master-detail relationship: showing detail as null until drilled - obiee

I have 2 graphs with master-detail relationship about company hierarchy. First graph groups number avarages by departments, second one groups by the divisions of the selected department in the first graph. Question: is there any possible way to not show any results in the second graph until master event clicked on the first one?

Not really, since master-detail is one single analysis which also means one data stream.


Qualtrics Randomized Survey Download not working

I have created and run a survey in which there are 4 randomized conditions. The conditions are randomized in Survey Flow by creating 4 Group elements, each with 2 questions in it, and having those 4 Group elements under a Randomizer element so only one of those four groups is presented. When downloading the data, the randomized conditions are not shown. We are selecting "Export viewing order data for randomized surveys" but all we are getting is a column called "FL_22 - Block Randomizer - Display Order" with the variables being called "FL_13", "FL_12", "FL_16", "FL_19" so there is no way for us to know what conditions in the Randomizer element these numbers correspond to. Any idea how we can obtain the names of the randomized variables?
From the Survey Flow, check the "Show Flow IDs" box in the upper right.

Converting year weeks to continuous without gaps in Power BI graph

I have weekly sales data from 201601-201835 and i have to create a graph to see the trend. Since the data is categorical, a scroll bar is appearing on the graph. I want to view the complete graph at once.
I tried converting the data to continuous, but there is a gap in the graph as there is no data from 201653 to 201699 and hence the graph is wrong.
Is there a way of viewing the complete data without a scroll bar?
I would add summary fields to the Axis above the Week, e.g. Year, Month, Quarter. You will probably need a reference table for your weeks or some fancy calculations.
With those fields in place, you can expand or drill into the levels before getting down to the Week level. As the higher levels are Categorical and have fewer categories, you are less likely to see scroll bars.
A side benefit is the user has more control e.g. they can drill down on just a section of the weeks, e.g. for one year.

What are labels and indices in Neo4j?

I am using neo4j-core gem (Neo4j::Node API). It is the only MRI-compatible Ruby binding of neo4j that I could find, and hence is valuable, but its documentation is a crap (it has missing links, lots of typographical errors, and is difficult to comprehend). In the Label and Index Support section of the first link, it says:
Create a node with an [sic] label person and one property
Neo4j::Node.create({name: 'kalle'}, :person)
Add index on a label
person = Label.create(:person)
drop index
(whose second code line I believe is a typographical error of the following)
person = Node4j::Label.create(:person)
What is a label, is it the name of a database table, or is it an attribute peculiar to a node?
If it is the name of a node, I don't under the fact that (according to the API in the second link) the method Neo4j::Node.create and Neo4j::Node#add_label can take multiple arguments for the label. What does it mean to have multiple labels on a node?
Furthermore, If I repeat the create command with the same label argument, it creates a different node object each time. What does it mean to have multiple nodes with the same name? Isn't a label something to identify a node?
What is index? How are labels and indices different?
Labels are a way of grouping nodes. You can give the label to many nodes or just one node. Think of it as a collection of nodes that are grouped together. They allow you to assign indexes and other constraints.
An index allows quick lookup of nodes or edges without having to traverse the entire graph to find them. Think of it as a table of direct pointers to the particular nodes/edges indexed.
As I read what you pasted from the docs (and without, admittedly, knowing the slightest thing about neo4j):
It's a graph database, where every piece of data is a node with a certain amount of properties.
Each node can have a label (or more, presumably?). Think of it as a type -- or perhaps more appropriately, in Ruby parlance, a Module.
It's a database, so nodes can be part of an index for quicker access. So can subsets of nodes, and therefor nodes with a certain label.
Put another way: Think of the label as the table in a DB. Nodes as DB rows, which can belong to one or more labels/tables, or no label/table at all for that matter. And indexes as DB indexes on sets of rows.

BIRT: Adding multiple Category (X) Series

I have a single dataset containing 4 columns, each showing the number of rejections for a quarter-year. A 5th column shows the Team to which those values belong.
Is it possible to add 4 fixed points on the x-Axis, each belonging to one of these columns? Then I could add the Team as the Y-Series. I'd like to see the evolution of each team in time.
Take a look at this example:
I solved this by writing a (really short, really simple) loop which takes the values out of the four mentioned columns, one at a time, and creates four rows instead.
So the rows basically contain the Team from the original row (duplicated 4 times) and the Number of Rejections. So now instead of a Row with one team and four numbers, I have four rows, each with one team and one number.
I did this all in the report scripts (under "fetch"). Try it, it's really easy.

Create binary tree from existing location table with parent_id relationship

I've spent half a day looking into Binary Trees and Binary Search Trees and simply cannot get my head around them, or how it applies to what I have here. All the reading I have looked at is rather confusing in concept, and none give real world examples.
I have inherited a MySQL and PHP system that has a table of geographical locations. This is hierarchical by nature and all records are linked to their immediate parent via a parent_id field.
e.g. New Zealand -> North Island -> Auckland -> Auckland City
This table also has two fields called "lft" and "rgt" which are already populated. My job is to alter this table with more (and changed) geographical locations, and thus, update these lft and rgt values.
I understand that if I look at a child node's lft and rgt values and write a query to the effect of: SELECT * FROM table WHERE lft <= child_left AND rgt > child_rgt, I will get a chain of ancestors.
But I don't understand the logic of this. I don't follow the theory behind assigning these lft and rgt values to a record. They certainly don't appear to have any correlation to the unique id of the records themselves.
Can someone point me to a decent resource with examples? Or have a simple way of explaining BST's?
For future searches:
I found this old article from 2003 that explains it on a basic level very well.
Page 3 also has a PHP function for walking the tree and assigning left and right values to each item using an existing parent as a reference.
