Verilog naming convention of \add_34/U1_1_6 - syntax

Can somebody explain what this naming convention means in the Verilog line below?
I don't know what this \add_34/.... part means?
ADDHXL \add_34/U1_1_6 (.A(n1022),.B(\add_34/carry[6] ),.CO(\add_34/carry[7] ),.S(N11));
If I have a wire named \add_34/carry[6] in my definition, should I have \add_34/carry[1] up to \add_34/carry[5], or is it optional?
I asked this question since compiling a part of my code, I get this syntax error:
Syntax error at or near token 'wire'.
Here is the code snippet:
RandomDelay R00001(clk,rst_n,2'b10,a34_carry_pri_delayed_7,\add_34/carry[7]);
wire N11_pri_delayed;
And here is module defintion:
module RandomDelay ( clk, reset_not, seed, input_signal, delayed_signal );
input [1:0] seed;
input clk, reset_not, input_signal;
output delayed_signal;

It is called an 'escaped identifier'.
When an identifier starts with a backslash, every character except white space is assumed to be part of the name. (Thus the standard identifier rules go out the window.)
Thus the identifier in your case is "\add_34/U1_1_6". Identifiers of that type are normally generate by a program.
Thus this is a valid identifier: \wow!/neverseen[]thissort#;of#++mess
Let's have a look at the identifier: \add_34/carry[6]. Note that the "[6]" is NOT an index! Is is seen as ASCII and part of the name.
The same again for \add_34/carry[7].
It also means somewhere there is a definition which goes:
wire \add_34/carry[6] ;
wire \add_34/carry[7] ;
// Note the space ^ before the semicolon!
The other \add_34/carry[... variables may exist or not as we are all looking at individual wires here.
It is perfectly legal for there to be no \add_34/carry[5] or \add_34/carry[0]
Coming back to your code:
RandomDelay R00001(clk,rst_n,2'b10,a34_carry_pri_delayed_7,\add_34/carry[7]);
You must thus place a space before the closing bracket:
RandomDelay R00001(clk,rst_n,2'b10,a34_carry_pri_delayed_7,\add_34/carry[7] );
// ---->>> Here ^


How to create an VHDL-2008 alias to a signal in an hierarchy created by for-generate?

I have an hierarchy created by a for-generate like this:
INST: for ... generate
. . .
end generate;
It creates many instances, as expected, named as INST__0, INST__1, etc, which names have a double underscore on it.
When I try to create an alias to a signal A in this hierarchy I got an error like "Invalid literal" because the path to the signal has double underscores, which is indeed invalid in VHDL:
alias A is <<signal DUT.INST__0.COUNTER.A: std_logic>>;
Is there any way to solve this problem? Prevent for-generate using double underscores, maybe?
You do not provide a reproducible or complete example nor demonstrate the syntax location of your alias declaration. Particular note the lack of a the loop parameter which your attempt alludes to include values 0 and 1.
See IEEE Std 1076-2008 8.7 External names
pathname_element ::=
    | component_instantiation_label
    | block_label
    | generate_statement_label [ ( static_expression ) ]
    | package_simple_name
and the accompanying semantic description of the the static expression:
b)Second, for each package simple name in a package pathname, or for each pathname element in an absolute or relative pathname, in order, the previously identified declarative region is replaced as the identified declarative region by one of the following:
5)For a generate statement label, the declarative region of the equivalent block corresponding to the generate statement. If the generate statement is a for generate statement, the pathname element shall include a static expression, the type of the expression shall be the same as the type of the generate parameter, and the value of the expression shall belong to the discrete range specified for the generate parameter. The type of the expression shall be determined by applying the rules of 12.5 to the expression considered as a complete context, using the rule that the type shall be discrete. If the type of the expression is universal_integer and the type of the generate parameter is an integer type, an implicit conversion of the expression to the type of the generate parameter is assumed.
We see that the static expression included in parentheses following the generate statement label is a value of the loop parameter.
A -2008 example that can be analyzed, elaborated and simulated:
entity for_gen_label is
end entity;
architecture fum of for_gen_label is
for i in 0 to 3 generate
signal a: boolean;
end process;
end block;
end generate;
end architecture;
where we also see that the -2008 predefined attribute 'INSTANCE_NAME can also demonstrate path name elements (GHDL):
for_gen_label.vhdl:16:17:#0ms:(report note): :for_gen_label(fum):inst(0):counter:a
for_gen_label.vhdl:16:17:#0ms:(report note): :for_gen_label(fum):inst(1):counter:a
for_gen_label.vhdl:16:17:#0ms:(report note): :for_gen_label(fum):inst(2):counter:a
for_gen_label.vhdl:16:17:#0ms:(report note): :for_gen_label(fum):inst(3):counter:a
The format of the 'INSTANCE_NAME predefined attribute value is given in 16.2.5 Predefined attributes of named entities.
The two underscores is a C(++) affectation for names which indicates you're probably getting information from the user interface of a simulator capable of supporting multiple hardware description languages. GHDL, a batch simulator supporting only VHDL produces output that adheres to VHDL path name elements:
ghdl -r for_gen_label --disp-signals-map
.for_gen_label(fum).inst(0).counter.a: 00007FBDBD504700 net: 0
.for_gen_label(fum).inst(1).counter.a: 00007FBDBD5047A0 net: 0
.for_gen_label(fum).inst(2).counter.a: 00007FBDBD504840 net: 0
.for_gen_label(fum).inst(3).counter.a: 00007FBDBD5048E0 net: 0
while incidentally demonstrating the entire path. VHDL unlike some other HDL's is not identifier case sensitive.
I would try an extended identifier. I would try both of the following, but I suspect the first one will get you there (and the second one not):
alias A is <<signal DUT.\INST__0\.COUNTER.A : std_logic>>;
alias A is <<signal \DUT.INST__0.COUNTER.A\ : std_logic>>;
I am concerned though the second one would be seen as a single identifier.

Operands in verilog

I am trying to implement a PID controller using Verilog, but I faced some problems in the coding.
I try to set the position as a parameter like shown in the screens shot:
but, I faced an error which I am not aware of:
Error (10170): Verilog HDL syntax error at Verilog1.v(16) near text: "["; expecting an operand. Check for and fix any syntax errors that appear immediately before or at the specified keyword. The Intel FPGA Knowledge Database contains many articles with specific details on how to resolve this error. Visit the Knowledge Database at and search for this specific error message number.
Error (10170): Verilog HDL syntax error at Verilog1.v(34) near text: "["; expecting "#", or an operand. Check for and fix any syntax errors that appear immediately before or at the specified keyword. The Intel FPGA Knowledge Database contains many articles with specific details on how to resolve this error. Visit the Knowledge Database at and search for this specific error message number.
I also tried the like integer position= [0*IRL+1000*CIR+2000*IRR];, but still, I face the same problem. How do I fix this syntax error?
After compiling, parameter values can only be read; not modified. They are runtime constants. An integer type can only be assigned within an procedural block. You can give it an initial value at declarations, but it will not auto update. So you want a procedure assignment or a net type with continuous assignment.
Square brackets ([]) are used for indexing an array or slice of a vector. They cannot be used like parentheses (()) or curly brackets ({}). In your case non are needed.
integer position= [0*IRL+1000*CIR+2000*IRR];
wire [31:0] position= 0*IRL+1000*CIR+2000*IRR;
wire [31:0] position;
assign position= 0*IRL+1000*CIR+2000*IRR;
integer position;
always #* begin
position= 0*IRL+1000*CIR+2000*IRR;
Also change:
Proportional<= [position/IRL+CIR+IRR]-1000;
Proportional<= (position/IRL+CIR+IRR)-1000;
Assuming IRL, CIR and IRR are declared as constant type (like parameter), then you should remove the square brackets:
parameter position = 0*IRL+1000*CIR+2000*IRR;

Verilog - "timescale"

I use "timescale" before module to regulate time, but Vivado tell me there is a syntax error at the first row. Please tell me the reason and what should I write?
Display from Vivado:
Error:Syntax Error near "".
'timescale 1ns/1ns
module datactl (data,in,data_ena);
output [7:0] data;
input [7:0] in;
input data_ena;
assign data = data_ena?in:8'bzzzz_zzzz;
It looks like you used a single quote ' instead of a backtick `. A compiler directives use a backtick. Note that there's no need for the `timescale directive unless your code has #delays or specify blocks.

How to ignore one or more output bus pins for a module instantiation

I want to ignore one or more bits in an array argument for a module in SystemVerilog.
module x(in a, out [0:3] z);
module tb;
logic my_a;
logic [1:3] my_z;
// I want to stop having to do this next line:
logic ignore_this_bit;
x myx(.a(my_a), .z({ignore_this_bit, my_z}));
What is the proper syntax to do this? I have been doing it just as shown above with a declaration of ignore_this_bit and simply never connecting to that net. But it seems there should be a simpler way. Something like just using a comma and no variable name in the arguments for the module instantiation or maybe using something like 1'bX instead of an output argument bit, or something like that.
Is this affected by the fact that I am using big-endian bit ordering for the vectors here? (I hate it, but I am building code for an old CPU that uses that ordering and it's way easier to match my code to the existing than to fix it.)
This is a hard concept to search for, and I have tried. Does anyone have expertise that can help me know how to do this "the right way"? Thanks.
There is no special way in verilog for ignoring bits of the output. So, your way of using concat with an unneeded variable is a good way for doing it ({ignore_this_bit, my_z}). Naming of this variable is important for readability reasons.
It is not affected by the range description order. It looks like you are ignoring the left-most bit. And the bits are always ordered in the same way, no matter how you describe the range:
bits: 0011
[3:0]: 3 0
[0:3]: 0 3
concat: {ign, 0, 1, 1};
The other way around is to use a variable big enough to connect to the output and then use its bits:
logic [1:3] my_z;
logic [0:3] their_z;
x myx(.a(my_a), .z(their_z));
assign my_z = their_z[1:3];
You should not need to do anything here. This should just work truncating the MSB z[0]
x myx(.a(my_a), .z(my_z));
Think of an output port as an implicit continuous assignment
assign my_z = myx.z;
But if the MSB is not the bit you want to ignore, there is no simple solution. You might want to look at the net alias feature.

How do you inspect the type of (*) on OCaml's toplevel?

I wanted to see the type of the multiplication function (*), so I tapped it into the OCaml toplevel.
# (*)
However, the toplevel echoed:
(*);; 1: this is the start of a comment.
and then consumed any further input I put in. I figured that I had to get out of the comment mode by pressing Ctrl+d to send EOF. Great. But surely, I should be able to query the type of any function, including our mysterious multiplication function (*)?!
I would be incredibly disappointed if that is a limitation of the toplevel.
It does recognize *) as the end of the comment, but it's still waiting for the end of the expression. I.e. if you enter two semicolons, it will give you a syntax error and allow you to enter another expression.
To get the function * type ( * );; with spaces to distinguish it from comment symbols.
