Jekyll site fails only when pushed to GitHub - ruby

I am developing a new version of a static website with Jekyll that deployed via Github pages:
The repository:
Locally I run it with docker, and I am not able to reproduce the issue:
$ docker run --rm -p 4000:4000 -v "$PWD":/srv/jekyll jekyll/jekyll:stable jekyll serve
This is the error I get via email when I push to the repository. I can't figure out why it does not work properly
The page build failed for the `master` branch with the following error:
Your SCSS file `assets/main.scss` has an error on line 6: File to import not found or unreadable: vendor/rfs. Load paths: node_modules /hoosegow/.bundle/ruby/2.5.0/gems/jekyll-theme-primer-0.5.3/_sass /hoosegow/.bundle/ruby/2.5.0/gems/jekyll-theme-primer-0.5.3/_sass /hoosegow/.bundle/ruby/2.5.0/gems/jekyll-theme-primer-0.5.3/_sass. For more information, see
Does somebody have any feedback? Thanks a lot

Your current bootstrap code is incomplete.
/node_modules/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss is missing because of a .gitignore rule that prevent any vendor folder to be versioned.
In your .gitignore, replace vendor line by vendor/bundle
run npm install bootstrap to override current version

The error is telling what the problem is. You have this on the line in main.scss
#import "bootstrap/scss/bootstrap";
So this means the file may exist locally but is not able to import on your deploy since it's not there.
Looking at your repo I see you have bootstrap located here:
So try this instead:
#import "../node_modules/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css";
// or you could try
#import "../node_modules/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss"
I would think one of those should work.


SCSS file import not found on Jekyll site hosted on Github pages

I am getting this build error.
Your site is having problems building: Your SCSS file portfolio/assets/main.scss has an error on line 1: File to import not
found or unreadable: minima. Load path:/hoosegow/.bundle/ruby/2.7.0/gems/jekyll-theme-primer-0.5.4/_sass.
I installed the Jekyll-Theme-Primer when I first started building this site and I didn't like it, so I removed it(or so I thought). Could someone help me locate the issue? I have already checked my config.yaml file, and Gem file. I've tried finding the Primer gem and I can't. Thank you for your time.
Here is a link to the repo being built.

How do I install vuetify directly from github?

When I try with
npm install vuetifyjs/vuetify#v1.5.2
I get "Cannot find package".
There is a packages folder under which there is a vuetify directory.
I tried npm installing that folder. Everything appeared to go well until I started the dev server.
Now in the console log I see:
[Vuetify] Multiple instances of Vue detected
Seems to be related to but I cannot tell what the solution is at this point.
I had the same issue to use my own version of Vuetify, waiting for my pull request being accepted.
Here what I did:
I build the vuetify project with my fix.
yarn build
Then I took the content of 'packages/vuetify' and put it in a new git repository. I remove the .gitignore to be able to commit built files (/es5, /lib, /lib-temp, /dist)
Finally I add this git repository to my project to replace my vuetify version:
npm install git+
Looking at the package.json file, the package doesn't have a name property, which it would need to have for you to be able to install it from GitHub.
So the short answer is that you can't install vuetify directly from GitHub via npm.
However, you can install it directly from npm:
npm install vuetify#1.5.2
You can't install vuetify directly from GitHub but you can edit code in 1 component node_modules/vuetify/lib/components/VSlider/VSlider.js Then, you install patch-package and execute path package vuetify Delete node modules and execute yarn to create new node modules Last, yarn serve, you see your code is work

How to install a NativeScript plugin from a forked repository?

I currently need to use the nativescript-https plugin but its repository is not updated and not packed to npm and it has a couple bugs (including one with AFNetworking with version) without a solution so I've forked the repository and try to add from this forked repo using:
tns pluging add [url of the repo]
this install the plugin with no errors, but when I try to run the app it shows the following error:
NativeScript encountered a fatal error: Error: Could not find module 'nativescript-https'
So I would like to know... which is the correct workflow to do this?
Compile and add the plugin folder to your package.json using relative path.
"myplugin": "file:myplugin/dist"
Assuming myplugin is your plugin folder placed at your project root, dist is where you have your compiled JS files.
The error wasn't related to the plugin installation, the problem was that I needed to run Typescript compiler on plugin's folder to generate the .js files.

Heroku NodeJS + CouchBase Custom Buildpack

I'm trying to put together a custom buildpack with NodeJS and the CouchBase module/libraries
I've gotten as far as using Vulcan to build libcouchbase and libvbucket and getting the buildpack to retrieve and unpack the tgz files for both.
Everything looks ok there, but I receive errors when npm tries to install the couchbase module:
I get a bunch of errors, but this line:
"../src/couchbase_impl.h:52:36: warning: libcouchbase/couchbase.h: No such file or directory"
leads me to think that it can't find the libcouchbase libraries (which is possible since they aren't in the usual place).
I've tried to add the correct path using CPPFLAGS="-I/app/vendor/couchbase/include/libcouchbase" in both the Config Vars and just exporting that as part of the compile phase, but still no luck.
Here is the gist with the Heroku deploy output and the compile/release buildpack files:
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
[Update 1]
I've made some progress and I can now get the slug to compile when deploying to Heroku.
The key was figuring out the ENV Variables that CouchNode looks for when adding custom directories to include.
In this case, the Env Variables were EXTRA_CPPFLAGS and EXTRA_LDFLAGS.
So I updated the compile file to include the following:
export EXTRA_CPPFLAGS="-I$BUILD_DIR/vendor/couchbase/include"
export EXTRA_LDFLAGS="-L$BUILD_DIR/vendor/couchbase/lib -Wl,-rpath,$BUILD_DIR/vendor/couchbase/lib"
The slug compiles and the app is deployed, but I now get a different error in the logs:
Error: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
So it looks like Node can't see the libcouchbase libraries directory.
For anyone who is curious or experiencing a similar issue, here's what worked for me.
In order to get the couchbase npm module to install I had to tell it where to find the libcouchbase libraries (in compile file):
export EXTRA_CPPFLAGS="-I$BUILD_DIR/vendor/couchbase/include"
export EXTRA_LDFLAGS="-L$BUILD_DIR/vendor/couchbase/lib -Wl,-rpath,$BUILD_DIR/vendor/couchbase/lib"
Then in order to require couchbase in my app I had to set the following Env Variable:
With the command:
heroku config:add LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/app/vendor/couchbase/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
You should set CPPFLAGS="-I/app/vendor/couchbase/include" LDFLAGS="-L/app/vendor/couchbase/include -lcouchbase"
from your script it seems like you just unpacking libcouchbase without any further work. you should also build it and install. typical magic spell for node.js client will be ./configure --disable-plugins --disable-examples && make && sudo make install. I'm not sure if sudo part needed on heroku, probably just make install

Using blueprint.sass in Webby/Compass Integration

I'm following an article here:
more specifically the section entitled "Concrete Example of using
Compass and Sass for creating a layout that people generally use
tables for"
The example references #import blueprint.sass
Where is this file located as my webby project does not seem to be able to find it.
(Also note that I'm using Ubuntu)
My layout.sass file looks like this (nothing fancy):
filter: sass
extension: css
layout: nil
#import blueprint.sass
I get the following error when running webby:
create output/stylesheets/layout.css
[22:56:30] ERROR: while rendering page 'content/stylesheets/layout.sass'
[22:56:30] ERROR: sass filter error: "File to import not found or unreadable: blueprint.sass."
Definitely need to upgrade to the latest edge haml. That was a bug in how comments get parsed that was fixed in the last month or so.
git checkout git://
cd haml
rake install
Alright figured it out...
You have to download/install the most recent installation of haml which isn't yet specified on the compass primer
This should actually be the first step in installing it!
And here is how that step goes:
Download the latest version of HAML with the following command: git clone git://
(This will create a new directory ./haml/)
Change to the ./haml/ directory.
In the ./haml/ directory type the following command: rake install
