showing this error when i tap on jmeter from the bin folder in mac :
bash: export: `home]': not a valid identifier
shubhams-MacBook-Pro:~ shubhamsaini$ /Users/hell/Downloads/apache-jmeter-5.1/bin/jmeter ; exit;
/Users/hell/Downloads/apache-jmeter-5.1/bin/jmeter: line 128: [: : integer expression expected
/Users/hell/Downloads/apache-jmeter-5.1/bin/jmeter: line 192: [path/bin/java: No such file or directory
Saving session...
...copying shared history...
...saving history...truncating history files...
[Process completed]
I don't think you can run JMeter by "tapping"
Make sure you have Java Runtime Environment version 8 or higher for Mac installed
Once you install Java verify that it can be used by launching Terminal application and typing the following command:
java --version
you should see installed Java version as the output
Assuming step 2 success:
navigate to JMeter's bin folder:
cd /Users/hell/Downloads/apache-jmeter-5.1/bin/
launch JMeter:
That's it, you should see JMeter GUI.
You might also be interested in configuring your MacOS to open JMeter's JMX files on double click guide
First: I have used Google to search for "flutter doctor" and searched your
site as well. I will detail my results below, but before that here is where I am:
1) I followed the directions at up to the point where I am unable to proceed.
2) My environment is:
Windows 10, 64 bit, 210 Gb free space
Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2320 CPU # 3.00GHz; 8.00 GB installed memory(RAM)
I have PowerShell 5.1,
I have setup Git for Windows with "Use Git from
the Windows Command Prompt" option
I am able to run git from the command prompt or power shell
3) I tried downloading the .zip of the beta but when I ran the
"flutter doctor" command it just hung.
4) Now for the search results:
I found 3 relevant questions:
a) "Getting Flutter doctor to work" - I tried cloning the "alpha" version
and checked the "Background Intelligent Transfer Service was running" (it
b) "Running Flutter Doctor without any results" - I removed the alpha version
and cloned the beta version using git bash with the following results:
rex#NEXIUM MINGW64 /c/flutter
$ git clone -b beta
Cloning into 'flutter'...
remote: Counting objects: 122267, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (5/5), done.
remote: Total 122267 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 122262
Receiving objects: 100% (122267/122267), 37.56 MiB | 2.39 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (91730/91730), done.
Checking out files: 100% (2473/2473), done.
This also did not work (i.e. flutter doctor still hangs)
c) "Flutter doctor is not running in command prompt" - this one had the most
promising result:
I deleted the cache folder under the ..\AppData\Roaming\Pub directory.
when I ran "flutter doctor" this time I got the following results:
C:\Users\rex>flutter doctor
Checking Dart SDK version...
Downloading Dart SDK from Flutter engine 09d05a38912a3c1a906e95099cac9a7e14fae85f...
Unzipping Dart SDK...
// here there was some text above the ========== in the console about bits...
// which went away, window appeared compressed and then the following message:
Updating flutter tool...
I am hoping to get the flutter tool installed and experiment with it for developing android and/or iOS apps. I have done some development using Xamarin in the Visual Studio 2017 but there is limited support for controls and I am
hoping that this tool will be more productive. IF there is anyone who can help me get past this problem I would appreciate any help. Thanks,
I tried running the flutter doctor command in a command window with adminstrator privilege with the same result. It then tried editing the flutter.bat file with some echo commands to try to get additional information which showed me that the batch file was getting to the point where the following statement is executed:
>CALL "%dart%" %FLUTTER_TOOL_ARGS% "%snapshot_path%" %*
I edited the batch file to uncomment the lines assigning the FLUTTER_TOOL_ARGS which gave me additional information and the batch file exited as follows:
================== results in the command window =====================
>C:\Windows\System32>flutter doctor
>in acquire_lock ... # ECHO to get debug information
>in subroutine ... # ECHO to get debug information
>in after_subroutine ...# ECHO to get debug information
>dart - C:\src\flutter\flutter\bin\cache\dart-sdk\bin\dart.exe # ECHO dart
>FLUTTER_TOOL_ARGS ""--checked " --observe=65432" # ECHO FLUTTER_TOOL_ARGS
#next line is ECHO of snapshot_path
>snapshot_path C:\src\flutter\flutter\bin\cache\flutter_tools.snapshot
============== the following was output from the batch file =========
Unhandled exception:
Could not load "file:///C:/Windows/System32/%20--observe=65432":
FileSystemException: Cannot open file, path =
'C:\Windows\System32\ -->observe=65432'
(OS Error: The system cannot find the file specified. , errno = >2) null
# another ECHO
after CALL ... # echo to get debug information
================== end of results in the command window =====================
=========== ANOTHER NEW EDIT =============
Just to clarify the above edit, I totally deleted everything related to flutter and then re-installed/unzipped it in another directory "C:\src\flutter" which does not require admin privilege to edit, etc. but I did not delete the cache folder under the ..\AppData\Roaming\Pub directory as before so I am going back to do that this morning. I will also use the -v or -verbose option at the command prompt to see if there is any additional help and add the new information once done.
============== FOLLOW UP EDIT ================
I remove some of the debug ECHO statements, modified others, made sure 7z.exe is in the path, removed the cache directory but the results are basically the same as follows:
C:\WINDOWS\system32>flutter doctor -verbose
Show dart, FLUTTER_TOOL_ARGS, and snapshot_path:
dart - C:\src\flutter\flutter\bin\cache\dart-sdk\bin\dart.exe
FLUTTER_TOOL_ARGS ""--checked " --observe=65432"
snapshot_path C:\src\flutter\flutter\bin\cache\flutter_tools.snapshot
execute call to dart ...
Unhandled exception:
Could not load "file:///C:/Windows/System32/%20--observe=65432":
FileSystemException: Cannot open file, path =
'C:\Windows\System32\ --observe=65432' (OS Error: The system cannot find
the file specified., errno = 2)
returned from call to dart
exit code 255
============ Another Update ===========
I decided to try the clone of the beta again since that was the most promising of all the previous things I did. When done I used the power shell and issued the "flutter channel" command just to see what that would do. Surprisingly I got a similar result to running "flutter doctor" previously. First there was an output at the top of the screen showing dart being downloaded and then when that was done the following was printed on the console below the original command:
C:\Users\rex>flutter channel
Checking Dart SDK version...
Downloading Dart SDK from Flutter engine
Unzipping Dart SDK...
Updating flutter tool...
and then the console hung as before...
I finally aborted the command and set echo on in flutter.bat. That file hangs with the following command displayed on the screen (all on the same line):
C:\src\flutter>CALL "C:\src\flutter\bin\cache\dart-sdk\bin\dart.exe"
"--checked --observe=65432"
"C:\src\flutter\bin\cache\flutter_tools.snapshot" doctor
At this point I am pretty much at a loss.
Have tried the following?
Run the flutter doctor command from a command prompt with admin privileges?
Tried installing a different type of unzip program (like 7-zip) and ensuring it's in the PATH?
BTW I'm looking at this issue that seems similar to what you are describing:
You can try to use the Flutter Console with Administrator Access Privilege and try to change the change the channel to the current stable version flutter channel stable
Then, once again run the flutter upgrade.
I hope this help you.
Seems like you don't have enough privilege to save or edit files in that directory.
Try to run your command prompt as admin or try to run your flutter console as admin and check if that helps.
May be Antivirus or Firewall blocking
try running windows in Safe mode and then run flutter commands
On Windows, the simplest and easiest way is, download the latest version Flutter SDK. Manually replace the current folder by pasting the downloaded flutter folder instead of the current folder in the C drive. Always choose "replace and paste".
I am trying to install Theano for machine learning on my Windows 7 computer.
One of the last steps in installing the dependencies is to 'create a link library for GCC' by 'Opening up the Python shell and cd to C:\SciSoft. Then execute:
gendef WinPython-64bit-\python-2.7.9.amd64\python27.dll
dlltool --dllname python27.dll --def python27.def --output-lib WinPython-
I've tried doing this but I get a invalid syntax error highlighted on 'WinPython'. I tried changing directory to go deeper and running gendef again and it also returned the same error. This is a copy and paste job from
I also followed the tutorial at the link to install Theano.
The line "Finally we need to create a link library for GCC. Open up the Python shell and cd to c:\SciSoft" is probably an error; "the Python shell" should be modified to "cmd.exe".
The two-line scripts are not python scripts, and can be successfully run on cmd.exe after changing directory to c:\SciSoft.
C:\Work\R contains the R-3.1.1.tar.gz file
I have build R source(R-3.1.1) in windows 8 from the following commands
cd C:\Work\R
tar --no-same-owner -xf R-3.1.1.tar.gz
cd C:\Work\R\R-3.1.1\src\gnuwin32\
make all recommended
Add the following path to the Environment variables
Enter the R.exe in command promt
I got the following Error
Fatal error unable to open the base package
System information
Windows 8, 64 bit operating System, x64 –based processor
How to resolve this error?
If you are using R, you can download the newest version from here and then simply install it.
If you have an older version and want only to download the new one, use those commands inside R:
# installing/loading the package:
if(!require(installr)) {
install.packages("installr"); require(installr)} #load / install+load installr
# using the package:
updateR() # this will start the updating process of your R installation. It will check for newer versions, and if one is available, will guide you through the decisions you'd need to make.
We can resolve this issue by using the following command before build the R source code
Set TMPDIR=c:\cygwin64\bin
Here c:\cygwin64\bin is the cygwin installed location in Windows 8 machine.
Here I have mentioned the R source code build steps:
Install cygwin setup
Install RTools
Create the R_HOME file in the directory like C:\R_HOME
Place the R source code tar file in the R_HOME
Add the following path in environment variable in first
c:\Rtools\bin\;c:\Rtools\gcc-4.6.3\bin;C:\cygwin64\bin\;C:\Program Files (x86)\HTML Help Workshop\;C:\R_HOME\R-3.1.1\bin\;
Enter the following command in the command prompt
Set TMPDIR=C:\cygwin64\bin
Set working directory as C:\R_HOME
Enter the following command
tar --no-same-owner -xf R-3.1.1.tar.gz
Copy the Tcl source from c:\R (it will be created while installing RTools)
Set the working directory as follow in command prompt
Enter the following command
Make all recommended
Enter the R.exe command in command prompt. We can enter the R terminal
I just ran into this issue with my Xcode project:
whenever I run it, it says there is the following error GenerateDSYMFile /Users/obleopold/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/richhh-bzvkjxyolcsbhoffzrtzyohyzhye/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/ /Users/obleopold/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/richhh-bzvkjxyolcsbhoffzrtzyohyzhye/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/
cd /Users/obleopold/Documents/richhh
setenv PATH "/Applications/"
/Applications/ /Users/obleopold/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/richhh-bzvkjxyolcsbhoffzrtzyohyzhye/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/ -o /Users/obleopold/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/richhh-bzvkjxyolcsbhoffzrtzyohyzhye/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/
The main issue states:
error: unable to open executable ''
Here is some more info:
My project name is: richhh,
my computer username is: obleopold
If you need any more information, please comment.
Go to Product->Clean and then Product->Clean builds(option comes by pressing option button). Delete the derived data, restart Xcode and try running
My application compiles OK, and verifies.
But each of the Organizer options Validate..., Share..., Submit... just fail silently.
I'm using XCode version 3.2.5
I found the Console application had some information:
30/12/10 13:51:27 Xcode[8458] Running /usr/bin/xcrun with (
"/Users/xxxxxx/Library/Application Support/Developer/Shared/Archived Applications/C201D5C0-2AB4-494B-A560-806AE36EF9A7.apparchive/",
"iPhone Distribution: Xxxxxx",
"/Users/xxxxxx/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/66403280-7962-4A73-92D1-8FF34F65866C.mobileprovision"
30/12/10 13:51:27 [0x0-0x439439][8458] sh: /Developer/usr/bin/xcodebuild: No such file or directory
30/12/10 13:51:27 [0x0-0x439439][8458] /Developer/usr/bin/xcodebuild fails with 32512 - Unknown error: 32512
After searching around for a while, it appears that my install was missing the directory /Developer/usr/bin/.
In a Terminal shell, I linked the latest XCode version directory:
ln -s /Developer/XCode_3.2.5/usr/ /Developer/usr
and it fixed the problem.
You should try to package your IPA file through command line, so you can have full log in it. Here is a post I wrote, check it out.