole(i - 1, j);
return hole;
